Shamima Begum (5)

(Despite the ruling, you just know this isn’t over. Expect lots of bleating and fake outrage from the Left – DA)

Shamima Begum and the Court of Appeal

At the time of writing this nom, the piece of human waste that is Shamima Begum has been refused entry to the UK ‘to fight her case’.

We all know that if she gets in, it’ll be impossible to get rid of the cunt. She’ll also cost a fortune (she’ll need watching for the rest of her life by security services, new identity, free house, benefits for life etc).

If you recall, this bitch had her citizenship revoked for fucking off and joining ISIS. The Home Office, in a rare show of doing the right thing, told her to rot in the Syrian ‘refugee camp’ as she would be be allowed back into the UK.

Well, that brought out a big slimy bunch of shyster and Islamist lawyers from under their rocks. Then, the lily livered, bleeding heart Court of Appeal agreed that she should be allowed into the UK to ‘fight her case’. Her rights, you see, trump everyone else’s. Fuck any security risk. Not just from her, but from those aligned with her in the UK.

Thankfully, the Supreme Court have just told the Court of Appeal to ‘fuck right off’ in legal terms.

Those on the Court of Appeal who voted to bring ‘poor Shamima back should all be dropped off at an ISIS training camp, the fucking cunts.

Rot you fucking bitch.

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 


… and seconded by Quick Draw McGraw 

I need to add my voice to the Shamima Begum (or Shamima Begone, as I shall now call her), the pig faced, donkey fucking, terrorist whore who launched an appeal against the British government’s decision to withdraw her status as a British citizen and deny her entry to the UK, after she fucked off with another, now dead, young Muslim lass to the ISIS hell hole of Syria.

Whilst in that charmless, rotting corpse of a failed state, she married an ISIS terrorist (also now dead) and had children with him. When that all went tits up, she decided that she wanted to come back to the UK, where I have no doubt she would have lived a life on benefits, whilst acting as a recruiter for ISIS. Well, today, Friday 26th February 2021, the Supreme court have heard her appeal, and her hopes have now been Daeshed. The appeal was rejected and evil Miss Piggy will not be coming to the UK. Oh happy fucking day.

And now that the Supreme Court have ruled that a Government’s prime responsibility is to protect the lives of its citizens, instead of pandering to traitors like Begone, hopefully, with this precedent set, the Government will now set about withdrawing the citizenship of all the others like Begone. Those who are still alive anyway.

Shamima Begone, you ugly, tent wearing whore, you are a cunt. And thanks to the Supreme court, you’re now a cunt without a country.

…and thirded by TheBestRevengeIsLivingWell 

Just to add….The problem is the UK have let at least 425 (or more) British passport holding Isis terrorists back already and can proudly announce we have the biggest cohort of returned terrorists in Europe. Some of whom apparently, have “Disappeared” from the view of security services, who refuse to confirm how many have been jailed or are being tracked.

They are only appeasing the publics outrage by making this bucktoothed head sweeper a scapegoat because of the huge publicity already surrounding high-profile, Begum. Whereas they should’ve been making scapegoats out of the 425+ of them and let none back in at all!

The UK, as soft as fuck, come one come all!

72 thoughts on “Shamima Begum (5)

  1. Fill her gob and fanny full of Semtex and make hasty retreat. Job done. SheBeGone.

  2. Excellent work all three cunters?

    I am trying to thing who she reminds me of?
    Esther Rancid covered in pig shit?
    A shrunken head I once saw in a museum at The Jamaica inn?

    Whichever it is she is one seriously fucking ugly cunt??

    1 down. 3.5 million to go?

  3. I believe this vile cunt has Bangladeshi Citizenship ,or citizenship in some other dust bowl rat pit, so she has somewhere else to live. Therefore this bedsheet wearing mutt will never darken our shores as the supreme court says so.
    I sincerely hope this creature has a appalling life and suffers dreadfully. Now fuck off you spawn of satan.

    • The Bangladeshi government have made their position about Begum crystal clear. If she turns up there they will hang her.

      This was a clever move on their part because it takes them out of the equation to end up with her, as in a court ruling becuse she has lost her UK citizenship people are not meant to be forced to go somewhere they will be executed, which puts the onus firmly on the UK to take a back.

      • She’s no longer a British citizen so let Bangladesh take her back and hang her. Problem solved.

  4. Begum is just a drop in the ocean compared to the 425+ British passport holding Isis terrorists the UK have already let back in!

    She is still allowed to fight her case to return, however the fact she’s isn’t back here to do so makes it far less likely she will succeed, thankfully!

  5. Thank God for that. If she’d been successful, the buck toothed bitch would have bankrupt the NHS based alone on dental work required.

  6. What a shame. The bitch will have to spend her days in the desert eating goat and fucking brown rats or is it the other way round.

  7. One can only hope this bucktoothed Freddie Mercury tribute act suffers chronic lifetime galloping arserot in Put Put Pakistan from the manky food prepared by her cohorts, accidentally using the arse-wiping hand to knead the bhaji mix.

    Fuck her to hell.

  8. Begum is a sideshow. Why is there 700 Isis fighters in this country?Wait until the muslims try and turn them into the murderous “heros” of the International fucks in the Spanish civil war. The left think Islamic Begum was “groomed” at 15 and is therefore innocent, yet they think thousands of white working class children raped and abused by Islamic ,Jihadi rape as war gangs are of no value what so ever. The hypocracy is glaring.Its is one of the reasons the working class is lost to Labour. The Tory party is no better. Begum should cross the Channel in a dingy and just become one of the 3 million criminal cunts the `Tory party has no intention of confronting.

