I’d like to nominate the Reverend Jarel Robinson-Brown. What a complete and massive c**t (and his boss, the Bishop of London is just as big a c.**t- if not bigger). Yet another WOKE-BAME leftist t**t obsessed with the fantasy of a world-wide white patriarchal conspiracy to oppress ‘people of color’ (American spelling used deliberately).
Mind-you, if the likes of the ‘Reverend’ keep going on with shit like this, perhaps it would be a good idea. I’d like to see how the likes of ‘Rev JRB’ and his peers would-have ended-up by now if people like Captain Tom hadn’t given Nazi Germany a good-old bloody f…..g nose all those years ago…
Nominated by: KingofFlannel
What disturbs me the most about this nom is Captain Tom’s Black Power salute.
I think he was a double agent!
“Fuck da police! Is Countdown on yet?”.
Before I clicked on this nom I just knew that this cunt would be brown by name and brown by nature.
How dare he associate himself with the Bleck LM movement when he is merely the “color” of dark brown dogshit.
A galaxy sized cunt of the highest order ?
Dirt Brown needs to shut his stupid mouth, just stick to capering around on the dance floor or dealing drugs at the local youth (stabbing) club.!