Mark Zuckerberg and Faggots (4)

A meatball in gravy cunting for Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook censorship fuckery.
Facebook has censored our culinary delight that is known as Faggots.

Pensnett , Brierly Hill and Black Cuntry Now and Then History Group have had one of their admin in the group removed from their Facebook account, for discussing “Faggots”, a delicacy in the West Midlands and South West. They say faggots is a derogatory term, a pejorative for a male shirt lifter.

They steal the words, then steal the meaning. Utter, contemptible cunts.

Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe

(Can’t be absolutely positive, but WordFence may censor “faggots” in your follow-up comments. So please improvise where possible as I’ll be watching a reboot of “Debbie does Dallas”, starring Sparkletits – DA)

42 thoughts on “Mark Zuckerberg and Faggots (4)

  1. Yes, Facebook is wank and Zuckerberg is a cunt, but as it says below the nom Word fence may block the word fag-got on this site, so the similar software that Facebook uses will do the same.
    There are hundreds of millions of posts made on Facebook every day.
    It should be obvious that they are not individually read before publication by a human.

    • You’d have to be out of your mind to still est these prehistoric faggôt testes. The squidged-up worst bit of a corpse mashed with some month-old diarroegh then stored in a tin. Even McDonalds wouldn’t have this shit on the menu.

  2. Lol, Facebook? I would rather pass on all my personal details to ‘legitimate’ cold calling centres in, India, Pakistan or Nigeria.

    Fuck off!

  3. Fäghatś are very popular here in Taffy land, I’d never have gravy with them though, fucking peasants!!!, I get a fäghát block from the local butcher, put in the oven for 5 minutes, lovely with a fresh bread sandwich, No 4 by 2 will stop me using this beautiful word!!! Utter cunt!!!

    • Fresh bread sandwich? Is that a slice of fresh bread between 2 slices of fresh bread, a slice of stale bread between 2 slices of fresh bread, a slice of fresh bread between 2 slices of stale bread, or a slice of stale bread between 2 slices of stale bread freshly made?

      • @moggie
        What a morning that was-he had a started with the two slices of bread with the ham on top. Then with the ham on the bottom. Then thst eureka moment! Put the ham BETWEEN the sices of bread. What a morning that was for the inventor the Earl of Sandwich.

    • Used to have them with peas on Newport market when I was a kid. A treat. Wouldnt eat the fuckers now though. Just another version of haggis, with equally questionable ingredients.

    • I agree, he is totally expressionless and that hair…face too long, doesn’t look right.

    • Faggots are not meatballs. They are the brown outcome after one fag-got opens up the anus of another fag-got and the latter fag-got is no longer able to retain the remains of the fag-gots he ate earlier as his anus looks like it went to one of Michael Barrymore’s pool parties.

      Well and truly Lubbocked!

  4. Fuckbook can censor whatever it wants as far as I’m concerned as I don’t use it, never have and never will. Same with all other social media sites.

  5. Fag got was originally a derogatory term for an idle bugger who would (literally) not pull their weight when carrying bundles of wood.
    And properly made fag gots are beautiful with mashed potato and green beans!
    Farcebook can go fuck itself.

  6. Fuck Zuckerberg and the horse he rode into town on. Phaggots, Properly made are a fucking delicacy. Shirtlifters can fuck themselves too. What can you call the queer cunts nowadays?

  7. Didnt the BBC also censor the word in Fairy Tale of New York? Who the fuck is offended – actual lifters dont give a fuck in my limited experience.

  8. Is nothing safe from interfering social engineers?
    I have just read that toy maker Hasbro, are to re-introduce Mr Potato head as “Potato head”, so as to be more gender inclusive.

    Stunning & brave Hasbro???

  9. Other words/phrases that might offend Zucky-ducky:

    Puff pastry
    Mince meat
    Black boot polish
    Black board
    Black bean sauce
    Etc, etc ?

  10. I remember being forced to eat these gristle things at school. If only they’d been been banned earlier.

  11. faggot noun (WOOD)

     Also means this-

    [ C usually plural ] old-fashioned (US also fagot)

    sticks of wood, tied together and used as fuel for a fire

  12. When I was a lad, a fagg*t was an old boot , a gossip, or a nagbag. As in ‘Shut up, yer silly old fagg*t!’

    Zuckercock looks like a weirdo and a total wrong ‘un. There is something about this cunt that makes my teeth itch. He’s a fucking creep.

  13. Context doesn’t malgorithms and thick-as-shit millennial cowards.

    I grew fed up of Facebore in 2010 because it was utterly basic in terms of the crap I used to see being posted by ‘friends’, and then I started reading a few articles on how Facebook made money, and how it’s engineered to provide users with dopamine hits when they get a like or share. Pavlovian shite.

    Nowadays I sum it up as a MMORG for Karens.

  14. I think it was also Farsepuke who blocked references to Plymouth Hoe (a working girl popular with sailors they thought) and a chess commentary for obvious reasons.
    Idiots. They cannot even spell arse correctly.

  15. Tolkien somewhere in the Ring mentioned a dwarf or hobbit “throwing fagots into the fire”. That’s the only instance of pseudo bum foolery I noticed in all 1,378 pages, except that LOTR was written before the word was misappropriated

    noun: fagot
    1. OFFENSIVE a gay man.
    2. a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel.

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