Disney Lucasfilm, their far left minions and the continuing war against Gina Carano. Holy fucking shit. I firmly believe that we have reached a point where being woke should be officially recognised as a mental illness. It’s been two weeks now since Carano was fired by Disney Lucasfilm on Friday 12th February (and they didn’t even have the decency to tell her to her face, she found out on Twitter), and the attacks keep on coming. Mercilessly. The cunts are modern day Nazis.
Last Sunday, she did an interview on the Daily Wire with Ben Shapiro, in which she revealed some spicy details of the treatment she received from Disney Lucasfilm in the wake of her ‘transgender attack’ which consisted of her refusing to put pronouns in her bio. This seems to have triggered the Leftwaffe even more, because now they’re going after her family. It turns out, she comes from money (which isn’t actually a surprise, if you know that her dad, Don Carano, played for the Dallas Cowboys. You’ll rarely find a poor NFL player). Apparently, he and Gina’s two brothers own a firm that recently bought out the entertainment company which owns Cesar’s Palace in Las Vegas. This was revealed in some shitty online publication, along with the revelation that they were ‘worth’ just under a billion dollars. Right, ok, so they’re rich as fuck. What’s your point? Is there some question as the legality of their wealth? No, of course there isn’t. It’s just been put out there to give the woke scum more ammunition. And let’s face it, most of these dickheads come from families that are nowhere near poor. A lot of them are themselves the children of millionaires. Which is why they have the time to spend hours each day on Twitter, posting shit and going through years of Gina’s Tweets to find other things to beat her with. And yes, that has actually been done. She’s been Twitter stalked.
And now they’re going after Henry Cavill for cancellation. Why? Because he dated Gina. Ten years ago. This is how insane these motherfuckers. Because Gina has continually refused to bend the knee, unlike so many other showbiz types, they’re now going after EVERYONE who has even the most link to Gina Carano, including ordinary people whose Tweets Gina has liked. One victim was a YouTuber called Drunk 3PO, who was selling a range of t-shirts and sweatshirts that bore the slogan “Welcome To The Rebellion”. He was doing it for charity, and they knew that. But because drunk had engaged in several Twitter conversations, and recently did an interview with her on his channel, they had it, albeit temporarily, taken down. They are truly pathetic.
I’m happy to say though that there is push back on this. Disney Lucasfilm has massively underestimated its fanbase. They thought most Star Wars were woke, Leftwaffe cunts, like them. They’re not. And this has been shown by these fans taking to Twitter and the Oscars Channel, and the Disney and Star Wars channels to express their support for Gina. They’ve downvoted and commented on EVERY video on those channels, to the point that the vote and comment sections have been taken down. Disney Lucasfilm is experiencing at least a small amount of payback. Good, because they and they’re followers are cunt
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
and Quick Draw McGraw strikes again with Warner Bros.
They’ve just announced yet another reboot of the Superman franchise. Normally, I wouldn’t give a fuck. However, it has JJ Abrams in charge, and is being written by a particularly nasty, racist BAME piece of shit by the name of Te’Nehisi Coates. To give you an idea of how indescribably vile Coates is, in his autobiography (yes, the arrogant fuck actually has one. Written by himself), he called the 9/11 first responders ‘a menace to nature’, and spoke of his pleasure at seeing them getting killed. He said that he couldn’t feel any sympathy for them because…muh slavery. Fuck me with a frozen rubber duck. Coates is a full on anti-white, black supremacist.
There’s no mention of who will be in this gathering shit storm, but nobody is putting money on Henry Cavill starring in it. Especially since he’s now the target of the Leftwaffe, because he shagged Gina Carano ten years ago. Abrams is a fucking hack. A mystery box writing hack who never resolves the mysteries. Worse still, once he’s fucked up the franchise he’s working on, he moves on to another franchise. Star Wars and Star Trek are prime examples of that.
My big concern, since WB have shown that they’re willing to bring in the very WORST in Hollywood, is that back in the mid 90’s WB made what I consider to be one of the best sci-fi shows of all time, Babylon 5. There’s talk of that getting the reboot treatment. I’m praying that doesn’t happen, because with current era, you can guarantee that it will be nothing but virtue signalling woke shite. Anyway, the Superman reboot has cunt written all over it.
