The EU, the UK, Covid-19 and AZ (4)

The EU – are the ultimate (unts

Late to order vaccine supplies they now say “first come first served may work at the local butchers but not in our supply contracts”. And they are asking for vaccine supplies (made in the UK) to be diverted from the UK to the EU.

(I would have put a link here but the website thinks it’s spam.)

So far the manufacturer seems to be standing up to the (unts but what’s the betting the Jellyfish rolls over for them?

I just don’t think the arrogant, self-serving, corrupt, despicable EU can be (unted enough. They display their (untitude on a daily basis.

We might not have properly left their cabal but we are supposed to be pretending to have left. That has to be reason enough to tell them to f*ck right off, surely?!

Nominated by: mikdys


…and seconded by CuntyMort

Ursula von der Hitler/Leyen Delete as appropriate

I see young Ursula has wet her knickers over the Covid vaccines. Now her and the stinking new european order want Great Britain to hand over vaccines made in England. Here darling make a sentence out of this Ursula fuck yourself go

55 thoughts on “The EU, the UK, Covid-19 and AZ (4)

  1. Well that’s Germans for you. They have no queueing system so I’m not surprised she threw metaphorical beach towels over the crates a vaccine.

    Fuck off!

  2. She can have my dose of Alien Covenant poison because I’ve had the fucking thing for real…she can squeeze it up her wrinkled old euro-arse and then blow it out

  3. The EU will be looking for anything, no matter how tenuous, to point the blame on the UK!

    They might be getting £39bn from us (and it will be interesting to know exactly where that money will be going), but they know we were a major net contributor, and now they face a massive financial black hole that only a similar-sized country like Germany, France and Spain could fill!

    By and large I greatly admire Europeans, and I voted to stay in the EU at the last referendum! But the EU as an institution, is a corrupt dictatorship that the MSM fail to take on board for some mad reason.

  4. The EU, Covid 19 and AZ in one nom, fucking hell. This is almost beyond human endurance. Pass the sick bucket. This nom is the cunting equivalent of Everest with some stairs on top.

    EU – world’s biggest pile of cunt
    Covid 19 – world’s second biggest pile of cunt.
    AZ – probably a massive pile of cunt

  5. We joined a 3 Country trade deal in the early 1970’s which subsequently turned into a money twisting dictatorship.
    Every time they behave like this it confirms what a good decision it was to leave.
    And several other Countries (Poland, Hungary, Holland etc) are rumbling – the possibility of other Nations leaving is highly likely and just to rub the EU’s nose in it we should offer all who leave very favourable trade deals.
    We should have just left, cut all ties and commitments immediately and then began negotiating – they need us a hell of a lot more than we need them – but the jellyfish folded and we got screwed, just as I knew he would.
    And Adolf Von Der Leyen can goosestep her skeletal arse back to Nuremberg where she belongs.

    • Exactly correct Sir Vern. Though don’t tell me you haven’t enjoyed a wonderful week watching Ursula von durr Underpants monstrously fuck it up in every conceivable way. She’s been spiteful, useless, arrogant, inefficient, and petulant.

      I’ve fucking loved it.

      • The problem is CM – even though Van Der Leyen has shown herself to be as useless as she is dictatorial absolutely nothing will be done about her – we live in a world which rewards weakness, incompetence, corruption and failure.

      • Why on Earth do you want her removed? Like David Moyes when he was manager a Man United, I want her to stay as long as possible.

    • When it is on the brink of collapse you just know that the troughers at the top will say ‘We are listening to you; lessons will be learnt’.

      • PS . Admin what have you done to my what’sit?
        You now depict me as a happy relative of that robot on Futurama. I demand to be restored to the puzzled creature about to have a heart attack.
        ‘My arm is long and my vengeance total’ as General Midwinter was fond of saying.

  6. It is a problem of reliance. The Member States are now reliant on the EU as the EU has placed itself in a position of ultimate rule, whilst the MS now abide by the various Treaties. EU is a powerful trading bloc, it should do what it is paid to do, pull strings and procure licenced vaccines from wherever on the globe to supply its Member States.

    If the limit of the EU’s power is to bark orders at AZ and threaten to place export restrictions on their Belgian factory, then it should hopefully show to the Member States, for once and for all, that the EU is a toothless behemoth which is not worth a wallaby’s wank, and certainly not worth the billions of Euros in subs. It should therefore be left to hang out by its saggy old nuts to wither.

    If the EU was so fucking great then why did 14m British people think otherwise? If the proof of benefits was so incontravertible then why on earth would anyone in Europe want anything else but have the EU do their bidding?

    Answers on an out of date belgian chocolate bar wrapper.

