I’d like to nominate the Reverend Jarel Robinson-Brown. What a complete and massive c**t (and his boss, the Bishop of London is just as big a c.**t- if not bigger). Yet another WOKE-BAME leftist t**t obsessed with the fantasy of a world-wide white patriarchal conspiracy to oppress ‘people of color’ (American spelling used deliberately).
Mind-you, if the likes of the ‘Reverend’ keep going on with shit like this, perhaps it would be a good idea. I’d like to see how the likes of ‘Rev JRB’ and his peers would-have ended-up by now if people like Captain Tom hadn’t given Nazi Germany a good-old bloody f…..g nose all those years ago…
Nominated by: KingofFlannel
I saw this and thought about writing it up.
Not a very Christian attitude to attack praise of a hundred year old WW2 veteran is it?
But then hes only interested in race and homosexual issues.
Bit narrow, not encompassing his flock.
A negative type might say hes only after a well paid job with little physical labour.
His Tweets are simply un-Christian and demonstrate that he’s consumed with anger. In one Tweet he said the Home Office ‘can go to hell’. He’s also so full of anger that he’s utterly deluded. What has Captain Tom or clapping for Captain Tom got to do with ‘White British Nationalism’?
A lot of people have called for him to be sacked and the push back was ‘he’s allowed free speech, sacking him is de-platforming’. Yes he’s allowed free speech but he is in no fit state to offer ministry to people. He’s being investigated by his Archdeacon – good start.
He is being supported by ‘I see no pee dohs’ Justin Welby. Who seems to think along the same lines.
Justin Welby is also a total cunt.
Bishop of London, indeed! With bishops like that role on Satanism ??
If the Catholics got back in they might burn that Welby twat.
I often find that I would like to have seen the other side win the war, as I know cunts like this would “Töt unt verboten” as they say in Berlin!!!
What a chocolate cunt!!!
You cunts were slagging the good Captain off a couple of weeks back! The best bit about this was the bishop of londonstan complaining about the vile homophobic and racist barrage on social media, nothing about his vicar. Fucking wankers, CofE nothing but a bunch of commies. And the cunts wonder why nobody goes to church anymore. Cunts.
Nobody was slagging him off, they were slagging the politicians and the slebs jumping on the virtue signalling bandwagon in the hope of gaining some popularity. Hence the knighthood, the clapping bollocks and the fake tears. A bunch of stinking hypocrites feeding off an old man’s corpse.
FtF@ – Well said Sir!
He’s allowed free speech. We’ve been there before with the hypocrite left. I’m tempted to write my own free speech response but he’s not worth the ecumenical bandwidth.
That is the issue he can say what he wants but you can`t answer back.Funny idea of equality the libtards have.Free speech when it suits.
People of Kula”my spelling” with this attitude can go and get fucked.This country did more than any other to stop slavery and this is what we get, Cunts. They should be banished to some African shit hole, then see the real tears shed. As Ruff said they ought to worship the ground they walk on. Ungrateful shite.
I hope he gets the poisoned cracker next time he goes to church, there’s always one.
He is the poisoned cracker (honky).
Got himself the attention he craved ain’t he?
The fucking vindictive nob.
I kinda reckon comments like Rev Brown has made make him a racist ungrateful cunt
A proper un-Christian value in my mind is it because Captain Tom was white and privileged ?
If he had been a Dark Key he would have been elevated to sainthood no doubt.??
Justin Welby is another sanctimonious twat I sometimes wonder which side of the river he’s on again very un-Christian values ??
I can never get my head around religious gays. I don’t think any of the monotheistic fairy tales like them, most the guide books suggest the punishment for being gay, or doing gay stuff is death. Has God popped round for a coffee and had a change of heart?
As for the cunt in question, it’s right that he should be allowed to express his opinion, but only if it is also allowed to respond in kind, by pointing out that beyond his sexuality and his ethnicity, he has little to talk about. And if you include facts or decency, he has fuck all to talk about.
