The senior officers of REME, the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
It seems that the junior rank of craftsman maybe somewhat problematic for these poor snowflakes, because it features the word “man”. Apparently, this is too gender specific and non-inclusive to females and, presumably, those who identify as female. These senior officers have started a consultation among members of the 7,500 strong Corps about possible alternatives. Already suggested have been, private, technician, engineering technician and artisan and technician.
First of all, you’re asking squaddies for suggestions as to what the rank should be renamed? Seriously? Have you ever actually met a squaddie? I want to see the suggestions that come back, they will be epic. Second, and this has been pointed out by other former military personnel, if it must be changed, why not follow the RAF’s example? They now aircraftmen and aircraftwomen. Simple. No fuss, no worries. Craftsman, craftswoman. Only the MOST woke would complain about that. And it works for other Corps and Regiments that also use a rank with the word “man” in it, such as rifleman or guardsman.
When the Corps was formed in 1942, Montgomery said that it would ‘keep the punch in the Army’s fist’. Their job is to ensure that the combat arms can do their job properly, not fucking fret over whether some lumpy jumper female will take offence at being called a craftsman. Senior officers seem to have forgotten that. Changes will coming to the Army over the next few years, some of them will be for the better. But a lot of them will leave those of us who served wondering why the fuck we bothered.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
I’ll bet Put1n is p1ssing himself laughing at all this sort of thing, especially transgenders jointing the US front line.
I remember playing a computer game with my son years ago called Red Alert. The “special weapon” you could deploy was a “Tanya” – basically a suicide bomber type. I’d bet a modern day version would deploy “1zzards” on the non S0viet side – basically to mince up and down the enemy lines while Blighty gets blown to smithereens?
The armed forces and the police have far too many very senior officers. The Royal Navy for example has several officers above the rank of captain for each ship.Something has to to be found for them to do and it does not come as a surprise that pointless committees are set up to keep them in work.
In WW2 the USN had task forces comprising of several fleet carriers,many smaller ones ,battleships,cruisers and escorts with a combined manpower several times that of the current RN under the command of a rear admiral.
It won’t matter what the official term will be, squaddies will come up with a better one. Our army might not be the biggest in the world, but we have by far the best sense of humour. In the Falklands, the army would refer to the locals as Bennys, as in Benny from crossroads, who was a slow witted bumpkin character. This became frowned upon, so they called them ‘stills’ instead, which meant still Bennys.
Craftstranny (for radio obviously) Craftslezza, Craftsrimmer. Seems simple to me. How come there is no campaign to simply rename Women to Wo? It just surprises me as they are so anti ‘men’.
That is fucking awesome.
The Housework Cavalry…?
“Never before have I seen such a blatant display of poofery. NEVER IN ALL MY LIFE.”
Well said Battery Sergeant Major?
In the RN whether it be WRNS, lady or female sailors, they are and always have been known as ‘splits’.
A recent documentary I watched showed their mess. Instead of the customary pictures of tits and fannies there were bunny rabbits (not those) squirrels and other shit. Imagine being at action stations with that fucking lot to drag you out injured. Stay indoors, do the ironing whatever but just fuck off. Leave it to men. Fucking splits.
Off topic and I hope the Admins won’t mind, but this is quite important.
If you’re using a Chromium-based web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave etc. can you make sure you’re up to date with the latest version (Version 88.0.4324.150 )
If you’re not sure how to do this, click the 3 dots top right of your browser, click Help, click “About Google Chrome (or your choice of browser)” it will tell you if you’re browser version is up to date, and if not it will automatically do an update.
There is a major exploit older versions that can compromise your browser and your device in a very bad way. So be advised, and get it done, Thanks
Cheers for the heads up TC.
My chromebook says up to date with version 76.0.3809.136 is this right? Thanks.
More than likely, but if in doubt follow this link
Cheers Techno
According to wimminz, if it wasn’t for MEN there would be no wars, which means there’d be no need for defence forces and these snowflake senior offices would be out of a job, which they should be anyway. Have they never heard of Russia or China?
I’ve had this argument with femstasi and soyboys many times over the while. Man is a generic term for humans, the old English being woman and wereman (as in werewolf) the “were” having fallen out of popular use. If these Rupert’s have nothing better to do than dribble shite then they should pick up a shovel and muck in.
Admin, what was the trigger word?
Cheers, Shackles.
Old Monty was right with that quote.
My Mrs ex was REME and he was very handy with his fists
I thought a large proportion of women in the armed forces drank from the “furry cup”-ergo “one of the lads”.
Just call them all sailors, soldiers, engineers etc: or us that too simple a solution??
While they are chasing round after this rubbish the Chinese are plotting to annihilate us.
I wonder who will win?
I guess the Signals were ahead of the curve for a number of years as “Signalman” was replaced with “Signaller” before I even joined up.
If you ever ask somebody in the REME what they want to be called, it’s the same answer as given by members of the RE – “Call me what you fucking want, just don’t call me FELLA!”
Nobody likes being called fella. It means the person calling you by that doesn’t know your name, and can’t be arsed to find out. I once saw a 2Lt point at my RSM with a knife hand AND call him fella. The result was like watching Krakatoa erupt, only worse.
Monty will be spinning in his grave
Craftsman, skilled worker doesn’t need to be gender specific.
Call me what you like. Just don’t call me late for tea. Especially if it’s a casserole on a cold day. 🙂
Apparently, the Army’s senior officers read ISAC. I’ve just read that they’re now considering changing ranks like Rifleman and Guardsman to Rifleperson and Guardsperson, to reflect the fact lumpy jumpers are now allowed in the infantry. Either that, or I’m the modern Nostradamus. Of course, I can sit back, for now, and feel somewhat smug. My old regiment, the Royal Artillery, used the correct ranks, gunner and bombardier instead of private and corporal. None of that gender specific shite for us. Yet!