Gay Blokes and Surrogate Mothers

What is the process for this? Do they flip a coin, cum in a bucket and mix it around with a big stick?

I just feel sorry for the children getting bullied at school.

What dad is going to pick you up today then? Or will it be Raul Paul on a Friday?

Dad, can you play football with me? Sure some right after I fucked daddy up the arse and I’ve shaved my legs. By the way, we are dumping you later for a sweaty night at the men’s steam room, you might get to suck on some tits with your child minder.

What cunts.

I pity the women who allow this to happen to be honest, morals of sewer rats allowing a living human grown in you to chuck it away.


Nominated by: Clown Clown the Cunty Man 

52 thoughts on “Gay Blokes and Surrogate Mothers

  1. I don’t think that The Gays should even be allowed to keep those little yappy dogs that they all carry around in their handbags…never mind a child.
    Children cannot be raised on a diet of Mr.Kipling’s French Fancies and Babysham.Children cannot take their first steps in a pair of size 12 stiletto shoes.Children are not safe in open-topped pink Suzuki jeeps.Children cannot learn how to shoot and gut a rabbit wearing painted acrylic fingernails. Children’s first words cannot be “Ooooh,get her,the bitch…fnar,fnar”.Children should not grow up with the career ambition of playing Widow Twanky at some provincial theatre.
    We are storing up a problem of apocalyptic magnitude by allowing The Gays to raise children…it’s akin to encouraging every Ching-Chong takeaway in the Country to get their “Chicken wings” direct from a bat-cave in Wuhan.

    Fire and Brimstone will surely follow.

    • PS…Children need a dog growing up….Daddy and Daddy’s collection of hamsters and gerbils will not be an adequate substitute…indeed,they are probably rather unhygienic to say the least.

    • Great comments Dick. I have to say I would love the Flabbotpotamus to get her chiggun wings from a bat cave in Wuhan.

  2. I picture the child Minder dropping the unfortunate brat off early to find its daddies leather and lube orgy running late cuz they had to wait for Myles HIV test results to proceed and now the lounge looks like its been decorated by Jackson Pollack, Ryland in the sex swing with a ball gag in his mouth, Cillit Bang won’t fix this picture quickly……. Oh my god that branded onto my brain now, arse clowns it’s time to stuff my brain in the washing machine…….
    Morning all what a great start to the day

  3. All part of Mother Nature’s plan to wipe us out, by our adoption of increasingly freakish and unnatural practices.
    Good old Mother Nature.
    Finish us off.
    Good morning.
    (Surely the term “Mother Nature” is offensive now? “Non-Binary Nature” is far more inclusive and right on – DA)

  4. Ancient cave paintings depict prey animals and women with big tits.
    Modern art is awash with images of bummers, scissor sisters and surgically altered abominations.
    Evolution in reverse.
    Get To Fuck

  5. Fear not, when we get the bill for sorting these poor kids out the taxpayer will be more than happy to pick up the bill.
    Just how far down this perverted road will society travel before common sense makes a comeback?

    (Wordfence doesn’t like “pervert” for some odd reason hence why your comment ended up in the MQ – DA)

  6. With all the best intentions in the world, it seems to me that the kid’s development and early social lives are an afterthought when it comes to this type of inclusivity.
    I can only imagine the grief that a kid with 2 dads would have got at my old secondary school.

    Good Morning.

  7. Ive never been to surrogate (small village in Hampshire) but you need a mummy and a daddy.
    Its nature’s way.
    Breastfeeding on Bernards big hairy nipples just doesnt work
    and fathers Day would be expensive.

  8. The main problem with this is little thought I’d given to the kids. Surely they should be the main priority, not the whims of their Dads. It’s only years down the line that we will find out if this is a failed social experiment, not that it will be allowed to be called a failure.
    Over millions of years the parental unit has been a mother and a father. It’s how nature has planned it it’s therefore how it should be. I imagine in some circumstances same sex parents will work, but it’s in how many.

    • I have already seen gay adoption fail Fish. My missus worked with a couple of turd burglars who adopted two disadvantaged kids about 12 years ago. One of the fathers lived the most sordid and degenerate life styles imaginable all approved by his ‘husband’. Were talking being pissed on in mens bogs, gang anal etc etc. Suffice to say, 12 years down the road both have left home, one boy is a complete drug addled mess and the other is already in trouble with plod for being a kiddy fiddler. What a fucking surprise! End the cunts!

      • You really don’t surprise me. Bloody disgrace. The reality of being a parent is putting your kids needs first. Here the authorities the lives of the kids are an afterthought.

  9. Bring it all on, we are trying to fix a problem like weeding a forest, just let this shit continue in abundance until the forest is set alight! What happends next? all the shit is burnt and the new growth returns with new life and the shit gone until the next time. Embrace the crap with open arms fellow cunters as the sooner there is engough fuel to start the fire the sooner we get this painful part of Western History delt with.
    My best advice is to not slow the ‘woke’ or ‘snowflakes’ as their demise is certain but get the pain over and done with quickly, let them keep shitting on themselves!

  10. It sounds like something done on a whim. That should not be so.

    Bringing life into the world is not the same as having something and getting rid of it after a week or so because of boredom. Like a cheap handbag or second hand motorcycle or a hobby. “I’m bored of it now. Off to the charity shop you go”.

