A quick nomination for that feminazi clickhole ‘Jezebel’ and clickwank in general. A site along the same lines as Salon, Huffpost etc, marginally more sophisticated than Buzzfeed but aimed at the mentally subnormal SJW crowd.
The brains trust writing for it decided that it was well worth their time asking why Chun-L, a female character from China, was missing from a film adaptation of video game Mortal Kombat.
In their rattled state they forgot that Chun-Li is a character from the Street fighter series, not Mortal Kombat.
As petty as this individual case seems, it is reflective of a wider malaise in journalism; anything for clicks. It’s the route the Guardian has gone down since the appointment of Katherine ‘head girl’ Viner.
The ineptitude of these thick bastards is staggering. Perhaps it’s because they are feminists and find simple facts difficult to process.
I await their article on the submissive role of the female carriages ‘pulled’ and ‘shunted’ by Thomas the Tank Engine, or will they leave that to the equally petty femstapo blog ‘The Mary Sue?’
It all sounds like a real knife to the heart of the patriarchy..
Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime
Well at least they don’t have to worry about Mr Potato Head now.
I cunted a nom about that a few days ago.
Poor fucker. A victim of gender politics. Show us you willy Mr!
Video games and obscure websites. Beyond my experience. Anyway, I thought feminism was old news now that rampant trannyism has taken over.
Cuntstable Cockbubble
I will not be “pulling” and “shunting” any feminist carriages, especially now the Fat Controller is now a cross-dressing body positivity activist.
The only ‘peep-peep’ you’ll ever hear again on the Island of Sodor is a blue-haired feminist’s rape alarm after a nice male tourist asked her politely what the time was.
It’s a war of attrition. Everyday the SJW forces launch endless woke missiles at the norms thinking they will win the war against imaginary injustice.
Everyday some woke cunt is making up new ways to prove that if you’re white you’re a racist.
I’m joining them by apologising for not inventing a time machine and not going back in time and eradicating the white gene from humanity. It’s a paradox thing you see, I’m white and if I’d managed to invent a time machine and eradicate the whiteness from the genetics of humanity I couldn’t exist to invent a time machine and go back and eradicate white genes from humanity.
Does this make paradox’s racist or does it mean this paradox prevents self inflicted racial genocide?
The internet, where the woke can prove bullshit is an infinite resource.
Jezebel was a baggage who was defenestrated by eunuchs before being torn to pieces and scoffed by hungry hounds. This occurred because, according to the Good Book, she was an insufferable cunt. Good choice of name.
Not sure what’s worse, an angry feminist, a man-hating lesb0 or a stubbly trann1e trying to act all girly.
An acceptable “click” would be the lever on an electric chair – in my minds eye I can see Unkle Terry browsing the interweb thing for one – lots of work to do.
These mental mares are only doing this because they are ugly, mental and therefore bereft of cock – jealousy is an ugly emotion! ?
Are there are titty-pictures in this magazine?
Oh what a hoot they had Mr Fiddler James Corden and Prince Harry in a open top bus driving around LA. They stopped off at the house that was the location for ‘The Fresh Prince of Bell Air. And you know what they knocked on the door Janes pretended that Prince Harry wanted to buy it. Because he’s s real Prince! And they got Meghan in the phone and she played along with it. And she called Harry ‘Haz’. That must be her pet name for him.
I was that thinking if you were bored you might check it out.
Ho! ho! ho! what a time I’m having today Mr Fiddler. Following my Nom about Gary Lineker as Colonel Sanders it turns out it has got him involved in a terrible ‘race row’. See he’s the only white man in the advert. All the others are either brown or black. And they’re all eating fried chiggun!!!!
It has brought up all the old stereitoyes tge criticd say about blacks eating that fried food.
I should have put in my Nom that the choice of the Colonel wasn’t a ‘good look’.
DF@ – Very doubtful Sir Fiddler – this is not Tatler, Horse and Hound, Burkes Peerage or the highbrow publications you would normally browse – I assume it’s filled with mental munters! ?
Have you ever tried to read Tatler’s Little Black Book?
Just as many wrong ‘uns writing that shite as for Jezebel.
A wobbly balls shaped cunting for wimmins rugby commentator Sonja McLaughlan.
Seems the poor little blighter was given some stick on the social meeja after her questions to Owen farrell yesterday.
1) why have femicunts anywhere near mens sports ?
2) either don’t have a social meeja account- it’s way too easy to bet stick these days and if you’re a bit tender DON’T FUCKING HAVE ONE
3) yes I’d love to smash her
China ,its virus, its ticky tocky, its buying up assets ,land, DNA data, corruption of the Wests Elites for money, along with its military power means the 300 year gap in gdp and a brief window of freedom is coming to an abrupt end. We wont notice. It will be like boiling a frog. Once its gone its gone.
Feminists? Trans people will sort them out.
Feminists look like men
Trannies are men.
They hate each other…..
I often wonder what dy-kes and Trannies do if someone breaks into their wholefood community.
Who would come to their rescue I wonder?
Police Thing Izzard or a horrible man in a uniform?
What a set of bullshitting rainbows and tofu cunts.
Let the North Koreans have their website and ovenise the staff at once.
Pink haired vermin.
Ffs commune not community
Pass the sherry
Thank you admin.
The bird in the pic would look nice with a nice haircut, normal specs and a nice frock. And she’d have to get rid of that piercing on her fucking face too.
If she agrees to having a priest in dark robes thrash her within an inch of her life, while continually screaming ‘Repent, Harlot! Repent!’, I might consider her to be a future bit on the side.
Probably got tattoos too though, so I think she’s got no fucking chance really. Suck it up, biiiitch!
Always more of a ‘Final Fight’ man myself. Doesn’t matter who is or isn’t in this movie, Mick Haggar and his two feet of lead pipe would sort them out pronto.