Nationwide Building Society (2)

Time for a counting for Nationwide building society,

they probably are uba cunts in their own right but I’m not going to give the cunts the opportunity to piss me off more than they already have with their fucking ads,

they have all been shite since the 2 gormless sisters who retired due to death threats which were totally justified and many equally shite adds since with cunts reciting poems. it makes my chest tighten up and a twitch in the eye like inspector Dreyfuss from the pink panther,

but the latest make me want to dig out my own eyes and ear drums with a fucking screw driver, the first one is the token black guy with a voice that is so boring it kills me, this mother fucker has to be a teacher,

I feel a fucking aneurism coming on every time the ad comes on and just when you think it can’t get worse than this a new ad, this time featuring a fuck ugly, coconut headed token rug muncher dyke who is about as sexually attractive as a bucket of live bait, she, s banging on about taking her no doubt ugly stick girlfriend to the theatre.

Surely this can’t be drumming up business for Nationwide, I hope they go bust very soon so no more eye and ear fucking from these cunts…..

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

(Feel free to include the ad in the comments, as we couldn’t find it – DA)

56 thoughts on “Nationwide Building Society (2)

  1. I can’t understand why so many ads these days seem to be aimed at “minorities”…why appeal to the “minority” and risk alienating the “majority”? I don’t think that I know anyone who is liable to say..”Oh, I opened an account with Such and Such because they promote The Gays and The Sooties”…but I do know a few people who’ll think “Fuck them and their “wokeness”.

    In the case of Building Societies,it is utterly ridiculous…everyone knows that Sooties invest their (illegally obtained) money in gold teeth,untaxed and uninsured cars and drugs…lots and lots of drugs. The thought of DeShawn going down to the Building Society every Saturday morning to pay some of his wages into a Saver’s Account is fantasy…for a start,if the Building Society had any sense,they’d hit the silent-alarm and drop the shutters the second he walked in.

    The Gays tend to be a bit cannier with money…some of them are on good wages.. playing Widow Twanky in panto every Christmas can be quite lucrative apparently. Their trouble is Fripperies…they can’t see a sparkly crop-top,pair of size18 stilettos,arseless leather-chaps or small rodent without splashing the cash.

    In both cases (Dark-Keys and Botty-Bashers) I’d have said that the sight of them going into my high street Building Society would discourage the normal man from entering…I know that I have very little desire to be caught up in an armed robbery or get “anally-invaded” when I bend down to pick up the “pay-in” slip that I may have dropped.

    • Your encyclopaedic knowledge of the culture and behaviour of those suffering from an affliction of The Gayness never ceases to amaze.

      • Of course I do…while Fucking-Eggheads devote their time to studying fashionable mass-extinction possibilities, I face up to the true threat to Mankind….The Gayness.

        Yes,I soldier on without huge grants from the’s just a sacrifice that I know has fallen to me. Govt. and Big Pharma would prefer the Sheeple to believe that The End will come about through Plague or Pollution but I know where the biggest threat lurks…behind every Public toilet,behind every Pride march,behind every Hamster fancier.

        Yes…like Moses and The Tablets..I am The Salvation…The Truth…The Light…and if Mankind cannot accept The Truth That Dare Not Speak It’s Name….well,Fuck them.



    • The residual spatter aroma, from your Fray Bentos and Guinness afterburner blast would be irresistible to the predatory Gay.
      I would say that you are in a high risk group, with a strong likelihood of being the victim of Anal Interference.
      Be careful out there.
      Morning, Dick.
      Morning all.

      • Oh,I’m aware that I’m an irresistible target for The Gays,Jack. That is why I never venture out without my trusty sword-stick,razor-tipped flat-cap and 3 pairs of individually belted y-fronts.

        I also carry a rape alarm that screams “The Gays are The Police” …used it only the once…that was when I saw a “theatrical” looking type mincing down the street with a toy- poodle on a leash..we are all (Poodle,Nancy-Boy,Myself and my Bull-lurcher) unfortunately now stone deaf…. the 140 decibel setting was probably a mistake…but,as I’m sure you agree, a small price to pay when The Gay Threat looms.


      • As it says in The Good Book.
        ” It is a far better thing; for a man to have a perforated earhole; than a perforated arsehole. ”
        You won’t find that in the Koran.

