Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Covid Gnome
This lifelong hack deserves a cunting.
He’s been all over the place on “guidance.” Don’t wear a mask, not necessary. Oh wait, better wear a mask. Better yet, wear two.
And stay six feet away from each other. Oh wait, three feet is fine.
The Gnome said Trump should tell his supporters to get a vaccine. Funny how he didn’t chastise Comma-La Harris when she announced during the election campaign that she wasn’t gonna trust no Trump vaccine.
Fauci pulls down a salary of over $400,000 per year. He and the rest of the hackerama haven’t missed a paycheck since “15 Days to Flatten the Curve” began about a year ago.
For that kind of money, we would be grateful if the Gnome would just come out and say something like “We’re not sure if [generic policy] will work or not, but our best guess at the moment is it will. Please be patient. We’re doing the best we can in extraordinary circumstances.”
But that would make too much sense, and wouldn’t be cuntish enough.
Nominated by: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Cunt
From the nom photograph, he looks like he would be at home in the Medical research arm of the German National social workers party, circa 1942-44.
Joy Division….
For every cunt infesting American politics, we could trade you two of ours☹️
What? I didn’t know ian curtis of joy division was a nazi…I might be wrong..
Yeah hed lost control again…
Covid related old Adolf Wanksock said “we will wear masks after restrictions are lifted”.Bin all these “experts”.Common sense
Another clueless pseudo science cunt. He doesn’t happen to work for SAGE part time, does he?
He is no better than the usual suspects at SAGE – giving out wrong advice, incorrect forecasts, and being totally unaccountable. Sheer fucking guesswork basically. But because he’s a “doctor” people have to take him seriously.
Nice work if you can get it. But he’s still a cunt
You took the words right out of my mouth Techno.
I saw this cunt being questioned by a Senator recently and fuck me, he was squirming and wriggling with his answers like a worm under a magnifying glass on a hot day. The cunt didn’t have a clue.
He looks like Stephen Hawking minus the disability.
Fauci is the American version of Chris Whitty, minus the charm and good looks..
Slippery, clueless, changes his mind more often than a Woman in a clothes shop and never gives a straight answer to a straight question.
More than a whiff of sulphur and jackboots about this one.
He’s been in with the bricks in us politics for decades. From what I read he is a useless cunt who’s never right. Pinning him down and getting a straight answer is trying to wrap water in a paper parcel .
What I would refer to as a “useful idiot”.
We have plenty of them here.
Useful to whom?
Not the ordinary person, that is for sure.
Americans don’t need his advice. As all self respecting Rednecks know, all you have to do is drink a bottle of bleach to become immune from coronavirus. The Orange One said so.
Fake news!
He said “inject disinfectant”. Draino® would be the patriotic choice. ?
mmmm….doesn’t sound as effective as a pint of bleach.
Agree. A pint of bleach would have been my prescribed remedy had I been POTUS.
Or even Drano, RTC:
Dedicated fella, at the height of the AIDS scare he visited gay clubs and bathhouses to do deep research.
This cunt was involved in the fear mongering anti-science that was the HIV = AIDs bullshit. They essentially fabricated HIV in order to keep the failing viral oncology sector afloat, having failed spectacularly with that enterprise.
The original group of HIV bumfun individuals were all hard drug abusing fuckups. They cynically used the cover of political correctness in order to shield their HIV hypothesis – “are you saying their lifestyle is responsible and not a virus? Shame!!”.
Like SARS-Cov2, HIV was never isolated properly and still has never been extracted directly from an infected persons blood. All comee back to PCR and antibody.. what a surprise!
They killed many people with their HIV anti-viral AZT drug. It was chemo in a pill, incredibly toxic.
Fuck this cunt. And Drosten. And all the other psuedoscience virologists pulling bullshit out of thin air for cash prizes.
These cunts are having the time of their lives while everyone else is suffering because of them. Covid 19 is not the problem, they are. Endless lockdowns, masks, trick or trace, vakzine, pub passports, fatso police out of control beating up women and veterans, universities locking up kids, people dying without the comfort of loved ones, neighbours grassing each other up, no jobs, hunger, spiralling crime, elections cancelled, holidays cancelled, rampant inflation, negative interest rates, green fascism, unregulated immigration, 24 hour surveillance. “A cocktail of their own making” that we are all going to be forced to swallow.
Typically middle class, doesn’t know what to do but with the ego and bombastic enough to bullshit his way through it and ready with excuses when caught out.
Like most of these rich cunts, he has no hand in the game so he can suggest ANYTHING and it will not impact him at all…hell, it will probably further line his pockets.
All these cunts including our own ghouls should be strung up…slow strangulation method like they are doing to us.
