The Catholic Church (2)

The Catholic Church, in Ireland particularly.

I was brought up catholic. My mother was Irish and had a peculiar Catholicism based on superstition and fear. Fear of nuns. Fear of priests.

Evidence coming out of Ireland shows that for many years unmarried mothers had their babies taken away by the church and that a large number of babies died and were disposed of. By what means we can only guess. Many, many 1000s of babies.

This horror is added to by pee doh scandals in the church and priests fathering children while condemning ordinary Irish people for immorality.

So my point is – ‘How could anybody take this cult seriously with what we know went on and goes on?’ And what has the pomp, hierarchy, hypocrisy and venality of this church got to do with the teachings of the New Testament?

Nominated by: Cunstable Cuntbubble 

54 thoughts on “The Catholic Church (2)

  1. The Catholic Church, like all Churches and of all Religions, is simply an extension of Governance, a tool, a device. Islam is the same. However. When it comes to finance, theft and a little buggery, we ( the Catholic Church ) excel

    Nice little earner.

    • Good Morning Father,

      I was talking with a customer of mine a few years ago, a chap of Kurdish origin who had shagged his way around Europe and ended up making belts in Shoreditch. I liked him a lot.
      I asked him if he was a meant to be a Muslim and he said yes, what about you and I replied atheist but try and live my life to a Christian ethos. We both agreed that religion was bollocks and that throughout the ages the principles of life don’t change much, one of those principles being if you have plenty of money life is alright but if you don’t it is pretty shit. That naturally produces a difficult situation as those with money want to hang onto it and those without want to get hold of it by fair means or foul. The answer is that the rich tell the poor that if they behave themselves then after death in the next world, in the after life, they will have riches beyond their dreams. Religion is a bit like an insurance scam where you pay the premiums but when you put the claim in no-one is about to pay up.

  2. All religion is a cult, call it what you want, it’s a cult. If someone turned up today proclaiming to be the son of the great sky fairy we’d pop them in a nice warm padded cell. Organised religion will be the downfall of humanity. Look at the middle east, there was a time they had tremendous thinkers, astronomy was pioneered there, as was math I believe but I’m open to correction. Them along comes the goat and kiddy fucker and the place slides in the shit hole it is today. Still stuck in the dark ages.

  3. Cuntstable You have made a very valid point sir. Go back some years and the church particularly the catholic one made so much out of the fire and brimstone type texts in the old testament probably to brow beat the poor stupid and ignorant. Bit like the peaceful not lot today.

    Like you said read the new testament and not of that is there. The gospels those in the bible and those written but not placed in the Bible speak of a society that the western world has used (though gets no credit for in at least trying to create a peaceful society).

    Revelations is a bit of a scary read but the gospels speak of love and peace how could they be misinterpreted so by the church?

    • Is it the church or is it the individual?
      There is always a danger in condemning an entire group. It called group identification and allows a group to be condemned regardless of individuals within the group. It has been used in the past to get rid of entire groups of people. The nazis did it with Jews, most most dictatorships use this technique.
      I’m sure there are many good people in the church it’s just that shit floats and all we hear is bad news because good news doesn’t sell .
      Beware of group identification. It persecutes terribly .

      • For me it has been the hierarchy of the Church
        (group of Christians ) who have sadly become corrupt at times and deviated from the message of forgiveness and love.

        Not like I’m an expert though I’m far from one.

      • Collective worship is not essential in order to live a life based on Christian principles. In fact, collective worship indicates a degree of insecurity in those who practise it. We then have the ridiculous situation where buffoons like Justin Welby
        profess to be in personal contact with God and think this will influence others.
        Let’s face it, if you were God, would you choose this cunt to carry out your ‘work?’

  4. Brought up as a Catholic, went to a catholic school with pedo and downright violent nutters for teachers,think the start of Pink Floyds the wall, thats what these cunts were like, except with a bit of touching and punching, caning and the 4 corners of the room, which meant being thrown into the 4 corners of the room, trying to avoid certain gym and metalwork teachers especially around the showers and trying to avoid both head teachers for fear of getting a proper beating.forced to spend way to much time in church, Easter was a fucking nitemare, i used to dread and Christmas wasnt much better [ not good for kids] , i cant say i recommend it to anyone, fire and brimstone loons the lot of them……cunts

    • It’ll probably be something along these lines:

      “Good can come out of Evil. It is an opportunity to grow as well. God allows Evil for those reasons.” (MP 27/12/2020)


      • Bloody hell, Ruff. You’ve got a file on all of us haven’t you!
        I would imagine Miserable’s is several volumes long.