People should show their dissatisfaction against these leftist, woke run companies by protesting with their pocket!
This may be more appropriate on the BBC shit of the site but have suggested to the MP for Stoke who was eloquent in his recent appearance at the committee on the tv tax that people should be allowed to declare themselves conscientious objectors to the £159 pervert tax. There is no way that I am prepared to fund the promotion of activities which have been illegal during my lifetime. However, I am happy to donate a similar sum to a charity that I believe does help people,namely the Salvation Army. They already get my winter fuel allowance and I feel that it is a good compromise for those of us who cannot stomach the current antics of a once sound British institution.
Agreed, Guzziguy, up and to a point!
I do not pay my BBC TV extortion tax and I never will! People should not have to be conscientious objectors to the BBC TV extortion tax, they should simply not pay it.
All the propaganda about how they can check if you’re watching tv and what they can do if they think you are is absolute bollocks
They actually have to catch you watching live TV, or recording live TV, or watching BBC Iplayer. Otherwise their last resort is tricking you into admitting you’ve been doing this. If you are not cunt enough to be caught doing or admitting any of this three is absolutely nothing they can do!
Gary tax dodger Lineker may have a smug grin but my smug grin is a lot wider knowing I am not funding his wages.
Old Walt was hardly woke. He’d have joined the SS if they’d have let him. He was no fan of the four be twos, was old Walt. Wasn’t keen on the dark keys either. Her probably have shot his son stone cold dead if he’d said he was one of the gays too.
And yet, the organisation won’t drop his name because the name is what makes the company sell its products.
Well, there are your morals, Disney, you cheeky cunts.
You’re all hypocrites if you work for Disney and don’t throw out Roman salutes in the corridors, or if you don’t click your heels and do a ‘Heil Hitler” when meeting a colleague at the coffee machine.
Fuck off.
Once they cotton onto the fact that this nonsense doesn’t line their already well lined pockets they will start to drop it.
Look at that female Ghostbusters, it was a super flop and shows people talk about liking this anal discharge but don’t want to pay for it…in reality, most people just hate it (black Sherlock Holmes was the latest one I heard about ffs) but if you say so, you’re a racist.
‘woke patrol’
Ant Middleton’s phrase sums it up. When they went out on exercises the they were followed by the ‘woke patrol’ of Channel 4
I didn’t like their phrase either-he was axed over his ‘personal conduct’.. I think he said there was some banter (who’d have thought military men would indulge in banter?) and it was ‘overheard’ and then there were discussions about it. He took exception. So he was axed.
This wokeness is strangling everything.
Yes ‘woke patrol’
Patrolling Twitter
Patrolling Facebook
Patrolling blog posts
Patrolling conversations…
Maybe stuck in my mind because it sounds like that band ‘Snow Patrol’.
Of who I know nothing.
the elephants ‘dawn patrol’ in the jungle book comes to mind.
Disney’s finest ever movie Miles.
Indeed HJ. All classic Disney are absolute top quality.
But yes The JB just pips it for me as the best.
Waugh said that Walt Disney was the only true artist in the industry.
They did find something in the jungle book as well. The crows were supposedly racial stereotypes of poor blacks.
Can you imagine that job? ‘We want you to carefully watch the whole of Disney’s classic back catalogue, to find any hint of racial stereotyping’.
And maybe one is caught chuckling at the ‘dawn patrol’ in The
Jungle Book.
‘what are you chuckling at, this is SERIOUS’
I hope Kathleen Kennedy gets a shitstorm unleashed on her. And I hope the vicious bitch loses everything. It’s the least she deserves. She’s a cunt.
