A nomination for Batley Grammar School for being total cunts and not telling the religious nuts to fuck off.
A teacher in a RE class of year nines showed some cartoon/caricature of Mohamed in a discussion about blasphemy. You can guess what happened.
Muslim protests at the gates and the school apologising on their fucking knees and suspending the teacher.
When is this country going to stand up to these fucking savages and their stupid fucking religion.
Read all about it
Nominated by: Sick of it
and seconded by: AsItIs
I would like a proper, full on cunting for Whinging Muslims who protested outside a school because a teacher at the school used a picture of Mohammed.
This is getting out of hand now. The shithouse school has suspended the said teacher and issued a full apology. Why? Cunts.
The DfE has condemned the protests which is a good thing. At least they have some balls unlike the school.
If you don’t like it in the UK then go back to your motherland, although that actually might be the UK.
Anyway, stop fucking moaning about your Mohammed and just get on with it.
…and this conundrum from Simple Simon
A cunting please….for the Paradox.
The current unrest in Yorkshire following a mention of a picture of Mo Ham Head, has brought to the streets some of our most unsavoury retards.
The Paradox is this. By Law we ( the white and indigenous people ) must ( by Law ) tolerate a people, and a religion, that is intolerant to all that we are forced to accept ( by law ) yet they ( I refer to their religion ) are allowed to continue vociferously to flout upon our streets.
Who therefore are the victims here. I leave the rest to you.
Just seen that the school has had to close, and the teacher in question is under police protection. Surely all these religious maniacs hanging around the gates constitutes an illegal gathering under the current circumstances?
Ah but because they are Muslims, the police won’t do anything. They already have their ‘race’ cards out. It is a fucking disgrace.
Far more offensive is the shit that peacefuls teach in their segregated schools.
Samples of statements made by the scum filmed in that TV programme are:
“You cannot accept the rule of the kaffir…[w]e have to rule ourselves and we have to rule the others.”
“Allah has created the woman, even if she gets a PhD, deficient. Her intellect is incomplete, deficient. She may be suffering from hormones that will make her emotional. It takes two witnesses of a woman to equal the one witness of the man.”
“The hero of Islam is the one who separated his head from his shoulders”
“You have to bomb the Indian businesses, and as for the Jews you kill them physically.”
“The prophet Muhammad practically outlined the rules regarding marriage prior to puberty. With his practice, he clarified what is permissible, and that is why we shouldn’t have any issues about an older man marrying a younger woman, which is looked down upon by this society today, but we know that Prophet Mohammed practised it, it wasn’t abuse or exploitation, it was marriage.”
These savages don’t belong or deserve to live in the UK. They should be banished instantly to some shithole in the Middle East and provided with Shamima Begum for their sexual gratification.
Sadly all too true.
Unkle Tel’s oven for every one of them.
The establishment coddles any cunt who undermines our culture. The way to stop this was from day one to make it clear we are a free country.
This freedom of course allows anyone to practice their religion free of prejudice but also allows me to take a shit on your holy book if that is my wish.
If you can’t understand freedom is a double edged sword (these cunts should grasp that concept easily) you can fuck off.
Pandering to this type of cuntishness requires limiting the freedom of the majority.
Personally I believe Islam is incompatible with western culture. Am I still free to say so?
I fully agree. Islam is very outdated and also very shite.
Unfortunately you are not free to say so except on ISAC. This is due to the cowardice of those that should be protecting free speech.
Sadly we now reap what we sow.
RE in my opinion shouldn’t be on any curriculum. If it was renamed mumbojumbo or supernatural studies, which is what it is, then parents wouldn’t want their kids attending. As for this bunch of cunts, take them around the back of the bikeshed and insert a piece of lead behind the neck.
If they sack the teacher then this country is lost.
Mouse limbs and their stone age religion are not compatible with British values and culture, they are vermin. T
It’s far too late for that. The moment this country bent over backwards to allow this scum to demonstrate about anything at all it was lost and that happened years ago. The only punishment dished out for any of this will go to anybody who complains about this scum. Somebody should be outside the school with a heavy machine gun, dispersing the filth.