      • Well there’s every chance because he’ll bomb the shit out of the region.

        He wants the west flooded with the refugees that he will create. Seems he’s already started.

      • I reckoned he’d leave it six months or so but whoosh ? he’s off to a flying start. Perhaps he’s trying to catch up his old boss’ record.

  9. Maybe get old Sugar to do a celebrity fuck off to the Begum ….. You are a terrorist slag, You’re Fired.

  10. In the good old Imperial days, she would have tried to the mouth of a cannon and blown apart.
    They were the daze.

    • To be fair Pakistan would be a better standard of living at the moment. They’re open for business and leisure with no restrictions.

  11. Going back to when she was first captured, if the Syrians didn’t want her they should have deported her back to Blighty for us to string up for treason (except Blair revoked the death penalty for that offence in 1998).

    Stripping Begum of her British citizenship was an easy cop out, setting a dangerous precedent for any future Home Secretary (Flabbott for example) to renunciate and expel citizens whose opinions she considers against the interests of the state.

    The real problem with bringing Begum back here is the pansy state of British justice, which means her punishment will be a free house and benefits for committing treason.

    Btw, I see she’s ditched the tent now and taken to wearing jeans and t-shirts, no doubt in an attempt to fool us into thinking she’s adopted Western values…

    Not a bad figure, but for some reason she still doesn’t quite give me the horn…

    • Being a cynic I can’t help think that is the case, that it is setting the stage for future exploits perhaps.

  12. Given seconded and thirded can’t we make this cunting number 6 by default, admin? The sooner she is on the wall with the other scum the better.

  13. Why is it that there can be a decent black here and there, but every single carpet rider is a total cunt and an enemy of this country?
    Dirty brown bastards.

  14. She got on a plane willingly, she married an IS fighter willingly, she gave support to the caliphate willingly and she abandoned her citizenship to be part of the caliphate willingly. She said the decapitation of hostages was acceptable.

    Now like a wife who left her husband for the young waiter she met on holiday in Egypt she wants to come home after it blew up in her face.

    Tough shit bitch.

  15. I’ll allow her back in, on the conditions that;

    She will only be allowed to earn a living as a cum bucket pornstar, exclusively being rogered by white males with baby arm sized cocks;

    She will be confined to her work premises only;

    The only network traffic allowed is porn material going out and business inquiries coming in.

  16. How long before this treasonous bint is “discovered” on a beach in Blighty getting off a rubber dinghy? I have no sympathy at all for this vicious Oxygen Thief, a quick trial, a long drop and job done…

  17. Her dad (who incidentally is her mother’s brother, which explains the goofy teeth) used to take to flag burning demos in the UK, so it’s hardly surprising she fucked off to isis.
    With a bit of luck she will be under some of Sleepy Joe Bidens divine retribution. Didn’t take him long did it?

  18. Simple solution. Take her out, pay a goat botherer to do it for us. After they line up and have their way with her. If the leftwaffe have anything to do with it she will be on next flight here. New house, identity, job the jammy lot. Fuck her and fuck the rubber dinghy rapids who keep invading our shores. Sick of this shit, bending over for these vermin who suck the life out of this country.

  19. I’m delighted to some degree that such vile matters as this come to court.
    It allows traitors,appeasers and other terrorist sympathisers to float to the surface.
    Every last one of them are a danger to the country and should be abducted from their beds en masse and shot.
    As for the specific Begum cunt let it stay where it is.
    However it’s entire family residing in the UK should be given a simple yet stark choice:Fuck Off to Syria at once or face execution.
    Regrettably I fear we have not seen the back of that Begum cunt yet.
    Fucking vermin.

  20. Just had some whining wailing bitch on the news. ALL OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE TAKEN THEIR CITIZENS BACK. But!!!!!! She is NOT a British citizen now is she……….fuck off.

  21. Hello?? ‘Pandemic’?? Either NO-ONE is allowed entry for fucking anything, or we’re being bullshitted. Especially not creatures whose sole wish to be here is to breed 10 more moose limb baby machines.

  22. What ac crock of shite…. Act tough on one young lassie who hasn’t actually killed anyone..presumably to deflect attention from the hundreds of murderers,rapists etc who they have previously let in…and still allow to arrive by the boatload daily.

    Still,makes for good headlines in the papers,I suppose.

    • It really doesn’t befit you Dick, playing Devil’s advocate.
      You’ll be asking us to fundraise for her next.

      • Oh, I’ve got no sympathy for her Bertie…she made her bed,she should lay in it. What gets me is the “tough” Home Secretary headlines.. hideous load of dangerous and misleading bollocks..

  23. Ugly Cunt is a compliment for this Camel Jockeys spunk depository.

    Surely, when the would be suicide bombers see her , do they not think ” I’m not fucking one of them let alone 37 ? ” or however fucking many it is. Oh hang on that’s right, its fucking none you thick bacon dodging cunts.

    Enjoy a land where you are free to practice your religion – that is why you left isn’t it cunt ?

    I’m having a Pint on this news tonight !

  24. Why the fuck doesn’t she get to dover get in a dingy and save the tax payer the legal bills.

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