  7. Von Lederhosen can have my shot also.
    I can’t believe so many people are desperate to be jabbed with something that appears to have been put together during the lunch break.

    I haven’t reached the stage where I’m considering opening an account with Bacofoil just yet but I’m giving this jab a wide birth….

  8. Look at it this way, if they’re reacting like this then they’re clearly pissed off we’ve left as it makes things worse for them.

    • We don’t have a word for it but the krauts do….schadenfreude.

      Translated means ‘Taking a delight in the misfortune of others….’ I can’t think of a more apt word indeed.


  9. One things for certain those cunts in The Republic of Ireland won’t be paying for anything Little country big politics and don’t pay just scrounge.
    Stop using England as a short cut into Europe via our ports go the long way round same as the airspace it’s ours not yours .
    All your beef products sell them to Micron we don’t want them ??

  10. Fuckers hold up imports because they want to be stroppy, babyish cunts but happy to fast track imports of the vaccine.

  11. I was working on an NHS facility the other day doing upgrades and I watched this old woman, she must’ve been in her late 80s come chugging into the carpark, revving the engine like mad…she got out, assembled a contraption and proceeded to stagger across the carpark towards the building carrying a clear bag of piss…it took her ten mins to do this and if you ask if help is needed you’d probably be arrested under Boris law 99874816

    If I ever reach that point I hope I’m dead….I’m no coward when it comes to passing on but if I get to her point, blast me out of existence please.

  12. The useless EU taking charge of the vaccine procurement and approval was a complete cock up and now they, in the form of Mrs Hitler, are trying to deflect their incompetence by taking on AZ and are pissed off that the UK were more efficient in pre ordering the vaccines and the MHRA were more efficient in monitoring the vaccine development and trials than the EMA.
    The EU knew that if they left it to member states the the the Germans would have been way out in front which would be a bit of a slap in the bollocks to EU unity, but it seems to have backfired because now everyone is criticising the EU ?


  13. Pantomime.

    Like in the UK not long ago, with ‘vaccine shortages’ due to supply issues (bottles or some shite).

    Who fucking cares. It’s nothing but collusion of pharmaceutical companies, mainstream media, and governments, in order to generate a nice tidy profit for shareholders and kickbacks for the sycophant shills pushing this industrial garbage.

    • Ive changed my mind about the vaccine.
      Im still not having it yet, but think others should, whether they want it or not they should be forced to have it.
      If they object, -back of a van and pinned down and forcibly injected.
      Oh, an no explanation or telling them what it was.

      • Indeed. The best antidote is not being a gammy cunt in the first place though. Vit d and zinc are crucial. You can buy a years worth for nothing.

        Vitamins and minerals just don’t have the same profit margin, and don’t require billions in taxes for research.

  14. I’d just like to know which politicians ave interests in which medical companies. This includes vaccines labs and suppliers. By interests I mean shares, relatives, directorships, former directorships etc.

    • SV@ – lots and lots of politicians and “medical advisers” are cashing in big style on the quiet – I have a FOI request to find out how many and how much.

      • There is MASSIVE money changing shifty hands over all this, amounts you can only dream of.

        Not only have Boris, Hancock and the other cunts got blood on their hands but they have pockets stuffed with dirty cash too….well at least their mates do.

        Check out some of the “suppliers” they have bunged billions to.

      • The public really are dumb and have the memory of a goldfish. Otherwise people would be talking about the other epidemic ‘scares’ that never materialised but still generated billions in medication (e.g. Tamiflu).

        The western medical industry is built on corruption and fraud. It hasn’t really changed much from the days of peddling and hustling cures consistenting of arsenic and mercury to fearful people.

        Fear can be used to sell anything.

  15. Refused mine bollocks to it DNA changing experimental drug…..its only bloody seasonal flu

  16. Those tin pot dictators should come and get them by force.

    Molon Labe.

    We’ve had to knock fuck out of them before and I suspect we shall have to do so again.

    And I should also point out these European types are all well and good but far too keen to embrace Fascism or Marxism.

    Double fuck the lot of them.

  17. Whenever I hear Ms Von Der Leyen’s name mentioned, I’m always reminded of Ursula “The Giant Douche” from South Park.

  18. The old sow is welcome to my vaccination too.An extra large needle injected into her arse cheek.Stuff Europe and stuff all the covid crap

  19. Wasn’t there a really ‘clever’ bloke on here championing the EU for some time?

    I’m sure there was…

  20. What we need to do, is start a rumour that Vitamin B6 in a rare form found only in human semen, is a barrier against covid?
    The media live to inject fear in the general public, capitalising on the fact that most of the population is as thick as porcine shi-iite.
    Remember YK2? Hadron collider?


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