A nomination for non-essential jobs in the post-covid economy.
Let’s be honest; there’s a surplus of useless people who wont get stuck in because they think they’re above it all., but are really quite stupid.
The nurses are getting stuck in. The doctors are getting stuck in. The army are getting stuck in. The builders are getting stuck in. The shop assistants are getting stuck in. The binmen and mcdonalds burger flippers are getting stuck in.
When the vaccines are rolling out, the barmen and waitresses will get stuck in.
The gender theorists and people with Ph.Ds. in utter bullshit? The artistic types dancing about? Not so much.
Time to get the economy straight, let the non-jobs die off through economic selection, therefore reducing labour and lib dem voters to penury.
No more grants for research into gender wank or for artistic types. If these luvvies have such amazing imaginations they can fucking perform in a public park.
There’s nothing stopping these twats from filming or performing Shakespeare in a park or disused power station.
I bet Brian Blessed and Peter O’Toole would’ve done it as long as you gave them a lift to the pub afterwards.
Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime
SAGE cunts have proved themselves to be utterly useless cunts. Fuck knows what they do but they’ve demonstrated the very essence of non essential busybodies poking their noses into things they know fuck all about in the real world!
Quite fucking right.
Eggheads and Arties are just different cheeks of the same arse…they contribute nothing useful…nothing tangible. Eggheads drone out a bunch of ridiculous shite that is of no relevance to most people…yet it is “most people” who have to pay for these windbags to spout their dangerous nonsense…would the World be a poorer place if we never heard again from those sinister sexual-weirdo advocates?..most of them are merely trying to inflict their degenerate sexual fantasies onto the general public…they are not The Gays..they are The Degenerates with unwholesome and bizarre sexual tastes
The Arty-Farties are The Gays..yes,degenerate too,but with a different affliction…they get their “jollies’ by pretending to be either Ena Sharples or Mavis Wilton from Coronation Street…the “butch” Gay goes for the Ena character…the “receiver” Gay prefers the Mavis Wilton persona…..but make no mistake…both types are equally dangerous and will pounce like a tiger taking a wart-hog piglet if
the opportunity to sexually assault a vulnerable member of the normal male community presents itself.
Force the Gender Theorists and the Arty-Farties to get proper jobs..digging wells that we could then chuck them down perhaps.
Thelma Barlow will be most interested by your theorising on sexual deviant practices in the arts Fiddler, I wonder if Derek was the sub or the dom in Corrie?
Morning all.
I suspect Derek Wilton was “The Big Cheese”.. ” The King Rat”..” The Dame Elton”..” The Ground Zero”…the epicentre of Depravity and Lewdness….well,either him or Percy Sugden.
But Dick without artistic limp-wristed types there would be no Toad of Toad Hall, Ratty or Badger characters for you to mentally set the hounds on as you huddle over a tankard of mulled ale in Fiddler Towers in the dark night of the soul while playing “Dae ye ken John Peel” on the Northumbrian pipes.
A Magistrate once told me that I had a worse driving record than Toad of Toad Hall…that was followed by my “friends” in the Public seats (and myself admittedly) bursting out laughing and them shouting “Bring back hanging” and “the man’s a menace to decent society..lock him up”.
I’m still convinced that the old Cunt doubled my fine because of the “outburst” caused by his own ill-judged “witticism”.
Good cunting Cuntamus.
I’ve been irritated by the claptrap these zeros have been subjecting us to for years.
The Covid bollocks has just highlighted how worthless they really are.
As we speak, professional musicians are bleating for hand-outs, forgetting that 99.9% of their craft (and indeed of all human artistic endeavour) is conducted as complimentary to other efforts – or do they believe that the sea-shanties they are all currently besotted by were the products of cruise passengers and recreational yachtsmen, and not actual working sailors, whalers, and fishermen?
Farewell an adieu all me fine Spanish ladies, farewell an adieu all ye ladies of Spain.
For we receive orders to sail to old England….
Actors struggling with just a shanty to cheer them,
At this rate theyll be kipping rough, but whats theyre motivation?
Its a shame.
In a shop doorway in a thin sleeping bag twitching in a bad dream, shouting in their sleep,
All we can hope is that a wanked-out economy will no longer have the means to indulge or support those types.
Best they get a job on the back of a cement mixer, knocking up muck. Put your fucking back into it, you arty cunt!
That was the job that Tom ‘rum and shrub’ Baker was doing before he won the role of ‘Doctor Who’.
Best Doctor Who ever: cement mixer.
Worst Doctor Who ever: bean flicker.
Cuntamus, I am reminded of a situation that Peter O’Toole found himself in some years before his death. Attending the wake of a friend, O’Toole was approached by a fellow mourner who said ‘ This is unusual, when were last in a pub at 11.30 I. the morning’? O’Toole replied ‘Yesterday.’
The arty types are bad enough but the one’s who piss me off the most are the red tape checkers, those whose sole purpose is to ensure you are complying with a mountain of regulations that add nothing, but cost you time and money ensuring you comply.
Health & Safety, Diversity & Inclusion, Money Laundering, Making Tax Digital. People making money just by making it difficult for small businesses to trade and compete.
Occasionally I may want to spend some money to be entertained, I never want to be forced to spend money on over the top, elaborate software just so I can send figures into HMRC, when I can currently do it much easier.
You can be sure as hell, all of these are furloughed or working from home and they contribute nothing to the economy.
Transferring money to family members has become much more difficult in recent years. Apparently, it is all part of anti money laundering legislation. What pisses me off is that everyone that the real villains have clever people who allow them to be unaffected by the rules.
It would be a happy day indeed if they all starved to death.
I concur.
Make them dance for chips!
Nothing more entertaining than two Shakespearian actors fighting to the death for a pork pie.
All that will be needed when this shit show is over will be swords, axes and the ability to make fire. All the marxists, arties and trans mongs are doing is preparing the way for the final battle, when survivalists and white supremacists will be all that are left to take on the Chinky hordes. Fucking Mad Max will seem like easy street.
Being semi feral I will do OK in the coming apocalypse.
The luvvies and any non essential will expire in their droves as their lottery funding dries up – death through fragrance.
They are overrated, up their own arses (or everyone else’s usually) and just not necessary – get a proper job or fuck off, hard times are inevitable and unless they can turn their hand to cave painting I can see no need or use for them.
650 “non-essential jobs” immediately come to mind (in Westminster)?
Self Employed Social Media Influencers or Cunts as I like to call them.
Register as self employed and give yourself a title ‘Freelancer’ , aren’t those the prostitutes in Bangkok
Get a proper fucking job!
God help us if there’s another World War with these useless fucking mincers. It’d be like that sketch from Monty Python that someone put on another nom the other day. Gets on my tits also what other people have said on this nom about non productive people whose work has no benefit to society. My old Dad used to call them ‘The Department of Annoying People”.