Premiership Football & Footballers

I don’t understand the Govt. allowing football to continue considering the amount of players at some clubs who have already contracted the virus and the amount of players who seem quite happy to believe that the rules on not mixing don’t apply to them.
What makes fucking football so special? Perhaps the Govt. believe that as long as the Plebs have their “footy”,they’ll be happy? I suspect that most football fans have had enough of the virtue-signalling,”take-a-knee” beautiful game already.
Then there’s the players…a bunch of over-paid Cunts happy to flaunt their undeserved fortune as their “fans” face financial ruin…happy to show the contempt that they have for their “fans” by meeting up for private parties before probably driving away pissed and getting their clubs to cover for them when they cause an accident.
Then we have the tasteful sight of the likes of Arsenal receiving taxpayer grants of 150 million Pounds despite then recently splurging 45 million on some new mercenary player…plus paying another 350 thousand a week in wages to some player not to play…..fucking incredible.

Premiership football is a grotesque circus of greed, stupidity, arrogance and an affront to common decency in these times…put a stop to it until things regain some some sense of normality at least.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

…and this from Another Cunting Mess

Racial Abuse of Footballer Cunts on Social Media.

Stop being fucking wankers by “taking the knee” before every fucking game and see how quickly the “abuse” stops.

The entire universe is fed up with you virtue signalling cunts.

Now fuck off!


…and here’s one from KiwiCunt, this time about another overpaid cunt, Lionel Messi

Apologies for another football cunting, but Lionel Messi is a pint sized mega cunt.

Not content with being lauded as one of the best players of all time and being rewarded fucking handsomely for his efforts, he’s gotten all bent out of shape as the details of his contract with Barcelona FC have been “leaked”, conveniently just as he is about to be free to leave and join another club. He’s even threatened legal action, for whatever reason (maybe he’s skint?)

Now, colour me a cynic, but if the midgety twat is indeed agitating for a move, then what better way to open negotiations with a prospective new employer than showing him exactly what money you get now and want more of to join. Incidentally, that amount is, reportedly, around €555million over 4 years, including bonuses and whatnot, or just under €139million (roughly £122 million) a year!

Fuck me, did I ever choose the wrong profession with Engineering.

The other point with him sulking about the “leak”….if I earned that much, I wouldn’t fucking pack a sad about it, I’d shout it from the roof tops. Quite possibly I’d walk down the street wiping my cheesy bellend on €100 notes and offer them to the plebs.

Fuck off Messi, and all the other overpaid cunts who play a game for a living. Just own the moment, and admit you’ve done extremely fucking well for yourself.

56 thoughts on “Premiership Football & Footballers

  1. The stupid cunt Klopp the other day saying his players were physically and mentally tired. What planet do these cunts live on? £200k a week. Shop workers working for minimum wage, scientists working to find a vaccine, ambulance drivers, nurses working 15 hour shifts. A week in the Marines would sort footballers out. Fucking fannies.

    • ‘A week in the Royal Marines would sort footballers out’.
      I have to disagree , the buggers wouldn’t make it through a NAAFI break! The humour of the services would send them off screaming ‘Waycists!’ .

    • I wish that walking denture commercial would fall down a well. Being manager of that club isn’t doing him any favours to start with, but his stupid Bingo impersonation coupled with his over the top sideline antics and gesticulations singles him out as an ocean going cunt.

      His whining is only him trying to deflect attention away from his team’s failings. He thought another era of dominance had arrived. Seems it hasn’t after all. Boo hoo. Post Brexit, why is this cunt still in the country?

    • I must say that “wiping my cheesy bellend on £100 notes” is a line I wont forget for a long chalk; nice work! 🙂

      • I suppose what I was getting at in regards the Argie midget and his fellow simpletons, is at what point do they consider they have enough money? A quarter billion $NZ (equivalent) a year?! And for what? To kick a ball around for a couple of hours a week.

        Get fucked.

        When the game goes bankrupt, and it surely will, will Messi and co look themselves in the mirror and consider themselves culpable? Will he fuck. He’ll be the first to bemoan his bad luck, the ignorant Twat.

