Batley Grammar School

A nomination for Batley Grammar School for being total cunts and not telling the religious nuts to fuck off.

A teacher in a RE class of year nines showed some cartoon/caricature of Mohamed in a discussion about blasphemy. You can guess what happened.

Muslim protests at the gates and the school apologising on their fucking knees and suspending the teacher.

When is this country going to stand up to these fucking savages and their stupid fucking religion.

Read all about it

Nominated by: Sick of it

and seconded by: AsItIs 

I would like a proper, full on cunting for Whinging Muslims who protested outside a school because a teacher at the school used a picture of Mohammed.

This is getting out of hand now. The shithouse school has suspended the said teacher and issued a full apology. Why? Cunts.

The DfE has condemned the protests which is a good thing. At least they have some balls unlike the school.

If you don’t like it in the UK then go back to your motherland, although that actually might be the UK.

Anyway, stop fucking moaning about your Mohammed and just get on with it.

…and this conundrum from Simple Simon

A cunting please….for the Paradox.

The current unrest in Yorkshire following a mention of a picture of Mo Ham Head, has brought to the streets some of our most unsavoury retards.

The Paradox is this. By Law we ( the white and indigenous people ) must ( by Law ) tolerate a people, and a religion, that is intolerant to all that we are forced to accept ( by law ) yet they ( I refer to their religion ) are allowed to continue vociferously to flout upon our streets.

Who therefore are the victims here. I leave the rest to you.


90 thoughts on “Batley Grammar School

  1. Those who practice Islam who are serious and those of a more secular bent who use the teachings just to preserve their own intentions are not compatible with living in a democracy founded (sort of ) on the principles of the enlightenment. We have in this country many supposedly secular Muslims ie drink, smoke weed, shag around, organised crime and so on. Never ceases to amaze me how “Muslim” they become when caught out. Islam as it is was not compatible with our values, now due to wokery and cuntish cultural traitors it slowly becomes the norm , Alan’s snack bar you fecking infidels

  2. That pic is just a normal day at the school, with the hundreds of local taxi drivers trying to ‘groom’ a few kids through the gates.

    “I’m friend. Can take you my home free near your home. Can have kebab free for you nice girl. Maybe drink like a big girl? Vodka for you. Thanking you please, you come now with me?”

    • I doubt if any friendly, peaceful taxi driver will find any of whitey’s daughters at that school. They’re all raaaaaaaaay-sists don’t you know?

  3. If you don’t like the values we have in this country (which is ours not yours) fuck off back to Ragabagdad.

    Cunting fuckwits probably living mostly off state aid.

    • One of the pictures looks like he stole the tea towel from the drawer and stuck it on his sweaty pēado head.

    • Hitchins once remarked about some peaceful, forget his name, journo/gobshite maybe, who had been railed with a “what you doing in my country” type comment. His reply – “who says it’s yours” – they believe their “god” has given it (UK) to them, they just have to take it. Play the long game.

      I despair of our future, my children’s. The MIL (a vicar) used to think i was a “bit racist” as i had regaled her with incidents whilst at Bradford Uni in the early 90s. The last time we spoke on the subject she advised me “stuff was coming and we might not like it”. Is that official CofE policy/view?!

  4. The prophet Mo was a monumental nonce, so images of the cunt should be least of any of these inbred retards concerns.

  5. I heard mention of this on the news. Be interesting to see what spin the Beeb manage to out on this contemptible behaviour in the part of the school in suspending the teacher.
    Absolute cunts.

  6. Last year was the Burn Loot Murder/statue toppler rabble.
    This year it’s the peacefuls turn to be an even bigger pack of cunts than they already are.
    As long as the white British are there to be blamed, it’s all good.

    Perhaps this teacher should have brought up the more acquainted topic of paedophilia, rape and incest rather than artwork or freedom of expression.

  7. It’s about time this barbaric, neanderthal excuse of a religion was outlawed in this country. A supposed religion that thinks it’s ok to decapitate people or undertake terrorist activities or rape young girls. Time our government told these fuckin nutters if they don’t like it then FUCK OFF to another shit hole where thier sadistic practices are accepted.

