Not Fat Cunts, but Beautiful Fat Cunts

Just popped round to see my elderly neighbour and he was watching the Marxist Channel 4.

The programme was about a 41 stone “non binary” creature moaning about not being a normal 20 something.

It is one of the vilest things I’ve ever seen. This fat fuck just lying around the house, most probably on benefits wallowing in it’s pit like a mature sow. Just looking at this thing waddling around was enough to send me into a stratospheric anger that worried Mr Davies no end.

It should be put to work in the field picking stones at threat of a sjambok being used on it. The mother was bad enough excusing the thing and making excuses. It really looked like it should be in a farrowing crate, how the fuck do these things turn into this?

It was depressing as fuck watching it trying to get up off the sofa and stroking it’s enormous girth while eating bacon and egg sandwiches.

Why oh fucking why do they bother giving it supplementary oxygen at night, a waste of money and time!

Vomit inducing it was cunters, I feel sick now, off to bed, just glad I’m not a fat wastrel who needs oxygen, ah cunts!!!!!

Nominated by: Captain Quimson

… and there’s this from Texas Trumptard

The New Beautiful.

This nom is basically another Obesity cunting but more. We are expected to believe, accept, and celebrate the opposite of what we all know is truly beautiful. Adverts, magazine covers, etc now display obese women as beautiful. Usually other boxes are ticked as well as she will be other than white and have a lezzy vibe too.
The wokewaffe have infiltrated their bullshit into every source of information to make sure we get our daily dose.
My own eyes, stomach, & cock must not be woke because when I see that shit I turn away, get nauseous, and my cock hides like a turtle.
Denial of reality is insanity. It sucks to see Insanity everywhere these days.
For sure the cunts that force this shit on us don’t fantasize about a fat, green-haired, tattooed, mixed race, androgynous, weirdo when they masturbate.
How about a happy medium like a beautiful, fit, feminine woman but not photoshopped to perfection?
Obesity makes you unhealthy, a burden to others, and disgusting by CHOICE.
Be happy with yourself but don’t be thinking that the fat-weird version of yourself is beautiful.
Only a cunt would try forcing me to see beautiful when all you are is someone who chooses to fuck themselves up. That makes you ugly inside and out.

74 thoughts on “Not Fat Cunts, but Beautiful Fat Cunts

    • Today MSM will love him, tomorrow they’ll dig the dirt , figure out he was a racist on something extremely tenuous, and come the following day MSM will call him a complete cunt!

      But at least he wasn’t a fat cunt like the fat cunt in the header pic!

      • I doubt it. He’s been too inspiring for too many people during this batflu pandemic. The only people likely digging dirt will be Burn Loot Murder and other than their followers and some woke dodgy white upperclass leftists, nobody else will give a fuck what they dig up.

      • Probably find he ran a boys boarding school for delinquents in the 1950’s. There was a quiet room that Tom would take the boys to !!!!!!!!

  1. These cunts food bill for a week is probably mine for a month.
    Why can’t they stop before they get anywhere near that size?

  2. Captain Tom is dead

    I want to nominate

    Peter Tobin
    Jimmy greaves
    Jimmy tar buck
    Noel Edmonds
    Tony Blair

    • Sorry about that admin but I never win a dead pool thing and I guess I never will as I’m always too late

      Sorry about that Cuntsince1066, only nominations posted to the Dead Pool thread count. Best mozy on over there or you’ll miss out. – NA

      • Already have but too fucking late

        rules are rules and I apologise for breaking them.

        Still worth a try I guess

        I was only doing thirty guv honest.

    • Is that Mr creosote from monty pythons meaning of life? There’s absolutely nothing funny about fat cunts unless like mr creosote they explode after gorging their fat faces !!

  3. All part of the psychological subversion of western nations. Up is down, left is right, and obese fat fucks are what every hot blooded male truely wants.

    The only reason I’d want to see them on TV is to be used as humiliation and a warning to kids that you’ll die young, smell like sweaty shit, and no one but perverse weirdos will want you.

  4. That thing in the header pic is truly diabolical ☹️

    The blame must be laid with the parents or guardians-probably never been educated in healthy eating.
    Promoting such obesity as beauty is not going to help the problem.
    A bit of extra weight can be quite sexy-think Sophie Dahl pre weight loss?
    I could never bring myself to bang a “mega-fatty”?

  5. A great cunting. It’s not that people are fat, fuck me ahd a mate who had a BMI of 50. Fucking great laugh never pitied himself. He and knew it was his fault and his responsibility to do something about it. He never did and had a heart attack in the pub aged 49. Brown bread. Covid would have found him out no worries and nailed him well quickly.

    what fucks me off are the fat cunts who want to be considered normal, beautiful, healthy and dare I say it sexy to everyone (I know some cunts like a chunky monkey). They feel it’s not their fault and it is our fault for thinking they are fat, good for nothing burden on society cunts.