    It’s a life long commitment. All sorts financial, emotional, mental, physical etc.
    I don’t know if the people doing such a thing think of the long term effects of having a child.

    They should speak to parents. I’m sure they’ll be told the honest truth about having children. My friends and family with children would certainly tell them not just the positive but also the negative as well.

    Not everyone has a husband or wife and children. I don’t. I’m perfectly happy.

    There are books written by people living child-free. Not the same as living childless.

    • Morning Spoons,
      Parenthood is good,
      Ive two, a boy and girl but would of been happier with a goldfish.

      Im old fashioned and never breastfed them.

    • Very eloquently written, Spoons?

      Ps-what type of motorbike-is it still running? If yes, miserable cab collect it for me on Friday??

      • If MNC is unavailable, I’m sure Lord Fiddler will transport it on one of his trailers. You’ll know it’s him. You’ll hear the tootling of horns and hounds barking. 😀

  11. This is unnatural. If two people cannot conceive naturally together then they don’t become biological parents.

    I see that Admin has got on the woke bandwagon by using a picture of mixed-race parents. Don’t you know that 87% of the UK population is white?

    • If these people think this is normal behaviour then they should try making a baby with a surrogate mother in Iran or Saudi Arabia.

      A parachute is recommended!

  12. Nothing against gays, but two men bring up children is unnatural.
    There is too much gay and trans shit in the MSM at the moment and it all seems to be aimed at grooming children into thinking all this is somehow normal when it is in fact about creating the next wave of kiddie victims for a raging bout of botty sex.

    • This is why ‘Netflix’ and all these similar outlets beyond Channels 1-4 are so dangerous. Every series has at least 20 permutations of ‘the rainbow’ in the cast, and/or they’re all bisexual and trans, with a sick-making scene of explicit debauchery every 10 minutes.

      Straight is gay and man is woman and up, down left right and inside out.

      What makes me laugh it how blatant the indoctrination is, backed by the insidious agenda being forced in schools, but the vast majority of the viewership are so apathetic about it. We’ve already proven how easy it is to ‘normalise’ just about anything to the GBP over the past couple of big-tech dominated decades – phone addiction, ‘reality’ TV, 24/7 MSM lies. It’s only going to get worse, and last autumn’s ‘Cuties’ was an edict, not a warning.

    • I’ve said before, I don’t mind gay people either as long as it’s not rammed down your throat. What I don’t like is this. It’s just wrong. Whilst I accept the argument they want to become parents, it’s just not natural and children will get bullied, it’s part of life.

      • You’re absolutely right. I wouldn’t mind parenting a child or young person one day, but I’d rather do it as a single male. They’d be taught the value of money, basic DIY and mechanics, walks in the woods, decent food and nutrition. Done of this namby pamby shit.

        We need to be breeding and raising MEN, not fucking pansies.

  13. For my sins, I was watching a new prog on the box the other night. It was a husband and wife Interior design team. Both were blokes, toddler in tow. At least there was a genuine female nanny for the kid, even though she was “Tho… mas!! ” from the old cartoons…
    At least previous progs have included a well-fit bird, or Sarah Beeny, who REALLY gets me humping the cushions…

  14. I wonder if promotion of this disease is being leafletted in peaceful areas, I’ll just check the obituary column for updates…..

    • I think I read that somewhere, Cuntle.
      All I found was Mars Bar, Toffee Crisp, Curly Wurly.

      Oh hang on. I think that was the A Bit Chewy column. 😀

  15. If they really want children, they have made the wrong choice in their lifestyles.
    This is more about demanding and authorities acquiescence.

    A human being is not a puppy or a kitten. A child needs a mothers warmth and a fathers guidance and discipline.
    That’s is why so many of our stabby residents, raised in the absence of a father figure, fail become well rounded, responsible adults.

    The old adage: “Children Learn What They See”, it really is true.

    It’s a no from me. They want a family, do it properly.


  16. Couple of years back a ‘thing’ named Reuben Sharpe had a sprog. This abomination had changed from a woman to a man 12 years earlier. This is where it gets complicated. He/she whatever the fuck stopped taking testosterone to get pregnant. The partner is non binary, donor was a trans woman and the doctor transgender. Confused? You fucking will be. Apologies if this has been posted before but I’m relatively new here, maybe a year or so. We’re on the eve of destruction.

  17. This is what happens to a society when perverts, benders, sexual deviants, wronguns and weirdos get to call the shots.

    If you want to be gay, fine. But do not inflict your lifestyle on innocent children who need a female mother and male father figure.

    Fucking wrongun cunts!!!

  18. Mrs Infidel suggested that if a woman wants to be a man and starts the treatment, her ovaries should be removed. No going back then.
    Interesting point from the other gender.
    A real gender too.

  19. This is just wrong.
    Children develop best in a normal Family – one Mother, one Father.
    Anything else is just varying degrees of fucked up.

  20. Anyone who willingly wants to suffer a shit, puke and snot machine for 3 years, then a money-shredding vortex of sullen self-centeredness for the next 15, surely has to be a bit loopy to start with.

    • I would love to have children sadly all the tax money is going to the NHS for the rickets infested boat people coming to this nation.

      Taking up housing stock gets on my tits. We voted leave to get back on track from 45 years of fuckwhittery from the EU.

  21. At least they are honest about it and not “closet gays” (like Schofield say). Which would be worse growing up with openly gay parents or having your dad caught out doing a bit of off piste shirt lifting at the office?

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