George R.R. Martin [2]

George RR Martin deserves a nomination. I’m not a fan of this guy, but I’m subscribed to the channels of several YouTubers who are, so I’m familiar with his work. I wasn’t a fan of Game of Thrones either. I watched the first 30 minutes of the first episode and then switched it off. Shite. Boring, soul destroying shite. Apparently, the final season was the worst. This was because the producers weren’t much good at their jobs, but mainly because unlike the other seven seasons, they had no book to work from. Why did they have no book to work from? Because George RR Martin is a lazy cunt magpie.

Y’see, ol’George has been writing his final Games of Thrones book, The Winds of Winter, for TEN…FUCKING…YEARS. It seems George has become enthralled by his celebrity status, and vast fortune, and has spent that time mostly doing anything other than actually writing his book. He’s even bought his own railroad apparently. He occasionally posts updates to the fans who have kept faith with him, and has, equally occasionally, done some work on the book. But mostly he’s been off doing the celebrity thing. A few weeks ago, he called people who kept asking him when Winds of Winter would be finished, “assholes” and “dickheads”. No, George, they are neither. After waiting for ten years for a book that isn’t even half finished (his own admission) I’d say they have every right to ask where the fuck your book is. And to be perfectly honest, after fucking them about for so long, the ignorant fat cunt should grateful that he even HAS any fans. I’d have given up long ago.

I’ve seen him on TV a couple of times and he comes across as an arrogant, short tempered cunt. And now the chances of him finishing the book before he pegs out (he’s in his seventies now) are even more remote, because he’s just proudly announced that he’s helping to develop a TV show. Sooo…no work on the book, again, eh George? His remaining fans should now drop their slavish devotion and admit that this fat prick is never going to deliver, and move on to an author far more deserving of their adulation. And money. Watch how quick he finishes his book then.

(A link provided by the dashing Night Admin. Check out the picture of the prick who wrote the article, Erik Kain – NA)

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

62 thoughts on “George R.R. Martin [2]

  1. Jesus!
    He looks like Jeremy Corbyn with gland problems.
    Lazy fucker isnt he?
    Although suppose hes made his fortune and just thought fuck it.
    I liked Game of thrones the tv show, but not bothered about this fat yank cunt.

    (No disrespect to you, MNC, but I always imagined this header pic being the spitting image of you – DA)

    • Hehehe?
      Not that fucked yet DA,
      Darken his beard brown take off the goggles and daft commie hat, now drop ten stone and give him cheekbones to die for!
      Thats my double!???

      (I stand corrected. Please accept my most humble apologies for casting such dreadful aspersions etc. – DA)

  2. Never heard of him.

    Saw a few trailers for Game of Thrones, looked horrendous shite.

    • I’m sure you would get the horn during Emilia Clark’s nude scenes RTC, so not all horrendous shit.

  3. Martin, along with most modern fantasy writers, is not even fit to lick the boots of JRR Tolkien. Interminable plots, excessive gratuitous violence and banal prose. Furthermore cunts appear to be obsessed with GOT. Ergo, Martin is a cunt.

    • Attempted to read Lord of The Rings circa 1968 (it was very fashionable at my school then). Didn’t make it past the first couple of chapters, went back to reading Fanny Hill instead.

      • I don’t mind Tolkien’s LOTR or TH, but if you really want to die a slow death just try reading his “Silmarillion” – I’m sure he was off his tits when he wrote that!

        Moreover, its one of those books that everyone raves about but never get past reading the first 10 pages – a bit like Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History of Bollocks”

      • The Silmarillion is Tolkien at his best. I have to confess to reading it at least a dozen times. I agree it’s difficult to get into initially but it’s worth persevering. But then I’m a Tolkien fanboy (discounting the horrendous films) and a member of the Tolkien Society. No doubt I’m fit material for a future cunting on that score.

      • @MMCM

        Fair play for reading it. (12 times!)

        I have tried a few times, but just couldn’t connect. Perhaps after reading the more accessible LOTR & TH, I was expecting much the same with TS.

        I have read most of his other books, including Chris Tolkien’s “The History of Middle Earth” (10 volumes thus far). And am currently reading “Unfinished Tales”.

        All of them hugely enjoyable and absorbing. Except for The Silmarillion.

