A good news Cunting for any Creepy Joe Biden fans out there….
As well as his Gender discrimination order allowing tranny’s to compete in women’s sport he has today reversed a Trump order and that now allows tranny’s in military.
He really is one creepy old deviant cunt but will be for the next four years the gift that keeps giving. Well, as long as flat back doesn’t find a way to sneak in sooner.
Fuck off!
Oh and btw….Former Trump speaker Sarah Huckabee Sanders enters political race….You can trust the BBC to put their “totally unbiased” dirty, leftist, terrorist supporting burn loot murder, Antifa, spiteful slant on the story though!
“In true Trumpian fashion, his former White House press secretary broke the news in a video posted on Twitter.”
And some poor deluded cunts are actually helping to fund this BBC, left-wing, pee dough file enabling ring, via their extortion tax. Not for me they fucking well aren’t ?
Ps, as I look into my crystal ball, I see…SHS….Four more years, four more years, four more years!!! ??
Nominated by: Coolforcunts
With added commentary from Uttercunt:
It’s going to be hilarious to watch as he wrecks America. I’m sure he doesn’t even know what he’s signing. Some cunt slips a folder in front of him and says sign here.
The Ivans and the Red Army will be pissing themselves. They will be laughing from now until next Christmas non-stop.
Not to mention the chinks and the Iranians.
Yep ? Imagine the Chinese leaders, Putin and his cabinet laughing hysterically at pictures of Bidens Health Secretary, Trannie Larue and the news they’re letting trannies in the military.
And America had the cheek to complain about russia using performance enhancement drugs in the Olympics ? they don’t need to make up propaganda America is doing it for them.
You get what you vote for and in a years time there will be a seismic event off the Richter scale as 80 million jaws hit the floor at the same time.
Suck it up leftards.
Very few will be frontline combat fodder or see any dangerous military related work, most will get telephone operators jobs, cafeteria cooks or assistants and middle management grunt work. You know otherwise jobs meant for fucking women…
This is bollocks. Danny LaRue did it years ago.
Why are americunts so gun crazy violent and stupid?! I swear they are living theirs lives like a fucking movie
This depressing American tale ends with 3 dead and it all happened over a minor argument about snow shoveling and over a small exchange of insults https://twitter.com/DiasporaIn/status/1357686422426288128 Graphic video click view after you click link
Back in caveman days you watched your lip lest you got your skull cracked, some people haven’t moved on. Don’t fuck people about if they have access to firearms, it’s easy to push too far.
Act the cunt, get shut down.
Back on Nom, will Bradley/ Chelsea Anning be reprieved and get its old job back?
Ps: Biden is a sordid puppet for Communists.
Over fucking snow tho it melts in spring ffs! that woman was especially dumb you don’t escalate the situation by more insults she apparently had a pistol too but was obviously a bit short on the draw
I use to be more sympathetic to US gun rights because of high crime but I see videos like that an wonder if gun control isn’t such a bad idea afterall This fight could of been avoided but due to american bravado ended in senseless death
I dunno Chelsea manning really does deserve a pardon tho he leaked American war crimes and was labeled a traitor
Biden is but he’s a great neo-liberal cunt he could just as well be a republican… At least he has the integrity not to disavow his own supporters like Blumpf has done countless times
Psaki is Pstupid.
Yeah but what a decent pair of knockers that ginger has especially last week in her red sweater.
The only good thing to come from Biden’s presidency so far
Definitely bangable. Does B&WC have a view?
I can just imagine him/her fighting a war in North Korea. Chipping his/hers nail varnish whilst trying to take a hill near Pyongyang in high heels. What is the world coming too?
At least Dr. Rachel “Meatloaf” Levine will be able to fight for his/her/their country like a bat out of hell.
Amelican pigs, your women vely vely ugry.
And here is the grave of the unknown gender.
? Great response.
They can dress this up anyway they like, but it will still be a ‘disaaaster’!
Its opening up a whole can of worms for these degenerates and their constant demands for “equality” by making everyone else bend over backwards to accommodate them, enabled by Sleepy Joe, Wokahontas and the rest of the Democrats.
Its a national security issue too, are standards like physical fitness going to be lowered to make up for the fact men and women – sorry snowflakes, are different?
The transbenders are already prone to suicide and mental illness due to their lifestyle choice, and now some cunts want them to be surrounded by weapons too.
Can you imagine the turd/fan interface when a normal soldier gets shot in some barracks in ,say , Alabama by some tranny goes berserk with an M16. The lawyers will be after Uncle Joe with a vengeance.
Last two paragraphs are precisely why Trump banned them, making his reasoned decision after taking on board all the advice and opinions.
But no. Tango Bad, Ladyboys with guns good.
Can they use them as target practice?
There’s a rumour going round that Joe’s wife Jill signs the Executive Orders as his shaky handwriting is so bad. Reagan’s aides signed most of his documents in the second term as Ronnie couldn’t be arsed and would rather watch TV. It’s in his son’s memoir of all places. These Presidents and Prime Ministers are just puppets, some are not so obvious like Clinton, but with Biden, it’s like they said, “Ah fuck it, let’s see if we can get away with using a confused, rambling, dementia patient.”
U.S. Navy Heels….
Took me a few seconds to get it; but I am pissed.
And the Pink Berets.
Regarding the photo at the top of this page, I think they put an extra “R” on that lady’s* badge by mistake
*May contain nuts
It’s a mental illness for fucks sake! It’s impossible to be born in the wrong body, yet cunts think it’s like some clerical error rather than the person being a bit fucked in the head. Humour them by all means, but this nonsense needs to stop before someone gets hurt.
Men dressed as women in the army. You could not make it up. The army of Patton, Eisenhower, Stormin’ Norman.
If they had been in the British Army at el Alamein. Monty inspecting his troops. The third one from the left looks odd.
It is just so fucking stupid.
I was actually astonished on that SAS programme there was a drag queen. Ant Middleton assessing him. Has he got the stamina, the inner resources…seriously discussing him. He’s a fucking drag queen ffs.
You couldn’t make it up.
Oh, I don’t know. It was not uncommon during World War 2…
America is going down the shitter.
Sleepy Joe is going to totally fuck the place up.
A platoon of trannies? What a fucking piss take. No wonder the west is falling.
The dame in the photo looks as though he’s about to bend over when Joe walks through the door.
“Happy Birthday Mr President.”
An old American Miliatary term is very much relevant to this nomination:
This one of his first acts. We’re on Day 17 now and the latest assault on the military was his new token-plaque Sec of Defense ordering a ‘stand-down of operations’ for a proscribed period, in which to root out ‘domestic terrorism’ across the board (ie anyone who voted Trump/is wight/is Christian/isn’t LGBXYDDLAJFAS).
I could either be depressed about it all or I could sit here saving up my wee for as long as poss, so I can piss myself pointing and laughing when the entire country comes tumbling down around the libtard Left’s eyes and ears. I choose the latter, it won’t require too much bladder stamina until it happens.