These things have appeared in the last few weeks on the radio and idiot box, (twice in 20 minutes on my commute this morning). Asking “Could you look a bus driver in the eye and tell him your journey is essential” “Could you tell an ICU nurse you’re doing all you can”
FUCK OFF! I know the guidelines, I’ve been following them for a bastarding year you cunts
Meanwhile numerous MPs, along with elite athletes in privileged positions have flouted the rules. Illegal gimmegrants have piled in and the fucking borders (air and sea) have remained open, when they should have closed from the get go.
Nominated by McCunterson
(If I hear that bloody advert one more time I think I might throw my radio out of the window – DA.)
These adverts are suggesting you look the bus driver and ICU nurse in the eye and talk to them.
Wouldn’t the fact the virus transmits via water droplets from the mouth make this advice dangerous? This it what happens when you speak – how about if you have a Roy Hattersly type lisp? Wouldn’t this mean you’re putting these people at an even greater risk?
Why not ‘Could you touch and lick all the foreheads of the covid patients in the ICU ward and then goz in the mouths and touch the tissues belonging to your bus driver and local covid nurse?’
Fucking stupid and annoyingly overplayed advert.
Could an NHS operative look a patient in the eye and said they’d not given them the China virus?
40% of those infected picked it up in a hospital.
Could the same operative also tell anybody they’re not going to die because hospitals appear to have stopped treating anybody but Covid patients?
Imagine having a Hattersly/Sylvester the cat lisp rasp and saying to a nurse’s face, “Yes, Nurse Suzanne. This coronavirus is a sinister virus, isn’t it? Rest assured, yours truly is staying safe as much as is possible. That’s as sure as the Mississippi sailing towards the sea, nurse Suzanne.”
She’d be fooked thanks to this advert’s advice.
Probably thought up by the same “brains-trust” that brought us “Run,Hide,Tell” in the event of a terrorist attack…weak.childish nonsense.
Fucking stupid football has barely skipped a beat all over each other when they score.
Also I notice pretty much all of them have very neat shaven hair.
How did that happen then? They can’t all be married to hairdressers
I’ll start taking notice of patronising adverts when they stop going unpunished for being congenital cunts
Simple really – footballers can afford regular testing. It’s hardly a big conspiracy.
I was on a bus a few days ago. I let my mask drop so i could use the face id on my phone , as soon as i committed this heinous crime the bus driver must of seen me and slammed on the brakes sending everyone flying forward, he then got out his cab and yelled at me to put my mask back on. FFS you would have thought i had just unleashed some Russian nerve gas on the fucking bus , totally disproportionate behaviour.
I saw two coppers getting on a bus yesterday, never seen that before in my life. Made me wonder if they are travelling around all day checking up on people and questioning people who are claiming an exemption.
Doubtless they’re doing just that, they’ve been like that in oz for eleven months now
How about an advert saying “Why aren’t you dead after a year of a ‘pandemic’ you cunt, and why hasn’t your family, workplace, neighbourhood been decimated by it??”.
I’ll offer up the cuntish radio ad for Trusted PPE to this highly recommended cunting.
They’ve produced their advertisements all through this planed demic to sound like some some sort of HMG/Public Health announcement, but then throw in something along the lines of ‘but don’t worry, cos here at Trusted PPE you can purchase 1O face masks for the price of 5 to keep you safe’
Bunch of cunts and deserving, in my view of a nom of their own, but I can’t be fucked.
That is all. Good morning, stay home, save your life by avoiding the NHS and get to fuck.
Message ends.
Ppe is a cunt. I use the black nitrile gloves for my motorbike and car maintenance (I’m going to cunt Mecedes one day). Almost 20 fucking quid a box now, up from about 6 quid. Cunts.
I’ve gone back to the old fashioned way of car maintenance – no gloves and scrape the oil, crap and skin (!) off my hands using a detergent and sugar mix when the job is finished.
Some companies (probably all the Government’s mates) are doing very nicely out of all this.
Not seen this advert.
But I don’t chat up bus drivers and never really meet nurses as im not a hypercondriac.
No problems telling them my journey is essential anyway,
The nosey fuckers.
I don’t answer to some fuckin busdriver.
“Save your life by avoiding the NHS”. That’s brilliant. It ought to be the advert’ (except it’s not patronising enough).?
Big Brother is watching us.Hitler and co would be pissing themselves laughing at our Ministry of Dictatorship.Jonhathon Van Tampax saying “We are too early to come out of restrictions.”Oven please Unkle Terry
dont you think the regime including intellectuals like hancock and scientists like ferguson (who hasn’t even got biology A-level) are laughing at us already??? the compliance is way past embarrassing now
Too early to come out of restrictions. How come then schools are being sent back? Everybody who’s had kids knows that the little darlings spread diseases faster than a muck spreader spreads slurry. The infection rate is dropping and schools are shut – must be a coincidence.
As well as being patronising have you noticed how these cunts who are being put forward to lecture us all seem to have had a personality bypass? Maybe they’ve all had a partial lobotomy and a Government control unit implanted. Yeah, that’s it. Why else would you put somebody with the charisma of a dead slug in front of a mass audience.
I did see an advert selling Bat Flu the other day but it was crammed full of Darkies so I thought it was selling knives and drugs.
Oh well silly me.
The NHS and the government can stick their simplistic taudry effnik right up thir collective Van Tam.
What a set of jelly cunts.Goebbels lives once more.