    • If DeShawn popped into any bank or building society to deposit some cash, Compliance would be onto him ASAP for money laundering. His pharmacy business is very unlikely to be legitimate.

    • Dicky, what are Fripperies? Are they the French version of Mr whippy icecream?
      “Un frippery silver plates, avec cadbury flake. Messy buckets.” 🙂

  2. They need a new team for their adverts.
    Nationwide are steering of course.
    Weird looking types reading bad poems isnt what people want in a financial institution.
    Take Laura above,
    Whos she meant to appeal too?
    The UK only has a small Quasimodo community?

  3. It’s beyond me why these idiotic cunts keep putting shifty undesirables in their expensive TV ads.
    Fuck only knows if they have televisions in Zambia but all our adverts make me wonder if I’ve moved there.
    I suspect I may not be the only fellow who hopes they go bankrupt pandering to human filth.
    Fuck Off.

  4. Nationwide ads are diabolically fucking awful the actors appear to be escapees from secure mental health units. That one with the bad hair day cringe making

  5. All adverts are shit and they have been for many years.
    The people that produce this crap may have degrees in media studies but they know fuck all about selling.
    One of the most basic techniques in sales is ‘features and benefits’. You tell a punter about a particular feature of your product and then explain how they can personally benefit from it.
    Advertising companies nowadays haven’t got a fucking clue.
    They will tell you that their face cream contains coconut extract but will leave you high and dry to why that might be a good thing.
    Every advert (with one recent exception) is the same.
    Worse still are the advertisers that claim that the shite that they are peddling has been ‘inspired’ by one thing or another.
    Tooth brushes inspired by dentists, shampoo inspired by gene technology.
    Nationwide are arrogant cunts. They think that their brand is so strong that they can display their logo on the screen accompanied by any fucking rambling, urban poet and people will want to use their company.
    The one advert that is the exception to this cuntishness is for a hoover.
    The 2 people voice-over first gives a feature of the product, then asks the question ‘What does that mean?’ and then the benefit is explained.
    However, as I can’t remember the name of the brand of hoover then they still have work to do in improving their ads and selling the fucking things.

    • Nationwide, perf wiv serf, go compare, go vegan hairy Bikers,
      All are piss poor quality and have the opposite effect as they alienate people.
      That perf wiv serf retard,
      Id honestly like to take a half brick to the back of her head.

      • I think someone already has, the brain dead gawp.
        Took the dog out earlier on, lovely carpet of frost and a big full moon hanging in the western sky.
        Off over the fields later,for a nice long walk.
        Looks like we’re in for a cracking weekend.
        Morning MNC.

      • Morning Jack,
        Yes, I noticed the moon walking the dog earlier,
        Love frosty mornings.
        Think someone said that perf girl is cockney hardman Danny Dyers spawn?
        He should be prosecuted.

      • Actually Spoons the dog does a bit!
        After a wee, on the playing fields.
        I cant though, no natural rthym,
        And told I’ll be taken to court if I keep weeing on the playing field.

    • TV adverts were much better back in the ’70s. Many people said that the adverts were actually better than the TV programmes. As ITV was the only channel with adverts at the time, this is no surprise (with exceptions such as Minder, The Sweeney, The Professionals) and it is still the case with ChavTV, given the amount of crap from Semen Cowell and Ant & Dec that they air.

      Still, minorities were visible on adverts back in the ’70s as this gem starring Arthur Lowe demonstrates. Note the name of his Indian servant.

  6. What’s the fucking point in putting money into these institutions, with paltry interest rates being the norm ?
    To add insult to injury, it seems that the days of ‘ free banking ‘ are numbered, as the talk of monthly fees increases. Couple this with the continual closure of many bank branches and it makes me wonder just how much they actually want our money.
    I have contempt for many institutions, banks are high on the list.
    Get To Fuck.

  7. Banks are cunts, despite them pretending to be all nicey nicey.

    Financial crisis brought about by their stupidity and greed? The public (love how they call them government bailouts when it’s the fucking taxpayer paying every fucking penny), bail them out.

    Members of the very same public get into financial difficulties due to their errors or something like the bat flu outbreak? Perhaps missing just one or two payments?

    “Fuck off I’m having your house, you cunt.”

