It’s time for for a gert-lush-alright-me-babba- cider-I-up-landlord cunting for Bristol City Council.
Get those cheque books out boys because it’s reparations time.
I now.have three questions:
1) Which bods will receive the reparations?
2) Which bods will pay the reparations? I very much doubt the honkies who benefited from the slave trade will pay a penny.
3) Why did the woman who narrated the film in the Twitter link adopt an accent straight out of the deep south of Merica when she grew up in the same city as Vicky Pollard.
Answers on a postcard please.
Nominated by: SimmyJavil
Think I’ll listen in for a laugh.
‘Yeah but….no but…yeah but…no but……it’s waycism…shaddduppp”
Haven’t they got better things to discuss? Last time I was in Bristol StPauls was a slum and Redlands was going the same way. Why don’t they have a debate about measures for improving the life of Bristolians? Local authorities have become a bad joke in this country.
The stupid entitled kaaffir bitch in the film should be paying reparations for not being born in Angola or some such paradise.
Used to like Bristol. Good pubs, trad jazz , atmosephere. Pizza on Whiteladies Road before us sheepshaggers got pizza places, at least where I lived.
Now the western Brighton. Full of cunts, some of them B&W.
My brother’s wife from the Brissle areal.
Isn’t there a Blackboys Road in Bristol?
Not for much longer I guess?
Not sure about Blackboys MMCM, but there’s definitely a Whiteladies Road. [There was an excellent kebab house at the foot of it in the early 90s – my ex was from Almondsbury and she went to – shock, horror – Colston’s Girls’]
I think there is a Black Castle pub, and there was a Dock of the Bay I seem to recall.
I remember Whiteladies Road Ajax. I think it was actually Blackboy Hill, which is at the top of Whiteladies Road. Undoubtedly these names are a remnant of Bristol’s slave trading days. But what is the point in expunging Bristol’s history? What happened is done. Learn from the errors of the past and move on. Obliterating the past is idiotic.
Indeed you’re right; here’s a piece by the delectable Susanna Reid on this very subject. A couple of deep breaths before reading are indicated due to stultifying political correctness, predictably enough.
Come to think on it, Blackboy Hill does now ring a distant bell, but I’ve not been to Bristol for ~three decades – and I was never that familiar anyway.
Good article. I feel sorry for the poor owners of Blackboy Cycles on Whiteladies Road. They’d better change the name of their business quickly before they find it’s been burnt down and the remains dragged into the river by an enraged mob of dark keys and furious Millie Tants drunk on Red Bull.
As for these names making Susanna Reid’s skin crawl all I can say is that I’d like to crawl over Susanna Reid’s skin.
Susanna has a cracking bod, I admit it, but she’s not my type.
Judging by the multiple ??????s on her neoteric nomination however, a possible therapy for her formication could be an isac bukkake event (after lockdown ends, of course). The disingenuous cunt might even enjoy it.
I bet she would, the slapper!
Jesus, Bristol Cuntcil know how to piss off their taxpayers.
Many honkies will be paying their Cuntcil Tax, knowing that their bins will still be overflowing and stinking after a fortnight in the summer sun, but content that their Cuntcil will be using their taxes to give DeShawn and Delroy financial reparations of great munificence to spend on trainers, chiggun and crack cocaine.
That fucking Cuntcillor, Cleo Lake, should go back to humming scat with Johnny Dankworth, the silly fucking sow. A fucking Green Cunt. Vote Green and vote for a fucking lunatic.
Fuck off, this really has irritated me.
Fucking mission creep especially by left councils. If they want that then let’s impose another mission on them. For each boondoggle fact finding tour of (for instance) woke Mardi Gras in New Orleans, they be obligated to do actual service e.g. a frontline tour clearing landmines in Kandahar with a very short probe.
Some reparations would be in order for the Bristol council tax payers who funded the council’s disastrous energy company venture. Shut down with losses in the millions. Who thought this would work, when the Council can’t even supply basic public services?
Bristol mayor Marvin Rees is a monumentally thick cunt, and a happy clapper to boot.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t all the blacks who suffered as a result of the UK slave trade long dead now?
Besides, the West has poured over £500 billion into Africa since the 1960s – enough is enough. Blacks born and brought up in this country should be worshipping the ground Edward Colston’s statue used to stand on, instead of demanding fresh handouts from whitey.
That said, it’s mainly guilt ridden lefty whites behind all this nonsense. Fuck them.
fuck em, in the congo they lived in a mud hut hunting monkey arseholes with a blowpipe and died at 20 from every disease on earth when they weren’t eating each other, in america they lived to 90 and a 100 and all the mammies were fat as elephants, got free meals, free clothes and a better hut…took 1,000 of them to work one field that 100 chinese could have done for a bag of rice in the same time…terrible value for money
Nigerian Lammy will have to pay Caribbean Dawn Butler. I can trace my ancestors back a thousand years. No slaves. No slave traders. So fuck you .
me too, mix of english and irish, no foreign blood in my DNA test, traced my family tree lines for years, some to the middleages…still no monkey blood I’m totally clear of filth and disease
The fucking Labour Party again, rewriting history and expecting the working class to pay for their guilty middle class consciences.