        As for Martin – never bothered with him or his books. The TV adaptation of GoT was okay for passing the time, but was never too fussed if it was faithful to the books – I was more interested in Emilia Clark going down on Lena Headey (which never materialised of course)

      • I would have preferred New Cunts too, but it wasn’t published until the late 1970s.

        We had to make do with Health & Efficiency (which included child porn!) and my Dad’s well used copy of the Kama Sutra hidden in the back of his desk drawer…

      • Fantastic Technocunt. The History of Middle Earth is quite a marathon but there’s some real gems in there. Unfinished Tales is one of my favourites so hope you’re enjoying it.

        Tolkien spent his entire life developing an intricate alternative world, authentic write down to geography, languages, mythology and history. He had little hope of seeing most of it published – in fact most wasn’t published during his lifetime. An incredible achievement.

        Martin comes in and writes a few thousand pages about violence, tits and cunts (sounds quite good actually) and then dated to criticise Tolkien. What a cunt.

      • Ruff Tuff – Health and Efficiency has to be about the most innocent sounding porn title produced. Funny how UK smut mags had delicate sounding titles like Mayfair, Fiesta, Escort, Whitehouse (no doubt due to the ridiculous obscenity laws at the time). The Scandinavians came straight out with no holds barred titles like New Cunts, Shaven Teens and Anal Sex. Kudos to them.

      • If you think Hawking’s «A Brief History of Bollocks» was a schlep ten pages in, you should try Roger Penrose’s «Road to Reality», Technocunt. A favourite toilet-library read of mine (the late Komodo was also a fanboi of Penrose’s “popular science” magnum opus).

        Penrose gets into his stride around Chapter 8 and by p300 most will all at sea (unless you are a whizz at tensor calculus, that is). He then continues for another 735 pages of extremely dense argument. I find his dedication to twistor theory quite appealing (although it was his idea) but his idiosyncratic tensor notation is a trifle daunting at first.

        Although Hawking was a good mathematician, the man himself was an insufferable jerk. I had the displeasure of encountering him on West Road in Cambridge in the late 1980s as he wheeled down the middle of the street as if he owned it. A bit like a scientific Captain Tom thirty-five years earlier: an offensive self-publicist out for inappropriate public “sympathy”. Yuk!

        Celebrity a terrible thing, but Roger P sensibly has largely kept his head beneath the parapet. His freshness and clarity of deep thinking, well into his eighties, is quite something to behold.

        George RR, however, is an irrelevance by any accurate yardstick.

      • I used to encounter Hawking around Cambridge in the 80’s as well. He always looked as miserable as fuck.

      • That’s why I voted YES in the In/Out EEC referendum of 1975.

        I naively believed the newsagents would be flooded with hardcore continental European porn!

      • Being in the EU has certainly flooded us with plenty of cunts.

      • Indeed he was, MMCM. He was also a vain, puffed-up and frankly nauseating fat head.

        He was, however, shrewd enough to realise that his early work¹ on black hole electron/positron pair quantum effects (so-called Hawking radiation) was marketable, effectively due to the fascination of Black Holes in public consciousness – more accurately in the media. This is the reason why I, perhaps harshly, equate him with Captain Tom (more accurately his daughter’s) milking of fame.

        ¹ much of the original thought and a lot of the hard “renormalisation” mathematical gymnastics of those putative quantum effects were actually carried out by Penrose. Hawking’s contribution was a realisation that it imputed a “heat-death” of the observable Universe around 10^80 years hence. Penrose, of course, has subsequently “run with” that idea in the context of his CCC theory, which is currently being tested via gravitational wave observations (LIGO &c).

      • That’s what I like most about you!
        You really target your musings to the audience.
        You might have made a good teacher but I’m not sure they’re taking people with a basic BA qualification, no matter how impressive IQ they have.

      • Bertie, Bertie cool yer jets, as they say in East Kilbride! As you know, I have no aspirations toward teaching as a career; I am a Barista!

        Unusually, however, for one so expert in the preparation of coffee, I “look forward” to paying HMRC around £120 000 this year in basic income tax. Nice to know that I’ll be personally financing half the covid ward for the week.

        Funny as fuck you are!

      • The Silmarillion is difficult to start with, the first few chapters are like reading the bible, then there are some really good stories.
        The History of Middle Earth is for real Tolkien geeks. I’ve laboured through it once. It basically shows all the attempts Tolkien had at writing each story, so you get a very similar story being edited and rewritten.
        Never bothered with Game of Thrones, guessed it would be a poor imitation of Lord of the Rings. Plus still reminiscing about a fantasy story from when I was a kid seems okay, but starting to watch/read a new one when I’m a adult seems really sad.

