Ungrateful Asylum Seekers

A, I hope you have umbrellas ? ☂ ☔️ cunting please Admin for ungrateful “Asylum seekers”!

Once again another bunch of these sneaky unscrupulous vermin (Napier Barracks, Kent) have decided to burn down their own living quarters in what is now a very common trick to try and jump the queue and due legal process to get a house.

What action would I take if I was the Home Secretary? I hope you have coats, hats and umbrellas because you’re going to get fucking wet and fucking cold you stupid ungrateful cunts. Oh and by the way, if your applications are accepted you now automatically go straight to the bottom of the queue by default for you criminal damage!


Nominated by: Coolforcunts 

40 thoughts on “Ungrateful Asylum Seekers

  1. The 2018 UN Migration Pact that the Conservatives (conserved fuck all) enthusiastically but rather quietly signed up for, places the needs and demands of these new citizens above pretty much anything or anybody else in the UK.
    Not content with lowly army barracks then just burn them down.
    Not content with a 4 star hotel then why not burn that down too.
    You’ll get a house soon Mohammed.

    • Just the one? That’s no use, they’ll need one for each of their 4 wives and 19 fucking minibombers.

  2. Nothing to see here, it was “a bit of a ruckus” according to Care4Calais. A bit like those CNN cucks reporting on “mostly peaceful protests” from BLM rioters while standing in front of recently looted burning building.

    • A bit of a ruckus that will hasten their luxurious life. It’s like a real life game of Monopoly for them.

      Alright Kassim here are the rules: Every time you complain you get £200. When you land on Community Chest, somebody will pay your bills. Take a ‘Chance’ card when you do any crime. We’ll have your house ready soon though in the meantime stay in a hotel all at taxpayers’ expense.

  3. No problem with it burning down, it’s just they should have all been inside.
    Ungrateful cunts. This is the only accommodation we should offer them during their entire stay in the UK. They have food, they have a roof over their head. Should be made to work and contribute to the economy. If they don’t like it, we can ship them back to France.

    • Army barracks should not be their only accommodation. If they are refugees they should be in standard UNHCR accommodation, i.e. a tent.

      Therefore, we need a vast area of land such as an Army firing range where we put up tents and portaloos with portable gas stoves for cooking. This place should be out of range for mobile phones and wifi, and surrounded by electric fences and razor wire. There should only be one computer with Internet connection on site so that when these parasites, scavengers and scroungers send messages home we know where to send them back.

  4. Napier Barracks sounds like a ailment.
    “Be gentle with me. I’ve got a bad case of Napier Barracks”.

    • Im sorry to tell you this mr Spoonington but the test results show your positive for Napier Barracks.
      Apply this cream twice a day and don’t fondle fruit in supermarkets,
      Its highly contagious.

      • Oh lord cheesus! Thankyou Dr MNC. I promise not to touch any fruit. None of that healthy nonsense for breakfast.
        A full English with everything. Apart from mushrooms. Save them for Ruff Tuff Creampuff. 🙂

  5. Feel free to fuck off back where you came from, rather than turn up here to leech off the system, its about time these cunts got treated like the vermin they are, if it was up to me it would be a tractor inner tube and Sudan is that way mother fucker off you go, the Aussies have the right idea, gun boat and shark infested waters…..

    • Didn’t Spine Millington have a character called Frank J Itchikutchi?

      I have an interest in breasts, but no need to go round setting people on fire. He looks like an “aspiring rapper.”

  6. Thought if you came in from certain countries you get ten years in prison .Does that solve the problems .It might stop the organise onslaught of dinghy arrivals

    • White man break rules: Him get ten years in gaol.
      Brown rat break rules: Me get ten years in ‘otel.

  7. Why do they keep crossing the channel for?Are they thick?We are FULL.We have no jobs left.Another load of them came across a few days back.Send them all to Unkle Terry’s oven

  8. They made their own oven out if their generous accommodation.
    They should have been made to lie in it.
    Fucking infestation of vermin.

  9. You’ve escaped from mortal danger, you’ve risked death to escape, you’ve left your family and all your possessions for the chance to live in safety and in freedom.

    Your biggest concern in life is the length of the lunch queue?

    Fuck off, your a fraud, asylum denied off you fuck.

  10. What is not mentioned ( I live near by ) is that these Peacefuls can come and go as they fucking please. An unarmed security guard with all the power of a PCSO on the gates.

    Its a fucking joke , give the cunts some bricks , sand and cement and they can fucking rebuild it – pointing east no doubt – Cunts.

  11. Why is anyone surprised? It’s a long term plan to replace our population with Africans and asians. Cultural vandalism and population replacement. Wtf is anyinevsurorised at this.
    Patel, indian,is a senior minister, Sunak,or whatever,is the chancellor and doing a fine job of destroying our economy (all supported by the Tories) Khan,or whatever its name is, is wrecking London , the arse on charge of vaccinating the population has some unpronouncable name and is about as British as a Zulu war dance…..you all sound shocked.
    It’s the established policy. White folk must be eradicated. Get use to it suckers it’s the future.

  12. Priti Patel seems a useless waste of skin in sorting out this shit show.
    If these fuckers like starting fires so much then maybe they should be introduced to Terry’s oven.