  8. The problem is that many people accept the fallacy that gay people are creative types, and have filled those roles, so that is how you get all this stuff on TV and advertising, because they run it.

      • She certainly registers on my brewer’s droop-ometer!

        Fortunately already had my post-breakfast wank before viewing that living abortion.

      • Morning Ruff. She’s almost as good looking as women I’ve pulled in the past at some, admittedly very dark, night clubs.

      • It’s what she’s saying that repels me, Moggie, not her looks, although they are pretty fucking egregious.

    • “How’s yer head? Are you keeping it together?”

      It looks like the stupid bitch’s head is fucking exploding.

  9. Nationwide-the biggest building society in the world, over 15 million members. 200 billion in assets, out of 300 billion in the Uk-more than the other 44 combined.
    Over 18000 employees.

    Yet they still aim their advertising at cunts?

    I am starting to think that companies are being coerced into making adverts featuring LGBTQ and Bame, why would they deliberately alienate the majority of their customer base?

    Ps: they are all cunts?

    • In other news,
      Sly news is very worried about British Pakistani taxi drivers not taking the covid 19 jab as they work with the public and are at risk.
      Maybe put the vaccine in a 12yr old white girls knickers?

  10. Seems to be that as soon as an organisation becomes established and sizeable, it believes it has the inalienable right to lecture and pontificate to the ‘little people’.

    Ben & Jerry’s, Nationwide. Fuck them all into a shitty ditch.

  11. These cunts will be offering preferential interest rates and mortgages to dark keys and gays next. What the fuck do they hope to achieve by (as mentioned above) targeting minority groups?
    Virtue signalling only repels the average punter, yet these retards can’t see it.
    Advertising is just money for old rope nowadays. We’ve never been subjected to so many ads, but I’m fucked if I can remember what’s being advertised. Apart from ads like this that boil ones piss and reinforce my stance of never, ever purchasing their products or services again.

  12. Speaking of which, my blacklist is getting longer by the day. I’ll be struggling to purchase the basics at this rate. I may have to go self sufficient, but if Mr Fothergills start virtue signalling I’m fucked!

  13. You hope it goes bust?? What total cunt you are. I have been with them in various forms since the 60s. Perfect service, just because some shithead PR wanker comes up with crap adverts is irrelevant.

    • I agree. Best account I’ve had.
      They’ve no need to advertise, so what the fuck it’s all about is anyone’s guess.
      It’s that cunt who keeps telling me “we are not an island” that needs a bit of re-education with a pair of size 12’s.
      Next, he’ll be telling me the Earth’s round.

      • Agree with both of you. I’ve had savings accounts with NW since 1971 and always received good service. Their PR department has consistently let them down badly and should be gunned down on sight.

  14. The whole advertising industry has only one strategy at present, pandering to minority wankers and twats by attempting to make the upstanding majority feel guilty about something or other, usually whiteness or straightness or self-sufficiency.

    The antics of the financial sector will be a sight to behold when they try to sell us negative interest rates. I am surprised the Rishi cunt hasn’t announced Covid Bonds yet. Maybe in his fudget? Benedick Cummerbund exhorting us all to do our duty is my bet.

  15. Load of insincere garbage. Same with Lloyds who aren’t ‘by your side’; more like a financial shadow, ready to pounce with charges.

  16. I’m undecided whether these advert’s are the most irritating ones out there or not. They have some stiff competition from the “special needs pooftah” advertising a well known supermarket (can I say that? Too late now! )

  17. My message to advertisers. Tell me what services you offer, why it would benefit me and what it’s going to cost. Even add a bit of humour if you like.
    Otherwise don’t fucking bother.

  18. Good nom.

    Nationwide are determined to establish that most retards bank with them.

    The new Halifax ad depicts a smart young man kicking a stray football back to some lads in the street. Then he casually strolls back into his branch. Get in there and answer the fecking phone you wally!

    I have a case against Halifax which has now gone to the FCA because they NEVER answer their phones and are totally unhelpful.

    They are all shite.

  19. “A message to myself in six months time – I am unemployed, my house has been repossessed and I am in a concentration camp for refusing to take a vaccine that does not vaccinate. I wish a few people wold have stood up against the socialist dictatorship in charge when we had the chance”.

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