Maro Itoje

For those that don’t know, he is an England RU player. And a good one, for an Englishman. He is also black.

He covets St Marcus’s status. But what to do? Cant claim starvation, went to Harrow. Seems to actually have both parents. Hmm? What then? I know, let’s campaign for laptops for all. At no personal cost, natch. (Don’t forget he wants free broadband too! – DA)

He is backed by 2000 headteachers. You know, the cunts whose aim seems to be 52 week holidays for their staff. And by Roc Nation which has something to do with a millionaire Yank rapper.

The cost to the taxpayer is a mere peccadillo. I mean, what’s a free laptop to every fucking kid in the UK gonna cost? And think of the money saved for parent’s tabs and scratch cards.

We are truly blessed with such selfless sportsmen.

Nominated by: Cunstable Cuntbubble 

(** Just a quick note.

For the next few days we’re upping the number of published nominations from our usual 5 to 6 (and 7 at weekends). This is due to a large number of scheduled noms in the “ISAC Bank”.

So as a temporary measure expect to see noms published at around 6am, 8, 10, 12pm, 2 and 4pm; with a 7th at 5pm on weekends. Thank you – DA/NA ** )

43 thoughts on “Maro Itoje

  1. If the computers were manufactured in the UK, there could be an argument for this as an old-fashioned Keynesian stimulus measure. However, as older cunters may recall, the British industrial base was pretty much wiped out between the 1950s and 1980s. Ho hum. Never mind, the spiv economics of the City will keep the ruling class in the luxury they believe to be their birthright.

    Believe me, and I’m sure Mr Dark Key Cunt of the Physics Department will back me up, education, even in lockdown, is about more than laptops and broadband.

    A dirty joke….

  2. Can’t the pupils just take home the laptops they use at school? Or am i being a thick cunt.

    • On the plus side us hard working tax paying fuckers will be able to pick one of these up for a song after these feckless thick as shit fuckwits trade them in at cex. Anyone else wonder how these chav cunts can afford the latest iPhone on fuckin benefits? CUNTS

  3. I bet they must be Apple Macs!

    What next?
    Free phones for every child – iPhones only!
    Free fibre optic broadband for every child – at least 200Mb (you know, to help with the “online lessons”)
    Free schoolmeals – oh hang on, they already get that!
    Free desk and comfortable chair
    Free electric to help power the free laptop
    Free Sony PS5 games console and 5 games for every child to take a break from the demanding online lessons!
    Free 60″ 4K smartTV to play the games for the best “virtual experience” – must be Samsung

    …all paid for by you know who. While cunts like Mojo, or whatever he’s fucking name is, gets an OBE for services to being a Cunt!

    (But remember what Whitney Houston said, #I believe children are our future#! – DA)

  4. Another fucking “do gooder” wailing to the Press about “the poor.deprived kids”….I’m just as clueless as Itoje and Rashford and yet there’s no way that I’d be able to catch the ear of Politicians and Press….when are the Press going to report on my suggestions for the deprived mites?
    Johnson and the Papers should be taking my phone-calls where I rant from a position of ignorance and demand that tax-payers money is spent on fighting the iniquities of obesity,commonness,veganism and rambling through selective culling…I’m willing to do both the selecting and culling for a modest fee.

    • Next time you’re in London to buy some new riding boots or get one of your tenants spayed, pop into the Lords and let the parvenus and placemen know what a real aristocrat thinks of spending money on the lower orders.

      • Oh I’ll never go to London again,Mike…I don’t speak the language.detest foreigners and have no desire to be mugged/murdered..London is on a par with and about as appealling as the less salubrious districts of Mogadishu as far as I’m concerned…..besides, Black+White Cunt lives there so to fuck with that.
        (Speaking of London, there’s a scheduled nom all about the capital due to go-live in the next few days – DA)

      • Perhaps you can retake your ancestral spot on the red benches if the Lords moves to York. A fine city.

