Anyannah Ndukwe

This is a tale of a woman getting caught trying to get a free train journey. She was spotted squeezing through the ticket barrier behind a paying traveler, and when stopped, told the guard to fuck off, calling him a fucking dickhead as she fled on to the train. Looking for this cunt held the train up for an hour before she wa finally removed from the train. Ok, cunt for sure, but when it went to court, in her defence she said it was her ‘Rosa Parks moment’, making it seem as though her only crime was not being white. No, it’s because you didn’t pay the fare, you fucking crim, it had nothing to do with race, yet you had to try and make it about it.
Teacher, labour activist, and now a convicted criminal.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

65 thoughts on “Anyannah Ndukwe

  1. ‘Is it cos Ise bleck “ (sic).

    No it because you’re a thief, you cunt.

  2. Ugly, egregious, race baiting, lying, thieving victimhood craving fucking criminal.
    No it isn’t your Rosa Parks moment either, you clearly deluded fuckwit.

    I think a whip round could be organised for a one way ticket somewhere exotic though sweetheart.

  3. Decent law abiding blacks must be holding their heads in their hands in despair.

  4. If that’s what passes for a teacher nowadays we’re all doomed. She should be sacked, she set a terrible example to kids everywhere.

    • I would point out that she is a Drama teacher who is doing supply work; even cleaners are higher in the pecking order ffs.

  5. Nigerians don t get to have a Rosa Park moment. They sold the slaves .They wernt slaves. Fuck right off chippy, uppity cunt.

  6. In 10 years time wait and see how much reparations the train company will have to pay her for this outrageous oppression!

  7. The train she was trying to dishonestly trying to steal a ride on was built by slaves, is driven by slaves and is maintained by forced labour squad from the black hole of Calcutta consisting of height oppressed Oompa Loompas.

    The train company is also owned by slave trader Captain Jack Sparrow and financed with money from Uncle Ben and Colonel Sanders himself.

    Indeed this is her “I’m a common thief” moment.

  8. People like her and that dreadful Dawn Butler woman seem to think that being black entitles them to be dishonest, and woe betide if anyone white questions that.

  9. If this is the calibre of shite teaching the yoof, no wonder they’re all useless spastics.

  10. This is the opitomy of everthing that is wrong with this country.
    Weak Policing, especially during all this BLM shite, poor teaching standards, a complete lack of moral fibre and respect for the law and any sense of right and wrong.
    I’d stick this cunt head first into a vat of boiling piss.

  11. What the fuck is an Any Annah? Not Dis Annah, not Dat Annah, but Any Annah. Must have been hard picking the right one off da train.

    And what the fuck is she doing in England? Why can’t Nigerians just visit like the Aussies do, then fuck off back home?

    • She’s from Liverpool, so if it’s not Dis Annah or Dat Annah, it must be De Udder Annah.

      Isn’t it about time courts increased sentences on those who claim racism if none is proven in court when found guilty?
      Any disciplinary action by education authorities will amount to a slap on the wrist. Mind, if you’re a Honky, they’ll likely throw the book at you.

  12. So that’s what Divine Brown is up to these days…
    I suppose it’s a step up from BJing chinless hooray henrys (or should I say hughs) that can’t act.

  13. Comparing herself to Rosa Parks, who was a genuinely brave woman fighting real racism, is delusional. All the so called woke revolution has done is create a class of opportunists who cry racism the second they are thwarted. Cunts.

  14. Am surprised there hasn’t been mass protests on the streets of London, with coppers bending the knee and doing TikTok dances.

    Clearly this poor woman has been dealt a typical racist and sexist sentence, and all because she’s a woman and not very white.

    Someone must build a statue in salute to this woman thing

  15. So I guess now a defense is that you tick a bunch of woke boxes? I guess I’m fucked.

  16. Anyannah Ndukwe – wasn’t that an album by the Police?

    What a vile creature. Abusing transport staff is unpleasant and completely unnecessary. She whines that her treatment was “racist”. I am sick to the back teeth of these chippy cunts who blame all their shortcomings on whitey being “racist” towards them. Just fuck off.

