A well deserve Cunting for Brauer College in Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia.
At a school assembly all the boys in the school were made to stand up and apologise to every girl in the school for male inflicted sexual assault and rape. Many of these young boys were only 11 or 12 and had no idea what they were apologising for and why they had to say sorry. One of these young boys said “ I don’t think it’s okay to be sexually assaulted. I felt a bit under pressure to stand up and if I didn’t I felt like I was a bad person.” The school has so far failed to apologise.
This is the way our world is going, where masculinity is held to be so inherently toxic that even children have to apologise for the supposed inherited sins of their sex. What about female violence to men, a growing problem and one which the authorities refuse to acknowledge? Will young girls be made to stand up and apologise to men for their inherited sins of nagging and gaslighting? No I thought not – because it is, of course an absurd notion, to extrapolate from the sins of a few and apply them to an entire sex.
Welcome to the 21st century? What a cunt it’s turning out to be.
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
Well, we let the Marxists do their ‘long march through the institutions’.
It’s time to put our money where our mouths are and take it back, or cuck to it.
This is shocking and in Australia too. They don’t normally put up with shite like this. Whomever made this happen should be fucking sacked. What a pathetic world in which we live.
Quite right too! They are Australian after all.
Apologising for shit other wankers think your race, class or gender are guilty of has reached pandemic proportions, no one is safe. So I would like to get my apology in now. I am sorry I am not a black, marxist, cross dressing, bone-idle freeloader, terrorist apologist.There, now that is all cleared up, fuck off.
You missed out vegetarian climate change eco-warrior, apologise now you fascist.
I demand all Mooslims stand up and apologise for all the terrorist attacks other Mooslims have committed.
If I were a student there I would have walked out and my parents would have taken me away from that woke shit hole.
Surrender dressed up as progress.
Cowardice dressed up as compassion.
Next it will be apologies by: –
Thin people to fat fuckers
tall people to short arses
clever cunts to thick cunts
rich fuckers to penniless chavs
Real ales drinkers to lager louts
Blonde blue eyed big titted birds, to ugly Jess Phillips-lookalikes
Old cunts to young cunts
Right handers to left handers
well endowed blokes to matchstick and a couple of peas blokes
Ferrari drivers to Ford drivers
3 bed semi detached owners to 1 bed bedsits
Tories to Liberals
and on it goes…..
(Typo fixed – DA)
I’ll be fucked if I’m apologising to any French cunt for all of the kickings my ancestors gave them in various wars, and for saving the garlic-breathed layabout collaborators from the Hun twice (which is why they REALLY hate us).
Blonde blue big titted? Sounds like one of the alien girls from the original Star Trek
To be fair we did sink their Navy, but that’s the price for running away so they only have themselves to blame.
To be fair to the big titted blondes, the ugly feminists have been trying to make them feel bad for having been lucky with their genetics for a good 40 years.
This is sick. Whether it’s being groomed by a priest called Father O’Donahue, being fiddled with by a taxi driver over called Iqbal, or being forced to wear a Scotland football shirt when you’re young, it’s all child abuse.
The last one is just dark, how could anyone do that! evil.
Well I can see the obvious progression……if we are apologising for slaves we never owned we should also apologise for rapes we never committed. May I also apologise in advance for Libtard heads i’m going to kick in.
I’ll take the knee shall I?
I’m still waiting for the Chinese to apologise for their virus!
Funny thing is, the Left never feel the need to apologise to anyone, probably because a) they love playing the victim, and/or b) they’re always in the right
I’m not apologising for being a cunt. They can fuck off.
I’d pay decent wodge to hear the views of The Don (especially exhumed) or at a push Ian Chappell at the state of modern day ‘Stralia. It seems to have become infected by the Woke Central behaviour from across the Tasman Sea.
All this sort of apologising, tiptoeing around with “First Nations” terminology (ie Abbos).
Mrs Hunt watches Neighbours most days and fuck me, their pretty small cast still has room to shoehorn in a pair of gays, a pair of lezzers, a hideous Tranny with skid mark eyebrows; over-representation of BAMEs. They never ever fail to mark Sydney Gay Pride, International Wimminz/ Menz Days (the storyline is achingly single sex cast only twice a year). I have little doubt this isn’t unreflective of the metro cunts living in the Aussie equivalent of Islington.
Warning to us all at how quickly a once-great country can become over-run by degenerates.
Poor cunts.
Bloody hell, when I used to watch Neighbours everyone was blonde and tanned, even old Helen Daniels.
The only exceptions seemed to be the odd bogan.
Australia – the land where men are men and the Sheila’s are grateful. I would have not allowed my son to take part – I would have got him to say Jeez, you’re up your own arse – you think I want your old clunge?.. Go fuck yourself. Fuck my old boots, cobber. Something along those lines.
What’s the betting Islington schools will follow suit with Dame Keir at assembly taking another knee?
I can assure you that my child would be dragged out of that school whether they like it or not and would never be in attendance ever again. How the hell is this acceptable?
Oh, this is a real piss take.
Kids these days get away with all sorts of shit with no consequences and now they are being asked to apologise for something they haven’t done, it’s no wonder they are fully paid up members of the mental health club.