    How many of the cunts under 60 who have died from Covid have been fat fuckers, I would say nearly all of them. Anyway I will leave Bill Burr to do the honours

    Hope link works if not copy and paste

  6. What the fuck is that! Surely to get that fat you must literally not move for about 20 years while consuming 6,000 calories a day.

    More to the point how does she wipe her arse or flange?

  7. Now I like a woman with a bit of meat on her, nice bit of padding. Hate these fucking coat hangers, all skin and bone sticking in you.

    But I draw the line at having to lift the fat rolls to get at the old snapper.

    Big is not always beautiful, especially when your the size of the HMS Ark Royal.

    But on a serious note this is extremely dangerous to health trying to claim obesity is normal.

  8. I love bacon and egg sarnies.
    Just as much as that blubbery mutation in that upsetting photo.
    But I exercise and make sure I drink plenty of scotch.

    These giant benefit sponges should be rendered down to make cladding for Grenfell Tower of Filthy Vermin.
    Fucked Off to Greggs.

  9. I like the cunters comment of

    “Probably on benefits ”

    Only during the winter. In the summer it is employed as a bouncy castle

  10. Selfish cunt, that t-shirt could keep 3 rough sleepers warm this winter. I’ve never understood how people turn into lard buckets of these proportions. I always said that we are 20 years behind the Yanks and it’s becoming apparent. Guns, gangs, riots, fast food fatties, blame culture, compensation claims, just to name a few. It’s survival of the fittest in the animal kingdom and these fat fuckers need a proper kick up the arse to get into shape or pushing off a cliff.

    • If that had been around in the 40s, it would have saved Barnes Wallis a lot of thinking.
      Psychological warfare….imagine seeing that thing falling out of the sky, about to flatten your bunker.

  11. I guess gender specificity can be a conundrum for people of immense size. No need to be out of work though, there is always a job in the police waiting for gigantic fatsos.

  12. Bet she’s got Dyno Rod on speed dial.
    As well as Deliveroo and Just Eat.
    When she carks it, they’ll have to dismember her to fit her in the oven.
    That’ll be our carbon emissions up the swanny.
    Get To Fuck.

  13. It’s probably not sure what gender it is because it’s so fucking fat it ain’t seen its pussy/côck in years……….

    Send the fat cunt to Syria to live with the Begum creature.
    Them savages will carve it up like a halal beef joint and keep that refugee camp in white meat for another year at least……….

    Fucking Fat Cunt!

  14. Like all this woke shite, this fat loving is just virtue signalling and cunts saying ‘look at what a good and PC person I am’. I bet every single one of these woke shite have laughed at a fat person or told a fat joke at some time. That’s what I hate most about this woke bollocks: it’s so fucking fake and put on. And it’s because of these cunts that attractive women – especially attractive white women – are now unofficially banned from magazine covers and the like. No fit birds any more on the front of Vogue or any of them things. Now it’s ugly darkee types, munters in burquas, trannie circus freaks, token benders, fat cunts, or some fat bearded cunt in a dress. Beauty is now seen as ugly, and ugly is now seen as beauty. The abnormal is now normal and the freak and the deviant are now kings.

    • The same woke bellends who cheerlead this fat positivity bollocks are the type to guilt trip people about starving Africans or the evils of western consumerism.

    • Have a think about it Norman.

      If and when a global catastrophe happens, which it will according to St. Greta of Mongberg. Who do you want to spend a few years in a survival bunker with?

      Would it be water and sanitation engineers, highly qualified doctors and surgeons, telecoms engineers, farmers, butchers, bakers, plumbers, electricians, builders? you know, actual useful people.

      Or would you rather put the survival of humanity in the hands of the bunch of useless cunts you have listed?

      That worthless fat sack of shit in the nom photo would scoff the next decades worth of tinned spam in one sitting and then whine about the toilet being blocked until it met with an unfortunate retracting bolt accident and got rendered down for lamp oil in week one.

    • We had that awful Cosmopolitan cover showing an enormous whale proclaiming that is health, so perverse, sums up modern wokedom. However, look at what has just turned up, Tall, skinny, pretty white woman on the cover of British Vogue, Angelina Jolie no less.

      I think she looks amazing but what exactly is she about? Killing a pet snake in some kind of Hollyweird ritual. Bizarre.

      • Jolie is Hollyweird cuntistocracy, and they only get magazine covers because they play the woke game and they buy, I mean ‘adopt’ darkee babies. She’s as mad as box of frogs and is known for her bizarre (let’s just say that) habits regarding insects, spiders and reptiles. She also makes her kids eat them. Weird as fuck and she leaves me cold.

  15. So these ‘But.. But’ liberal cunts want a fit bird with nice tits on Page 3 banned.

    Yet they would have no problem with some billy bollocks fat slag cunt with all their putrid lard hanging out in the newspaper and putting me off my egg and black pudding barm?

