Another cunting for Alex Salmond please.
The ebullient cunt is now trying to bring down Nicola Sturgeon which would normally be a good thing, but it hides a civil war within the SNP. These are people who would use the full weight of legal challenge to get their own way – at the expense of the tax payer.
Alex Salmond’s legal team already received £500k of tax payers money to keep the fat pest out of jug in a failed sexual assault court case.
I think the secret within the SNP is that he is such a fat cunt that if he couldn’t have won independence in the independence referendum then no-one else (not even Wee Jimmy Sturgeon) should have the chance. This is a very weird way for any politician to work and shows their true colours of the cult of the leader and fucking disregard for the people of Scotland. The SNP are all a bunch of traitors and should be hung, drawn and quartered. The cunts.
Nominated by: Anton Pillar
I have some sympathy with the fat cunt, the case was weak and it was still pursued even after the legal advice that it was unlikely to succeed.
I doubt it was a conspiracy against the cunt but more a fucking PC #metoo charade.
The sooner the Scots fuck off the better because the saga of independence will just go on and on.
That picture makes it look like he’s preparing to spurt his spunk up her vagina. Wonder how they’d feel about that right now.
And he hopes that she has another miscarriage so he doesn’t have to pay for the sprog.
I just wonder…….did he ever…? Just wondering of course.
I think it’s great, watching these cunts rip each other apart. It’s a bit of an eye opener for those that vote for these turds. They probably find it hilarious when they stand up in the commons with no other agenda than to fuck up Parliament with their bullshit, but now realising that they will be just the same if given the keys to the kingdom.
They even released the evidence against Sturgeon on the day of the budget, in an attempt to bury the story amongst the incessant reporting of that.
No chance, Nicky, watching you national socialists implode is way too much fun.
It is a good thing that he is defending himself against the corrupt SNP and wannabe President Moanalot. The whole thing looks like a story line from House of Cards (the more evil US version.) Much as I don’t like the SNP, I can’t put Alex Salmond into Room 101; he can stand outside it like a naughty boy and make sure the rest of the SNP are inside, door locked and key chucked away.
Getting rid of Sturgeon achieves nothing; there will be another willing zealot to take her place.
I thought it interesting the other day when Alan Smyth ( Super Turbo wank piece ball bag extrondinaire ) was asked about St.Nicola’s innocence on misleading the Scottish Parliament, he left it ‘in the air’; … about her innocence. Tell me he’s not after her job …
If Sturgeon falls then it’ll be the bigmouthed cunt himself, Ian Blackford, who’ll probably take charge.
He’d rebuild and extend Hadrian’s Wall to keep the evil English out. The TV in Jockland will show nothing else but endless repeats of Scotland beating England at Wembley in 1977 and Braveheart. On the radio, it’ll be the Proclaimers 24/7 and 24/7 hate against the English.
I’d help the cunt build it, but he’d still want us to fucking pay for everything, including his 200k+ expenses claims every year, the fat fucking cunt.
Facing north across the border should be giant TV screens showing the goals from England’s 9-3 drubbing of Scotland in 1961.
I would love to see Blackford Lead the SNP. They’d be fucked to a standstill within a week.
Or Gazza’s goal in Euro 96 ??
In the same way I loathe Kweer Charmer more than Corbyn, so I dislike the Sturgeon bissum more than Salmond, but I am not keen on any of the four of them. I suppose with me it is a case of my enemies my is my friend. Saying that I despise Jock Blackford more than the hag.
Just lock the jocks in a room and show them endless repeats of The White Heather Club in black and white with dear old Andy Stewart – they will eventually die of boredom. There are only so many renditions of Donald Where’s Your Troosers and My Ain Folk anybody can stand, especially while being force fed all butter shortbread.
Much as I cannot stand the weird Nazi witchlet, I find the idea of the Blackford cunt getting even more MSM oxygen utterly appalling. For this reason, I hope that the weird Nazi witchlet survives to stagger on for a while longer whilst politically wounded/compromised. Salmond is a whale sized cunt.
Salmond, Sturgeon, Blackford, Blackman, Black, Smith, Hosie, MacNeil, Cherry, Gethins, Ferrier, etc – all make me to projectile vomit in equal measure.
Just the sound of a Scotch accent nowadays is enough to make my stomach turn. It hasn’t always been that way.
The sooner the whinging, over-represented cunts fuck off and stop mooching off the English taxpayer the better.