    This woman should not be teaching children; hopefully a sensible view will be taken that her position within the school is no longer tenable and she will be asked to leave.

    But “dat wood bees raciss n sheet and I want muh compo”.


    • I thought it was a lyric of Whacko Jacko’s

      ‘Any annah Ndukye, are you Ndukye, Any?’

      • Lyrics from the rather aptly titled ‘Smooth Criminal’.

        I also remember another Jacko hit, ‘I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles’.

  17. It seems every black tart wants to be like Rosa Parks. The Markle Scorpion (although she isn’t actually black) and now this unpronounceable Mills and Boon. Any slag of colour (or who claims to be of colour, like the Meghan Monster) who acts up or gets caught out doing something they shouldn’t will play the ‘Rosa Parks’ card from now on. Joke is, they won’t even know who she was or what actually happened. I wonder if Parks herself would be pleased that her name and her legacy is now merely another form of race card? That her name is now a mere convenience for wolligog wrong ‘uns and tarbrush criminals? Every piece of woke crap -from the Markle Mantis to the BBC (Doctor Whoke) now uses her name as a stick to beat whitey with. I’m surprised the cunts haven’t compared their sainted (but dead) pet Mandrill, Lord Chiggen Floyd George to Rosa Parks yet, Fucking cunts.

    • While I largely agree, Norman, you do a great disservice to scorpions by conflating them with monsters here. They are certainly not monsters but very impressive individuals. Not only those members of that German Glam Rock group, the predatory arachnids are remarkable creatures also.

      Very useful too, if you’re a homosexual assassin engaged in the elimination of unwanted, corrupt dentists, as evidenced in Diamonds Are Forever.

      • Fair point, Ajax. I thought of scorpions because the Markle is brown(ish) and very poisonous. Other than that, it’s an unfair comparison.

        Diamonds Are Forever… Jill St John.

  18. This is terrible. Where is Is A Cant’s very own news reporter, Ron Knee, to interview her?

  19. Well Rosa Parks actually paid her fare and got on the bus like a normal, civil human being so the comparison’s a bit dodgy isn’t you daft cunt? Another race card-waving oxygen theif. And once again, Labour. Say no fucking more.

  20. I think all things considered it’s time we brought back slavery – I much prefer cheery singing and the jangle of chains to all this nonsense! ??

    • I’m with you there. What better tv than Top of the Blocks as blix in chains sing for their freedom on a Saturday night. I’d watch it

    • As a child, Song of the South was always my favourite Disney film.
      I wonder if it’s Disney plus.

      • I think Song of the South has been removed on waissist grounds, along with the crows in Dumbo and the singing monkey in Jungle book, now dubbed by a white dude.
        Don’t these thick BLM snowflakes realise they are eradicating black artists from films. They seem to be doing a better job than the KKK ever could.

    • The VHS release of ‘Song Of The South’ is now worth a small fortune. Because it is now out of print and will never see the light of day on Disney Plus or on DVD. Even though Uncle Remus is portrayed in a positive light. Disney are proper cunts.

  21. Thieving fucking chimp.
    Hopefully a criminal record will be the end of her teaching career.
    Hold on, what am I saying? She will probably be head of diversity and inclusivity at the local school.


  22. The report also says she’s a Labour Party activist. Why does that surprise me? Always wanting something for free.

  23. Trouble is, the silvery moons think that being black absolves them of complying with any laws and regulations. c.f. chiggun george fo floyd.

  24. This tarmac tart will probably end up getting a cushy council job. Either that or a position at the BBC. Fucking Congo Cunt.

  25. Gets caught thieving and immediately whips out the race card.

    Rosa Parks moment?

    What next? Mugging an old granny and saying it’s her Mother Teresa moment?

    Fuck off you robbing cunt (allegedly).

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