(Despite the ruling, you just know this isn’t over. Expect lots of bleating and fake outrage from the Left – DA)
Shamima Begum and the Court of Appeal
At the time of writing this nom, the piece of human waste that is Shamima Begum has been refused entry to the UK ‘to fight her case’.
We all know that if she gets in, it’ll be impossible to get rid of the cunt. She’ll also cost a fortune (she’ll need watching for the rest of her life by security services, new identity, free house, benefits for life etc).
If you recall, this bitch had her citizenship revoked for fucking off and joining ISIS. The Home Office, in a rare show of doing the right thing, told her to rot in the Syrian ‘refugee camp’ as she would be be allowed back into the UK.
Well, that brought out a big slimy bunch of shyster and Islamist lawyers from under their rocks. Then, the lily livered, bleeding heart Court of Appeal agreed that she should be allowed into the UK to ‘fight her case’. Her rights, you see, trump everyone else’s. Fuck any security risk. Not just from her, but from those aligned with her in the UK.
Thankfully, the Supreme Court have just told the Court of Appeal to ‘fuck right off’ in legal terms.
Those on the Court of Appeal who voted to bring ‘poor Shamima back should all be dropped off at an ISIS training camp, the fucking cunts.
Rot you fucking bitch.
Fuck off.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
… and seconded by Quick Draw McGraw
I need to add my voice to the Shamima Begum (or Shamima Begone, as I shall now call her), the pig faced, donkey fucking, terrorist whore who launched an appeal against the British government’s decision to withdraw her status as a British citizen and deny her entry to the UK, after she fucked off with another, now dead, young Muslim lass to the ISIS hell hole of Syria.
Whilst in that charmless, rotting corpse of a failed state, she married an ISIS terrorist (also now dead) and had children with him. When that all went tits up, she decided that she wanted to come back to the UK, where I have no doubt she would have lived a life on benefits, whilst acting as a recruiter for ISIS. Well, today, Friday 26th February 2021, the Supreme court have heard her appeal, and her hopes have now been Daeshed. The appeal was rejected and evil Miss Piggy will not be coming to the UK. Oh happy fucking day.
And now that the Supreme Court have ruled that a Government’s prime responsibility is to protect the lives of its citizens, instead of pandering to traitors like Begone, hopefully, with this precedent set, the Government will now set about withdrawing the citizenship of all the others like Begone. Those who are still alive anyway.
Shamima Begone, you ugly, tent wearing whore, you are a cunt. And thanks to the Supreme court, you’re now a cunt without a country.
…and thirded by TheBestRevengeIsLivingWell
Just to add….The problem is the UK have let at least 425 (or more) British passport holding Isis terrorists back already and can proudly announce we have the biggest cohort of returned terrorists in Europe. Some of whom apparently, have “Disappeared” from the view of security services, who refuse to confirm how many have been jailed or are being tracked.
They are only appeasing the publics outrage by making this bucktoothed head sweeper a scapegoat because of the huge publicity already surrounding high-profile, Begum. Whereas they should’ve been making scapegoats out of the 425+ of them and let none back in at all!
The UK, as soft as fuck, come one come all!
I would like to be able to pick and choose when I am a British citizen. Don’t like them so fuck off to a shithole with the intention of fucking over and killing British citizens. Now it has gone wrong I want to be a British citizen again and have all the privileges and rights that are bestowed on them.
Simple – you chose not to be one for the reason of wanting to slaughter them.
That is enough in my book for you to be told to fuck right off. You made the wrong choice and now live with the consequences.
She can rot, but now she is of no propaganda value to islam she will be quietly murdered.
Begum recruited two other teenage girls who were both killed and acted as a member of the so called “morality police” for IS – her word led to people being beheaded and stoned to death and they would leave the severed heads of her victims in bins were she alleged she was “just a housewife”.
She is not stateless – she can go to Holland or Bangladesh.
But the real problem is the hundreds and hundreds of murderous islamic maniacs the Government have let back in without a second thought – any returning should have been immediately been given a whole life sentence in a maximum security prison – people will die in the future because the fucking clowns in charge are gutless appeasers.
And when it happens, as I feel is inevitable, we will get the usual bollocks – “lessons have been learned”.
With any luck, the next time Begum enters the UK she will be in a tin of stewing steak from Syria.
Islam will eat itself.
Great point. All of the returned Isis mob should be in prison for life.
Personally, if bring back hanging… actually, beheading would be how I’d deal with the cunts for karmic reasons.
And the Home office have got off lightly by allowing so many of these cunts back in, let’s not forget that too.