They should look at their own history and realise how long they have been out of government. It’s going to be a fucking lot longer if they carry on with this sort of bollocks.
It makes you wonder if the Labour Party could ever get elected again with all this stuff they are doing…even though Boris is a colossal fat cunt surrounded by shifty charlatans I still think they would beat the ultra PC Labour lot.
Time for a revolution, use all these cunts for bayonet practise. I am really getting pissed off with it now and becoming more waysist by the day.
Bristol City Council appears to have rather too many fools with ideas above their station.
Most of the Countries in the world engaged in slavery – in African and islamic nations it is still going on, whitey was very late to this business, had little impact and paid heavily to end it.
We paid our reparations in 1833, and they were repaid by means of increased taxes by those who had nothing to do with slavery – 183 years of repayments.
Time to remove the whining traitor rich who insist on fleecing the poor over nonsense and replace them with people who do not do this.
Root and branch reform required – I am standing as a Councillor in my areas local elections, time to make a start on putting people in who will get things done not sit on their money and rob the innocent with nothing.
Fuck that.
Hang the fifth column cunt.
Or oven.
Toss a coin at bayonet point.
Evil vermin.
Reparations for repatriation, it would be worth a couple of quid for each for African descendants to fuck off back to da motherland init. Fuck it let’s push the boat out and make it a fiver.
On the news last night a vaccination centre has been set up in Keighley for wimmin only, translate that to fucking P*ki women only
Double cunts!
I’ll clip in 20p in that case, should pay for one wall of a fucking mud hut, well worth it
Something kicking off in Streatham. Load of cop cars just gone screaming down there.
Probably some 92 year old grandfather that’s accidentally “misgendered” his tranny grandson.
Has some old Doris strayed too far from her local area and forgotten her face mask?
Been to Bristol a few times.
They talk funny dont they?
Like Wurzel Gummidge.
Even the dark keys there sound like that.
I like listening to them.
Oo ar oo ar,
They should all wear those farmer smocks and get the dark keys to wear slave chains,
Give the tourists what they want!
I think it must have been the Somalis on their weekend shoplifting spree. Nothing to worry about, business as usual.
I heard it was a mean tweet they were attending, something about Lenny Henry and the smell of cunt ?
The plantation owners who built their majestic villas on the Promenade had their chimneys cleaned by my ancestors. Can I have some free money because I still cannot get over their soot covered suffering, robbed of their childhood, hurt feelings etc?
This reparations bollocks is beyond cuntish, Africans sold other Africans to slavers why not get some dosh from the members of the tribes that indulged in a bit of human trafficking. For fucks sake the African males bound for servitude in peaceful countries were generally de bollocked prior to shipping out if they survived they went, if not shark food. In fact an East African academic is doing his best to make sure people remember that Eastern African states suffered from the curse of peaceful slavery. What about some dosh for me and mine eh? Now I know some of the esteemed cunters on this site have a less than favourable view of persons originating from the Southern counties of the Emerald Isle and are proud of Cromwells doings therein. I am not to me Cromwell was a thieving bastard who deprived generations of my forebears of their rightful inheritance. One of his reasons for dispossessing the Catholic landowners was to give the lands to his mates etc as he the government was unable to pay back the monies he owed to them. Some of my ancestors were fucked off to the Caribbean as indentured labour, treated like slaves, worse than slaves as they had no monetary worth. Now before I get tarred as a Paddy bastard. My mother’s family are from East Anglia and have evidence of numerous members fighting with Cromwells forces cavalry and infantry. So there you go. Anyone know who I send my claim to
As your Irish ancestors were fucked over by the English I would suggest appealing to the EU as they have your best interests at heart. Best not to tell them about your other Cromwellian ancestors though but choosing a name like “BLACK biscuit” definitely works in your favour given the current zeitgeist.
Fucking complicated innit?
Thank you FF , you could well be right, this attempt at reparations could interfere with my other interests not a good time to give up the meds medical and otherwise. Wise words sir wise words.
And all this ‘make the streets safe for women’ drivel.
It’s a well known fact that most alcohol related fights in and outside pubs involve wimmin. Will they be yapping on about ‘safety’ when the next hair pulling contest between two pissed up ASBO tarts hammered on sambucca and WKDs happens?
Nah, will they fuck.
Robert Blincoe…
still waiting for my reparations from the Normans…and the Vikings and the Jutes and come to think of it my cheque from the Romans never rocked up either….I think I’m being oppressed
Bristol old bill in for a long night, one of their shops has had a spring clean
If they start that repatriation shite in Europe, then the Krauts will be bankrupt.