Equity (3)

Equity deserves a cunting because it’s a new word to hide a leftist piece-of-shit philosophy.

There is equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.

Equality of opportunity means giving people every opportunity, regardless of race, colour or creed.

Equality of outcome means giving everyone a gold medal regardless of the fact they were last and the shittest at whatever the medals were intended to be given out for.

Clearly the former is what a proper society does. The latter is what a Bidenian society does.

Fine. I went to a private school. However, I teach my students at my inner-city FE college with the same edicts that I was taught, and I only have one white student in both of my A-level classes. That said, I treat them all the same (they’re all cunts!).

This is my subject. Prove to me you can learn it. Now that there are no exams this year, I will be marking them. Your colour, your creed, your religious belief mean nothing to me. Only your mark out of 100.

Pens down!

Nominated by: Dark key cunt 

77 thoughts on “Equity (3)

  1. Our 11-16 year old boys learn that spakkers with no arms can fly passenger jets, dinghy sailing peacefuls make good gay rights activists, Pàedós make good primary school teachers, 4 foot 9 tall 6 stone women make excellent special forces soldiers and ‘blick’ stabby types make good social workers
    (despite non of the above being remotely suitable or qualified for the job)

    Meanwhile in China their 11-16 year old kids are busy learning how to field strip assault rifles, keep physically fit and hack into the NHS central servers in their spare time………

    This PC madness coupled with equality of outcome is leading the west down the dangerous path of failure at the expense of being ruled by sinister Chinese Communists one day…………..

    • r.e. the Chinese threat – I can only recommend that everyone reads “Goliath” by Sean McFate (ex special forces, mercenary and now a university lecturer) on how they are outsmarting us at every turn. And be very afraid – especially with Biden.

      • Be afraid? No ?

        I for one will welcome our new yellow overlords. The alternative is Biden’s tranny utopia and the Western world’s rise of the planet of the apes.

        I am ready to do your bidding my Chinese Masters, speak and I shall obey ?

      • Another cheery read. The chinks have their own problems. We seem to be populated by doom mongers who see nothing but bleakness. Remember cunters….
        The future is not written.

      • ‘the futures uncertain,
        But the end is always near’…

        James Douglas Morrison.

  2. Interesting nom this. I used to be a journalist and I still edit and revise material such as annual reports and academic studies. I first noticed the word “equity” used in this sense a few years back in a lengthy study by one of the world´s most influential thinktanks. I pointed out that “equity” referred to a share in a company since each share had an equal value, hence the word “equity”. I altered it to “equality” but when the report was published, “equity” remained. When I contacted the organization, I was told that “equity” now meant equality as far as it was concerned. I have seen it used in this sense many times since then.

    There are two aspects worth raising here. One is that organizations nowadays are so arrogant and woke, they think they can change the English language to suit their purposes. One example of this was in my recent post about the New Yorker magazine capitalizing the word “black” as an adjective or a noun even though this goes against basic English grammar built up over centuries.
    The second is that, as English has become the global language, many people who use it on a daily basis do not have it as their mother tongue. As a result, they are creating a new globalized version of English which I think of as “Glinglish”.

    • I was with you on this Mr Polly until you started spelling words such as ‘organization’, capitalizing and globalized ‘with the American Z and not an S.

      • Good point but Mr Pollys was a good post nonetheless. He’s probably had the z-izing of words beaten into him by countless clients.

  3. We see it all the time in politics, the likes of Flabbott and Dawn Butler would be unemployable if not for being black women representing their respective diverse London shitholes. Gobshite foghorn Jess Phillips got a leg up through an all-women shortlist and numerous other cunts are promoted way beyond any talent or ability due to their race or gender.

    I suppose class comes into it as well, Oxbridge bellends Cameron, Osbourne and Clegg to name a few have used their class to progress as others would use their skin colour.

    • Uncle T, That’s made me laugh, the funniest nine words I’ve seen for quite a while. Very droll!

  4. “equity” is a hundred million dead in the 20th century. Four times more than the Nazis.
    “Utopia is always approached through a sea of blood, and you never get there”

    • Ruff – most people have equity in their property, being the value of their property minus any outstanding debt or mortgage on it.
      This is probably the most common use of the term.

      • Have you got a side line in promoting equity release or something Bertie, do I get free fountain pen if I mention your name?

      • Ah… I’ve never had a mortgage, nor any other sort of debt for that matter, hence my ignorance of that definition.

        Thanks Bertie.

      • Evening Libs. I can give you a good deal! I’m working with B&W Cunt on a 30% commission basis but whatever you do
        don’t mention my name!

