Mitch McConnell – Republican Leader

After the third day of the impeachment trial, three Republican Senators met with Donald Trump’s defence team to discuss strategy, this after they had sworn an oath to be impartial jurors. When the voting was concluded, Mitch McConnell the Republican leader stood on the floor of the Senate and denounced Trump.

He stated that everything that happened on January 6th was caused by Trump’s disgraceful actions, that he had violated his oath of office and that he was guilty of everything he had been accused of. McConnell could not have been more scathing in his criticism if he had been acting as one of the impeachment managers.

But this was after he had voted to acquit. The excuse he used was that he believed it was unconstitutional to impeach a former President who was now a private citizen. He was hoping that everyone would conveniently forget three things:
a) he himself had said in January that the impeachment of Trump was justified
b) he himself was responsible for the delay in the impeachment hearing
c) the Senate had already taken a vote which decided that the impeachment was indeed constitutional.

However he was at great pains to point out that Trump could still be criminally liable. In other words he preferred to wash his hands of the matter and pass the buck, while forty two other gutless Senators obediently followed suit.

Mitch McConnell has shown that he is a cowardly weakling with the backbone of an earthworm. He changes his mind as often as he changes his socks. In a perfect world, McConnell’s term of office would now be at an end, but in the real world it is well understood that politicians base their entire careers around being mealy-mouthed hypocrites.

Nominated by: Allan

24 thoughts on “Mitch McConnell – Republican Leader

  1. Career trougher. The solution is to sterilise his entire extended family, end his line and those of the same ilk, so that they may see the futility of their selfish follies.

    • A measured response if not rather drawn out.

      Unkle Terry may have a more precipitous suggestion

  2. These traitorous Republicans are cowards simply just trying to save their own political careers. Either that or Skeletor Pislosi has hypnotised them like a zombie Siren.

  3. Sad spineless cunt. When the chips are down cunters your true friends show their colours.
    “Never give up your friends Dave”. Carlito Brigante

  4. Hahahaha ?
    That header pic is great!?
    Traitor and will be on the shitlist of his own constituents.

  5. A fucking turncoat.
    Politicians like to keep everything cosy so they can keep their snouts in the trough and Donald mightily upset them all with his rough and ready approach to Winning Bigly.
    Business as usual now.
    Triple chinned waxwork cunt.

      • I see after they’d crucified Ted Cruz for going on holiday they re-crucified him for giving out bottles of water to Texans whereas when the Cortez wetback arranges a photo opportunity there of handing out some food, the media rats have a wank-fest at her spirit.

  6. One of the big differences between the Demoncrats and the Repubs is simply this:

    When a Demon fucks up, no other Demons say anything or draw attention to it. It’s hushed up, brushed under the carpet and they all move on as if nothing has happened. Nothing to see here, etc.

    When a Repub fucks up, other Repubs pile in, put the boot in and basically turn the episode into a feeding frenzy for all the world to see.

    The Repubs like to position themselves as the virtuous, law abiding and ‘doing the right thing’ party while at the same time, whining about the chaotic rabble which shits on democracy, decency and the American people – also known as the Demoncratic Party.

    Fact is, they need to get their own house in order first, but they don’t and won’t because they’re spineless cunts who have self interest at the forefront of their minds. A classic example of this was during the presidential primaries in 2016. As the field of candidates narrowed, during a ‘debate’ each of the remaining candidates was asked if they would support the eventual winning candidate. They all said they would, including Jeb Bush and John Kasich. Trump won the nomination and those two cunts turned on him. For that, they should have been expelled from the party, but weren’t. Paul Ryan was also a total cunt to Trump and totally got away with it.

    Now we’ve had McConnell publicly stating the riot was Trump’s fault and then doubles down by saying if impeachment doesn’t get him, the law will. What the fuck is wrong with this cunt? Again, nothing will happen to him and it will all get uglier and more personal. Predictably Trump has responded by basically calling McConnell a cunt and so it goes on. And on. And on.

    Part of me thinks the voting public needs a dose of what it’s like to let the Demons have the keys to the kingdom for a while. So they can see what an absolute shit show it is and will be. Now is the time for the Repubs to wage a massive political war aimed at the Demon’s incompetence and contempt for America and American values, but they won’t. McConnell is part of the reason why.

    • I was under the impression the Demons have got the key to the kingdom, well at least for the next four years.

    • IY@ – that sums it up perfectly – the Republicans are so busy trying to permanently take the moral high ground they seem to forget they are in a business which never rises out of the gutter.

      • Exactly right Big Vern.

        The double standard is there for all to see. Remember when that industrial strength uber cunt Chuck Schumer used threatening language towards two Supreme Court justices?

        What happened? Repubs did nothing and a rebuke from Justice Roberts. Big fucking deal. Note, this CNN clip didn’t mention that. Typical.

        Trump holds a rally where he encouraged his supporters to peacefully protest the election theft and what happens? The Demons try to impeach him.

        Pelosi. 0-2. Hahaha. You’re shit and you know you are!

  7. Rat.
    The democrats fucked Trump over, the GOP fucked Trump over – they all did.
    What goes around comes around.

  8. Tango’s retort to McConnell was priceless.

    I know naff all about politics really, but I can’t see how The Donald stays as a Republican. I hope he doesn’t.

  9. Trump is the “populist” movement. Globalism can go fuck itself. Were not Luddites ,we just prefer the nation State to any other form of being told what to do. The tory party can fuck right off.

  10. If I had to choose though, I’d choose Mitch over Nanci Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and AOC. Bunch of nasty, lying, dirty, lefty cunts the lot of them.

  11. Generally what a wanker. Talk about fucking unity. Which prick paid him off then.

  12. Sirs:

    Nobody could change their socks as rapidly as Mitch changes his mind.

    I field-tested the proposition, and it’s not possible.

  13. Not to mention that the cunt is completely compromised by the Chinese, what with his father in law running a subsidiary of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation, it almost as if the family’s financial success depends on the whims of the CCP. It’s no wonder this cunt is happy to stab Trump in the back when it comes to propping up Beijing Biden, birds of a feather and all that.

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