Hopefully she’ll be the victim of a quick drone strike and that’ll end the conversation about the bitch.
She should have been left to be ‘dealt’ with by the Russians.
When is a British Citizen not a British Citizen?
When you fight for another Country You are a traitor Rot in hell you made your choice Foreign Fighters have no place in the Uk You are not welcome ??????
Looking at this ugly sack of shit you can see why the peacefuls are so experimental with their sexual activities. Let’s face it, no goat is going to wake up in the middle of the night and cut your fucking winkle off. Allaaaaaah, blessings and peace be upon him!!
Fucked off with seeing this cunts face. Fucking die in a ditch you stupid cunt.
If we’d had a genuinely conservative government for 11 years, and now with an 80 seat majority, this would not have been up for debate.
Too many lawyers as MPs, and too many lefties in control of public bodies.
The BLM lot should follow her to the near East for a big tear-up in the sand.
Stick of semtex wrapped in bacon up her arse and a new tent, stay there you cunt, it’s a shame we can’t send your family and solicitor to join you….. Fuck of Shammishitta
Nah, you’ve got Shammi all wrong.
According to this bird Ms. Begum was trafficked and thought she was going to learn all about baking French Fancies and crocheting doilies. Instead she became part of the morality police and seeing people getting beheaded was all part of the game but Shammi had no agency in any of this. It’s all the fault of those nasty twaffickers and the Bwitish government.
Oh, do fuck off love! Please. (A please and thank you goes a long way).
If you can stomach a bit of hand wringing then lay your mince pies on this bollocks.
Thanks for the link, Simmy. Some interesting reading that is very selective with its truths.
In the camp it mentions, there are 25 quote-unquote British, 20 of which have stripped of citizenship. It then goes on to detail the cases of three young women in that twenty, with no mention made of how representative those cases are of the other seventeen. What are their ages and genders? What are their backgrounds? We are encouraged to simply assume that they are all the same – and this from an article ostensibly arguing for more in-depth case-by-case appraisal!
Obviously this is just an article, not an exhaustive report, but this is some serious cherry-picking of facts in support of what can only very charitably be called an argument.
I’m not reading that. I’d end up wanting to smash stuff up.
I’d be like Harvey Price when he finds big padlocks on the fridge and pantry.
Let her rot in hell.Witch.
She only decided that she wanted to come back when ISIS was on its knees
The cunts say 15 was too young to make her own decisions , the same cunts who say that younger victims of their grooming gangs were willing participants .
Can’t have it both ways cunts
Hope she dies of dysentery.
You wanted to live under sharia law and when it didn’t work out , you want to come back.
Where is the anal implanted covid Kurd variant when you need it
Once upon a time the penalty for treason was death. But she’s not being killed, she’s not even being punished – she’s just not being protected from the consequences of her actions, that’s all.
And yet even that is seen as being too harsh by the Court of Appeals!
Chamois leather bubblegum.
Fucking filth. Rot in hell bitch.
I earnestly hope that the 425 returned terrorists have TRULY disappeared. If so there is someone out there doing a fantastic job on our behalf.Can we throw in a few ‘judges’ to disappear as well?
Dunno why M16 didn’t put a cap in her ass and be done with it. An M16 agent could easily dress as a goat botherer, sneak into the refugee camp she’s in and slot the fucking bitch……..
I believe a 9mm round costs 56p to make. Alot cheaper than the £millions she’s already cost UK PLC.
Hahaha you filthy hideous hag. What utterly depraved cunt impregnated you? Did he make you wear a camel’s head mask and told you to make grunting noises, you evil whore.
Aw apparently Shammishitta is upset that she has been denied the opportunity to fight her case to come back to the UK in the UK thankfully this bloodthirsty terrorist fucking, ugly cockwomble can stay in the camp she, s in in Syria.
How long do you think it would have taken to dissappear as soon as she was in the country and be hidden by her extended family for the next 30 years all the time planning terror acts with the rest of her greasy Isis goat fucking cunts.
The mustiod fuck monkey hopefully will live out all her days in some fly blown shit hole….
Beggars belief that all those other traitorous cunts are back in Blighty getting all the benefits after few weeks in nick etc and our heroic government is getting tough with some addlebrained school kid who unfortunately got love fever from an isis arsewipe.
What is so special that our government spends more money than the benefits bill for a peaceful family of 16 on keeping this retard out of UK. Don’t get me wrong I give not a shit for what happens to these bastards who are not let back in I just fail to see that letting her back is a problem when most of the arsewipes are back living the benefits life. Why not tell us the taxpayers who pay your fucking salary why she is so different?