      • £££ thousands of pounds every year for fuck all in return? What sort of mug do you take me for Bertie?

      • No mortgage?

        Your rolling in it you are.
        If you hadnt left it to me id be riddled with class envy.

      • Thousands of pounds a year?
        How fuckin’ big is Creampuff Manor?
        It shouldn’t cost more than £250 per year.
        Over many years maybe but peace of mind against fire, marauding hordes of gimmegrants?
        I think you’ve probably been given an over inflated quote when LL was in your employ. His last employer was hit particularly hard when LL was substituting copies for a genuine Rembrandt and a Turner.

      • And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you pesky kids. He hasn’t noticed the missing Charles and Diana dinner service and Golden Jubilee tea towels yet Bertie!

      • @ Miserable 6:40pm

        It’s a long story, but I bought my first house in 1976 for £3,500. It was severely run down and I renovated it myself. Sold it years later for £90,000, bought a bigger property that also needed TLC and just carried on in that vein till I ended up with Creampuff Manor.

        I suspect we’ll be downsizing next time…

      • As long as I’ve still got my coronation mugs and portraits of the royal family I quite frankly couldn’t give a damn, my dear LL.

      • Gmorning cunters!

        Way to go RTC.
        I Had a credit card but got sick of the idea, debit card only now. Never hand over details allowing the cunts to put their fat fingers into my account whenever they feel like it. If I’m going to go bankrupt at least I’ll authorise the last payment. When I was 18 borrowed 1000 off me mam for a car. nothing since.
        Got knocked back for the dole when I was nineteen, never went back. Fuck them.

        Anyhow, Debt free is the way to be so I’m not a slave to banks or lenders, obvs plenty of other masters for us in this era so it’s good to drop one or two now and then.

    • I wasn’t sure either Creampuff, I only know of Equity because the smear campaign against Laurence Fox and grovelling apology.

      • Imagine being a member of a trade union that describes you as “a disgrace to our industry”, just for defending yourself against a blatantly racist slur. Utter cunts.

        Evening LL.

      • Lawrence Fox has been blacklisted like Hollywood did in the 50s to unproven or suspected communists.
        Feel dead sorry for him.
        A outcast in luvvie land.
        All doors closed to Lawrence.

  5. Just another example of woke wankers not being able to speak proper like I does, innit?
    I absolutely despair at the generation that is going to be running this country in a few years. They can’t have essay questions now in school because it is unfair and will cause mental health issues. History has been rewritten for them to make them feel safe and they constantly say shit like like all the time and use anythink instead of anything.
    Boils the cunts in piss I say.

  6. They the (lefty nutters) have hi jacked a fair portion of the English language , which makes you careful of what you can say or not say. They have sucked the fun out of our day to day living. I’m Irish and never took offense to Irish thicko jokes I actually had a good laugh. Now being offensive is a different kettle of fish. But fun is made out to be offensive by these cunts one and all.

    • “Equity” – a process allowing the stupid and lazy to progress.
      When I was at school the top 10% went to college, the top 10% of them went on to University – and they had serious job offers flooding in up to a year before leaving.
      Now anyone can go to “Uni” – thick as pigshit simpletons smoke a bit of weed, brush up on their marxism and victimhood, do some meeja studies nonsense and leave 40K in debt with absolutely no future unless it’s a well paid “job” promoting racism.

      • My students will study Science or Engineering. Well, at least most will. A couple are doing Business Studies as well. I’ll do what I can to convert them.

  7. MNC@ – LF has started a new political party (The Reclaim Party) and people are flocking to it in droves – he has the establishment running scared.

  8. Lawrence Fox fucked up when he had a go at people who wanted the vaccine.
    He’s an idiot if he thinks these are all the same people who are left wing fuckin’

    • Dont know too much about him,
      Accept his troubles with the left,
      Hes from a acting family,
      Thats about it.
      Know if I was him id look for other work.
      But if he thinks politics is less full of woke loonies and deviants than acting hes mistaken.

    • And people who want the vaccine are idiots if they think that those of us who have reservations about it are all anti-vax loons. You’re very much not included in that category though Bertie.

      • Celebrity vaccine sceptics can do even more damage than the full on anti-vaxxer dillweeds.

      • There are perfectly legitimate reasons why people might be wary about having it though RTC. The unprecedented development time being one.

      • Well, I certainly hope all that is the case. By the time it gets to my generation most people should’ve had it anyway so we should know a bit more about any potential side effects.

