A conflicted cunting for Kelly Tolhurst MP and former housing minister.
Conflicted as she is reported by the Jewish Chronicle to be an anti israel activist and I like that sort of thing.
But deserving of a cunting due to resigning her ministerial position to to bad news in the family.
What kind of woman sucks and forks her way up to a ministerial position only to throw it away when life springs some inevitable bad news her way?
Unless she has just discovered she is pregnant and bumbling BoJo is the father I feel she has neglected her duty as housing minister, not that jobs a real one anyway or gets anything done.
Nominated by: Cunt of all trades
Fucking Ada, did her mother feed her with a catapult?
Let her go, I see little abatement of the rough sleepers in the UK, she was clearly inefficient.
Thousands of homeless ex-service men for instance, I bet they’d be happy in a barracks but no, they can fuck off, those are being held for the invasion force.
Shes one of those birds who from a distance looks quite fit but when you get nearer you think ‘fuck no!’
No fuckin way she’s stepping down to be with family.
Shes jumping before shes pushed!
Shes probably got wind of some report into anti-Semitism and expects a backlash.
I call bullshit.
Be a recording of her pissed up at some Momentum do raving about how jews control the world, babies blood, Palestine, blah de fuckin blah.
A distance akin to that of the moon from earth Les, she’s honking, bleeeaargh!
I bet when she cry’s the tears run down the back of her head.
Worzel wants his turnip back.
Best viewed by misted up binoculars eh Cuntle?
Hehehe ?
Look at her noggin in the article accompanying the Nom…..
Looks like it’s been pushed in too far on the middle
A bit of a low resolution fox MNC. I reckon I’d stick it up her for something to do.
Kamal Harris fucked her way to the Presidency ( in a couple of months.) with no problem.
She’s part-Indian you know Her native American name is Spread Eagle.
Chief Sniffing Hair is just keeping the wigwam warm.
We used to have a pub in Donny called The Spread Eagle. The cunts revamped it, fucked it up and called it Joplins I think.
Which part?
Her belly. Her Delhi belly.
Never heard of him!
Never heard of her and Boris probably had to be reminded.
As a Sarf Africunt I knew used to:
Nice from far
But far from fucking nice
Eh mate?
If she was a dog, she would be a Golden deceiver ?
I agree with Mis-she jumped before she was pushed.
What’s the devastating family news? Have they been on ancestry and realised she is of Jewish descendancy??
That would be fucking brilliant.
(I suspect that the can of cunts cancer, has visited her family)
Can’t agree with this one.
Her letter to BJ advising him that she was stepping down refers only to her wanting to “care for, and spend some precious time with family”. Who knows what that means?
As MNC says, she could be jumping before she is pushed or it could be for genuine reasons, e.g. the imminent death of her mother, father, husband, or children.
If the latter is the case she deserves praise, not a cnuting, for getting her priorities right. As BJ says, family comes first.
Who wants another MP who would put their own flesh and blood second to a career in the House of Ill Repute?
However, as for the Israeli stuff, she probabably does deserve a cnuting if she supports rag-‘eds lobbing shells at the 4x2s and then moaning when reprisals follow. I like it when the rags get a taste of their own medicine with a bit extra added. It’s a “we’ll show you who is boss” attitude we could learn from when dealing with some “demanding” foreign cnuts living here.
Link to Jewish Chronicle article regarding her alleged anti-Israeli leanings
#Me too
Mr Dribbler.
Love seeing the Palestinians getting a good fuckin hiding!!
They should use celebrity jews to highlight Israel.
Have Mel Brooks getting stuck in!
Gene Simmons with a kukri.
That Gene, is that the lovely lady or the thick skinned Chaim Witz?
Old man been found giving the nanny a seeing to?
Cop that chin. The cunt looks like Old Brucie in drag.
To see you nice. Give us a twirl, Anthea. I’m in charge.
I like a woman with a bit of a chin. It’s somewhere to rest the balls.
As Jordan Peterson often says, women don’t usually reach the top because they always put kids and family first. This is not a sexist comment but purely factual.
Tsk tsk… everything is not just sexist but violently misogynistic nowadays, until a pig-human cross with piercings and blue hair desides it isnt.
Looks like an unconvincing tranny, its mouth distended from sucking Hamas cock.
Crude blighter aren’t you Ruff?
Sorry Miserable, I didn’t mean to offend your delicate sensibilities… ?
More to do with the chips and battered sausage he has just brought for his tea Creampuff.
Evening fellas,
Sausage & chips?
I wish.
Missus Mis and Ms Mis have mutinied and on a health kick.☹️
I refused to join in and made myself scrambled egg on toast.
The inside of the fridge is like a allotment, full of green shite.
The world’s gone mad!!
Fuck that green shit. I’m on a new diet of only chocolate biscuits and coffee, it’s going well but the farts are fucking vomit inducing. ?
Exactly Ivor!
I said to her “whats the meaning of this?!!
Im not from London you know!”
Shes lucky I didnt black her eye.
Strange thing to have for afternoon tea, LL? Besides he’s about two hours late. Be better now if he saves it for dinner at eight.