No doubt, Boris is sucking the cock of some SAGE / Vaccine cunt while stuffing his pockets with dirty cash as I spout this rubbish.
400,000 bucks a year?? Mega cunt!! What is he going to spend it on at his age.
Feed the bullshitting goblin to rats.
I expect great things from this cunting, as this bellend is often referred to by the tinfoil brigade, and we are off to a flying start with the news that there is no such thing as HIV. I’m off to get some popcorn…..
Yeah yeah, of course the medical industry is completely beneficent and would never lie or mislead people in order to make a profit, because all involved are infallible angels.
Give me a break.
Scientists in the field have questioned it from the moment the hypothesis was announced.
“The HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake”. Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate, inventor of PCR.
Some people really do put too much faith in experts. Listen to them by all means but don’t implicitly trust them simply based on their reputation.
Infallible, no. Making up diseases to ‘control’ people? Because that’s what’s being suggested here. So in the 40 years since AIDS has been killing people, the majority of the medical profession has been lying about its existence, and all these people who die of the same symptomatic illness are all drug raddled sickos, including the ones who caught it through infected blood products, or were passed on during pregnancy? Or were they all murdered by some new world order for some nefarious reason?
You don’t understand the distinction between the virus and the disease it (supposedly) causes.
AIDs is a cluster of conditions that have been redefined to fit the HIV = AIDs hypothesis. They made up the virus, not the manifest illnesses that people suffer from. In the same way with SARS and CV19.. people are getting sick, that is real, but the cause of illness is what is the error/fraud.
People who test positive for HIV inevitably go on powerful antiviral meds which are seriously toxic to the body. That is what destroys them, not the virus. People in Africa who supposedly have it are typically malnourished and develop illness that has simply been branded as AIDs by definition.
People in the medical profession accept what they’re told. If tomorrow it is disproved they’ll accept that too. They follow textbooks and authorities. All it takes is the initial scientific fraud to go unchallenged and then it will persist until it inevitably collapses, as all lies do. The lie can run for a very long time however.
I don’t understand it? Do you? What is your background in virology, immunology, or any of the disciplines that make up that field? How is it that you are more informed than millions of people who have worked for years on these issues, some dedicating their whole lives to them?
Genuine question, as you seem to have superior knowledge to most of the medical profession.
People who work in those fields have no reason to think of alternative explanations. Only after years of observational discrepancy do some cotton on to there something being amiss. Or, they do notice something and go public, then get crucified for it e.g. Wakefield. It’s the same in all industries or fields.
I have the advantage of not being a believer or on a payroll, and am willing to consider all ideas. In regards to virology, there’s plenty of people from the field who have tried to alert the public. I saw that, investigated it, and came to the conclusion that their claims were warranted.
It’s easy to understand why this could happen. Viruses are so impossibly small you can only see them, statically, under electron microscopy. You can only handle them using indirect methods. That makes error highly probable.
Yes, but what qualifies you to determine who is correct? The many, who have no doubt access to electron microscopes, or the very few who dispute the many? What peer reviewed evidence have you scrutinised to come to the conclusion that you are so certain of?
Again, genuine question, as there are so many who now have this mindset but I would say 99.9% of them haven’t the faintest idea what they are saying, and are usually just parroting or copy/pasting stuff they couldn’t understand.
The truth is the truth. It is not arrived at by consensus or weight of authority. That is unequivocal.
One of the books I read which got me interested, the forward is by Etienne de Harven. Did pioneering research on viruses and former president of electron microscopy society of America.
In the second paragraph he is already talking about corruption of research. As for peer review, you can’t just assume that it’s some infallible system and arbiter of truth, devoid of conflicts of interest, bias, etc.
He specifically references HIV,
“.. Yet not a single HIV particle has ever been observed by electron microscopy in the blood of patients supposedly having a high viral load!”.
“Yes, HIV/AIDS is emblematic of the corruption of virus research that is remarkably and tragically documented in this book..”
Truth? How did you come to the conclusion that this person is right, and everyone else is lying? Or too stupid to work it out for themselves, even though it’s their field of expertise, and have been involved in the research that has resulted in treatments that mean it’s no longer a fatal condition, and can be managed. There’s even a drug that can prevent it being caught. Is this all lies too?
It’s all well and good to have an opinion on everything, but without the expertise to disseminate the raw data and come to an actual conclusion based on actual research that you yourself have conducted, it will only ever be an opinion. And, an uninformed one, especially if the evidence both written and experienced, suggest the complete opposite.
Fauci is such a massive cunt. Even worse than him being a cunt is that there are at least a hundred million American cunts who think he is a hero. I guess it isn’t a huge compliment when you are a hero of cunts…