  8. History, Modern Studies, Religion shouldn’t be taught in schools. They can’t be verified, tested, it’s propaganda not factual knowledge. I got my mind pumped with Hitler, Nazis, Holocaust, nuclear bomb 8-minute warning, Jesus getting tortured to death, etc. If you want to learn about that stuff then do so at home on your own from multiple sources not a Rothchild publishing house textbook.

  9. What’s fucking annoying me about the coverage of this story is they keep saying that the school is three quarters ethnic minority. If you are three quarters of anything, you ain’t a fucking minority.

    • Until a particular ethnic minority (brown or nîg-nôg) makes up over 50% of the UK population as a whole, it remains an ethnic minority, no matter how many of them happen to be gathered under any one roof. It’s not fucking rocket science.

      • Good Evening RTC

        Majorities and minorities in a country as fucked as this one.
        It’s all a bit of an oxymoron.
        I can only blame my incoherence on the fact that I’ve had a few pints of Caffrey’s.

      • Evening Herman.

        Even the best of us fall foul of logical inconsistency now and again….

  10. cheeky bastards, who the fuck do they think they are? They arrive here like a swarm of Locusts and poison our society thinking that they are superior, the only thing they maybe more superior than is the pile of vomit my dog threw up after eating cat shit.! An as for the wanker in question ‘the prophet Mohamed’ this lump of shit could teach Glitter and Saville a trick or two, where is that dude from New Zeeland when you need him.!

  11. Ah the religion of peace, yeah right, these backward fuckers make me laught a cartoon of dodgy Mo and their up in arms, protesting and thats not forgetting the French magazine debarkle, say or show the wrong thing and its kill the ifidel, crimson jihad.
    yet the counties that house these loons have to be tolorant of , bombing, terrorism, stealing dogs, rape and kiddy fidling, benefit cheating, illegal immigrants, playing the race and religion card all the time, one of their own Pritty Patel telling them they cant come in, total hipacrit and loads of other fuckers in all walks of life getting special treatment…..why is this, i dont get it.
    Granted not all of the are cunts but the ratio is very top heavy with cunts, i think they should get treated the same as everyone else, they will be threatening more bad behaviour, but if they want peace and harmony they need to shut the fuck up and behave like fucking normal poeple and stop acting like cunts, they have chosen to live in Christian countries because its better than the muzzy countries and yet wont be happy until they have fucked up this country.
    On a funny note i saw one of the local moglies smashing bus stop windows last night and today him and him mum are being lashed by sideways rain in the same bus stop…..isnt karma a wonderful thing…….stupid fuckmonkey

    • Where is the justice to Manchester arena victims? There ain’t none.

  12. Fancy getting offend over a cartoon, that’s like me getting offended because Roy of the rovers was wearing wrong colour shirt.

    Come on you camel bothererers get a grip, and nice to see the protestors didn’t appear to have jobs

  13. They are all working from home. Well, not exactly home……..there ain’t many sand dunes and camels in Yorkshire…….but you know what I mean.??

  14. There’s a video on YT of Muslims outside the school. One of the group mentions serious consequences abroad for drawing their prophet.. well, go fuck off there, then; this is ENGLAND, a SECULAR country. Don’t come here making any non-secular demands – everyone else respects this and moves on.

  15. A good start would be not to buy goods from a Sand-Nigga’s shop, restaurant etc. Need to make sure they’re not confused with Sikhs and other Indian/Asian communities though. No such thing as an ‘Islamophobe’. Don’t fucking tell me I have an irrational fear of a very real threat to our culture. They deserve a cunting of the highest order.

  16. I’d have ripped their fucking heads off. The country’s at a tipping point assholes like these need culling.

    • They’re just biding their time until they take over. From now on, it’s all about a numbers game. I’ve no time for any religion but the only way out of this is for other religions to align themselves politically to achieve a majority.
      The choice is simple – democratically driven civilisation ( notice a letter ‘s’ not a fuckin’ American ‘z’)
      OR an animalistic way of life based on Medieval practices.

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