To be fair, initially, I suspect the school has suspended the teacher for his own protection.
What, in the same way all women should be protected from murdering policemen by never leaving the house? The cunts should be forced to disperse if it means doing it at gunpoint and any threats met with arrest, the same as it would for any ‘right wing’ white.
The school is terrified it will be burnt down by these ignorant, intolerant muslim mongs.
In France not long back a teacher was beheaded for a similar “offence” against Islam.
Thus you can understand why they feel the need to apologise but it makes me sick to my stomach.
Why do we as a nation tolerate the intolerant? How will the police respond to these protests? With kid gloves.
I am not a religious man but I am proud that Christians can accept jokes and insults about Jesus without getting all nasty and vengeful.
Problem is these twats have not been assimilated. They still think they are living in the desert. Well they are not. This is the UK where we protect, or should respect, free speech including the right to offend. If towel heads are unable to respect that then they need to remove themselves back to their countries of origin, pronto. Cunts.
The other side of the coin of course are the spineless individuals and organisations, like this school, who are not prepared to protect our values of free speech, and hide under their disks as soon as a Mohammedan rabble appears on the horizon. Double cunts.
A mob gathers to protest a teacher showing an image of Big Mo yet these diverse communities are the same ones who for decades kept quite over Muslim grooming gangs exploiting young white girls as well as the usual run-of-the-mill honour killings, forced marriage and FGM within said communities. Good to see these backward stone age goatfuckers have got their priorities in order.
If you’re the Head you’re in a tough spot.
Even if the cunt agrees that the teacher did nothing wrong, he or she (probably a fucking ‘they’ the way things are nowadays), runs the risk that some mad cunt will storm the school and start shooting or stabbing everyone.
The simple answer is to deport all the cunts, but hey ho. Any converts can go with em.
“But it’s the right wing that should really be feared,” they say.What bollocks! They were litter picking the other day, the evil cunts.
Fuck these moose limbs. Round ’em up, ship ’em out.
Yep, the school knows it has a duty to protect children, staff and other parents visiting. They will be savvy enough to know these cunts will use violence against the infidel and with impunity.
This should have been in the school’s T’s & C’s:
Clause 10.2:
We include teaching and discussion of different religions, to help promote diversity of opinion and the appreciation of the viewpoints of others. In accepting a place at this school you agree to be open minded in this regard.
This should have been the school’s response:
The people protesting here have all violated clause 10.2 of their Agreement with us causing us to immediately terminate their tenure at this school, a school which only accepts students with open mindsets willing to try to understand the views of others. We have asked the local constabulary to disperse this crowd and we will be making no further comment on this matter. Thank you.
This should have been the teacher’s response:
I teach in a school in Batley, not Tehran, and hence English culture is taught here.
This should have been the Government’s response:
Immigrants need the UK more than the UK needs immigrants and if they don’t like, or abide by our culture, they are not welcome here. Any violence, or threats of violence from them, will be met by immediate deportation. (To paraphrase a well know foreign leader!)
‘Should’ being the key word for all of us here, it seems.
I’m still for rounding em up and letting them ‘study’ at some fly blown maddrassa in the MENA region. It seems more to their taste.
“Should” ought to have become “would” back in Enoch Powell’s day. What has made things far worse is the current trend to kowtow to these minorities for the sake of political correctness (or whatever).
Indeed, Enoch was the real prophet, not pee-doh moo ham head.
Enoch was the greatest prime minister we never had.
A true British hero.
Im islamophobic
Oh, good show.
Bloody good show.
And in further news –
The University of Winchester is spending £23,000 on a statue of Greta Cuntberg. ‘The university wanted a sculpture of Greta because it is a very ‘green’ university, and they feel that Greta will be an inspiration to all the students.”
I remember people dancing to Agadoo and similar transitory shit back in the 1980s. In 20 years time their statue of Greta will be an embarrassment also.
PS The University of Winchester does not feature in the top 100 U.K. universities; no surprise there then.
With any luck it will be torn down and thrown in the nearest canal or rive by then. I wonder what the police will do?
Guzziguy, the ‘university’ of Winchester is one of those ex-polytechnics and therefore not a proper university.