Fuck Off.
I’m just surprised we don’t have vans going around neighbourhoods with loud speakers on the roof blasting this type of bullshit propaganda.
Could you look them in the eyes? Yes. I’ll skull fuck them too if you ask me nicely.
My blood pressure goes through the roof when those ads appear on TV. I instantly reach for remote and click off it goes.
Just zone out, as they say ,cunters. Don’t get upset just switch off and ignore. Now, is it 8.20am too early for a beer?
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.
There also the one act like you have covid.
You mean you want me coughing everywhere I go, righty oh cunts.
Fear, suspicion, hopelessness, self-loathing, servility, guilt, are the emotions required for us all to work together to beat Covid.
Imagine the diseased minds that came up with the brief for the ad agency. That’s right, they are running our country!
A load of utter bollocks aimed at an already dumbed down younger cross bred effnick generation with the combined iQ of ginger Harry ‘ex-prince’ Hewitt.
These adverts are so cretinous, moronic and above all puerile that it seems the NHS and the public announcement bureau have used Dianne ‘The Hutt’ Flabbot and Harvey Price as technical advisors.
These adverts prove what the powers that be really think of their people-
Dumb fuck, servile, peasant, ignorant, un-educated, scum who need to be told in a condescending manner what to do with their fucking lives at every instance.
Makes my fucking piss boil-CUNTS!
I see Van Tam asked us not to “wreck” the anti Covid progress this country has achieved so far. I reckon he should have aimed that comment squarely at Boris and co.
The little people have, by and large, towed the line and we don’t need stupid patronising adverts and people like him trying to apportion blame on us.
Anyway, try talking to a bus driver where I live without an interpreter and see how far you get.
Thankfully, due to not watching terrestrial TV or listening to a radio since last May, I have managed to avoid all of this shite.
It sounds like the ministry of propaganda has been in full swing?
Perhaps an advert aimed at the government:
“Can you look a terminally ill patient in the eye and tell them not having a chance to say goodbye to their loved ones, is essential?”
Absofuckinglutely! How about a mini series of ads.
Can you look a bereaved family in the eye and say you weren’t too slow to barring international travel?
Can you look an intensive care patient in the eye and tell them school kids don’t spread Covid.
The list goes on….
That’s how I’ve coped as well. I pick up a very abridged version of world events and developments from IsAC etc.
Nowt against Captain Tom but everyone who watches TV or listens to radio should prepare themselves today for the ‘small’ family funeral today.
Spitfire perhaps
Gun salute
Those cunts Ball and Bubble
Online book of condolences
The list is endless.
Full respect to him but the media cunts just love this shite.
In the interests of balance….
Bang on the money JRC
Lives destroyed for what appears to be a politically hijacked flu season along with pneumonia.
I think if you visit a supermarket every week, it’s likely you’ve had it or got it. I think I saw this the other day on “”. My annual hospital check up has been replaced with a telephone appointment. If anyone knows how they can diagnose whats going on in my guts without shoving a camera up, let me know. That said, wild horses couldn’t drag me near a hospital at the moment
I can tell you now as a fellow public transport user. Bus drivers don’t give a fuck.
Every bus journey is essential to pay the drivers wages.
It’s certainly not the pubs that are spreading it. I’ve said it before, the NHS is not fit for purpose. Harsh but true. The Covid shit has not deflected me from this opinion. A cash behemoth that is in perpetual ‘crisis’ year in year out. If it was a private business it would have been shut up 30 years ago. We’re now being told that it’s rising again in certain areas due to our behaviour. The government and scientists conveniently moving the goalposts again. I’ve said it from the start, the lockdown will be in effect until 2022 at the earliest. I can’t put my finger on it but in some perverse way the government and scientists are relishing the sense of power it’s giving them and the hopelessness of the general public.
Talking if fucking adverts, that one on Friends for OGX haircare is boiling my fucking piss. ‘Unforgettable hair days’ What the fuck??? Plus it’s got the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen, if you could call it a woman. I think you know the one I’m talking about.
I have studiously IGNORED the while fucking lot and do everything as before with one exception.
I wear a mask in shops for ONE REASON ONLY, the cunts aren’t getting a penny in fines from me.
ALL the rest, I ignore, the obsessive handwashing, the dodging away and cowering from anyone less than 100 yards away, the lot.
Here’s the kicker, I haven’t caught anything, died or been struck by lightning.
The only plague I go out of my way to avoid is the plague of wardens, “marshals”, inspectors, the rare visible plod and the rash if railings, signs & barriers. Any hassle and I vote with my feet and spend my fish elsewhere.
One more thing, when is the public boiling in dog piss of that toxic cunt “professor” cow killer Ferguson?CUNTS!!!!
You wear the Mask of Shame you’re part of the problem. No let-out.
Could our precious sacred NHS look thousands of cancer patients, untreated and will die, in the eye & actually say they were “protecting them from Covid”? Apparently yes.
Stay at home, Protect the NHS, save us from saving lives.
Go fuck yourselves.
Big article in Saturday Mail Sheikh Anvakh reporting hundreds of deaths down to covid when they were actually the underlying conditions.
I find the one aimed at BAME folk funny. They really must think the target audience are as thick as shit.
Talking of targets. New archery targets this week include Lineker, Joshua, Hamilton, Khan, Flabbott, Dixon, Duke, Henry and Boyega. It’s going to be like Zulu Dawn part 2.
Should read Duka