      • I told you Bertie, I’m compiling a book. It’s called:

        “The Bumper Fun Book of ISAC Cuntings and Comments for Boys & Girls, but not Gender Fluid Attention Seekers”.

        Currently running at 1560 pages. Seriously! And you feature prominently in it… ?

        I get most of my information from Number Two’s files.

  5. Not religious at all even though I’m CoE

    Seems that with all religious followings its just an excuse for bishops, vicars, imams etc, to go round kiddie-fiddling with impunity, and then relying on the usual denials and cover-ups when they get found out

  6. I rejected catholic’s my at the age of 7 when a priest told the assembly at my RC primary school that all Protestants would burn in Hell for eternity.
    Thank dog he didn’t mention what would happen to Jewish people and the moose limbs.

  7. This lot should be renamed to more accurately reflect their nature. I’m thinking ‘The House of Nønce’ would do nicely.

    Again and again this lot get caught with their pants down around their ankles, whilst the Vatican continues to sit on a disgusting amount of wealth and probably many more times what is publicly known.

    The Jòós get flak for being the devils right hand man, but I’m convinced it’s this lot.

    • It’s almost too easy a target. On the pyramid of religious cunts they would be at the very zenith above all the other nonsense and poison.

      Have you heard the good news?
      There is no god, Heaven, or Hell

    • I looked at the authors profile ( Lea Rose Emery) and came to the conclusion she’s a millennial wimminz and a bit of a libertarian.
      Judging by her articles and the platforms she writes for I doubt her words have any integrity behind them and are written for effect alone.
      In other words, a grade A cunt.
      I thought about putting her forward for a nom but realised this attention seeking slapper wasn’t worth the bandwidth.

  8. There wss another piece Donohue did but I cannot find it at the moment. All I have is this. Anyway, I’ll get back to you if I find it. I know that you would want to give the other side of the argument a fair hearing.


    Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the findings of an important Irish report on Irish nuns:

    Another interim report by Ireland’s Commission of Investigation of the Mother and Baby Homes has been released, and it debunks some myths perpetrated by the critics of the Sisters of Bon Secours in Tuam, a town in County Galway. It also vindicates the position of the Catholic League.

    Katherine Zappone, Ireland’s Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, said there is “little basis for the theory that rather than having died, the children were ‘sold’ to America.” In fact, the report explicitly notes that “there is no evidence whatsoever that could support that theory.”

    The report also shoots a hole in the theory that the remains of nearly 800 children were found in a septic tank on the grounds of the Mother and Baby Home. It concluded that “human remains found by the commission are not in a sewage tank.”

    The Irish, English, and American media have dealt with these two issues dishonestly. Only the Irish Times made mention of the babies hoax; only the Irish Independent cited the sewage tank hoax; only the New York Times mentioned both. Those who depend on the BBC, and most American news sources, have been kept in the dark.

    In this country, for the past several years, no media outlet swallowed the moonshine about both hoaxes more than Irish Central. Now that the report is out it is harder to do so. Irish Central has since acknowledged that the babies were not sold, but has still not owned up to its role in promoting the lie that the remains of 796 children were found in a septic tank.

    No one floated the vicious lie that the nuns sold abandoned children to Americans more than Martin Sixsmith, Steve Coogan, Judi Dench, and the Hollywood crowd.

    Sixsmith wrote the book about Philomena Lee, Coogan did the screenplay adaptation, and Dench played her character in the movie, “Philomena.” The number of bald face lies told about the nuns is staggering. Take, for example, an interview that Coogan granted to MSNBC in 2014 about the movie.

    Richard Liu, the host, said at one point, “And you’re talking about a group of girls and women, out-of-wedlock, having children in these institutions [homes run by nuns for troubled young women], and their children were taken away from them.”

    This is a lie: the nuns did not walk the streets of Ireland seeking to rob kids from their mothers. In the case of Philomena, her father took her to the nuns to care for the baby she could not provide for.

    Coogan replied to Liu that the home was “the only place that you could go to.” He is correct about this: no one was kidnapped—the women came to the nuns voluntarily. Moreover, the alternative was the street. Lucky for Philomena, her father placed her with the nuns—the same nuns who found her a job after her baby was born.

    Coogan said these women were “effectively incarcerated against their will.” This is a lie: no one was “incarcerated”; Philomena did not live in a jail cell. The word “effectively” is interesting: either they were imprisoned or they were not. Coogan also says “their children were forcibly adopted.” This is another lie: Philomena voluntarily signed a contract when she was 22. No one “forced” her to give up her baby.