So Carano comes from rich stock. So fucking what? Linda Eastman (McCartney), Mike Nesmith, Taylor Swift, Slagelina Jolie, Beyonce Knowles, Mark Ronson, Sean Fucking Ono Lennon, Ladyboy Gaga and Gwyneth Cuntrow are (in Linda’s case, were) all kids of America’s rich list. These cunts who are now targeting Gina’s family are the same childish cunts who parrot ad nauseam that Tommy Robinson isn’t his real name. The same pathetic fuckfaces who squeal ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’ every time they can’t answer a question or engage in debate or discussion. Obama also had the life of riley, and his horrendous family are also rich and live like kings. But no cunt mentions that, do they? George Lucas sold his stake in Star Wars because he was sick of dribbling left wing psychos like this. They also made his life a misery like they are persecuting Carano. Only a psychopath would go to such frenzied and hateful lengths over a simple difference of opinion and over a science fiction franchise. The loony Star Wars Twitter left remind me of that Helen Reddy song ‘It’s so nice to be insane. No one asks you to explain’. Carano is grilled by these lunativ cunts. But who do these woke scum answer to. As the great Cloughie would say ‘They need shooting’.
Carano is grilled by these lunatic cunts. But who do these woke scum answer to? As the great Cloughie would say ‘They need shooting’.
Gina Caranos troubles with the woke started over her refusal to toe the line over tranny pronouns.
They told her straight,
We’ll fuckin ruin you!
And they did.
Fuckin grammar nazis ?
Superman has been done: with Richard Donner, Christopher Reeve (RIP), Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder and Terence Stamp. It will never be bettered.
Lex Luthor will probably still be white, they still need an evil whitey to oppress the Man of Steel. The kryptonite will be replaced by a DVD of ‘Till Death Us Do Part’.
Well he’s ginger (or wore a ginger wig) so that means he’s a white gent.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
No, it’s SuperBAME.
You know it’s coming. Superman RIP.
Imagine a 70s era Cloughie dealing with Woke culture.
That would be comedy gold.
Or The Doc and Big Mal. Shanks vs woke would also be classic.
Even Geoff Hurst-he could spot “a n.ig.ger on the woodpile” she he sees one??
Even Geoff Hurst-he could spot “a n.ig.ger in the woodpile” when he sees one??
For added value I’m sure Sir Geoff said that with Garth Crooks sat there.
In the context he said it, it was in no way intended to cause offence. In fact, Crooks nods in agreement (the clip is in YouTube).
I agree there was zero offence intended CG.
They were simpler times though.
Liverpool losing again today.
What the fuck is going on there.?
Can it just be injuries?? They’re defending champions.
Klopp has maybe burnt the squad out with his approach and helped pile the injuries up.
Whatever is happening, they are right up shit creek because they keep losing football matches.
Worst defence of a title since Jimmy Saville.
These fuckers are supposed to be entertainers not fucking politicians. If I had my way the Disney executives and stars would be hacked to pieces by Chainsaw Massacre exponents brought in specially from Texas. Those cunts from Cannibal Ferox could then feast on the resultant mess. Nothing like a video nasty to put things into perspective.
Disney have a new advert out on UK television.
Featuring a section of two men kissing each other.
Isn’t Disney supposed to be aimed at children and families?
Cavill and Carano should’ve bred and sent their progeny to Porton Down and DARPA.
They’d make Ivan Drago look like a Buzzfeed staffer.
Dont watch this shit. Have always disliked twee Disneyfication. On the rare occasions I watch live TV the fucking woke, mixed race adverts wind me up without watching the rest of this shite.
Star Wars 418 – “The Farce Awokens – fighting alongside BAME Superperson to destroy Manning the Hutt”..
Good points? – these vile little nazi cunts are showing exactly how nasty, toxic and hateful they are, and payback is coming.
And every crock of shite kiddy fluffy kitten bollocks film they make costs a fortune, absolutely bombs and Hollyweird is losing a fortune and pushing people into walking away.
I really hate the piss wet, aggressive, hateful adult babies that seem to infest society – I look forward to the day, very soon, when the balance tips and they get their just desserts.
It will not be pleasant.
As far as I am concerned, there was only one Superman-Bolton’s favourite son, Fred Dibnah???
That lad had balls of steel and was a fucking legend, a true champion of the working class and a great philosopher on life.
Now we have fucking millennials and man baby’s more interested in getting a fucking manicure or a spray tan.