I had dinner at 12.15pm like the rest of Northern England.
Ruff, you like the Mamas & Papas?
Watching a documentary about them.
That mama Cass had some voice on her,
Shame she looked like sofa upholstered by a blind man.
Evening, MNC. I had an emergency dinner at 11pm today.
I was going on a job, so I fuelled up early.
Two eggs on toast and chocolate cake and custard.
Sorry to hear about the parlous state of your fridge.
What you need to do is get down to the chippy.
Steak pudding, chips, peas and gravy, with a buttered barm.
The food of Kings. ??
I see those crazy Creampuffs are still having their ‘ dinner ‘ at 8pm.
Fucking hippies. ?
Like the Manson family with cats.?
Evening Jack!
You lucky lucky bugger.
Well shes going to rue the day she insulted me with salad!
Get home tomorrow with chippy tea for one!
“Hows yer lettuce luv?”?
Have an Aunt Bessies jam roly poly for afters.
Twist the knife.
Indeed, but they had the gorgeous Michelle Phillips to make up for her!
I liked the Mamas & the Papas, though they never figured in my record collection. California Dreaming is a highly evocative and beautiful song.
PS: Doesn’t having dinner at 12:15pm spoil your appetite for lunch at 1pm?
The butler from the Addams family?
Addams family “members” a delicacy oop north are they?
Yeah, I had sweet fanny Addams for pudding….
The Manson Family always fed their dogs and cats before the humans.
Please excuse me now, I must go and prepare DINNER.
@Ruff, Jack and Miserable:
Whilst most folk on here remember school bells and “Dinner” ladies, where Ruff comes from, they have “laydees what Lunch”.
Hope this helps restore the equilibrium of the forum??
Kelly Tolhurst’s meal planner:
A nose bag of oats and fresh hay
After being vigorously “ridden” by One of the yard boys, she gets turned out into the top paddock, where the grass is sweetest.
After a session in the ménage and a nice wipe down, as a special treat she receives a nice crunchy apple. Nose bag of oats.
Naughty Boris sneaks out to the stables and gives her a short, unsatisfying carrot. Then sneaks back inside.
Tomorrow should be better-she is getting new shoes and the blacksmith always gives her a massive carrot afterwards?
Looks a lot better than Eddie Fucking Izzard.
Jack – you had your dinner at 11pm?
You should buy yourself a new clock and not rely on these second hand ones.
I’d forgot to wind me sundial up. Plus,it was cloudy.
Or he could call it supper instead. 11pm is in approximately the right ballpark for supper.
Body from Baywatch, Face from Crimewatch.
One of them birds you would ‘do’ as she’s got a decent set of norks & a tidy arse however that joker from batman sized grin is most definitely off putting.
(And I’m not too sure on the ginger hair either)
As for her resignation, I didn’t even know she even existed, let alone is/was a Tory politician until today so two royal fucks given regarding her departure.
I bet Boris gave it to her in the back door and it broke his cock so she had to go.
Rule number 1 in most walks if life- don’t upset the jews.
Rule number 2 – Go fuck yourself.*
* © B&WC
Where are they hiding?
A bit unfair on the wench. I’m sure we have all shagged a lot worse.
Sir Mali@
To hear these cunts on here,
Theyre all shagging supermodels and have the pick of page 3 birds!
Most of em are lucky not to be virgins, and bet a large percentage have inflatable other halves?!!
You’re not wrong there MNC, all Brad Pitt lookalikes as well. ( some of us really are though ?)
Dear Mr. Pirate.
I’ve definitely shagged worse. Much, much worse.
Gruesome , even.
The horror ….. the horror ………
In comparison, this bint is a godess.
Makes me shiver thinking about some of the horrors I’ve woken up with. Had to bathe in WD-40 to cleanse myself.
Ever chewed your arm off rather than waken it?
MP for Rochester.
I’ve had a few nights out there and it’s alright. There’s an olde high street that has no chain stores, shops that sell walking canes, and olde worlde pubs that Dickens probably visited. The rest of Rochester is grim, ruined with wall-to-wall Dooshkas over-saturating the drug-dealing market. Chatham, an absolute shitehole down the road, is even worse.
If you want a chuckle, type ‘Rochester Sweeps Festival’ into Duckduckgo and hit images. Every year the Blackaface whingers have a meltdown.
Cap Mag:
Years ago I went to a wedding at a country house hotel near their (not mine, thank fuck?).
You are spot on-all the fellas looked like football hooligans-shaven heads or bald and covered in scars.
The women were all dolled up like those slappers from big fat gypsy weddings☹️
I was driving so not a drop, partaken. Er indoors was fine-she had a laugh.
As I drove out of the grounds at 12.30, I remember thinking:
“That was the longest 12 hours of my life”☹️??
One word: who?
Two word- dont know.
Three words: good fucking riddance.
It seems to most female MPs are not cut out for public service. We’ve never had so many and Parliament is almost entirely libtarded and woke, with grasping remainers and traitors in every party, whingers and victims all claiming harassment and expenses.
Fucking waste of time and money.