    • Fascinating stuff Ajax. Hawking had a brilliant mind although he was a cunt. I have no formal scientific training having studied History at University, but I’m an amateur astronomer and try to keep up with the latest research on cosmology and astrophysics. To be frank, most of it is,quite literally, mind bending.

      • Nor I, MMCM. My first undergraduate degree was in part 1A Philosophy, thereafter Modern and Medieval Languages (which involved reading “Lanceloet en het hert met de witte voet” in the original medieval Dutch… although I did do a “vanity” degree with the Open University in mathematics around 14 years ago for sport (and because the FCO paid for it).

        I like tensor calculus, and particularly appreciate the empirical work of Paul Drude around 1910 on Maxqell’s equations. A scientific dilettante for sure, but I like to at least try to understand the concepts.

        Dr Jeremy Butterfield was my DoS in my first year of the Philosophy tripos. He is now a big cheese in the History and Philosophy of Science faculty at Cambridge. A shame I never really got to know him as such; as my Philosophy supervisor he struck me as a wanker, rather like Hawking. In retrospect, I probably had him wrong.

    • History BA Tripos here. I was tempted by the English Literature Tripos but remained faithful to History and we had some brilliant people in the Faculty. To be honest, if I had the time to study now I would take a formal course in Astronomy and Astrophysics as that has been my consuming passion for a number of years. But I’m crap at mathematics.

      I feel sorry for kids going to university today. They come out thicker than before they went in.

    • Funny that CS, despite all your boasts, you seem reluctant to mention how that business of yours went. Did Daddy have to help you out with that one old boy?

      • Which boasts might they be, Bertie? You appear somewhat Daddy-obsessed, it seems. Daddy’s sauce?

        “That business of yours”: which one? The Slough chocolate factory one? I am pleased you think me to be quite the universalist; businessman, barista, aspiring teacher and all-round Daddy’s boy (thought it was mummy’s boy ?).

        I know you like to be quote the card, but I wonder: are you entirely well? Perhaps it’s time for a little sabbatical your good self, Bertrando!

      • “barista” CS? You worked in Starfuckers? My Yankee doodle dandy sister-in-law worked in Starfuckers for 20 years. No shame in it. Mind you, she is an idiot with several degrees.

    • We must have been there at the same time. I remember seeing Hawkings being pushed along Mill Road in a motorized wheelchair by a not bad looking nurse. He looked completely out of it. Yet behind that tortured exterior was a mind that was a million times smarter than mine. It shows you should not judge people by their appearances – apart from the likes of the Flabbott, Boy George, Oprah Winfrey, Kamala Harris, Boris Johnson, Prince Andrew etc.

      • Well said. From what we know of Hawking he was probably indulging in hanky lanky with that nurse. Randy devil by all accounts.

      • I meant hanky panky- although hanky-lanky sounds fun as well.

    • To be fair I found Tolkein’s style leaden. Ive never read George’s stuff as i’m not into fantasy.

  4. The TV show is diverting enough lots of tits and violence (Lena Headey is hot). But who the fuck reads the books anyway? Apparently the fifth volume is over 400,000 words long ffs, Fear not, dear readers, there is a seventh volume planned if the old cunt ever finishes the current tome!

    He looks exactly as I would expect the writer of such guff would look. An fat old geeky cunt writing for an audience of fat geeky cunts.

  5. Never seen it, never likely to read the fucking books, good luck to the old cunt though, made enough dosh to enjoy life, I can’t knock him for that.

  6. Read his books years ago to while away journey time on the commute from Surrey to Kent.
    Always thought he was a rum cove with his heros and heroines being in their early teens or younger but engaging in er… “Adult pursuits”.

    • The tv show had a character called ‘the Hound’ a big cunt with a burnt up face.
      In one scene he snarls at a soldier’ “what you staring at yer cunt?”
      I was very impressed!
      Finally a likable character on tv.
      Hard to imagine this fat sack of yank shite invented the character..

      • The Hound was my favourite character for that reason. Cynical, bitter, motivated by hatred and revenge, he’d fit right in here at ISAC.

  7. I bet the female gamer-girl fans of Game of Thrones look exactly like him. Fill in their cunts with quick-drying cement.