  9. Equality of outcome = Failure. End of.
    Equality of opportunity … has never and will never exist, due to the traits of human nature. Whether it’s skin colour, religion, the old school tie, nepotism or a host of other reasons, it’s a falsehood, an unachievable dream.
    It would be easier to knit fog.
    The lie of equality of opportunity simply leads to a favouring of a previous underdog, who, once gaining the upper hand, exerts dominance over the previous topdog.
    The BBC is a good example of the promotion and execution of this practice.
    Here we have a perfect example of what happens when ‘ equality ‘ is achieved, and how that ‘equality ‘ is used to discriminate and punish.
    So which kind of dog do you want to be ?
    Good evening.

  10. Lawrence Fox is a privileged middle class cunt playing at eight if centre politics-no different than the Redgrave cunt clan playing at left wing.

    Absolutely no sincerity.

    Sorry Vern-it’s the truth.

    • Nonsense.

      Middle-class? Son of millionaire James Fox, educated at Harrow, multimillionaire himself, middle-class?

      He risked his career by calling out BLM reverse racism and their race baiting at a time when all the other white actors were sticking their heads in the sand. Since then he has been trial by lefty woke actors blacklisted. He is a serious as a heart attack about his Reclaim party. Whether his actual policies, if any, are any good is another matter, but serious he is.

      • Sorry CoolFC:
        I watched him in action from the beginning. I just don’t “buy” into it. He saw an opening and took it. It’s just another role.

        Re his career: what fucking career? A few TV roles gained through nepotism.
        He isn’t good looking or talented enough to make a fortune through acting or music.
        That is a fact??

      • You might not buy his “act” but I think you’re being quite liberal with the facts yourself.

        A few tv roles eh….

        2020 White Lines (TV Series)
        – Episode #1.10 (2020) … David
        – Episode #1.9 (2020) … David
        – Episode #1.8 (2020) … David
        – Episode #1.7 (2020) … David
        – Episode #1.6 (2020) … David
        Show all 7 episodes
        2019 Us Among the Stones
        2019 Born a King
        Laurence of Arabia
        2019 The Professor and the Madman
        Philip Lyttelton Gell
        2019 Victoria (TV Series)
        Lord Palmerston
        – The White Elephant (2019) … Lord Palmerston
        – A Public Inconvenience (2019) … Lord Palmerston
        – A Coburg Quartet (2019) … Lord Palmerston
        – A Show of Unity (2019) … Lord Palmerston
        – Foreign Bodies (2019) … Lord Palmerston
        Show all 8 episodes
        2018 Frankie Drake Mysteries (TV Series)
        Greg Mills
        – The Pilot (2018) … Greg Mills
        2017 The Frankenstein Chronicles (TV Series)
        Frederick Dipple
        – Bride of Frankenstein (2017) … Frederick Dipple
        – The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (2017) … Frederick Dipple
        – Little Boy Lost (2017) … Frederick Dipple
        – Seeing the Dead (2017) … Frederick Dipple
        – Not John Marlott (2017) … Frederick Dipple
        Show all 6 episodes
        2006-2015 Lewis (TV Series)
        DS James Hathaway / DI James Hathaway / DS Hathaway
        – What Lies Tangled: Part 2 (2015) … DI James Hathaway
        – What Lies Tangled: Part 1 (2015) … DI James Hathaway
        – Magnum Opus: Part 2 (2015) … DI James Hathaway
        – Magnum Opus: Part 1 (2015) … DI James Hathaway
        – One for Sorrow: Part 2 (2015) … DI James Hathaway
        Show all 42 episodes
        2012 Our Boys
        2011 Fast Freddie, the Widow and Me (TV Movie)
        Jonathan Donald
        2011 W.E.
        2008 Wired (TV Mini-Series)
        Phillip Manningham
        – Episode #1.3 (2008) … Phillip Manningham
        – Episode #1.2 (2008) … Phillip Manningham
        – Episode #1.1 (2008) … Phillip Manningham
        2007 A Room with a View (TV Movie)
        Cecil Vyse
        2007 Elizabeth: The Golden Age
        Sir Christopher Hatton
        2007 Becoming Jane
        Mr. Wisley
        2006 The Last Drop
        SS Maj. Klaus Kessler
        2006 Marple (TV Series)
        James Pearson
        – The Sittaford Mystery (2006) … James Pearson
        2005 Whatever Love Means (TV Movie)
        Prince Charles
        2005 Egypt (TV Mini-Series documentary)
        – The Curse of Tutankhamun (2005) … Leonard (uncredited)
        – The Search for Tutankhamun (2005) … Leonard
        2005 Jericho (TV Mini-Series)
        Peter Bridgewater
        – The Killing of Johnny Swan (2005) … Peter Bridgewater
        2005 Colditz (TV Mini-Series)
        – Part Two (2005) … Willis
        – Part One (2005) … Willis
        2004 AD/BC: A Rock Opera (TV Movie)
        2004 Island at War (TV Mini-Series)
        Bernhardt Tellemann
        – Unusual Successes (2004) … Bernhardt Tellemann
        – Unexpected Revelations (2004) … Bernhardt Tellemann
        – Strange Mercies (2004) … Bernhardt Tellemann
        – To Catch a Spy (2004) … Bernhardt Tellemann
        – Living with the Enemy (2004) … Bernhardt Tellemann
        2003 Foyle’s War (TV Series)
        Simon Walker
        – War Games (2003) … Simon Walker
        2003 South from Granada
        Ralph Partridge
        2002 Ultimate Force (TV Series)
        Cpl. Mick Sharp
        – Something to Do with Justice (2002) … Cpl. Mick Sharp
        – Natural Selection (2002) … Cpl. Mick Sharp
        2002 Deathwatch
        Capt. Bramwell Jennings
        2001 Gosford Park
        Rupert Standish
        2001 The Hole