Formerly known as Winchester Little Chef.
I saw the sculptor on the news this morning, a typical ageing wooly ‘liberal’ type. Probably belongs to lib dums or green party.
Fit in or fuck off !
I hope this causes an outbreak of mass protests in Muslim countries and that the peacefuls stampede their fellow peacefuls to death.
The pictures in the mail today, a line of all male goat shaggers outside the school, don’t they have work, no all on benefits paid by us
Department of Education
“It is never acceptable to threaten or intimidate teachers. We encourage dialogue between parents and schools when issues emerge.
“Schools are free to include a full range of issues, ideas and materials in their curriculum, including where they are challenging or controversial, subject to their obligations to ensure political balance.
“They must balance this with the need to promote respect and tolerance between people of different faiths and beliefs, including in deciding which materials to use in the classroom.”
Dialogue with the peacefuls, that’s a fucking laugh!
Robert Jenrick, the communities secretary, said: “This is a country based on free speech and teachers should be able to tackle difficult and controversial issues in the classroom – and issues should not be censored.”
Just make it illegal to protest within a quarter mile of a school.
Fucking P*ki cunts, all of them!
Wondering how long it will be before some sandal-wearing, muesli-crunching, soy-milk-sipping Islingtonite decrys Robert Jenrick for his intolerance of the ways of our goat-herding bretheren.
Totally agree that the Cunts should Fuck Off back to Sandland and take their revolting families and religion with them….but the teacher must be either the bravest man in the land or a complete fucking idiot.
Well, he’s a teacher so I reckon fucking idiot.
All this us but a prelude of what awaits the UK.
Perhaps we will realise the danger before it us too late but the evidence of the last 50 years indicates not.
A real fucking mess.
I don’ t get it, OFSTEDs latest report into this school states
“Typically, pupils feel cared for and included in school life. They have friends from
different cultural heritages and religious backgrounds”
… &
“in religious studies an inspector observed a teacher skilfully guiding the class through the differences between commitment ceremonies or their equivalent in the Abrahamic religions. The learning that was observed touched on a variety of cultural and religious traditions with sensitivity and respect. Pupils learned from each other’s faiths in a calm and thoughtful way.”
So it’s all good, why the protests? ……….. On a separate note, could someone explain WTF are “commitment ceremonies”.
My phone is a cunt as well.
Perhaps it’s got sand in it.
Thanks for the warning Enoch,but nobody took any notice.
Shouldn’t the rozzers be busting some head at these “illegal” gatherings?
Funny how all the Scamdemic stuff goes out the window when you may offend someone?
Shami Kebab please.
Oh sorry, this just in.
Local plod unable to break up demonstrations because they are busy arresting some poor old granny in Batley Park feeding the ducks in clear contravention of Boris edict 12254422 sub section B
This is all very similar to a Fascist or Communist dictatorship. Afraid to speak up due to the threat of imprisonment or violence if one bad word is uttered about the ‘Dear Leader’. We’re now reaping what we sowed with mass uncontrolled immigration since the end of the 2nd World War. It makes me wonder what the surviving veterans feel about all this, this is what they fought to defeat, fought for the right to sensible free speech and discussion. Why are the people in charge so afraid of these people? Enoch Powell saw what was coming 60 years ago, rivers of blood indeed.
I don’t normally side with Muslim extremists, but I’m gonna have to take their side on this one and possibly a bit of stick on this forum for so doing. Thing is, if my little kid came home school and said “Daddy, the teacher is making us look at scary pictures of Jimmy Saville” then I would not be impressed. School is not an appropriate setting for images of nonces or fiends. They may well adorn a dart board or air rifle target but never a school. So come on people, be consistent, no images of the paedophile Mohammed in our schools, makes sense.
I live nowhere this part of the country, or should I say, “their” country – but if I did, my little Epsom printer would be churning out pictures or Paedo Mo just as far as possible and I would be putting them up all around town……. because I’m a kunt.
If the cartoon is used to highlight an issue in the use of religion then it’s an acceptable tool. I am not sure it equates in any way to Jimmy Saville,
Blasphemy doesn’t exist in the UK, although an image of ‘the profit’ is forbidden in Islam it is not forbidden in UK law.