        “Ah, yes, but their career is short, so they have to earn money fast” say the cunts who defend the insanity. I could conceivably have an accident at work and lose my job too. Should I ask my boss to pay me eye watering amounts, just in case? I can well imagine his response.

        ANY cunt who plays ANY game for a living can fuck off. They operate in their own sphere, so far outside of reality, that the world could end and I doubt they’d even notice.

  2. The Chelsea North stand was interesting as a nine year old in the 1970s. Football on the other hand is a boring bunch of bollocks. The ridiculous no fan spectacle shows it up for what it is. Dont go into the light. Its death.

  3. Premiership football is already on its knees (quite literally) without bully boys here sticking the boot in!
    The whole game will experience a Phoenix Phenomena ( not fuckin’ easy to say after five reds) and rise from the ashes as a rejuvenated grassroots movement which is driven not by money but the love of the game.
    Fuck off, I can dream can’t I?

    • Greetings Sir Bert.

      I dream the same dream, mate. Sky has enabled the sport to nose dive into its own decadence. Who knows if they see it or realise what they’ve done. I cannot imagine a set of circumstances which would haul football out of its detatched bubble of virtue signalling debauchery. The game you and me loved and could banter about is gone.

      What surprises me is how little I miss it. Cheers – IY.

      • You’re completely right Imi. Who would have thought a game that divided us both a year or two ago, now only fills us with indifference at best and leaves us in complete agreement!

      • Taking the knee for black criminals at Old Trafford on the anniversary of the Air Crash was a total disgrace.

        The cunts couldn’t leave it alone for just one day, could they?
        And if Saint Marcus of Rashcunt did his fist salute yesterday, he should be carpeted and then fired. The little sod probably doesn’t even know who Tommy Taylor is. But nothing is too good for his hero, Chicken Floyd George. Bollocks to it.

  4. Yes I see they are still on their knees before every match, subjugating themselves to an avowed Marxist organisation – just one cursory glance at the BLM website confirms their warped agenda.

    Well rather than get on their knees or virtue signal lazy platitudes about ‘equality’ on shite like Twatter, why don’t they confirm their commitment to the commie cause via some actions and voluntarily give up all their ownership of private land, property, copyright, branding etc and then empty their bulging bank accounts and renounce the concept of private property altogether.

    See how committed to the Marxist BLM cause they are then.

  5. A very fine nom.
    Any cunting of the absolute state of the modern game is ok with this particular cunt.

    The players are generally empty headed, pampered cunts who wouldn’t have lasted five minutes on a mid 80s winter pitch. They haven’t the foggiest idea that they’re total cunts either.
    The true villains are the Premier League, FA, the whore like clubs and all of the media.
    Conveniently, due to the empty stadiums pushing ahead with the most sinister of social engineering experiments.
    Any rotten cause be it Burn Loot Murder, LGBTQYZ or even what looks like openly anti white bias/racism (Burnley) the normalisation of face masks en masse out in fresh air in empty stadiums. (aren’t all the staff etc tested regularly? so if the subs need to wear masks shouldn’t the players on the pitch and managers all be wearing them together as well??) (yet more bullshit maybe)
    then these complete bastards will promote and celebrate it while rubbing the noses of an already demoralised society’s nose in yet more woke infested cunt fuckery.
    How the likes of Sky, Al Beeb and BT think they can get away with treating subscribers and fans like this just shows an arrogance of biblical proportions.

    Was a time when televised sport provided escapism from the daily grind but not anymore.

    The Premier League, the clubs and the players… You are cunts!!!

  6. Said it before, and I’ll say it again,
    “Pay me the money premiership footballers get paid, and you can call me whatever you want”.
    Doesn’t mean to say I want punch you right in the gob if I hear it mind. I just wouldn’t go crying to the press et al.

  7. The day of reckoning is coming. And at long last. Strong suggestions that the next round of TV Deals will be way below expectations. Bring it on.

    Sky are hard up and are now pulling away from England’s overseas cricket ; they won’t be paying £9m for a 90m football match just to show cunts bending the knee. Double whammy with clubs missing gate receipts.

