Entitled Saudi Cunts Claiming Furlough

Now the Furlough system was a wonderful thing, without it I would have been totally fucked and I do wonder how it will ever be compensated for.

Great system as it was/ still is for some there are always cunts who abuse the system and take the piss, lazy work shy cunts who will still be claiming it in 20 years if they can.
The people that really boil my piss are the rich people who claim this Victoria Beckham, that cunt that plays Allan Partridge you know the type, minted but tighter than a ducks butt and I’m sure if we checked loads of the sleb cunts have been doing it under another name I suspect, cunts one and all.

But causing me to choke on my marmalade and toast this morning was the news that the Saudi royal family have been claiming it for those in the UK,,, WTF the richest family in the world WTF claimed furlough WTF.

You know the cunts I mean the greasy Isis looking mother fuckers who blast up and down outside Harrods in their gold wrapped Lamboghini,s with no insurance and a glove box full of speeding and parking fines for their man servant to pay the infidels later on,if they get caught, the same cunts who barge past on the pavement or let a door slam in your face all while wearing a diamond encrusted monstrosity watch that costs more than my house…. Those fucking treble cunts.

Now doesn’t that bring a spark of warmth to your heart to know those cunts are claiming Furlough and we are going to be paying it back into the system for the rest of our lives,.
There should be a special government department for collecting said oil spills and grease balls and ransoming them back to their families, you can even add on some quid for the traffic violation costs and a ticket back to Saudi, it can be called Furlough off you cunts, its not like we, re not supporting loads of other money grabbing cunts from abroad anyway…… Furlo off and don’t come back camel jockeys….

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

(Further info here – DA https://www.thenational.scot/news/19175917.covid-billionaires-bnp-saudi-royals-claim-billions-uk-furlough-scheme/ )

42 thoughts on “Entitled Saudi Cunts Claiming Furlough

  1. The ruler of Dubai is The Master from Doctor Who, that is why everyone is too scared to turn down his Furlow money!

    Multimillionaires go into fucking shock if their bank balance is potentially 50p less!

  2. Tight fisted gits.Use your cash you money grabbing arseholes.Boils my piss.

  3. I know people who have more money than they will ever spend and would still stop to fish 20p out of a fresh dog turd.

    You may say it’s because they look after their money…wrong, it’s because they are fucking tight cunts.

    You can’t take it with you and there is no mythical afterlife, no sky fairies, no 63 virgins or sitting at the right hand of some cunt, it’s nothing when you die, blackness, nowt doing.

    You may have your name carved in stone but the ground is your eternal home…fuck you.

      • Like most of us, you’ll end up as a few wisps of smoke while the guy who shoves bodies in the oven stands and looks at porn on his phone.

      • “Now doesn’t that bring a spark of warmth to your heart…?”

        Fuckin’ towel-head. The only spark I want to hear is the pilot light ignition on Unkle T’s oven.

  4. Sounds about right. I’d bet 10% of Furlough payments were fraudulent and another 10%, not fraudulent, but outside of the spirit of the thing like these cunts.

    It’s good to know that furlough has helped a few genuine people out but it’s going to be a big hit on the economy. I’m not sure how it will be dealt with (the measures recently announced, like freezing the personal tax allowance, won’t even scratch the surface). My concern is devaluation of the pound and high inflation will be used to balance it out (like in the days of Old Labour).

  5. Oooooh I can go one better than this…

    I know some people who are employed by one of the cunts named and shamed by the Guardian and what’s more a mere early forties, like my good self.

    Already had the second jab have they as it was claimed they are ‘key workers’. All I will say if that this is not a business owned by someone in the UK…

    Flip side, I know people who in the NHS not yet jabbed up…

  6. Not just Saudi cunts, but any rich cunt with vested interest in British companies have tried ripping off the government claiming furlough and expecting the government to bail them out despite having billions in their own personal accounts.

    Richard Branson comes to mind, who tried such a trick (allegedly)

    The rich, no matter where they’re from, will always try and fuck someone over for a bit more cash, and then come over all surprised/shocked/offended when they get found out!

    • Branson is an uber cunt, I would love to boot the toothy smug cunt in his ginger bollocks.

  7. I’m in no way surprised.
    They are degenerates.
    I’d rather be a beggar than one of those greasy shifty backstabbing cunts.
    Fuck Off.

  8. The usual story, if the person/company whatever is within the rules when the claim is made they are by law entitled to the payments. Nothing moral about the system, if you tick the right boxes the rewards such as they are, are yours.