      • Don’t like York either….full of effete Southern Softies. I limit my wandering to the area of land between Hadrian’s Wall and the England/Scotland border….God’s own Garden of Eden.

      • I agree with Foxchaser re. York. Almost fucking impossible to park, when you find a spot it’s arm and a leg time. The place is overrun with foreign cunts. Never go there now despite it being only a few miles up the road.

    • Living in Cumbria I would heartily agree, Dick. The only downside is that we border with the Jocks, and I can sniff Krankie’s fetid minge even from down here in the Lakes!

  5. Have we not been supplying African school kids with laptops for years?
    I seem to remember reading an article or two about this a long time ago-ironically those same computer literate cunts are the ones using “whiteys” technology against him, the dirty scamming bastards?

    Back on nom-would it not be wiser to supply the fuckers with a free PS5?
    Then could play the latest educational games, such as:

    -Ghetto rappers 6: Stormzy invasion

    -Stab and run: London has fallen

    -Ms. Pakman: burka edition

    -Dingy invaders 2: Penaly must burn

    -Diane Abbott’s maths for idiots

    -Rishi Sunnak’s fun with numbers

    -Joe Biden’s magic numbers

    -Marcus Rashfords greatest goal!

    -Maro Itoje’s goal: MBE 2

    -David Lammys fun with expensives 2: The Jaffa cake connection

    That should give the kids a good start in life ??

    Ps: Itoje-is that a traditional Cornish surname????

    (And Owen Jones plays Lara Croft in Bum Raider 7 – DA)

    • I recall footage of one African family using their laptop as a chopping board in their mudhut lol.

      But as long as some middle class libtards got to feel good about themselves, that’s all that matters, right?

      • Perhaps they’d feel even better if they paid for every single one of them themselves without using taxpayers’ money

  6. Might be better if the little cunts read more to improve their reading age (generally piss poor) and learnt their times-tables to 12. All free.

    • I was thinking something similar, where’s the incentive to the parents to improve their lot in life if all the posh goods are fucking free.

      • As the dullards are mostly glued to their shitty devices 24/7 anyway, you can safely expect the dim-witted yoof to go on and do their University thesis on Minecraft, or some such other bollocks. Such is the standard of higher ejucayshun these days.

  7. I have a 12 year old son and 9 year old daughter, and in this lockdown everything they have to do with homeschooling is computer based. Of course they haven’t been taught how to use Word or PowerPoint, that’s up to Dad to do in January, when he’s already working a 70 hour week on tax returns.
    So the school’s expectations are that every child has unlimited access to a computer between 9 and 3.30 each day.
    I had one spare laptop with a new hard drive fitted so had to buy a new one for older child. Wasn’t chuffed about forking out £500 and do wondered how poorer families will cope, especially after Christmas. However, it was a necessity and something had to be done. Most parents in the UK could make some sacrifices and afford that. My piss boils at this give meals/laptops to kids. You shouldn’t be having them if you aren’t prepared to pay for them and that may mean going without something yourself. Many of these will have subscription TV, latest phones and view them as a necessity.
    I can see both sides of this. The schools shouldn’t presume though that every 7 year old had its own computer.

    • This raises another interesting point.

      What if you have 2 or more kids. Will they need their own free laptop for schoolwork?

      And on a slightly different tangent, I bet St Greta of Cuntbergs will love the idea of WfH and Studying-from-Home, as it means less pollution, fewer cars, and blah blah blah .. planet (and her future) is saved!

      But on the flipside you’ll get more fat kids due to lack of exercise and sitting on their arses all day long raiding the kitchen cupboards for food and beer … oops, I meant, pop!

      • All joking aside, I’m sure this lockdown is to soften us up to “save the planet”. “Look guys, we had to destroy the economy to save a few people from flu, so now it is more serious as millions will die from a bit if sun.”

      • Greta Thunderbird will shit her hemp knickers when all these laptops start getting shoved in the landfill after they stop working.