    As for Bankrupt Barcelona, how stupendously idiotic of them not to dump the Argentinian Dwarfs salary last summer and collect a transfer fee too. Having paid way over the odds for too many journeymen they are in shit street central and I predict they will be selling off stakes to private equity. Which is the beginning of the end. Closely followed by Real fucking Madrid

    I just can’t wait to see top flight football return to the wilderness.

  8. I think football (as we know it) could be about to die a death.

    Football fans (real ones) are generally turned off by:

    1) woke shite (knee taking/gayness laces)
    2) wimminz pundits
    3) the death of skill (all about power and pace – it’s why you see so many dark keys).
    4) no fans, no atmosphere (I think Sky et al will go tits up if we don’t see full stadiums soon).

    Add to that, the players are mostly cunts anyway.

    Modern football. It’s on its arse.

  9. Many things have ruined the game. Not least the feigning injury cheat.

    Over my morning coffee I glance with little interest at one or two sport web pages. I noticed outrage at a red card yesterday. The last remaining molecule in my body which gives a shit about football dialed it up on YT. Here it is:

    FF to 1:35. It does look accidental to me. The outrage has been significant as far as I can tell. Lots of finger pointing at VAR, the ref, the demise of refereeing standards in the game, managers being “embarrassed” for the ref blah blah blah. Not seen any reference to the Fulhum cunt who rolled around on the ground like someone had yanked his eye out with a crowbar. How is that not unsportsmanlike conduct?

    When I played footie as a kid, every now and then someone would take a dramatic fall in the box to get a pen. It wasn’t common and when you did see if, that person got serious grief from everyone else for being a cheat. The professional game now rewards and encourages cheats. Is it any wonder the games has reached the depths it has?

  10. After a goal hug as many team players as possible in most stupid celebrations. Get Covid.

    If that doesn’t work ignore government advice and socialise/party with fellow team players. Get Covid.

    Several weeks resting and recovering from Covid on full pay.

    Happy days.

    Like many gave up with football years ago.

  11. The day the tribe support something else en masses the money men will follow and the soccer flusies can scream and dive all day long no one will hear or see its fucked by it’s own

  12. It’s so diluted by greed and political window dressing that it should be completely replaced.
    An exciting game of skill that satisfies the fans and justifies the money that sloshed about between player and club?

    Put Semtex in the ball.

    The whole corporate panto is a degenerate disgrace.

  13. Football’s a load of cunt full stop.

    A bunch of prima donna wimps go kick a haggis around and then go “ooh aah foul” when they fall over.

    Then we get to hear about it in endless OK! style photoshoots for the next seven years, before they then pick the ball up again for millions of pounds for that ‘charity game’.

    Surely last year should have done it with all the BLM CUNTSCUMSHIT.

    CUNT the lot of it and burn it down. The stadiums, the lot. Just fucking torch it.

  14. I’ve said all along that these cunts shouldn’t be playing. Cris crossing the country followed by fuck knows how many journalists, tv crews, radio crews, and air headed pundits. And on top of all that, Chelsea’s new manager has avoided quarantine regulations because he’s involved in “elite sport”. I didn’t realise that made you immune from carrying covid.
    As for this constant whining about online racial abuse. Don’t use social media then. It’s not fucking hard is it!
    And I’m sick and tired of the likes of Ian Wright being wheeled out each week to try and string a coherent sentence together about it. I seem to remember he got a ticking of off for racially abusing Peter Schmiechel during a game years ago after claiming it was the other way round, so he can fuck off!
    If you are paying Sky or BT for this freak show, don’t be a cunt, stop it! It’s the only way it can be brought back to some sort of sanity.

    • And another thing. Why is racial abuse considered infinitely more offensive than someone like David Beckham being told that his wife’s a whore and that his children are retarded on a weekly basis?
      (Although there are those that may claim the above is true. Allegedly)

      • Not to mention songs about Hillsborough and the Munich Air Crash. it seems that mocking the dead is also less offensive than upsetting sambeaus and not saluting a piece of chiggun chewin gun toting uncle tom criminal scum.

  15. I would like to see unarmed combat-no rules, last man standing wins it for their team.
    Teams of 20 aside in football stadiums, 8 foot chain link fence around the centre circle.

    Teams as follows:


    All made up of professional footballers.
    That should toughen the fuckers up a bit?

    Televised with commentary by Big Ron, Roy Keane and Zlatan?

