Jamila Azad

A special City of Steaming Spires cunting, please, for ex- Councillor for that gay city, Ms Azad, who, as a true Labour hypocrite paid to jump the queue for her Covid vaccination by paying for it and then boasting about in on social meeja:


My main objection to this old bag is that here we have yet another ugly woman from the holier-than-thou party. Admittedly it will take her several years to look quite as raddled and decrepit as AnalEase, but she is on the same road. If you are going to fiddle your expenses like Raynor, or jump the queue like this bissom, at east have a nice face and jugs like Liza Nandy.

What is it with these Z-Llist politicians that make them feel they are so deserving of special treatment.?

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs 

34 thoughts on “Jamila Azad

    • I wasn’t aware you could do this?
      Jump the Queue for a vaccine.
      Bit dirty behaviour especially for a avowed socialist who believes in equality!
      Or is she just another career politician who got in by being ethnic?
      Hope she gets a blood clot the curry smelling goggle eyed twat.

      • “I wasn’t aware you could do this?
        Jump the Queue for a vaccine.”
        You’re not supposed to but there’s a guy down our local market who is selling vaccine shots to anyone who will buy –
        . . . . . . . £2 each or 3 for a Pfizer.

  1. Unwise move. There’s no control over privately administered COVID vaccines and it’s illegal. She was probably being injected with dogs piss.

  2. Why do we allow people from the peaceful countries of Pakistan and Bangladesh to vote and stand for public office in this country? All they do is bring their corrupt habits into British political life.

    The doctor who administered the COVID vaccine to this bitch should be struck off and told to amputate his right hand.

    Jamil Azad’s cunt should be filled with quick-drying cement as we don’t want sprogs popping out of her quicker than Katie Price drops them.

    She also boasted about having a takeaway from Akber takeaway. What sort of shit do they sell? Kebabs made from chopped-up girls groomed by the mini-cab drivers next door? Or did she go for P*ki Fried Chiggun? I hope the cunt gets food poisoning.

    • Ive got accine for her and other kyber rats like her,
      Its a vitamin packed health treatment called zyklon B.
      Kills all known germs.

      Im in a foul mood today,
      My racism is at a peak.
      Need a cheer me up,
      Another Grenfell or summat.

    • What astounds me is that she broadcasts it all over Cuntbook. Cuntbook and Twatter are generally evil and malicious. But you have to admit they’ve been a boon when it comes to exposing wrongdoing and cuntishness – usually because the perpetrators can’t resist showing off.

  3. Hopefully she has had a shot of alcohol, pork fat and man fat into her ugly veins.

  4. Zyclon B indeed, Mis.

    Keep Britain Tidy-put all your rubbish into Unkle Terry’s special, environmentally friendly incinerator ?

    Why are you in a foul mood Mis?

    • Afternoon CG, foul mood?
      Yesterday, took my dog vets for booster jabs & kennel cough vaccine££
      Then had my van in the garage for the power steering£££
      Got home and the dog broke its lead, £45! For new one.
      Been out today for small job,
      Red warning light on the dash,
      Either power steering or brake fluid pissing out, van back to garage£££
      Just getting the dog out of the van and a elderly neighbour mithering about getting a lid off a jar,
      Her dog gets out, mine chases it the old dear goes flying,
      Cut her arm open!
      Fuckin jinxed ,☹️☹️☹️

      • Fucking vets – deserve a cunting all of their own. I know we need them, but a vet’s practice is the closest thing you can get to a legal money printing press.

      • Never mind Mis-indulge in some good old fashioned, racially motivated cunting, with added emojis.
        It works for me?

      • Any association I might have had with pets was cut short as a little kid when Goldie my hamster frequently escaped and then one day ate a fuckin’ huge hole in my mum’s bath towel.
        Come to think of it, I’ve not been very succesful with hamsters. When I had one in my classroom, the fucker escaped and the school cook had to flatten it with her broom in the kitchens.
        However, I do recall that lunch that day was particularly tastier than normal.

  5. Typical arrogant, entitled politician. So arrogant that, as others have said, she brags about it on Soshul Meeja. Fucking camel rider shouldn’t be in my country in the first place.
    Fuck off you cunt!

  6. Female?
    A hypocrite?
    IQ of a lobotomised gibbon?

    Why not stand as an MP for the Labour Party?

    • That was Michael Bates. A great actor. He was half British and half Indian.

      • Michael was Rangi Ram (and he was a great actor). I meant Mohammed Shamsi, who played different mouthy mutinous Indian types. Jamila Azad looks like him.

  7. Typical lefty. I preach one thing but I’ll be fucked up the arse with a road drilling if I’m going to do it .

  8. Totally off-topic I’m afraid but just heard that Sabine Schmitz has died at the age of 51. No doubt they’ll be cracking open the champagne at the Guardian but to me it’s the worst news I’ve heard this year.

  9. What a silly cow, and announcing it on FaceCunt, what a silly bitch – ooooh look at me, got me jab.

    Bet she doesn’t announce it on social media when she has a dick up her arse, what the fuck is wrong with everyone. Now she is saying she wasn’t thinking when she announced is was via a private doctor. Hope it was private and the doctor who did it bought a dodgy batch from Bud Bud Ding Pharmaceuticals.

    No point backtracking now you kebab queen slag.

    Should have jabbed her in her eyeball.

  10. Where did that Russian bloke leave the left over novichok…

    There is nowt wrong with the AZ vaccine, I still hate the peacefuls ?

  11. Looks a bit shifty.
    Like all Stanleys very likely up to no good.
    Better safe than sorry I say.
    Then more oven for the family.
    Then a sit down and a pint.

    The filthy evil cunts.

  12. Fucking socialist cunt. We are all equal but she is more equal than others. And then the thick cunt boasts about it.
    The shithole she no doubt comes from is a dog eat dog place where this sort of behaviour is applauded. Well it isn’t here you dog faced cunt.

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