Not fit to wash Fred’s oily overalls.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
“Nay lad, it’s our Fred ladderin’ a 200 foot chimney!”
It took me a while to understand the phrase “control the narrative”.
Thought what the fucks that mean? Egghead shite.
But now I understand it.
From academia to sci-fi, advertising to cartoons,
The leftwaffe woke agenda is pushing forward and its winning.
Nothing, nothing is to trivial to go under the radar and be subjected to a leftwaffe overhaul.
We get to see the outcome of this culture war,
It doesn’t bode well…
I’ve been walking all day and passed Fred’s steam crane in Radcliffe. What a great character.
Fred climbing that chimney is a legendary video…one wrong step and it’s half a day out with the undertaker.
Legend RIP
Climbs 200ft up a ladder in the morning to the top of a sky high chimney stack with little or nothing in terms of safety equipment. Back down again at dinner for cheese sandwiches and a few pints before getting back up there to finish off his shift.
Just watching Fred go about his work is enough to trigger my vertigo.
A truly remarkable man and a working class legend, cut from an entirely different cloth.
He used to take his steam roller on pub crawls-16-18 pints later he still got home unscathed (at 5mph?)
Fred Dibnah reminds me of Robert Heinlein’s ‘competent man’ a concept lost on our atomised, overspecialised society of overeducated but largely useless and under-employed cunts.
Fred’s worst mistake was ending up marrying a leftist social worker.
She more or less dissected his resolute, all that is English personality, bit by bit and left a shell of a man! My only sadness is that she didn’t die first in which case he would have lived to a ripe old age!
For clarity I must mention this was his second marriage.
Henry Cavill also stood up a few years ago for old-fashioned dating/romance/courting etc and slated modern feminism for ruining the relationship between the sexes. I’m sure that put him in people’s woke cross hairs.
Many, many moons ago I was an employee of Walt Disney World, smiling with gritted teeth at such inane Yank questions as: “Where in England is Wales?” (Mind you, the Canadians working there assured me that they even encountered Americans that didn’t know where Canada was!)
I could tell you a tale or two about the Disney’s genius for raking in the dough, but I will content myself with just this one: although Disney World sells its Coca Cola at a substantially inflated price, it actually receives the product from Coca Cola itself entirely free – that corporation writing the freebie off as a promotional cost! But let’s just say that knowing this, you decide to leave the park in order to get your Coke, driving 20 minutes down the road to the nearest supermarket or gas station to purchase a can. Well guess what? You’re still putting money in the Mouse’s pocket, because although you’ve exited Disney World itself, you’re still on land owned by Disney, who make all the other companies on it pay a high premium for the privilege of being there!
Still, overall, working there was a pleasant experience, thanks in no small part to my successful completion of the ultimate quest of every straight male working there: bedding one of Disney Princesses.
Mine was the Little Mermaid.
Good times.
I caught Sebastians off the little Mermaid.
You fucked a cartoon? I thought I was a weirdo.
Did you ever work with the chap who portrayed Gaston and later blew his face to bits setting fireworks off on his head?
No I did not, but he seems about the average level of intelligence for a Disney employee – after all, I was working there too!
I like the Disney woke experiment.
It will be interesting to see how many spectacular financial disasters it takes to get through a £99,000 cloud of cocaine and inform the cunts that woke means broke.
In my opinion it will take at least £10 billion in losses before it dawns on them.
I hope they plunge much deeper yet.
Go Gina! Great tits!
Seconded. The lass has a chest like dead heat in a zeppelin race!
Thirded. She’s a cracking good looking lass, smart too.
Reboot woke Superman will be a disaster, but at least it will make Man Of Steel look like a much better film.
The general audience will just watch it on automatic but the proper DC fans will tear it apart and demand Henry Cavill and Zack Snyder back.
Fuck Disney, it needs burning down…
The only decent things about Man of Steel were Cavill’s portrayal, the score and the German actress who played Zod’s minx.
The rest was shite.
Nice one, MNC. Should’ve used that line at the time!
Just googled Te’Nehisi Coates. He looks like an absolute cunt.