…as Colonel Sanders.
Doesn’t his look sum him up. I mean in his face. The smugness. That doesn’t come from the original Colonel Sanders. No that’s the real Gary there.
I remember when it was very looked down upon if a BBC presenter/employee did an Ad. Des Lyman did the obligatory afternoon life insurance or funeral plan ad. But here’s the point – I am pretty sure he had retired when did them. So with Parky. But Gary is a ‘star’ (however reluctantly we are to admit it) and he’s doing these Ads now, prime time. I mean you turn over from Match of the Day and there he is with his crisps. Just something rotten about it.
I mean it’s a long campaign.(not a Liverpool cup run I mean the Walker’s ads) He’s been doing them for years. And being paid handsomely. After being paid handsomely by the BBC.
And the ads themselves are not particularly witty or entertaining.
Yeah what happened to the dignity of the BBC. As I say it was not long ago that doing an ad was frowned upon. But further back even to work in commercial television was seen as rather vulgar.
It seems as if he’s untouchable at the BBC. He can spout his political views (could you imagine Des Lyman doing that?) and make loads more money from doing these ads.
Could it possibly be his left wing views that see him safe? Surely not.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
I hope this advert will be almost as successful as his other Walkers crisps campaign to give away Champions League tickets….
Given the fact he works for the BBC he’s probably used to being in such esteemed company too ?
Rolf Harris issued a grovelling apology distancing himself from Gary Lineker.
Ha Ha!
Probably true!
LOL, good shot, LL….
That’s fucking brilliant. Mind you, it’s a newspaper website so it did its best to crash my phone with all the adverts and auto-pay shite on it.
I’m just surprised that “The Colonel” hasn’t been denounced as a slave-owning, Plantation-running racist and every KFC shop seized as reparations for “muh sufferin'”….innit.
Gary Lineker is a Cunt.
There are a few rumours circulating on the interweb regarding the Colonel. It’s one of the few occasions I’d like them to be true. I’d love to see the jug eared fucker wriggle out of that one.
Aye. Thought to be a KKK grand wizard. I wonder how many dark keys have died of heart disease and diabetes due to his ‘soecial recipe’.
He got the recipe just right, didn’t he? I don’t mind a KFC once in a blue moon, but fuck me, not every day.
Makes you wonder.
When I publish a dictionary , under Cunt , it will say Gary Linekar.
With you here “Dick” Gary Lineker is a Cunt.
I struggle to see his appeal, may as well be a stick of celery introducing match of the day, the footy fanciers would watch match of the day even if they had fucking Rylan and his celebrity teeth in the chair.
Thanks to Sky putting the highlights on YouTube the programme is basically redundant anyway.
I’m only surprised they chose a white bloke for the advert.
Especially if it’s got something to do with fried chicken.
They ought to black his face up a bit and paint on some white lips – that’ll do it ?
Fuck me! Really?? The older this cunt gets the more cuntish he becomes. He represents all that is wrong with the BBC. From the undeserved salary, the smug “go on, fucking sack me” demeanour to the bullshit lefty virtue signalling. Everything he does screams cunt!
Do Walkers honestly believe they sell more products because of him? I’ve not met anyone in recent years who can stand the fucker, so I’d say it’s not far from hiring Tony Bliar to advertise poppy day.
On top of all this he even whores out his arse on BT sports midweek. Am I missing something? Is he really a uniquely talented national treasure?
No, he’s a cunt.
Yeah just to add -how has he achieved this charmed life? He can make any political point he wants, advertise products while working for the BBC. And nothing is ever said. Why is he so untouchable?
I think Miles, that he is a freelancer and a sports presenter and therefore not involved in news and political output. A piss poor excuse.
Quite so, LL.
It’s down to Linecunt not being a News or Current Affairs presenter and technically not being a BBC employee.
The funny handshake mob?
Up the arse of a Beeb big shot?
All allegedly of course….
Something to that Norman, when you think of Italia 90, its Gazza blubbing, Psycho blazing his penalty over the bar, Bobby Robson’s little jig, while the important stuff, Gary shitting himself against Ireland is quietly forgotten, not on IsAC though.
Missed a fucking sitter from a yard out with two minutes left against the Argies too.That would’ve given us extra time. He let a short arse full back get in front of him and head it clear at the vital moment, if memory serves me right. His lack of ‘putting himself about/putting himself in danger’ proved to be his (and our) downfall that day. Someone like Shearer/Malcolm MacDonald would barged the little cunt out of the way and nodded it into the empty net.
That full back was about 5 foot 5 by the way. Fucking pathetic for Lineker to be outmuscled by him.
Somebody at the Beeb must think he’s ‘great’ and worth all that money and has made sure there are plenty of clauses in his contract to let him be free to earn even more money and say whatever he wants. Absolutely no idea why anyone would give him a contract in the first place. In fact the only type of contract that goes with Gary Vinegar is a John Wick style contract to take him out. Maybe he’s a Freemason?!
Vlad the Impaler would have dealt with Linekunt correctly.
Can’t fault Vlad.
Like all virtue signallers he has corruption and fuckery to hide. Hes a bummer with a fake wife like Schofield. Who cares? Only the middle class wankers. The working class got over this decades ago. Lets hear more about his corrupt shares position.