  9. Spot on. The richer parts of London are infested with these camel shagging cunts. Taste and moderation is not in their repertoire and you are quite right to point out their obnoxious gold Lamborghini’s and diamond encrusted Rolex’s. Add to that they are normally attended by their harem of letterboxes and bank robbers. As much taste and restraint as a chav that’s just won the lottery. Rather than rely on the state for furlough money they should be made to sell a Rolex or two. Cunts.

  10. It’s a fucking disgrace! Raaaay-sism and Islamophobia from the Guardian! No wonder they dropped my friend Owen……pure homophobia! I shall bring it up at the next Islington dinner party. Goodness knows what Polly will say.

  11. It’s more likely to be accountants rather than people like Sheik Mohammed, I doubt he ever gets involved in stuff like this. I would be surprised if he has actually heard of the furlough scheme.
    I am pretty sure he is more concerned about the1000 and 2000 Guineas, the Oaks and Derby and Royal Ascot ?

  12. Can’t really blame them for getting all they can. This country is full of parasites claiming all they can.

    The bigger cunts are those that don’t investigate and let them claim all they can, with no issues or worries.

    That is all, now get to fuck.

  13. Coogan is a massive cunt. Cracks on he is a ‘serious’ luvvie cunt and an ‘indie actor’ (whatever the fuck that’s supposed to be), when he’s just a substandard Mike Yarwood. Except Yarwood was known for more than one character that wasn’t milked for over 20 years. A Fucking Ha!

    • And Coogan had the nerve to call the News of the Screws morally bankrupt. Fucking priceless.

  14. The morally bankrupt bankrupting the moral.
    Well, they have to get their money back from funding all these people traffickers somehow.

    • If they are stealing it form Boris and his corrupt cunts then it is the morally bankrupt robbing the morally bankrupt.

      BTW, good news, I have a contract to supply spatulas to matt Hancock…I know nothing about these handy kitchen devices but hey ho when has that ever mattered?

      • Spanky@ – Topping form – put them down as “PPE”, charge quadruple the normal price, only deliver half of them, make sure they don’t do the job and deliver them 6 months late! ??
        Round and round the gravy goes, who will pay it no-one knows..

      • Or market them as virus ‘swatters’. All it needs is for NHS staff make a video of themselves twatting patients, worktops and each other with these “innovative, groundbreaking, world-beating medical aids”. There’s enough dumbfucks out there who’d fall for it; of that there can be no remaining doubt!

  15. Can anyone think of anyone or anything good to come out of Saudi, apart from B lack gold? Nope me neither.

  16. Re: Richard Branson.

    I can confirm he is an Uber cunt.
    On a more positive note, years ago I gave an Olympian rogering to one of his air-hostesses, who Branson had been sniffing around, himself.
    The dirty cow even put her uniform on to seduce me, after inviting me round for a drink.

    Come fly with me?
    It fucking well did, that night??

    • Nice one, CG.

      I’ve had teachers, nurses, and even a female motor mechanic. But never an air hostess or stewardess. Always wondered if they were as good as the reputation they had.

      • This one gave me one of the best blow jobs ever-she had fucking amazing eyes and watched me all the way-the sexy bitch?
        Virgin? You must be fucking joking?

      • Female mechanic? Did she demonstrate an encyclopaedic knowledge of listers diesel engine?

        (Manual lift pump/hand cranking)

    • I’m sorry General, I’m going to have to see any COVID passport stamps to support any claims of future conquests!

      • Bertie: this is all ancient history-married for eons.
        However, I am surprised my bell-end isn’t glowing like a Belisha beacon, due to the follies of my youth?

  17. Fuck these cunts, within a week of these cunts cutting up Kadoshi I seen a picture of it (it deffo wasn’t fake). Frankly disgusting. How it took them so long to find them doesn’t make sense.
    I wouldn’t trust these bastards they are trying to offload all there money now whilst the west is trying to go green because the cunts won’t get paid. Eventually they will become westernised because if they carry on there shitty sand cunty ways they will die.

    Cunts. The only thing I agree with Greta about, green the world up and get rid of these murderous morons.

    • Ps even when it is Westernised I still won’t be going. I’ll support me local, that’s one thing you won’t change.

      • I’ll give you the reason because these pricks don’t give a fuck about humans they are the same as Hitler taking the teeth out of Jewish people. They love hitler. I dont. Full stop why are these anti Christians here?

      • …because “Ishmael is the broom of Isiah to sweep Europe clean.” close quotes.

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