Entitled Fat Cunts

I don’t wish for this nom to be a sweeping generalisation, but it hacks me off that in terms of the vaccine jab priority list it would seem the unhealthy cunts among us will get the jab before those who take some form of responsibility for their health!

I know of a couple of people just up the road from us, who are fat irresponsible cunts and are constantly ringing up their local health clinic demanding to know when they will get their jabs, stating that they are in poor health, and are now in the next official priority group to have the jab!

Both of them are long-term smokers, and are forever buying packs of beer more or less every week (Regular Asda home deliveries and the noise of empty tins being tipped into their overflowing recycle bin). And they often moan to us about having to queue at the local Maccy D’s or KFCs for their late night dinners.

Admittedly they both work – not sure what they do – and they don’t have kids. But they’re both obese, are asthmatic, one has diabetes Type 1, and the other Type 2. She also has arthritis in her ankles and knees.

But because of all this they seem to think they are a priority because “Our health is at stake!” they moan on Fuckbook.

Just like most things in life: if you’re a model citizen, pay your taxes, stay out of trouble, don’t overstretch yourself financially, and look after your health and believe in all things in moderation, then you’re a fucking fool because you’re at the bottom of the entitled food chain.

Nominated by: Technocunt

49 thoughts on “Entitled Fat Cunts

  1. Terrifying picture – Predator’s ugly fat sister.

    COVID will be doing us all a favour if it weeds out some of these irresponsible cunts whose health is due to their choice of living as fat, lazy cunts.

    Put them at the bottom of the queue.

    • If Oliver Hardy and Tina Turner had breed, see above.

      Not sure im onboard here Techno, surely the sickly and ill of health need it more than the able bodied?
      Im ok with people ill, elderly, frail going first,
      And most ailments have a element of self inflicted,
      Knowingly or not.
      Think of them as Guinea pig testing it out for you?

      Dont you people boo me!
      Boo yourselves!?

  2. Sigourney Weaver shouldn’t have been so friendly to that cumbrous one in the picture.

    Entitled fat cunts. Try the fucking salad.

    • Chicken Floyd George is no more!
      He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace!

      Quite simply, he is Choken Floyd George.

  3. I also know a couple like this, both unemployed and guilty of oxygen theft, both have had their snake oil injection, so hopefully they are now sterile and won’t have anymore “on the spectrum” sprogs, these fat cunts need Unkle Terry’s oven after a damn good sjamboking!!!!

  4. Don’t take the piss out of tubbyguts in the picture, inside her there’s a thin person trying to get out. Sorry I made a mistake, there are probably four or five thin people trying to get out. I reckon they should drop her by air into the Suez Canal to create a tidal wave big enough to shift that container ship.

  5. Yo Mama’s so fat, she’s just been used to dislodge the container ship stuck in the Suez Canal.

    • Hello Bertie how’s it going old chap? Hope you’re well, what a season of shite, not that I’ve been following it as much as usual.

      • You’re right B&W – I’ve lost a lot of interest which is not just down to Liverpool being crap. I’d sooner meet my 6month old grandson who I’ve not seen than watch a football game!
        I’d say my grandson was about 2 thirds white and one third blîck which I’m afraid might not be enough to help him get on in the brave new world to come!

    • That container ship wouldn’t have got stuck if it was sailing inside Katie Price’s cunt.

  6. Oi admin.
    That’s b+w cunts bird you are taking the piss out off there.

    So how do you know that’s B&WC’s “bird”? You two been sharing? – NA

  7. Can’t tell whether she wants to eat a dick or a barrel of chiggun.


  8. Meanwhile the government are thinking of making the jab compulsory for workers in care homes for the elderly. The problem is that a third of them have already refused. This is because they are effniks with “religious objections”.
    Well we know what the answer will be don’t we?……….yeah that’s right…..more effniks! I understand the Vietnamese are gazing fondly at the U.K. with envious p*ncing eyes. Charlie is out there…..and he’s watching you.
    Me suckee suckee. Me ruv you rong time. Ownee fifteen dorrar!

  9. Since you still have to wear masks after the ‘vaccine’, let’s hope it encourages them to get out and about a bit more and they over-exert themselves trying to breathe.

  10. That picture has given me the horn.

    It’s not that you have low standards. It’s that you have no standards. – NA

  11. Lord almighty get a fucking drip tray under that thing!

    Substitute the frizz for dreadlocks and you’ll have some idea of the 20+ stone sea monster that delivered a DPD parcel a few months back. the poor dog fuckin’ went batshit when she copped sight of it bless her and has never been the same since… really wigged ‘er out.

  12. As a fat cunt who’s had the vaccine I can’t sympathise, but are we any less important than some old bint who’s 92 and probably has weeks left ?

  13. Jesus christ on a heavily-reinforced tandem… And there’s a series coming up on TV “My 1,000 lb life”, or something similar. Yes, that’s one thousand pounds, tipping the weighbridge at over seventy stone.
    And cunts say that Brexit is a danger to the NHS…

  14. @Admin(s)

    Having just eaten a roast dinner, I clicked on IsAC and saw this monstrosity ?

    I shall be contacting the first available “claims 4 U” type cunt to sue for the damage to my mental health.
    Or sumfink?

  15. I was stood in the supermarket today getting some fruit. I was under the impression the floor of the supermarket was a solid tile or concrete pad affair. That is until one of the female staff walked past. I was astounded to actually feel the deflection under my feet as she walked by. Quite incredible.

    • In my local Sainsbury’s, there is a gargantuan heffelump who I assume is a till supervisor.
      I would hazard a guess that she is under 55, in years. Maybe not in stones☹️
      Now walking with a stick…..

  16. Give it a few beers and a bit of imagination then I reckon you would have a budget Naomi Campbell on your hands.
    The only regret I would have about shagging something like that is if my friends were not stood behind a two-way mirror witnessing the event and cheering me on while I smash the arse off it.

  17. Did admin just doctor an old picture of Giant Haystacks to mess with our heads?

  18. Victorian explorers have my utmost admiration. Imagine, hacking your way through virgin forest, sweat rolling down your face and dripping off your bollocks, a halo of flies buzzing around your noggin, your machete removes another swathe of lush vegetation, to reveal this horrific countenance !
    It must have been enough to make your stout brogues curl up.
    No wonder they erected statues to the brave souls.
    I wonder how many missionaries she gets through in a week ?
    Get To Fuck.

    • Jack-the real “missionary position” is lying flat on your back with a look of sheer terror, fixed on your face?

      • Or in a large cauldron, with some chopped onion, carrots and salt and pepper ?

  19. Fuck, is there anything you don’t know about their health, are you their GP. What happened to the hypocratic oath.

  20. It seems sensible to give the most vulnerable treatment first, but unless there is an underlying medical condition you have to wonder how they got to be so gargantuan in the first place.
    When I was at school there was one kid in the entire school who was morbidly obese – now it seems to be 50% of the school population,
    This does not bode well for the future.

  21. There’s an old army saying…
    “It pays to be a mong”.
    This proverb also translates to civi street.

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