KFC – the haute cuisine of chav scum and sambeaus – is a load of shite anyway.
And I dare say the thick moronic cunts that infest KFC will view Smarmy Lineker’s impersonation of the Colonel as hilarious.
But to anyone with any taste or a grain of intelligence, this is yet another bit of shameless whoring from a morally bankrupt cunt and a hypocritical mercenary.
And as for the ‘Beeb’ taking him to task? There’s more chance of a white straight bloke being the next Doctor Who (i.e: no fucking chance). Lineker is their favourite pet, their prized poodle. Alongside other woke turdcurls like Emily Maitlis, Jodie Whittakunt, and Ru fucking Paul, Lineker’s leftist arselicking and goggle eyed woke lunacy fits the BBC’s wokestapo agenda perfectly.
One can only hope that some animal rights hardliners or a demented Morrissey fan brings Linekunt to account over selling his soul to Kentuggy Frard Chiggun.
What have Gary Lineker and KFC got in common?
They are both massively over rated and are best left in the box.
(And are both cunts.)
The very definition of the word “smug”. Liar, hypocrite, money grabbing, tax dodging remoaner cunt. How I would love to see this bastard brought down. He represents everything that is wrong with the BBC. Burn and kill.
Absolute smug horrible money grabbing tax dodging cunt ??
BBC not fit for purpose let’s have a Referendum on the Licence Fee ??
There’s no need for a referendum – just stop paying the cunts?
Break his jug ears off and make him eat them
Football cunt
BBC cunt
Twitter cunt
Left wing cunt
Fuck off
A sportsman and hes encouraging people to eat crisps and fried foods?
May as well go full hog for the money Gary,
Adverise Heroin.
Its less calories than KFC,
More slimming!
Im surprised hes willing to dress as a old southern gent?
Dats Waycist!!!
Put this cunts head in a vice and squeeze the woke out.
What use at all is this shit weasel?
This cunt has only proved that he’s Jimmy Hill’s love child.
Gary Shitkicker will always be a Kentuky fried cunt, in fact boiling in oil is to good for this cunt
Gazza Wankler is a cunt of the highest order, as is his brother the “groomer”.
Being a friend of a friend of the Matron, who was looking after Linecunts 2x privileged white brats, at Charterhouse, I have it on very good authority that they are their fathers sons.
ie: 2x obnoxious cunts.
How proud Gary must have felt, when one of them was kicked of the cricket squad for drunken behaviour???
Lineker took out a super injunction a few years ago to cover a story in his private life. I wonder what it was?
Shagging crisps!
Something I’d love to see is Gary lining up to house the previous nomination Shamima (Ivor) Begum.
Great nom, Miles.
I understand from a denizen of the fourth estate that the super injunction had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that the revolting little cunt was shagging a nurse in the broom cupboard of a famous London hospital while his young son was receiving treatment, allegedly.
Gary Gags Reports Of Great Ormand Street Sperm Donation?
What a cunt?
Just been reading about that congratulatory tweet he sent out about Alex Scott taking over from Sue Barker in a Question of Sport. How did he end it? ‘If you’ve a problem with that well maybe you’re the problem’. What a twat. Two things,: The BBC had not announced that Alex Scott would be taking over. Consequently no-one had said that they had a problem with it. No-one knew anything to comment! He just assumed that people would have a problem with it. And so made his preemptive statement.
He might as well have said ‘if you have a problem with it you thick racist cunts then you are the problem,’
Just as an added thing. What about an apology to Sue. He publishes something revealing she may have very well lost her job. She hasnt been informed by her boss after all her years if service. No, she finds out from a tweet in which a work colleague is congratulating her successor.
What a twat he is. He had got whiff of the news and couldn’t wait to get it out there and get his anti racist virtue signal in.
I am beginning go think that he has done more damage to race relations within football than anyone.
Excellent post Miles-very illuminating.
Great point about how Sue Barker must’ve felt if unaware of the news. And yes, all that matters to Linekunt is that he got an opportunity to virtue signal.
I just saw a picture of his brother. He looks a bit dark key to me. Linekunt too, is a little dark and just look at the nose and lips. The ears make you forget the size of his shnozz and lips.
Did his mum have an affair with a sammmbo? Maybe that’s why he’s the way he is, with all his anti waycism shite?
You are wondering why Lineker is untouchable? Jimmy Savile went untouched until the grave, so a cunt like Lineker will be on our screens for many years to come.
Shit and Linekar crisps.
I’d love to have a fisty fight with Linekunt in a sturdy metal cage.
I am 6ft 2 and built like a brick shithouse with a cunty temper if provoked. I also used to practice Wing Chun several years ago so can cause some serious damage if needed. That said, I am very restrained and don’t get violent unless some other cunt initiates it. But that fucking Linekunt just brings out the fucking worst in me.
Please put me in a cage with the jug-eared cunt. I’d have the little quisling begging to be scraped off the cage floor and taken to the local A&E.
The cunt really does need a fucking good shoeing.
Can’t stand the mention of the cunt, let alone look at his jug ears. Bring me the urn-filled granular proof.
It seems being a cunt runs deep in the Linekunt family:
His brother Wayne likes the younguns it seems………..