The Daily Mail has more detail on this shameful incident –
The Australian authorities ought to be investigating the school for child abuse.
Utter cunts.
This is what passes for education these days……..lefty fucking brainwashing. The North Koreans and Chinkies can learn a lot from this. You can bet this sort of shit doesn’t go on in private schools, the parents would just take their money somewhere else. Jellyfish needs to get a grip on this, the wanker.
Australian men need to act like they do in ‘Wake In Fright’ and take their fucking country back. Jesus Christ, you’ve got an entire continent for a country, and you bow down to a few soyboy socialists. Man up you cunts and just do it.
Should I apologise for having blue eyes? How about if all us white guys who are tall apologise for our height!? There’s no fucking end to this shite.
The cunts in the school that devised this shitshow apologised but were quick to point out that their decision was “well intentioned”.
Well that is just it, isn’t it? The road to hell is paved with soy-slurping, socialist, sandal wearing, Marxist cunts, all of whom have “good intentions”.
I have “good intentions” in that I would load the whole batch of Marxist cunts into Unkle Terry’s oven on Regulo 8 for 3 hours. That should do the trick.
PM@ – “Well intentioned” is what they always come out with they go too far and cause justifiable anger and resentment.
The could always just not do it in the first place.
They get away with what they are allowed to.
Hahaha paul, made me laugh out loud..nice one
In the cunts go,aye.
Not averse to a bit of a clubbing with a mallet to soften them up either.
Yet these ‘Well intentioned’ turds are never satisfied with an apology for an imagined insult against them ; the cunts wanted blood.
An offshoot of this is the report that the Met acted within the law at the recent protest over the murdered lass. I think that the politicians who were demanding the resignation of Cressida Dick should now be sacked as THEY. Got things so wrong.
Gaslighting children is well intentioned? Time for them to be locked in a Cassowary enclosure.
Always kids they pick on.
Why don’t they try that shit in a factory or a pub I wonder?
The cunts that enforce this bullshit are no better than Fred West.
Fuck Off.
I want Dianne Abbott to apologise for being a fat blek waycist ugly sack of shit and offending all mankind’s vision of what a woman should look like, and also for fucking Jeremy Corbyn , no man should have to back scuttle Dianne Abbott and not have an apology from her/it/ whatever the fuck it is, cunt…
I would like to apologise for an innapropriate horn I got watching Vinegar Joe doing Proud to be a Honky Woman way back when.
I am so ashamed.
Top tune that, and presumably you got the horn from Elkie?
Maybe we are looking at the last throes of western civilisation? Maybe the mayans and other civilisations before us failed because they went woke and it all ended up with no one breeding and every man in gaol.
More marxist wokism. A bit rich coming from a country founded on criminals.
Australia and particularly Victoria where Warrnambool is located; is mestastasising with a particularly weapons-grade standard of woke communist fuckwittery, to match the best (e.g. worst) worldwide.
It’s unbearable to live under these fucking hoof-wits and I for one have fucking departed those cunted shores.
Yes, but didnt some outback freakshow Perth side blaze the trail by banning the works of JK Rowling so that the local tranny (Sheila/Bruce) wouldnt feel threatened?
Haven’t heard but wouldn’t doubt it, the whole place is such a fucking mess
True cunntbubble. I don’t think JKR really minded as these cockwombles actually bought her books and then burn them. She was still ££££ quids in.
If we had to apologies to everybody who feels inferior, has achieved less etc, then I would spend 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, apologising to others.
Particularly for all the beautiful women I have banged.
That is all.
Reminds me of that Julio Igelsias and Wille Nelson song, CG.
‘To All The Girls I’ve Tubbed Before’.
Shouldn’t that be “Particularly for all the beautiful women I have banged on about?”
What does Mrs G think about all those notches on your bedpost?
Mea Culpa or cunta-you decide Bertie.
I only bang on about it to bring sunshine to the lives of you mere mortals. (Sexually speaking).
This was before her Bertie-I might be a cunt, I’m not a fucking cunt?
If they did that to my son, I would give the teacher responsible a meticulous shoeing. I would then pull my lad out of that woke digger rathole, sharpish.
This is EXACTLY what the Third Reich did for Jews. They found a few money-lenders or some such and tarred the whole Jewish belief as bad. It is called intolerance in some countries and genocide in others.
I would be knocking down doors if I had a child at this school. I’d be knocking down Muslims if I had a child at Batley college.
Don’t say that if you are a Disney or Lucasfilm employee. You’ll be sacked before you can say ‘Gina Carano’.
Institutional sexism exists against boys and men.
If i had kids i would send them to a state school.
(Admin, can you change would to wouldn’t. Cheers)
Misandry is a virtue it seems to these cunts.
Honesty, men should organise a ‘tools down’ strike worldwide and have a 48 hour strike.
Let’s see these demented bitches try it again when nothing works. I’ll be in me tent doing some fishing with me gas canister mini gas stove, battery lighting and radio.
I’ll be fine.
They’ll be topping themselves after half an hour of the lights going off and the offy closing so they can’t get more wine.
Fuck off.
Re: misandry- am I the only cunter, to observe that the majority of them are fugly?