I heard this mentioned on Mike Graham’s Plank of the Week show.
Their coat of arms features a ship and during a council meeting, one of the cuntcillors noticed the ship and raised the issue that it could possibly be a slave ship.
An investigation has now been launched over this potentially heinous image, a great use of public money.
Nominated by: mystic maven
Unfortunately it is not a repatriation ship, for all those who HATE the UK!!!, bunch of cunts!!!!
It’s the Black Pig.
It looks like Hammersmith andFulham have got the Willies rather than young Tom
What a bunch of cunts!
Soi@ – The Black Pig? They can keep their hands off my bleedin boat – that’s being used for the IAC invasion of, er, “day trip” to France!
Cheeky fuckers!
Does the Hammershith Palais De Danse still exist? Used to be a dead cert fro picking up tarts (or so I am reliably informed). Hammersmith and Fulham Council can go fuck itself. Infested with marxist scum.
If it is a slave ship then what are they going to do about it? Replace it with a rubber dinghy full of gimmegrants maybe…
Good to know where part of the 5% council tax increase is going this year. When are we going to rise up and do something about this sort of shit? ?
I bet if it was a ship full of immigrants we’d be welcoming them to enter the UK.
Fucking cunts.
Hammersmith and Fulham was founded as an entity in 1965. Long after this country put a stop to Africans selling African slaves. What a pathetic bunch of mongs.
For the sake of inclusivity, let’s replace it with a picture of a rubber dinghy crammed to the gills with goat botherers, the next bunch of stabby types, future labour voters and of course scimitar wielding peacefuls ready to behead the friendly and happy men of the UK’s Alphabet community {LGBTQFBHX-UFO+}
I’m sure Hammersmith & Fulham residents will welcome and embrace this excellent use of their council tax with open arms!
I’m not offended by the ship. The Griffins symbolize animal cruelty as they must have endured gruesome experiments to become such a mix of species. This image could embolden the continuation of animal experiments and that is unacceptable.
The onward march of the woke, right on, lisping cunts.
Vote Labour, get Islam and BLM.
And lice.
Good afternoon.
It is a Medieval Cog, which predates involvement in the transatlantic slave trade by England by about 500 years. Not, however the Islamic Barbary Piracy which looted and took slaves from the South Coast. However, we can expect nothing to be mentioned about the predations done to the peoples of Northern and Western Europe because they are still coming to loot England!
They’ll probably replace it with a unicorn and a fucking rainbow.
Get To Fuck.
It’ll be St. Chiggun of George with a halo over his head, while he feeds some starving disabled orphans.
It’s probably not a slave ship . Slavery is not something Britain was ever fully engaged with – but the way the dark keys and libtards go on, you’d think every honky had a few Chicken Georges picking the cotton for them in their Barnsley mansions.
Why don’t these cunts try to find out why blacks in London disproportionately attack, rape and kill honkies?
Perhaps the truth is too difficult for some to handle or defend.
Well all I can say is whichever councillor raised this point is quite obviously an undesirable.
Hang the cunt and burn it’s house to the ground.
Keep doing it until matters settle.
Fuck the woke and the commies.
Is the new symbol going to be a dinghy and a knife?
Id decorate that boat with skulls and a dark key hanging from the mast.
Give em what they want!?
I wonder how many knocking shops employing foreign slave tarts there are in Hammersmith and Fulham? Don’t ask any questions about that though because their owners will be peacefuls or Roma Pikeys.
are you really going to knock one of the few good things to come out of mass immigration? I reckon if these remoaners had had the sense to point out the fact that thanks to the EU you can go to any phone box in town and within 10 minutes be getting a £40 hand-shandy off a woman who looks like Trump’s missus, well maybe all this would’ve been avoided.
But surely the thing that reminds people of slavery most is black people? Some of them seem to never STFU about it! Apparently some of them are descended from slaves as well. So lets hope Hammersmith & Fulham Council are consistent and remove from their employ any black people who are likely to start talking about slavery at the drop of a hat or who, just by their mere presence, might upset a delicate councilman by reminding him of all that horrible slavery that happened.
H&F council are woke cunts – used to live in Fulham before i moved to Beverley Goldberg Hills have first hand experience of their fuckwittery
! was born in that fucking borough, ‘ammersmith ospital’ du-cane rd, are they aware that du cane was a military something or other in charge of colonial prisoners, S’pose they’ll change that too.
Reminds me of Captain Pugwash’s Black Pig. Ahoy me hearties, there was a fine ship and not a dark key in sight, Aharrrrgh.