Lily Allen (13)

An attention seeking cunting for Lily Allen the musical mong again.

As she isn’t able get out for attention now, she has to tweet, squawk more like about being adducted to weight loss pills.

I for one hope she sticks with the pills until she has lost enough weight to flush herself down the fucking toilet, no more ear fucking….

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

51 thoughts on “Lily Allen (13)

  1. When sending Lilly regular photos of my winky,
    I also include a handful of loose weight loss pills and a note saying ‘you still look fat’.
    This is to help her stay slim and at the top of her game,
    And do you know what?

    Shes never thanked me.
    The fat cunt.

    • I often wonder, when she was “camping” out with those trainee terrorîsts in the Calais Jungle, whether charged by the hour or was it just, you know, service.

      Now that they’re all safely ensconced in Britain, they could have a meet-up, for old times’ sake, a sort of catch-up gäng-bang. After lockdown, naturally.

      • You are heartless bastards. Can’t you see that the poor girl is in tears? Send her money, now.

      • The apple really didn’t fall far from the tree with this cunt , as truly talentless as she is annoying , gone from pseudo geezer bird to woke Notting hill crybaby in the blink of an eye , a truly appalling cunt who almost makes me feel ashamed to be British , other than her wanker father Keith Allen does anybody actually like or listen to her irrelevant music or gormless wittering ?

  2. Addicted to weight loss pills, eh?

    Well, at least it makes a change from the mong being addicted to devil’s dandruff and cocks.

    This cunt would do a shit on live TV in the middle of Trafalgar Square to get publicity. She is a skidmark on the Y-Fronts that are celebrity.

  3. Another rich woke cunt without anything really to complain about.
    Fuck off to Calais Lil…Your B cock is a waiting cunt.

  4. Hopeless tart. Undignified, attention seeking ,permanent victim Lily .
    Get on a diet you bloater. That amount of fat disgusts me.
    That should do the trick. A few more pills and she will shit all her insides out and vanish without a trace.
    The big man upstairs moves in mysterious ways .

  5. No time for this useless waste of skin.
    I’d encourage her to try something harder and really go for it.
    Boil the cunt in piss.
    I’m still fuming after reading the post about Greene King…..cunts

  6. I heard some of this mackerel scented slag’s ‘music’ once only, and once was enough.

    Sounding like the little cunt who dressed as a rabbit on TIswas and squawked ‘Bright Eyes’, El mong squealed ‘It’s not fair! I fink yer weally mean!’ over and fucking over.

    Then there was another ‘tune’ where the windowlicking one rhymed Tesco with Alfresco. Even that Gallagher cunt can do better than that.

    And if any bloke even thought about smashing El Mong they would probably get the full round of applause and the umbrella treatment without even going near that toxic minge.

  7. Thing is, if this windowlicking waste of space actually topped herself, she would be canonised in a matter of minutes by the social media morons. Like Saint Caroline Flack of Arc and Angel Jade Goody The D-List Celebrity Slag Of Hearts, Lily would become Saint Lily of the Holy Mong Our Lady of The Blessed Mackerel Minge. The eulogising and fake grief would be intolerable.

    But it’d be worth it to be rid of her.

    • Norman, that Jade Goody used to make me feel sick.
      No shit, she repulsed me that much I couldnt look at it without nearly spewing.
      Id off been in that big brother house id of boarded up the windows, poured petrol through the letterbox and lit the fucker up.

      • All fucking oxygen thieves Mis.

        She looked like a fucking pig 😢
        Educationally sub normal cunt with a diseased minge👎

        Lilly Cuntflaps will be next.

  8. We really need those Calais doctors and scientists at the moment. I’m sure Lilly and Lineker would put some more up at their gaffs. Sounds like a double act, Lilly and Lineker, I wouldn’t get tired throwing bottles of piss on the stage at those two fucking tagnuts.

    • Bloody hear, hear!

      Keith fucking Allen is the reason why this full-grown wank that was scraped in with a spoon, is squawking it’s shite some 30+ years later.

      Keith Allen belongs to the Cuntus Giganticus specifies and was a complete arsemonkey in an otherwise great Comedy Strip Presents.