    Liu says, “And then [the nuns] prevented [the women] from finding their children.” Coogan says that in Philomena’s case, “she was obstructed at every turn by both the government and the Church.” Two more lies: the Church didn’t stop anyone, and Philomena never set foot in the U.S. until 2013; this was long after her son died of AIDS. Contrary to what the film contends, she never looked for her son in the U.S.

    It must also be noted that the babies were never “sold” to anyone, never mind the “highest bidder.” Did some American couples offer a donation to the nuns for their services? Of course. But one must be a fool not to recognize the difference between offering cash to buy a baby and writing a check as an expression of appreciation.

    Regarding the “mass grave” sewage-tank hoax, anyone who was not an ideologue should have been able to figure that one out a long time ago.

    In 2014, a reporter for the New York Times, Ed O’Loughlin, wrote that “a dogged local historian,” Catherine Corless, “published evidence” that 796 children died in the Tuam Mother and Baby Home, and that the remains of “some” were found in the septic tank. In fact, Corless is not an historian—she is a typist.

    Interestingly, the official statement by the Mother and Baby Commission, issued on March 3, 2014, made no mention of a “mass grave.” Why not? If there were evidence of a mass grave surely that would have been the lead story. Instead, it says “significant quantities of human remains” were found in sewage chambers. That is disturbing but it does not support the wild claims of a “mass grave.”

    Consider, too, that on July 12, 2016, another government interim report was issued and it, too, said nothing about any “mass grave.” It must be mentioned that even Corless, the source of the “mass grave” allegation, made no mention of any “mass grave” when she wrote about her findings in a 2012 article titled, “The Home”; it was published in the Journal of the Old Tuam Society.

    Corless not only failed to mention a “mass grave,” she offered evidence that undermined her thesis. She wrote that, “A few local boys came upon a sort of crypt in the ground, and on peering in they saw several small skulls.” She mentioned there was a “little graveyard.” That is not the makings of a mass grave.

    Corless said in 2014, “I am certain there were 796 children in a mass grave.” She offered no evidence, nor did she explain why—just two years earlier—she said there were “several small skulls” in a “little graveyard.”

    The primary source for Corless’ “mass grave” thesis is Barry Sweeney. When he was 10, he and a friend stumbled on a hole with skeletons in it. In 2014, he was asked by the Irish Times to comment on Corless’ claim that there were “800 skeletons down that hole.” He said, “Nothing like that.” How many? “About 20,” he said. He later told the New York Times there were “maybe 15 to 20 small skeletons.” In other words, Corless’ primary source contradicts her account!

    When this story broke in 2014, Ireland’s Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn, said the Corless account was “simply not true.” The local police said at that time that “there is no confirmation from any source that there are between 750 and 800 bodies present.”

    Now that the latest Interim report has debunked the sewage tank thesis, Corless is trying to put a happy face on it. She said she is “very, very, pleased” with the report. The source of her happiness? She agrees with Zappone that some individuals must know more about what happened. That’s it? Yes. Not exactly something to hang your hat on.

    The Church haters, naturally, are not going away, though even they must concede that no babies were sold and no septic tank strewn with bodily remains has been found. Still, there are holdouts.

    We are now learning that there are some pictures that accompany the report, most of which have been redacted, that are allegedly troubling. Ready for the smoking gun? A blue baby shoe has been found at the Tuam site.

    Look for Corless, the “dogged local historian,” to track down the other shoe and then declare victory. Such is life in the loser’s lane.

    The media are not flagging this story because to do so would draw attention to their own biased coverage all along. So we are doing it. Score one for the Catholic League.

  9. I can’t comment. That would be a ecumenical matter.

    (Good old Father Jack! – DA)

  10. The world would be a better place without any version – just think of all
    suffering caused in the name of “religion”. This one isn’t great but there are even worse out there.

    All religions are (unts?

    • The world would still be a shit place. Conflict is inherent to human nature and if we didn’t have religion we would just find some other thing to fight over.

  11. To quote.
    There once was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time was called the Dark Ages.
    How fucking true, except my mother and close family still believes that utter shite. Raised as a catlick beaten regularly at school taught the Christian dogma. No Islam or Judaism taught in those days. It won’t end anytime soon with parents and grandparents insisting on their offspring follow ‘the way’.
    Back on topic the evil fuckers would have deceased babies not christened buried outside of the fence of their so-called consecrated ground. Biggest organised crime group on earth. Fucking cunts.

  12. “It has served us well this myth of Christ.”

    Leo X – Pope 1513-1521 (allegedly).

  13. Knowledge is power, in any era there is a predominant source of all knowledge and control of the source of the knowledge bestows great power.