“Just the sound of a Scotch accent nowadays is enough to make my stomach turn. It hasn’t always been that way.”
Completely agree Ruff. I fuckin’ squirm when that woman speaks.
Much of her accent is exaggerated and laid on thick.
The latest word that makes me wretch is “doze” for dose (vaccine)
“Dozes” for doses.
It’s “dose”, you dozy cow.
In the way that BLM and the LBGTXCZZS circus have made us detest blacks and trannies, so the SNP has made us despise the Jocks.
Well done. They have had 14 years in which everything in their remit – health and education, has gone downhill. We have subsidised the sweaty cunts before and after the pandemic. Thick as pigshit.
I hope they get independence and fuck off to cosy up to the dregs of the EU where they belong. As an EU state there will have to be a fuck off wall at the border. Bring it on.
The only reason Sturgeon is trying to insert her tongue up Von der Lyings ring piece is cos once the parasite drops off the body of England, it will need to find a new host to feed off. The EU know it and have brushed sucker Sturgeon off.
I suppose that the acid test is ‘ which of these would you least like to have living next door to you ?’.
Salmond. He loves Scotland but Sturgeon loves Scotland and hates England.
The thing the fat bastard doesn’t understand and the media doesn’t say is that the sexual assault case would have been brought by The Crown Prosecution Service. I don’t think even the Scottish Parliament would have a say in the matter. It was a solemn case and the Police and the CPS were duty bound to investigate.
All this side show about ministerial review is bollocks. He’s trying to cover his arse so that politicians can get away with serious crimes in the future. The fat, useless, despicable, money grabbing bastard. Just when you think he can’t sink any lower he can and he does. You can tell I don’t like him much.
If there is any good to come from this it is the Scots are realising that the SNP are incompetent liars.
They may decide to stick with the incompetent liars of Westminster in return for more cash.
Ban the SNP.
Lock all the cunts up in a dungeon.
They are traitors. They would hand Scotland over to the fourth Reich then wear poppies on remembrance Sunday. Cunts one and all.
Salmond, Krankie, Blackford…….bastard communist cunts the lot of them. The only cunts who can hate a group of people and not be labelled raaaay-sist. Of course we have our old friend Phoney Tony to thank for this debacle. I say give them their fucking referendum again. Give them one every fucking year until they fuck off to their beloved EU. Whining fucking cunts.
Salmons is no better or worse than 99.9% of everyone else with their noses in the Westminster trough.
Fuck Scotland-a beautiful land ruined by the Scottish cunts who live there?
(Just like vast swathes of Englandistan?)
Fat ugly cunt who’s probably racist, given his out and put hatred of anything English.
The sooner the wall is rebuilt and they get Scotch Independence the better.
Oh yeah and no Pound Sterling either, good luck with the Euro. All that Salmon, haggis and shortbread to export will soon sort out your national debt.
Scotch and smoked salmon to drop in price?
Independence now!
The SNP are more toxic for Scotland than heroin.
If Fat Al throws the corrosive little demon that is Wee Burney back into the fires of hell, then he’ll do for me. Well, sort of. He’s still a cunt, but he gets points for helping to fuck over the EU collaborating gargoyle.
There’s not much wrong with Scotland itself. Midges and Jocks can fuck right off and leave the rest of us to enjoy the scenery on the odd days it doesn’t rain or dreich us to death.
Oh and ensure Skye and Lochaber is used a nuclear test site when he who ate all the pies Blackford is at home!
That photo tells a thousand stories. It looks like wee Jimmy is rather reluctant to have the Fatboy’s tongue down her throat.
A cunt’s a cunt, for a’that.
Someone needs to whack a spurtle up his todger. However, if wee Jimmy krankie’s head explodes, Salmond gets a couple of fudge brownie points.
Just be grateful the morbidly obese pie-gobbling cunt Blackford wasn’t in the pic.
I hope they rip themselves apart.The Scottish Nazi Party.Fire up the McOven Unkle Terry
What a repulsive pile of dog shit this man is and as for Krankie, she is the most unfuckable woman in Scotland and they have some disgusting crack whore’s.! Give them their independence an I for one will relish in watching the ginger piss heads fuck it up within 2 yrs.!
The lesser of two cunts is still a cunt (take your pick which that is)
is the word.
Inside and out, the pair of ’em..
fucking jocks, nought but trouble.
Up there with the fookin fenian bar stewards in many ways.