  13. I had a couple of completely dotty – a la Ealing Comedy – great aunts who lived in Folkestone. We used to drive down to see them occasio ally. My sis and I found much amusement in a sign painted on the side of a shop, going up the hill from lower part of town.

    “Bonk the Baker.”
    I often wonder if he was a German immo, and if by any chance his ovens are still in situ somewhere. Local incineration is friendlier for the environment. Walk the cunts through the snow-filled streets in a howling gale. I can hear the disembodied voices of great aunts screaming “Whip them, whip them…”

  14. This is an event that WAS reported. Just how many unreported incidents at Nappier and Penaly camps?

    Shit like this will ensure the rise of fascism in the west, stupid fucking cunts?

  15. Our ex-servicemen live on the streets, whilst these parasites get to live in accomodation fit for our armed services?
    How’s about we deport the ungrateful fuckers and open up these old barracks for our ex-servicemen instead?
    Many an ex forces blokes would welcome the chance to get back on their feet on a base and be grateful of the facilities they have (and not try and burn it to the ground)

    Speaking of forces, how’s about the Royal Navy start doing its job and defending our borders?

    They can get one of those Merlin Helicopters down the channel and sink any unlawful vessel entering our waters especially anything resembling a dingy with +120 goat botherers on!

  16. Once social housing became allocated by “need” that was it for locals, Ali ,Mtembog, Shazam whatever top trumps every fucking time. House key’s guaranteed we will get you some furniture no rubbish mind. Whilst the couple who have lived in the area since birth whose ancestors built the fucking place and earned their right of residence with blood, sweat, beer and poverty are living in a shithole flat owned by an illegal who has managed to accrue enough money to become a mini slum landlord by amongst other things sub letting his social housing house ( and still getting housing benefit for said house) and the old PIP fraud. Fuck me I need a drink just contemplating this not unusual scenario.

    • Our most excellent local MP in Ipswich is on record for demanding “local housing for local people”.

      Anyone who disagrees with that can fuck off.

  17. Just double them up in the remaining space, they’ll think twice before destroying the rest of their homes that way and peer pressure should cause them to wind their necks in or else get a good stabby stabby.

    • Good enough for the Gurkhas but not good enough for the islamic shit of the earth?
      This ongoing invasion is arranged, funded and encouraged by Iran and Saudi Arabia (amongst others) – they are different sects of Islam, hate each other and are in a race to fill Europe and the UK with filth as the oil they make their money on will be all but useless in forty years, and the last thing they want is a Country full of angry broke savages and the risk their despotic dictatorships are overthrown.
      Islam and muslims should stay in islamic Countries, their vile practices are not welcome and not wanted by decent evolved societies – but the last thing any muslim Country wants to do is actually take any muslim “refugees”.
      The last and greatest war of humankind will be western society against the twin evil totalitarian ideologies of socialism and islam, it is coming, it is inevitable and we had better seriously hope the right side wins.

  18. Great nom.

    Hate the fuckers. Most economic migrants who have passed through many safe countries to get here. You can’t tell me those arriving by boat have come directly from Africa of the Middle East and not France.

    Not to be confused with genuine asylum seekers, of which there are very few and which the UK has an obligation to help.

    Burning down detention centres is simply a criminal offence and must be punished. Don’t repair the damage and let the ungrateful cunts live in the mess they have made for themselves. Then deport them.

    Cannot understand why the government are STILL allowing people to arrive by boat and allowed to stay. Immigration and the lack of control of hundreds of thousands of people who have flooded into our towns and villages with absolutely nothing to offer is the number one reason people vote for Brexit,

    People like me have simply had enough, and when the weather improves more will arrive. By their hundreds and thousands. Do something Priti you useless fucking waste of space. We are out of the EU now, perhaps you hadn’t realised?

    • WS@ – Pigtel – AKA “The snowflake slug” has promised in her loud Lambrini fuelled chav voice that she may think about having a meeting about sending an email about something or other – IN FUCKING OCTOBER! ?), it should have started on January the first and international law is quite clear – claim asylum/refugee status in the first friendly Country you arrive at, we have every legal right to turn these fuckers straight round, but Patel does nothing but award ten year contracts to hotels to house these vermin.
      She has zero intention of doing a damn thing and it will get to the stage where people are preventing this madness themselves, and guess who gets arrested then?

      • Agreed Vernon

        MSM don’t report on it although it is a fucking disgrace what is happening.

        Almost as though no one cares any more about what happens to this once great country.

        Apart from our local MP, the Tories are just not doing what they were elected to do, and are a bunch of useless, ineffective, lying cunts.

        Doesn’t help when the opposition are even worse.

  19. It’s gone way past a joke.

    Airline travel, if you don’t declare you have travelled from a high risk country, is soon to be punishable by up to 10 years gaol.

    Meanwhile, you could pitch up on a south coast beach in a rubber dingy and get rewarded with a lifetime of free benefits wheresoever you’ve come from.

    The root cause of the issue is the draw of free benefits. This attracts gimmegrants like moths to a flame. The flame needs to be extinguished. Touring Spain some years back I came across some chain gang labourers in the fields. Just like out of Cool Hand Luke. Guards with shotguns etc. That’s the way forward for this lot. Internment camp and free chain gang labour for the local farmers. Every couple of years give them the option of a free flight back to wherever the fuck they came from. Once word got out none of the fuckers would want to come here again. Simples!

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