    We had abuse of religion belief for political power for centuries, then political ideology developed into quasi religions and now science replaces religion as the ultimate sanction of political misuse of power.

    Religion on its own is not inherently bad, someone trying to follow the teachings of Christ is actively attempting to live a good life and there is much in Christianity that is admirable. There is much in scientific endeavour that is admirable but there are some that will abuse the science for personal and political gain.

    Once people become zealots the root of knowledge is secondary to the power that control of knowledge bestows.

    It’s fashionable to bash religion but then religion also encourages people to believe that that there is something above political ideology. I’m not religious but I find it disturbing that the religious are now considered a free target for bile, we always have to find someone we can kick with impunity. Before you kick the fuck out of someone else’s beliefs make sure you’re prepared to be persecuted for you own. Do you actually gain anything or improve the world venting at someone because of their beliefs or have you been manipulated to repeat the attacks instigated by others with a vested interest in undermining the thing you’re now attacking?

    • Richard Dawkins could do with reading this comment. He’s more dogmatic in his atheism than most of the religious people I’ve met, and most of my family is Catholic.

  14. Unelected unaccountable control of the large numbers of world populations…

    What’s not to like ?

  15. I think all religions are full of self serving hypocrites – the RCs have their dodgy priests, CoE has bloody Justin Welby and his bunch of poofters (remember Chris Bryant MP “Captain Underpants” used to be a CoE vicar. I think there is a lot of fear attached to the RCs and I am not keen on the antics of some of their “church schools” which seems to be full of discipline fetishists, and men hating lesbian nuns, but it is amazing what you can do with people who want to believe in superstition.

    If I had my time again I’d be Jewish, so I could get introduced to Anthony Blair’s rich friends, and become the new Phillip Green.

  16. The Catholic Church is the personification of evil. When my Irish Grandfather died my Mother was put in an orphanage run by nuns – the most psychotic, vile, hateful bitches ever to rent a pair of lungs and a heart who caused physical, emotional and psychological damage which she never recovered from. Another Irish relative was in a Catholic orphanage, repeatedly r*ped by a bunch of priests and ended up killing himself.
    “Original sin”? Fuckoff.
    Children born evil? No they are fucking not – it is the job of adults to lead by example, not to fill kids with some idea that because they were born they are bad.
    Baptism? Do it or the child will be in “purgatory”. Fuckoff.
    “Breed like rabbits and bollocks if half of them starve”. Fuckoff.
    “Give us all your money so we can have even more as you eat dirt”. Fuckoff.
    “Priest? Don’t have relationships with the opposite sex or get married – you are married to God”. Fuckoff.
    Fuck Catholicism – if I ever see any of those black crow priest bastards hovering I have a strong urge to do them very great and sustained harm.
    Filling the swearbox with every bit of change I have then going for a fucking long hike now to cool down.
    That is all.

    • I have heard so many similar stories from catholics or children who had the misfortune to find themselves in a catholic run children’s home?

  17. I suspect that most of the comments here are just the kind of kneejerk anti-Catholic remarks I´ve put up with all my life, either from Orange bigots in Scotland or people who have been brought up as Protestants, a spin-off from Rome which is anti-Catholic by its very nature. These examples in the post are indeed horrific and I can recall a number of shady priests and brothers from my schooldays but none of this distracts from the spiritual dimension of the Catholic Church that brings comfort to believers.

    There are an estimated 1.3 billion Catholics in the world and they are not all superstitious brainwashed peasants who were abused as children. Tens of thousands of people voluntarily convert to Catholicism every year. Figures from 2015 show that six million American Catholics were adult converts.

  18. Didn’t Tony Blair convert to Catholicism? He must find its compatability with evil reassuring. From the nazis to the IRA, the mafia and murdering drug gangs in Latin America, there seems to be no evil it won’t absolve you from.
    Except contraception. Can’t make more Catholics with a rubber on….

  19. ‘Whats the difference between Acne and a Catholic priest?’

    ‘Acne waits until your 13 years old before it comes on your face’

  20. I like them.
    The pageantry and the garments, the ritual and singing.

    Oh no!
    Sorry thinking of Hawkwind.

  21. And let’s not even start about their little ‘deal’ with Mussolini and his fascists. A lot of those cunts in the Vatican should have been strung up with him.

  22. I think it is impossible to “defend the indefensible”, with regard to the catogue of abuse and atrocities committed by religions, particularly catholic’s ☹️

    Possibly, the most corrupt organisation in history.

    • And all true too.
      The bit at the end that lists the regions and countries where systemic abuse was prevalent, is truly shocking ☹️

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