    • Have you seen that modern medieval fighting in YouTube? Gangs of russians dressed up as knights battering the shit out of each other. Bizarre!

      • I haven’t Lord C.
        I would re-subscribe to Sky Sports, to see Jack Grealish stomping on Rashfords head, Harry Kane pummelling Paul Pogba, James Milner booting Troy Deeney in the bollocks, Son karate kicking Mohamed Salah and Edison Cavani choking out mincing, faggot boy Raheem Stirling ??

  16. Football. A boring as hell game that has been obscenely monetised by cunts, for cunts.

  17. Premier League footballers?
    Paid millions a year for chasing a bag of wind up and down someone else’s lawn and supporting racist shit like BLM.
    Fuck them.

  18. So much wrong:-
    1. Salaries
    2. Fans always fleeced (tickets, replica kit, Sky)
    3. Foreign owners only in it for the money – US ones in particular. (Who the fuck else seriously would buy Burnley God bless ‘em?)
    4. Just too much of it ; Europe in particular (and where have we heard that before?)
    5. Taking the knee
    6. Stupid haircuts
    7. Cheating, diving players
    8. VAR
    9. Crap kick off times for away games in Newcastle to suit TV and fuck the inconvenience to travelling fans
    10. Over dominance in coverage and speculation compared to other more deserving sports
    11. Lineker and all his bûm chums on the sofa (now with extra diversity targets for Wimminz and Blex regardless of ability)
    12. FIFA , UEFA, FA – every governing body. Cunts One and All
    13. Agents ( in particular Pogba’s)
    14. “The Big Six” (snigger)
    15. Proposed breakaway Euro League
    16. Prawn sandwiches and Platinum Club Members in corporate hospitality
    17. Wembley Stadium
    18. Tournament pre-qualifying made so easy due to over expansion of the Finals that even Scotland made it! Can’t wait for those massive games against San Marino and Albania
    19. Mr Waistcoat getting the players for weeks on end only to scrape a lucky win against opposition that wouldn’t even be good enough for the SPL.
    20. Endless jobs for the boys deliberate wind-up merchants eg Savage; Sutton etc

    I could easily find 20 more as I’m sure esteemed ISAC subscribers will easily prove…

    • Steady on Issac….prawn sangers are the lunch box staple for Aussie tradies….plus a sausage roll of course.

    • Add to that…

      Half/Half Scarf wearing mongs.

      Cunts with phones and fans taking selfies.

      Foreign tosspot ‘lifelong’ fans.

      Online fan channels (Goldbridge, you fucking cunt).

      Out of the woodwork Man Citeh fans.

      Women in football (all women in football should be banned).

      Players treating a ‘won’ penalty like they are celebrating a goal before the kick is even took.

      Cunts who avoid relegation or win a play off spraying champagne and acting like they have won a cup final.

      TV covering a ‘transfer window’ like it’s a major tournament.

      Almost all celebrity ‘soccer’ fans.

      All that Lionesses shite.

      Players who wave imaginary cards to get someone sent off.

      Pep Fraudiola

      Those Glazer and Woodward filth.

      Saint Marcus of the Holy Rashford.

      That Abramovich cunt.

      • Isaac & Norm:


        I have been watching loads of old games on that Gr8 footy site recommend on here. The modern game is almost unrecognisable by comparison.

        The game was stolen by money men.
        I think I mentioned before, mates of mine all over the country, lifelong season ticket holders, have started supporting lower division / non league footy and enjoy being part of a close family if fans. Having a beer with the players after a game too?

  19. Some good news about football this morning when I got up…

    Scouse Cheats 1 Abu Dhabi City 4.

    Laughed like a fucking drain. Jurgen Klopp is a massive cunt.

    But not as much as Paul Lambert.

    • Piss orff!
      How can any Aussie expat have any allegiance with such an obscure team?

      • Who do you think John Wark remembers playing for – Ipswich or the mighty Liverpool?

    • “Obscure “?

      John Wark played over 400 games for ITFC in three spells at the club.

    • FA Cup in 1978, UEFA Cup in 1981. Those were the days. Small beer to LFC perhaps but great achievements for an unfashionable club in the East of England. Should have won the league in 1981 and 1982; Bobby Robson always said his greatest regret in football was not winning the league at Ipswich rather than not winning the World Cup in 1990.