    All I can say is many a Page 3 bird lifted my spirits many a time of a morning when I was younger doing shit jobs. So, the lard lovers can fuck it up their arses. They are cunts.

  16. Fat cunts are trying to make out that fat shaming is akin to racism. Not only that but that we should accept and embrace fatties because big can be beautiful. Sounds like a lazy fat cunt excuse to me. I will never find a fat fucker attractive, end of.

  17. If all these woke locusts who insist that fat cunts are ‘beautiful’ then why aren’t any of them married to one or why are there no fat cunts as pin-ups on walls?

    Because it bollocks, that’s why. Virtue signalling lies and all part of the woke PC point scoring game. Just like BLM and transbenders. Nobody really gives a toss about them. It’s all about getting attention and approval. Despicable cunts.

    • They are not pin-ups because the pin can’t take the weight.
      Or the wall for that matter…

  18. Don’t forget the “I’ve got a medical condition” card, for fat lazy cunts who try to defend their position.

    We already have the race card, the homo card, the sexist card, the transformer card…. so let’s go for a full house!

  19. As my ex father-in-law once said, “A fat fuck is a lazy fuck”. An ironic statement for someone sipping a beer and topping the scales at 19 stone, bloke was an absolute legend. And porky

  20. I don´t know if anyone has seen former Brazilian footballer Ronaldo recently but he has piled on the kilos since leaving the field. Don´t be surprised if he becomes a sumo wrestler. Check him out.
    ¡MUY DURO! La Increíble Humillación De Un Periódico A Ronaldo ‘El Fenomeno’ (

    I´m talking about Ronaldo Fenomeno – as he is known in Brazil – as opposed to Ronaldinho Gaucho, the toothy one whose hair straightener never worked, who has become a jail bird since hanging up his boots. Here he is hiding his handcuffs as he settles in for his first night in the nick in Paraguay.

    Ronaldinho Gaúcho passa a noite preso em cadeia no Paraguai (

    • And Prince Naseem Hamed. Once he was like a whippet in his boxing prime, Now he;s a fat cunt. All them Halal kebabs, I suppose.

      And Crosby Stills Nash and Young. With only Nash who isn’t now a fat cunt.

  21. Remember that lonely hearts adverts explained?
    Went something like:

    -Athletic: no tits

    -Seeks knight in shining armour: ex husband is a fucking nutter

    -New Age: hairy with a smelly fanny

    -Cuddly: fat cunt

    -Likes to eat out: lazy fat cunt


    • Spot on and a few more, CG.

      Activist –Gobshite.

      Free Spirit – Slag.

      Feisty – Psycho.

      Loves Animals – Hates men.

      A character – A pain in the arse.

      Sensitive – Touchy/Mardarse/Psycho.

      Sexy — Usually aren’t.

      Fun loving – Piss artist/Slag.

      Likes the good things in life – Gold Digger.

      Feminist – Closet Lezza/Psycho.

  22. These obese cunts should be rendered to lard more bacon sandwiches. Who or what feeds it?

  23. As Minister for Health I would section all those weighing in at 500lb or more. There is no point them festering in their abode only for DCI Gene Cunt and the Fire Brigade to have to get them out by crane when they need help.

    On a serious note, if a judge can find that a person with dementia must have a vaccine, or a 15 year old Jehovah’s witness must have a blood transfusion then why the fuck are these people not taken into care for their own good? At 600lb you have lost control.

    • I love big fat cunts.
      Theyre dead jolly.
      Bigger the better,like those suits on its a knockout,
      Admittedly they stink of shite,
      But their big round flushed faces are a joy to behold!
      Im always pranking them!
      They love it!
      Loosen the wheel nuts on their disability chariot, marbles on the stairs,
      Just the other day knowing it was going to freeze I poured water all over my neighbours path,
      Out he waddled, skidded and nearly did a backflip!!??

      I couldn’t stop laughing,
      We both had tears rolling down our face!
      Him more than me though.
      The ambulance men were right miserable bastards though!
      Stoney faced and skinny.

      • Miserable, I had have high hopes that you will one day be in my Ministry for Health, and Transport for that matter.

        Keep up the good work, wot wot.

      • Evening Cuntologist!
        I live to serve?
        Dont think im suited to a indoor job, and even a small amount of power would go straight to my head.
        We’d be tried for human rights crimes.

        You well?

      • No problem Mis, I would have you outdoors, looking for wide load bums. Maybe part time consultant would suit you better?!

        Yeah alright, maybe, truth be told. Toying with exit bag vs finishing my novel or getting a job again.

  24. Hells bells imagine that object falling on top of you after taking out an upstairs bay window scary or what. Voluntary service overseas would be a good option. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the locals in some hell hole famine and pestilence ridden shit hole in Somalia or Sudan as this huge non binary person is released from the cargo net slung under a heavy lift chopper. I can hear those pots and pans a rattling.

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