Seaford Head School

Hardly a day goes by without an article about somebody wishing to rename something because they don’t like the people associated with the current name. I barely manage to get past the first sentences of these articles without being overcome by an overwhelming urge to cunt the ‘offended’ on this august website.

Today’s offering which makes my blood, piss, semen, sweat and spittle boil comes from Seaford Head School in East Sussex which wishes to rename houses currently named after Winston Churchill and J.K. Rowling.

The idiotic pupils at this school believe that Churchill was responsible for “torturing many” and do not like Rowling’s “words about the trans community”. I suppose the teachers of this school also need a good cunting for failing to teach history and biology properly.

If this is how the younger generation is being raised, I hope that the human race will become extinct. These stupid young cunts should be sent off to the re-education camps in Xinjiang, China and force-fed bat soup until they learn what a great country the UK is and how many great people hail from these magnificent islands.

Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt

39 thoughts on “Seaford Head School

  1. Stupid young cunts AND their lefty woke teachers should be sent off to the re-education camps.

  2. Johnson has said if they don’t clamp down on this woke cancel culture crap at universities he will stop funding them. He should do the same with state school.
    At my old school we were taught to appreciate the freedom our ancestors died for and Churchill was necessary and a great prime minister not a whinney cunt.

  3. Its the fucking lezza and soyboy ‘teachers’ (more like indoctrinators) responsible for this sort of shite.

    Mind you, not all teachers are woke bastards (I know a few right wing teachers, they do exist). Must be a fucking nightmare, going every day at work trying not to throttle the woke bastards taking over.

    I’m not one for wanting the government sticking its nose in all over the shop, but any government worth its salt would be in there weeding these commies and degenerates out.

    They should be allowed anywhere near kids, the cunts.

    Unfortunately, we don’t have such a government.

    • Yes they do exist, like right wing social workers exist, except the past year of bollocks made it impossible for me to go anywhere or do anything in that regard. Hopefully at some point this year we’ll have enough and smash through the barriers.

    • While not a right-wing teacher, I too hate this woke bollocks and am sick to the teeth with it.

  4. Bulldoze it. Community get together and organise to do it. Destroy the Left and their institutions wherever you find them. Humanity survives.

  5. East Sussex eh ? Not far from Tranny town then ? Houses in school were mostly named after people of British History or with British and local historical relevance. We had 4 houses at my primary school and I remember all of them because they were relevant to my surroundings. Maybe this lot could use their local area for influence. Duckie, Luvvie, Bummer, They, Butch, Dyke, there you go all sorted.

    • Just looked at a map for this place and just up the road is a place called Cuckmere Haven. You can’t make it up!

  6. Why aren’t the parents playing holy-fuck?..Too many parents are happy to have little to no input into their children’s education….free baby-sitting service at someone else’s expense is their position.
    I bet there aren’t many private schools pandering to such nonsense.

    • Morning Mr F. The parents are probably called John and Dave or Mel and Sue. They will let their sexually undecided spawn go to school in gender neutral uniform until said brat decides which sort of fucked up life that they would like to lead.

      • Might well be but it irks me when people moan about attitudes in schools…most “progressive” teachers who spout and encourage this shite will be the children of “my” generation…it is “my” generation who allowed the moral decline that now pervades the education system. No way that my parents (or their generation) would have stood by and allowed the education system to be hijacked by “woke” teachers.
        “My” generation should accept some accountability because it is their children who were allowed to grow up with a “woke” attitude and went on to become the “teachers” that we moan so hard about today.

        Shame on all you Boomers.


      • As a “boomer” I took the easy way out by deciding not to have kids.

        Even in the ’70s, when I first had the opportunity to procreate, it was obvious which way the educational wind was blowing.

        No doubt I’ll regret not having kids when I’m helpless and nearing my deathbed.

        Morning Dick. ?

      • Morning,RTC.

        Yes,the rot certainly set in with our contemporaries…we now reap that which we did sow.
        Galations 6:7

  7. If the wokies want to slag off Churchill they might care to examine his behaviour during the 1912 Miners strike. “Let them eat grass” I believe he said.
    But that was the British working class getting fucked over so that’s ok then. The wokies only cry about foreigners, especially those of a dark hue. The British working class are their enemy and they fucking know it.

  8. Little shits need a fucking good thrashing. Six of the best followed by an hour standing in the corner with the unabridged “A History of the English Speaking Peoples” balanced on their heads would put them back in their box.

    I blame the parents for letting the marxist wankers get away with it.

    • When I was a kid I was taught Cecil Rhodes was a hero,
      A Englishman, a explorerer, and a hero of the Empire.
      I was taught Winston Churchill was the saviour of the British people during our darkest hour.
      Now im to believe these figures are villians?
      Get to fuck.

      • Cecil Rhodes said “to be born an Englishman is to win the lottery of life”. How very true indeed!

        And that ungrateful dark key japie who is leading the “Rhodes must fall campaign should be sent back to South Africa and made to wear one of Winnie Mandela’s flaming tyres. This hypocrite actually received a Rhodes Scholar (funded by Cecil Rhode’s bequest) to study at Oxford University.

      • There´s a big statue of Rhodes in the Company´s Gardens in Cape Town and it is part of the tourist trail. So far it has gone untouched but the nose has been knocked off on the statue of the Rhodes Memorial that stands above Cape Town. However, I would like to see someone try to desecrate the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria. They´d have a million-strong commando of bearded Boers on the rampage after their skinny arses. In December 1838, a force of about 460 Boers under the command of General Pretorius was attacked by 10,000 Zulus at the Umslatos River. Within a few hours the Zulus retreated leaving thousands of dead. Not a single Boer was killed.

  9. Churchill defeated the Nazis. The commies (four times as many dead than the Nazis) are teaching our children. Cunts.

  10. Ultimately the government have control over schools. If this is allowed the government is sanctioning it. The same government that had police officers kneel to BLM protesters and took a hard line with counter protesters and allows the police to harass the public in the street during the covid clampdown.

    A conservative government?

      • They are but some players are coming out publicly to say it’s bollocks and some teams will stop this weekend.

      • Thanks for the information.
        When crowds are let back in it will be amusing to hear the home supporters chanting ‘You wankers took the knee ‘ to the visiting team.
        It was a spectacularly badly thought out idea which is going to haunt sporting authorities for some time.

  11. I’d flatten the fucking place once the cunts behind this shite were locked inside.
    Using a Churchill tank.

    The dirty traitorous rats.

  12. Wait until the current generation of schoolkids are in charge.
    Given the copious amounts of woke style white guilt brainwashing they’re subjected to, witnessing their own demographic replacement and any hope of a barely normal education, a normal childhood or any basic social development being completely destroyed due to Con-a-virus hysteria.
    The future of the UK looks fairly grim.

  13. Winston Churchill was not perfect – nobody is, but he was a product of his time, his class, his upbringing and his military experience of dealing with the fuzzy wuzzies.
    And he was the very, very best Man for the job that needed to be done and showed a single minded dogged determination never to be cowed, downhearted or defeated and he put extra steel into a nation that already had plenty, and for that I will always respect him.
    And I would cheerfully burn the shit we have now.

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