      I loved footie as a kid. Still do but far less emotional involvement these days. Unfortunately, Ipswich’s best period coincided with the great Liverpool teams of the 70s and 80s. I am self-aware enough (I think) to know my hatred for LFC is mostly jealousy.

      Norman, a fanatical Man U fan, is a bitter critic of modern plastic football fans. I grew up in a town about 7 miles from Ipswich and attended my first game at Portman Road in 1976 – beat the Arse 3-1 in the old First Division. I’m pretty sure that the Yank bastards who run LFC know as much about Bob Paisley as ‘lifelong’ Abu Dhabi City fans from Wuhan know about Malcolm Allison.

      Half-and-half scarves are the invention of the Dark One. Anyone wearing such an abomination when I was a teenager would have their head kicked in by both sets of fans. And rightly so.

      Still hate Liverpool though.?

      • No love for either, but I can’t ever cheer a win for the Gorton Globetrotters. An arab fascists plaything and a team of dirty mercenaries like Sterling and Stones. LFC, at least, won the title, as opposed to buying it like Abu Dhabi City did.

        That Ispwich side was a good ‘un. I remember Eric Gates running United ragged at Old Trafford.

      • A great year-unless you were a Utd fan-Dave Sexton fucked off by the club and the Mighty Big Ron (the Gene Hunt of Footy), brought in?

        That FA cup final was a real Roy of the Rovers event too-Ossie and Ricki Vila smashing City in the replay.
        Football was still the property of the fans and players left everything on the pitch.

        Halcyon days?

      • Eric Gates – great player.

        Watching some of the old games, there are tackles that didn’t even get a foul that would get a red card now. Worked with a PE teacher in the late 90s who had been a winger in the lower leagues. Basically kicked out of the game by clodhopping defenders, one injury too many.

        And the state of the pitches!

      • That’s what happened to Stevie Coppell and Gordon Hill. Two of the finest wingers I ever saw. Merlin’s injury wasn’t immediate, but it eventually finished him (I think he got it playing for Derby County). And Stevie was done by some dirty Hungarian cunt and he never played again.

        Gates was a fine player. As was Paul Mariner.

      • Ipswich 1981 UEFA Cup final team…

        GK 1 England Paul Cooper
        DF 2 England Mick Mills (c)
        DF 3 England Steve McCall
        MF 4 Netherlands Frans Thijssen
        DF 5 England Russell Osman
        DF 6 England Terry Butcher
        MF 7 Scotland John Wark
        MF 8 Netherlands Arnold Mühren
        FW 9 England Paul Mariner
        FW 10 Scotland Alan Brazil
        FW 11 England Eric Gates
        England Bobby Robson

      • I am / was acquainted with Mick Mills brother, Pete. He looks the spit of Mick, tache n’ all. A real gentleman with old school manners.
        Mick still devotes a lot of his time to the Bobby Robson cancer foundation ?
        A great generation of Englishmen from a better era in the game?

  20. The GameStop strategy, was an awakening call to the trillion dollar hedge funds, they suspended trading as we’ve read because when ordinary plebs get together in a joint effort that threatens the big boys positions. I would dearly love probably naively , something like that to happen to the modern game of Football. They need not a feign injury but a bloody serious one , up their own arse cunts the lot of them

  21. Just cant believe that they call themselves ‘elite level athletes’ one minute, then say they feel tired after playing 3 90 minute games in a week. Good job there were no gutless young cunts like this about in 1914, we’d have been fucked!

    They earn more a week than most of the fans do in a year and they arent even remotely grateful for it. Fewer and fewer genuine people left in the game. Fuck rashford as well. He fell into that school dinners bullshit by accident because his social media team probably told him it would make him look good. Read david moyes was delivering stuff in preston in the first lockdown but just didnt think it was worth shouting about, just wanted to do it.

    Arsenal made me sick, furloughing staff etc on the taxpayer then shelling out millions and millions in the summer window. HMRC should force them to pay it all fucking back. Fans should go and spend their money at their local non league ground and leave these twats in empty stadiums

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