  8. The other thing that has really made my piss boil about homeschooling is the brainwashing. Both kids RE for all of January has been Islam. One even had a audio which said about Mo ‘he’s special and we must be careful or he will be murdered by the Jews’. That’s for my 9 year old daughter to hear.
    Every assembly lesson my son has had mentions the achievements of someone of colour. Everything they can they are pushing Islam and BLM onto the kids, along with the horror of Whites enslaving Blacks. No wonder they come out of education with the views they have. It is brainwashed in as fact with no alternative opinion. Of course they get one from me.

    • It’s been going on for years. At my comp, way back in the 80s, RE lessons were compulsory and all we learned about was Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism and anything but Christianity it seems.

      I recall my parents going mental when they saw my RE textbook full of Shiva, Ganesh and his mates and no JC whatsoever. Most of the kids were honkies at the school (about 90% at least).
      It was a fat lezza libtard type woman (looked like a Greenham Common type) that took RE for most of the years.

  9. More handouts for spongers?
    What a splendid idea.
    That will certainly encourage self reliance.
    What a bunch of cunts.

  10. No doubt his wiki entry will soon call him a ‘philanthropist’ too, like Rashcunt.

    Funny how philanthropy now appears to extend to wanting to tax the fuck out of much poorer people, in an attempt to try and virtue signal nowadays, isn’t it?

    The cunt got an MBE and our jellyfish crumbled to his will like fucking pussssy. He should’ve told him to fuck off and focus on scoring a goal once in a blue moon.

    I notice that Rashcunt goes on about racism or starving kids every time he has a shit game. Which appears to be quite often.


    It would cost a fucking fortune and many of these poor families (not all, of course but enough of them) would sell the laptop for fag/beer/drug money or pawn the fucking thing after a week if you’re lucky.

    Good luck trying to get the money back. They’d still demand another laptop for the cunts though lol.

    Can’t afford your kids, don’t ask me to pay for them you cunt.

  11. Hey Itoje, well done for your tireless campaign to have a greater tax burden placed on those rich, whitey, middle-aged men.

    I am one of those in the above category and I thank you from the very bottom of my arse.

    You cunt.

  12. It’s all bollocks can buy a loaded used pc for 50 quid. Of course that wouldn’t be good enough. Can here the little cunt wining “ma my I phone ? better than this” same with motor bility can by a car or van if you need to put a wheel chair in it. £ 500. Not £20000. Public purse a bottom less pit for the spongers

    • @ Everonesacunt

      Good point about Motab1l1ty. I wonder if they were to be offered electric cars they’d take them up? I’m guessing not. I remember, years ago, Teresa Gorman giving a speech in Parliament about what a waste of time the Government’s “low energy light bulb” initiative was. Her point was that it was useless giving out packs of low energy bulbs to claimants in benefits offices because somebody else paid their electricity bills and they couldn’t give a f*ck (paraphrased!). I’d bet it would be the same with Motability users…

  13. I work at a further education college (16 to 19 year olds) and can tell you it’s a fucking free for all. As well as handing out laptops like confetti, we are also now supplying pre paid broadband dongles left, right and centre. All because the lazy little sods don’t like attending online sessions so they hide behind the “ my broadband is shit “ excuse. All backed up by mummy and daddy in most cases.
    We even had one little shit claiming he needed a laptop two weeks ago. So we duly make arrangements to send one, only to discover he’d been loaned one I December and he still had it!
    Modern Britain. Don’t you just love it?

  14. This idea will just keep this country in debt for another ten years.
    Spend the money on vaccinating teaching staff and get the kids back in school asap. Simples.
    This cunt has an eye on an OBE by the looks of it, cunt

  15. What exactly is that ‘thing’ on top of his skull? Looks like the remains of a discarded shite stained mop head.

  16. If the Government stopped giving countries like China and India £billions a year in foreign aid, then maybe they’d have enough cash to ensure every pupil in the UK has ‘loan of’ a decent laptop whilst in education.

    On the other hand privelaged cunts like Itoje need to wind their necks in and mind their own goddam business.

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