If the image had been used in the context of hatred then it would be an issue but it wasn’t, it’s no our fault that the followers of Islam aren’t not prepared to modernise and recognise that some things they find unacceptable are acceptable in a free society.
Yet another example showing a cuntish institution kow-towing to the dress wearers and the dress wearers not being able to have their desert beliefs questioned.
Hoo-ee, what a pile of cunts.
Islam is it? MNC kind of nailed it perfectly in a post some time ago – something along the lines of “The worship of shit by shit”.
“Islam in a Man is as dangerous as hydrophobia in a dog” – Winston Churchill, who had some experience of these rats.
Threats to kill? Serious criminal offence – none arrested. Harassment and threatening behaviour? Criminal offences – none arrested.
I am counting up the number of occasions a muslim has been beheaded, stabbed, shot, hacked to pieces, stoned to death or blown to pieces for showing a picture of Jesus – can’t seem to find any..
But show a caricature of an illiterate, thieving, r*pist p**dophile m*rdering savage and the pyjama gang are, quite literally, up in arms.
Well my attitude is, and has been for a long time, that islam and communism are the greatest threats civilisation has ever faced and the greatest threats humankind has ever faced – twin ideologies of pure, undiluted evil.
The UK and the non islamic world needs rid of islam and muslims, in entirety, by any means necessary, as soon as possible – our piss useless, gutless, fifth columnist politicians will not do this and they need to be gone and replaced with people who can and will.
Appeasement does not work with savages, only extreme violence and instilling the fear of it being repeated does.
Live and let live? No, not is this case – remove or execute, “religion of peace” my fucking arse. Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal, Iran will have soon with bedwetting clown Biden in charge and they would not think twice about doing the unthinkable and ending all human life on earth – under their vile, twisted ideology this would guarantee all muslims a first class ticket to paradise.
Right, best nip to ‘t mosque for Friday prayers – back in a bit! ?
The teacher will be thrown under the bus and obviously can’t go back there. Tough luck but better than having his head on a spike outside Batley Town Hall. One day the peacefuls will overrun this country. I won’t be here, which is a shame as I would love to see the libtards getting sliced up before the bastards come for me.
It would be so funny to hear the cunts squealing that they supported and protected the murderous bastards. Of course the squealing doesn’t last long when some cunt is sawing at your neck with a rusty blade.
Imagine when a tranny disses the big Mo at an ‘enriched’ school?
Self-exploding moohamheads, with 6ft trannies with five o’clock shadow, hands like Sepp Maier, voices like Bernard Manning – swinging their handbags at them as they go off.
What a fucking country.
Diversity is our strength. Wubble.
All the Paxi drivers need to get on with their hate-crime nonsense.
Hate is simply an heightened emotion of dislike, disrespect or utter loathing. It may not be nice if it is directed at an individual. And now it can be construed as a hate crime.
But when its directed at a notion, a rule or something not human, then it isn’t really a crime.
Hating football, sprouts or wasps isn’t a crime.
Hating The Beatles isn’t a crime. But hating Macca just might be. Even though its understandable I suppose.
No, hating Macca is fine, it’s hating Mecca which will have the coppers knocking at your door.
Are you sure this is true? After all, I have just watched the lunchtime news and not a mention of it.
Oh wait! It was the BBC.
The idea that it is ok for Muslims shout and ball and call for the death of anyone they don’t like should have been squashed during the Salman Rushdie affair 33 years ago. The fact that it wasn’t has resulted in the scenes today outside “Batleystan” Grammar school.
(I know it well). All the acts of appeasement to this hateful sect since the Rushdie episode has assisted in all the atrocities here and elsewhere in the west. Hang your head in shame so called leaders of a free Great Britain. We are slaves to savagery.
There are even more of these wankers outside the school now. Obviously they are all on the dole or taxi drivers. Why are they not being ‘moved on’ by the police? Double fucking standards as usual. Boils my piss. Horrible cunts.
The barbarians are at the gates of Rome. Who left the fucking key in the lock?