The Public sector is a parasitic cunt.
Back in 2008 I broke my foot. Sitting on my arse with daytime telly I realised every add was for unpayable loans. I sold my property two weeks before Leeman brothers went belly up. Watching the property shows on daytime telly today its pretty obvious that pen pushing, early retirement public sectors workers have managed to shield themselves from everything including all the fall out from this “pandemic”. Its like just before the Russian revolution but the other way around.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
I used to laugh when I watched those adverts. Payday Loans among others, short loans to ease you through till payday and then the best part was when the APR popped up at the end! 2556% etc ? My next thought was I’m in the wrong business ??
If a back street money lender or loan shark was caught demanding those rates he would be front page news! Are there actually people financially desperate enough to bite? Supply and demand then.
Yeah I’d much prefer a world full of salesmen and money grabbing bankers
Public sector pensions are the cunt…. all picked up by the taxpayer. Going at 57 on 80% final salary the fucking parasitic cunts.
I’m 44, I would have to have paid £3k a month into a fund since I was 16 years old to get anything like what these rapacious, self serving, sneering, centrist dickhead cunts get for gratis. and they do absolutely fuck all service to the civitas. Cunts.
Vast pension liabilities lie ahead on top of the current deficit due to Covid.
We’re both at the younger end of Gen X.
We are fucked.
My wife works for the NHS and has for a total of 20 years.
Compared to what she could earn in the private sector her pay is shit.
The only redeeming factor is the pension.
Ever since I reached a certain age I’ve had an overwhelming urge to join the NHS and help out in maternity wards delivering babies.
My doctor says it’s just a midwife crisis….
Let’s not forget the insistence of employing BAME / Non heterosexuals / disabled / women / or any combination of the above, just to balance the books.
God forbid we should employ someone because of their ability to do the job.
Meritocracy is waaaaay-ciiiiiiist, Duke. How do you expect the minorities/ unemployables/ inexperienced/ uneducated/ undeserving/ lazy cunts/etc. to feel special if they’re not treated in a privileged way?
I have worked in the public sector (finance) and the private sector.
The public sector is a never ending cycle of waste, mismanagement, fraud, laziness and “jobs for the boys” – efficiency is not only not rewarded but actively discouraged.
The private sector is different, and a lot more ruthless.
We need private sector thinking and practices in the public sector, but this will not happen because it would expose how overstaffed it is, how much money it wastes, what nonsense some of the jobs are and how utterly piss useless and bone idle some public sector workers are – most of the good ones generally soon jump ship.
I smashed my heel bone in 1988 and it’s still fucked. The public sector can go and fuck themselves.
I fucking hate the public sector. All jobs lost due to the chink flu have been in the private sector. These stare sector cunts have all been cushioned.
The government has stolen our freedom, taken a hatchet to the private sector and now have people worshiping the criminally lazy and inept state sector. Stupid cunts.
Lazy feckless cunts. They have no need to try because there is no mechanism for failure.
No matter how shit they are they almost never get sacked.
Cunts cunts cunts.
Timely cunting as the public sector union just overturned the 97k payoff cap in court.
Trough feeding cunts.
From the ONS:
‘ For March 2019, there were an estimated 5.39 million people employed in the public sector, 15,000 more than for December 2018. 16.5% of all people in paid work were employed in the public sector for March 2019, an increase of 0.1 percentage points on December 2018.’
So much for the conservatives being the party of small government and I assume that total doesn’t include all the people who are employed by serco, capita etc who would be out of a job without government contracts.
They’re not Tories they’re the labour party. Johnson is a red.
Sweaty fat cunt.
Dismantle the welfare system to make a start on redressing this shit state of affairs.
How many Great Dinghy Heroes would roll up knowing they would get nowt?
All of a sudden the public sector would shrink..and save the taxpayer a fortune.
Politicians and in turn the Snivelling Service couldn’t run a bath.
Ffs Snivel you cunt of a phone..
Is that you M.I.5
And, in the unlikely event it all turns to shit in that you catch a new boss who expects you to follow his directions, you always have a golden parachute:
Taxpayers are the mugs who keep on giving…
Just another false dichotomy to keep us fighting with each other.
The real issue is that these institutions and their private sector counterparts are all infested with selfish, greedy degenerates. The private sector isn’t noble, just more ruthless and efficient, and prepared to throw anyone under the bus. Whereas public sector folk will throw you under the bus but don’t make it a pastime or actively seek it out as such, they’d rather scuttle away unnoticed like the bloated cowards they are.
the public sector is the enemy of the people – all on full pay during the ‘crisis’ – noen of them available to do any work though – although know some have been retrained to deal with the new abnormal – councils, highways, civil servants, the nhs – all of them are cunts
The Public Sepsis is indeed the nations – in fact many nations – most bollockial bastardcunt of epic proportions. I spent nearly 26 years in the fucker from 16, battling uphill against the Stepfordian robotrons in ‘authority’ at each incarnation in turn, trying to get done what actually served the public rather than what served the petty, archaic, maladministrative internal instruments that really hold sway in it.
I will consider going back, but part-time so that I’m under the income tax threshold. That way I’ll keep all I earn and I have half a week to myself without having to stress about the shitty politics of it all.
That was exactly my experience.
Hate them. Primary school teachers who work 4 and a half hour days (when you factor lunch and play times into the 9-3), and have triple your money pension packages, 12 weeks a year paid leave and literally can be as shit as they like at the job and can not be sacked unless they are a nonce. All they do is moan about the ‘stress and difficulty of the job’.
Auxiliary nurses who literally do nothing an untrained volunteer couldnt do and spend most of the day chatting and drinking coffee.
Junior doctors who want a 90k starting salary.
Various pointless jobs made up in your local council/services/nhs that involve sitting at a computer clicking on nothing all day.
all they ever do is moan about pay. And preach how they would do so much better and command so much money in the private sector.
Funny how none of them ever dare venture there though because they know they couldn’t hack the real world for 10 minutes.