These arse bandit blacks need to adjust their thinking….
The majority of people in the UK are White and Straight, these cunts who bang on about slavery, colonialism need to fuck off and thank their luck stars that they are allowed to live in the UK rather than, for example, the Tigray region of Ethiopia where this guy would be well and truly fucked (and headless).
Off topic, but Disney are absolute cunts and this is how they treat a REAL strong woman…
Send him to Saudi-Arabia and see how well his sermon goes down with the local camel rapists.
His neck would be on the wrong end of a scimitar quicker than Flabbot can eat a 16 piece chiggun bucket.
He’d very quickly be wishing he’d be back in England with the White British Nationalists like Capt Tom Moore.
Another well paid armchair critic and outright traitor.
Put “him”out on the streets,or even better,out of his apparent unbearable misery.
I hope this bent cunt gets a good dose of AIDS….. and Corbyn 19 to go with it. I bet he’s a fucking remoaner too , the poof.
Another one with questionable mental stability. All this wankers seems to be preoccupied with is pushing his brown cap mushroom up other men’s arseholes and his suntan complex.
He is not fit to be a Minister. He is about as Christian as Ian Brady.
The cunt.
This cunt should be drop kicked into the middle of Bagdad where I am sure he will be welcome with open arms.
not that I read it but this came up on Google on the Church Times:
THE Bishop of London, the Rt Revd Sarah Mullally, has stepped in to condemn the racist and homophobic attacks on the Revd Jarel Robinson-Brown, triggered by a Twitter post last week that was widely interpreted as an attack on Captain Sir Tom Moore.
So it’s ok for this cunt to be a cunt but the minute people cunt him it’s not?
That’s the Liberal way CM, “do as I preach and mind your own business”.
I read with utter contempt the verbal diarrhea from Rev Licquorice Stick-Brown. Absolute cuntage. Just an attention seeking fucker. Altho he’s probably used to the attention of sweaty handed older guys in those male only parties London is famous for.
No doubt much backing from kwars, non whiteys, and loony lefties. Sack him and make him sign on.
Yet another choco showing their true colour. Did you see what I did there? Oh please yourself.
I sincerely hope that the Rev. Jarel Robinsons-Gol.lyw.og has studied the good book.
According to some passages of the Bible, God doesn’t like the “gayness”, as witnessed when the locals tried to perform an unholy act on two Angels sent down to have mooch around Chez Lot.
Silly fucking Cunt?
Fuck off you racist bastard. This hereo of WW11 has dragged this nation out of the pandemic dulldrems for a while and achieved more in twelve months than you could in twelve lifetimes.
A vat of piss is on the boil and ready for you when you get sacked you racist cunt and I hope you go straight to hell.
Communist, Britain-loathing cunt Ash Sarkar has also labelled Captain Tom “a tool in the culture war.”
Well, the cunt would know better than most what a tool is.
The man has done very nicely from his immigrant heritage. Like many others of his ilk, a weed in a bed of roses.
This nasty chippy little cunt is a perfect example of why the Church is failing and deserves to fail.A man who fights fascism and raises money for the health service which is last time I checked was open to everyone is a white supremacist. Can`t remember Captain Tom doing an Alf Garnett impression or saying anything against anyone. This vicar should stick to his Bible and fuck off.
Reverend Jarel Robinson-Brown
should be gassed.
End of.
Woke like communism is heaven on earth bollocks. !00 million dead in the 20th century.. What is he doing in the Christian church?
Cashing his cheque for little work?
Causing shite in the name of diversity?
Stick this fucker in a cage with Father Jack! ??
This pretend Man of God needs to be sent to Nigeria to see how Boko Haram treat homosexual christians – I volunteer to fire up the Lancaster and take him!
Attach 240v to his bell end. SAee how he likes that. CUNT
See even uber cunt