Faiz Siddiqui – sues parents

A Gawd-blimey-already, Goodness gracious me cunting for 41 year old pakiponce Faiz, who suffers badly from depression, anxiety, self-entitlement and poor-me syndrome:


Faiz, a middle-aged man trapped in a 12 year old spoilt schoolgirls mindset, has tried to sue Brasenose College because he feels his personal tutor didn’t help him to gt a higher grade, and also his parents – who provide him with a rent free flat and a generous weekly allowance – he has had the temerity to sue mum and dad for a lifelong allowance.

Needless to say Faiz is unemployed – who would want to employ a greedy shitstain like him, Oxford graduate or no?

What a cunt.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

29 thoughts on “Faiz Siddiqui – sues parents

  1. Soft twat.
    He his mum an dad should go back to Pakistan and solve this sensibly.
    By stoning each other outside the mosque.

  2. He could be useful in a civilised society, I suppose.
    He could be put into tins and fed to the Queen’s Corgis. If they’re not fussy, that is.

    Gormless camelshagging entitled cunt.

  3. Just goes to show oxbridge, with their equality and positive discrimination agendas, have gotten it wrong. This excuse for a human should never have been accepted at Oxford . Can any of you cunts on here imagine sueing your skool or parents? I could sue my skool for my poor spelling but I’m not that big a cunt.
    Float back to the sandpit you fat, sweaty , shit stain.

  4. This cunt will have given the halfbreed Prince more ideas to Sue.
    No university but that wouldn’t stop Harry suing Eton for his dismal educational record. Parallels between these two cases with Daddy able to pick up the tab?

    • Fuck it! I don’t think that’s for me CS. My instructor looks more fucked up than I do now!

      • Have you considered deep intramuscular atropine and insulin depôt injections¹ followed by a nice long lie down, with or without strapping, in a darkened room for a while?

        ¹ under clinical supervision, naturally

      • Will it mean the end of my sex life? I’ll only have red wine to look forward to.
        I think I’ll pass on injections at the moment. The COVID one has left me with a nervous twitch.

  5. Can’t his parents counter sue on the basis he is long past the age when he should be self sufficient, what an old age they have to look forward to.

  6. Fucking hell! A free flat off Hyde Park and 400 notes a week! I’ll swap with the cunt any time he likes. Who is going to employ this self entitled, bone idle shitbag? If you don’t make him the boss after the first week he’ll have you in court for raaaay-sism.
    If he had won his case surely Oxford could argue that they must have taught him something? Or is that too logical for a lazy p*ncing cunt?
    At least he’s scrounging off his stupid goat shagging parents and not the British taxpayer.
    But he can fuck off back to the sand dunes anyway.

  7. It’s like suing your gym because you never lost any weight despite never turning up, never exercising, and always eating shit.

    Hoo-ee, what a fat, smelly cunt.

  8. A perfect example of entitled ,spoilt , woke twats who cannot stand on their own two feet without mummy and daddy or the state. The Scottish Nazi Party are going to have to deal with this after their “independence”as almost their entire economy is public sector. Grow the fuck up mongs.

  9. I blame his dad.
    Too soft on him.
    A few belts round the turban,
    A few nights sent to his room without curry,
    A quick sandal up his Khyber would of done him good.
    Now he’s a middle aged brat.
    Cut his cash off dad, let your little Sinbad fend for himself.
    And if his mum tries to sneak him any samozas?
    Bed of nails for both of them.

  10. ‘Pakiponce”. What a great description ???

    Suing your mum and dad for putting a silver spoon in your mouth has to be about the lowest behaviour. What a cunt. I wouldn’t employ him as a bin man.

  11. The whole point of Oxbridge is that you make connections which gives you an advantage. It makes no difference whether you got a 2/1 or a first, it’s about who you know. Obviously this camel jockey didn’t make any mates while at Oxford. Hardly surprising as he’s obviously a cunt.

  12. I’d kick the selfish Pàki bastard out on the street. I read this story a week ago and had to stop. His parents must be so proud to have raised an onion stinking, freeloading, 20 stone bucket of shit. Privileged cunt his whole life, get in the real world, or do you need a fucking life lesson ?

  13. To get my First, I held down a full time job and lived, breathed my subject. For seven years, I worked my guts out and this ungrateful wretch thinks he should have everything he wants handed to him on a plate! I can only hope his parents tell him exactly where he is getting off.

  14. Thick as pigshit? Someone else’s fault.
    Can’t freeload for life? Someone else’s fault.
    All this fucker needs is ten minutes of having the shit kicked out of him – and that will be HIS fault.

  15. I would pay real money to have 10 minutes in a locked room with this fucking cunt. No questions asked and no cameras. I would bloody my knuckles with his cunty face!

  16. As long as this cunt and his filthy rabble distract themselves with this hopeless idiocy the less chance I have of seeing them mooching about stinking the place out and babbling in their monkey twang.
    Fuck it,just gas them and throw a party.

  17. Japseye@

    When a young man, before the missus, one of our group of mates went to stay at another mates spare room.
    I knocked on to see if they wanted to go for a few pints.
    The lad whos gaff it was, said the other lad wasn’t in,
    Said “look at this!”
    In this lads room he had the weirdest porn I’ve ever seen!!
    It was people getting dressed in rubber costumes,
    Bit like caterpillars or something?!
    We were pissing ourselves laughing,
    Really odd stuff.
    Didn’t realise stuff like that existed up till that point.

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