  9. Dear Lily wasn’t looking too bad I have to say when I was cruising daaaahn Ledbury road in Notting Hill in the black man wagon (BMW). She was pushing a pram and was proper checking me aaaht (which is no surprise due to my looks and charm). I should’ve stopped, got her digit’s and given a good fucking and hopefully she wouldn’t have turned into the cunt she is now…
    I still see her abaaaaaht the old slapper.

    • How charming are you B&W? I know Sebastian in Brideshead Revisited ‘charms (the priest) through the grille’ in the confessional box.. Are you that charming? I know Sybil Vane asks (in the picture of) Dorian Gray if she can call him ‘Prince Charming’ he readily agrees. Maybe some of your conquests have referred to you as such? What is the secret of charm? A sweet smile, a coy look. Maybe you have a ‘boyish charm’. Can charm the birds from the trees? Brideshead again. Anthony accuses Sebastian of of having ‘creamy English charm’ he called it. Mmm….do the different nationalities have different ways of charming? Of being charmed…can women charm? No, it’s s man thing…charm…what is charm?

  10. Odious little attention seeking tramp.
    I can’t figure out who’s the biggest cunt?
    Is it it her or her old man Keith Allen?

    Hypocrisy, double standards and self pity are rife with both these Uber cunts!

  11. Funny how these celebs always seem to be addicted to “acceptable” drugs. Or at least that’s how they portray it. Ant McFartlin, Jacko etc. It’s never good old fashioned dirty coke, speed or smack. At least that’s what they tell us. Anyway, she’s just an attention seeking mongoloid like her father and can fucking O D on ExLax as far as I’m concerned. She can shit her own brains out. Not that she’s got any.
    Rot in hell you fucking spaz.

    • At least the likes of Keef, Bowie, Crosby and Lennon admitted they were addicted to the hard shit and were honest about it. Weight pills, my arse. I bet Lily Mong has had coke in every hole and crevice in her rancid anatomy.

  12. A fat drug smuggling has been?
    Or Never Was In The 1st Place?
    Shouting for attention?
    Fucked everything up Lily?

    Stop being a cunt and grow up.
    Then start doing porn.
    That’s the spirit.

  13. She should marry one of those migrants she adores, he could put her to work in the desert frightening the vultures away from his goats.

  14. Washed up slapper, about as relevant as Daniella (no nose) Westbrook. Addicted to weight loss pills.! More like immigrant Jizz.!

  15. Keep taking the pills Lilly, you can shit yourself inside out to counteract all the calories of gallons of jizz you’ve drunk, why don’t you just retire, disappear, fuck off silly bitch.

  16. What is the best treatment for mental Lilly? Let us consider the options:

    1) Death by shooting.
    2) Having to work for 12 weeks as a checkout person and live in badly furnished flat in a tower block in Hackney. No drugs allowed. £60 a week budget.
    3) Can’t think of an option 3.

  17. Its so easy to lose weight Just stop being a Fat fat!

    Has she I dunno tried changing her diet you can’t eat fried chicken and chips everyday you stunned cunt

  18. This stinking, mouldy old fishwife lost the last scrap of any credibility she had, when she was seen sobbing at the unveiling of Corbyn’s Labour manifesto. Utterly pathetic.

    Lily, I suggest you nip round old Jezza’s gaff, unzip his Viyella trousers, and lick the smegma from behind his festering bellend, before taking a gram of fentanyl.

    Just fuck off and spare us the anguish, please!

  19. Poor Lily,
    Maybe you should suck Daddy Keith’s cheesy, hairy cock.
    He loves to get it out at any opportunity.
    The Man is a fucking sex-pest.
    Like you are a fucking shit-stain on humanity.

  20. Siurely nearing deadpool territory?

    What did keith shag to produce this anaemic little shit; a fucking oyster?

    Looks like Owen Jones with that pasty special needs weedy countenance.
    Did the staff at Bedales think they had an urchin who’d escaped from Leigh Park down the A3?

    Fucking deep-sea invertebrate gill-breathing mutant.

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