
Eurostar, is in financial shit-street thanks to Covid. However, despite being French owned (Cameron sold Britain’s stake in 2015 for £750m), the Frogs still want us to help bail out their problem.

Not only is it part state-owned, but there are some private investors too, most of whom enjoyed sizable profits when Eurostar was running to capacity pre-covid. But now of course its become a taxpayer’s problem and the French seem to think we should bail the fuckers out while seeing next to nothing in return!

No doubt the Jellyfish will wobble and hand over a billion or two. Not that the Frogs will be any more grateful – they still see us as a bunch of cunts, and will probably send over a few hundred dinghies by return


Nominated by: Technocunt

And seconded by mikdys with this:

Let them go bust and buy the trains off the Administrator for €1. What we ought to do.
No doubt we’ll bail them out and put another couple of points on the new National Property Tax to pay for it (plenty of grannies out there who need their houses less than the Frogs need perpetually bailing out!).

We used to fight the Frogs but now we kowtow to them. Never mind a war we couldn’t even take our fishing rights back in a peaceful negotiation.

This country is f*cked!

24 thoughts on “Eurostar

  1. Whatever happened to saving for a rainy day.

    No doubt the cuntish shareholders at Eurostar have enjoyed massive dividends in years gone by.

    They should be told to take it out of that, the utter cunts.

  2. I did some fibre work on the Chunnel back in the dim and distant past, one of the best paying jobs I ever contracted for.

    Never been on the thing as I cannot abide the French and they can stick their frogs legs and wine up their cheese eating surrender monkey arses.

    The redoubtable slabber cabbage that is Boris “fats” Johnson will soon hand over the billions they need to keep the shareholders in their mansions and driving their Bentleys.

    • I got banned from Arsebook for saying precisely that, imagine my disappointment.
      Fuck Zuckerborg.

  3. If we bail this fucker out it will show 2 things:
    Lack of backbone and resolve.
    London and the SE matters more to Boris and co than the fuckers who elected him.
    It takes over 2 fucking hours by train from Donny to Manchester. That’s what matters north of fucking Islington.
    And fuck London’s HS2 (yes, London’s benefit not anyfucker else) Heathrow and Crossrail too.

    • CC raised a very good point, regional railways need massive investment in trains and infrastructure. We have semaphore signals in situ and working round here. Almost expect a steamer but no just a clapped out diesel mu. HS2 is bollocks imagine what the fare will be to shorten your journey time by 20mins. The way the costs are accelerating methinks it would be cheaper to build a town on Mars. Spend the money on upgrading the existing network and vehicles, make sure the regions get some gravy for local services. As for Eurostar you bought it you pay for it.

      • Yeah, for about 55 miles as the crow flies. And I can guarantee the crow would get there quicker.

  4. I use faceache occasionally to keep in touch with some old shipmates and I would sometimes post a cartoon now and then. Numerous bans for fuck all. One cartoon depicted the striped animal from Winnie the Pooh tied to a post surrounded by firewood and men in white hoods. On the hoods were three (11th) letter. The creature is saying “You’ve got the wrong guy.”
    That’s the way I had to explain it to others so certain words wouldn’t set the alarms off. What a crock of shit that FB is? I’ve called it day anyhow.

  5. I’ve never liked the idea of a dry land link with le continent. Apparently before it was even built we had plans to blow it up with a small nuclear device, whatever a small nuclear device is, in the event of a Soviet invasion .

    • Wasn’t Napoleon the first person to propose the idea of a channel tunnel?
      (Without England’s knowledge naturally).
      Frog scoffers…

    • Stuff Abbot, BoZo, Thornbury and Blackford in the middle, job done.
      You’d need the mother of all hydraulic presses to ram them in that far mind.

    • It would be worth blowing the enormous hole up, just to see frog trawlers going 300ft up in the air…
      I could be more enthusiastic about the thing if we had Austria as neighbours, not France. France ought to be exiled to somewhere near the Russian border, or Albania.

  6. If people worked harder they could save up and buy their own helicopters or private jets, then there’d be no need for profligate, outdated modes of transport such as Eurostar.

  7. Fuck them – these parasites are constantly whining and demanding funding then trousering the sizeable profits without investing in the service or putting money away.
    Privately owned by the French, not my bill, not my debt, not my problem.
    Let them go bankrupt then buy it off the administrators for peanuts – it will be useful for getting the Army over when we invade France!
    Right, time for my somewhat delayed “morning” hike (I am up to 8 miles a day now, I’ve got calves like a fkin silverback gorilla! ?)

    • Wotcha Vernon?

      As long as you haven’t got a cock like a silverback. I read somewhere that proportional to its size, it has the smallest “appendage” of all simians.
      No wonder they are always so fucking grumpy?

  8. Where is our refund for all of the billions we pumped into EU buildings that we are not using any more.
    Fuck em!
    If I sold my car I wouldn’t entertain the new owner asking me to pay for new tyres a year later. The French can fuck off. Your tunnel, your problem.
    We had enough of bailing out private companies with DeLorean.

    • Love the “new tyres” analogy?

      Sums up the whole, sh1tty, “EU deal” perfectly. Not only do the (unts expect new tyres in a year’s time but we had to pay them to take our car!

      Probably just a warm up for negative interest rates later in the year ?

  9. The very fact that Macron seriously asked/demanded necessitates an immediate response with a Cobalt Tipped warhead. Fuck all Frogs.

  10. CC and BB (above) are bang on.
    The Chunnel and HS2 are both a fucking pile o shite that are literally hundreds of miles away from here and of fuck all direct economic benefit to 99% of the population. Tell Macron to fuck off and let it go tits up. We’re in the Zoom era ; viz : there’s no need for gravy ‘train‘ suits to travel backwards and forwards to the EU. Eurocunt ? it’s glory days are over.

    PS I’ve finally finished reading Yanis Varoufakis’ “Adults in the Room”. I cannot recommend this excellent book too highly as a means of proving what ISAC members already know by rote. IE the EU; Commission and ECB are run by an elite of duplicitous backstabbing German worshippers who’s only purpose is to enrich that country at the expense of everybody else via the insanity of the Euro currency. Thank fuck One-Eyed Gordy persuaded über cunt Blair to steer clear of that!

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