    • From my experiences a lot of them do. They wobble on about Harry Potter and Doctor Who as well.

      Fucking boring twats.

  8. For the attention of MNC, Dick and any other northern monkeys reading this…

    Apparently they are standing in the Hartlepool by-election and want an independent country based on historic Northumbria.

    Free lard for every voter?

    • Was keen CMCC till got to were they said ‘oppossed to hatred and bigotry’.
      They lost my vote there!?

  9. I loathe blood thirsty crap like GoT so have never watched it.

    Just a word in mitigation – it might be that, like a lot of writers, this old guy is afraid that if he finishes the book he will die, just like some people (including me) are afraid of writing their will – it is like tempting providence.

    I do know George Orwell, who predicted 2020 in 1948 in 1984 held the theory that you couldn’t die while you had a book in you

    He looks a cunt though. Perhaps his publisher should threaten him by holding out the possibility that Michelle Obama or Megan Hewitt-Markle will sit on his face if he doesn’t finish it pronto.

  10. Game of Thrones, more shite I would never watch even if you paid me and I have no idea who this scruffy Santa lookalike is so he can die in pain for all I care.

    All these TV shows that are considered “a must see” are merely shite to keep the masses distracted from the real world, bread and circuses for the modern man (woman, symbol, fish, bird, midget, cunt)

  11. Although I don’t mind bit of sci fi, I’ve never been into all this fantasy bollocks, and never read lord of the rings as a kid, where this silly shite belongs. Faries and magic and crap, cunts have the bible for that load of shit, so why go making more up? Adding tits and gore in an attempt to appeal to normal grown ups still doesn’t mask the fact that it’s silly shite for infantile thumb sucking cunts. Adults admitting to liking fantasy are like admitting to having an imaginary friend. Grow up.

  12. GoT is for the wimmin to fantasize about hunky men, and for RR to get off on that fact. In a nutshell.

    The show was great, especially the final season when the feminist hero turned vengeful dictator went loopy and incinerated everyone, after several seasons of posturing as this beneficent wonder woman. Seeing all the female fans and soys melt down over that was fucking hilarious. Especially the cunts who named babies after her character haha!

    • ‘Especially the cunts who named babies after her character haha!’

      Ugh. Fucking plebs.

  13. When Terry Pratchett got his dementia diagnosis he still kept pumping out new books at the rate of over one every two years. When he knew he didn’t have long left he even worked round the clock to ensure that he got his final book published before he died. His books aren’t to everyone’s taste but that’s a level of dedication to your fans that this cunt can only dream of.

  14. My dad left a copy of ‘A voyage to Arcturus” around, some existential fantasy from the 20s by Lindsay (no, me neither). It’s full of fantastic creatures and people encountered at Arcturus and makes for fascinating reading. The trouble is, I’ve read it several times over the past 40 years and have never got close to understanding what the hell Lindsay was on about.

  15. I tried watching season 1 of Game of Thrones and it bored me to shit. Loads of characters who aren’t introduced in any way jabbering at each other, all from different families in mythic land vying for power? I’m sure it has enthralling moments, but I just couldn’t be arsed with watching 80 hours of it and I’ve watched all sorts of movies and TV over the past 40 years. I’m not a fan of fantasy, dragons and the like. I love Conan the Barbarian, that would make a great TV series. Even Dune I found boring.

    As for George Martin being a cunt for not finishing his book, that’s fair. Imagine if JK Rowling did that? People would scream at her on Twitter… oh, wait…

  16. Bottom line is this ‘R.R’ cunt is a sicko.

    In his Game Of Cunts novels, the Queen of Dragons character (played in the TV series by that wooden tart with the moving eyebrows who can’t act) is 13 (Thirteen) years old. And in the books it regularly describes this 13 year old girl fucking and he goes into it in great and graphic detail about it. Also quite obvious that although Emilia Eyebrows is older than that in the show, she was purposely cast as this ‘doll-like’ innocent looking type to appeal to all the weirdos and joe ronces out there who watch this shite. It’s like all those sicksters who ‘fancied’ Emma Twatson in Harry Potter. I mean, what the fucking fuck was that about?!!

    Totally disgusting when you think about it. Yet scores of people love this shit?

    • Considering I grew up with the Harry Potter books and films it’s hardly surprising that Emma Watson was one of my first experiences of having the horn.

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