        So the few TV roles is actually a career spanning 20 years and I think you’ll find the very few established actors that haven’t had a famous actor fathers and or mothers.

        I’ve watched him from the start too, so far as the only that’s stood up to the lefty woke brigade So he can crack on as far as I’m concerned as angry leftist tears amuse me.

        You might not be buying into it, which is indeed your privilege but at least get your facts right as so far you’ve cited him as middle class and having had a few acting roles.

      • Bit parts. Gained from nepatism.

        Trust me CFC: I am totally sincere when I say this: I have friends in the the music industry who are respected worldwide as artistes, session musicians and in music production.
        Laurence Fox is not a particularly talented musician or actor. He really isn’t.

        There are probably lots of blokes in the pub who have similar right of centre views as Laurence, many on here, as have I.
        Doesn’t make us fit for politics
        He spends too much time
        stroking his ego on social media, to be taken serious.

        He is just another luvvie playing fucking politics.
        Just like all those fucking rich luvvies who “signed on” in the old days, because it made them look “right on”?

        I am sure that if Mr Laurence Fox had a serious chance at global fame, he would have kept his head down, or taken a fucking knee.

        I fucking detest insincere opportunists. If politics don’t work out for him, there is always the family silver to fall back on?

      • “Bit parts” Oh dear, do you remember what I said about getting your facts right?

        Other than that yours is a reply full of strawman arguments and flimflam to suit your own viewpoint. Your hunches part about him is fine, you are entitled to your opinion, the rest, well, short on actual facts and a “trust me” thrown in for good measure, so not so much.

        I suppose the politest way of putting it is, we’ll have to agree to disagree.

    • Can’t agree with that General. I do believe he’s sincere. On the other hand I doubt his party has much of a future – he’s not really leadership material.

      • Mostly agreed. Yes I believe he’s sincere but it’s too little too late given the current wave of rabid BLM, leftists and wokists. I’m not sure about the not leadership material part, like most of the current mob he probably just needs the right people behind him.

      • TV appearance when he came out against BAME bullshit was priceless and a source of joy and perhaps faint hope to millions.

        His pained look of “FFS here we go again” just before he ripped in will live a long time

      • Agreed, TS, his Question Time retort was a rare and inspiring moment that spoke for millions of decent ordinary citizens throughout the nation and beyond.

      • Yep, not bad for a “middle class, bit part” actor. Still to barstardise a phrase from Twain, Never let facts get in the way of a good story. ?

    • CG@ – I think LF’s heart may or may not be in the right place but when he has to appear to please all the people all the time he will crumble – people are joining his party “left, right and centre” (with no pun intended!) but I think when it comes down to it his party will just be a variation of Labour/Lib Dems – a sideshow.
      The 3 mainstream parties are unelectable, Richard Tice and Nigel Farage are one trick ponies who just want their snouts in the trough (Farage is a millionaire with a huge EU pension and Tice is in a relationship with the Daughter of Lord Oakeshott – hardly salt of the earth grafters) and we have a political wilderness.
      I am starting a political party – a lot of paperwork, time, money and frustration but my party will be completely apolitical and independent with the one and only remit of serving the Country and its people and booting enough arses to get things done.
      A kind of “fuck what you throw at me, I am down to business” attitude, in the style of Trump but without the attached nonsense.
      It is needed – what we have is destroying a great Country and I have never known worse politicians.

      • Fox stole every single episode of Lewis from Kevin “why aye” Whateley.
        Funny enough his best ever line was…

        “Spare me from armchair lefties and their cheap disdain”

      • Agree with LF stance on free speech, anti-woke stuff but no actor/singer/celeb will speak for me regardless of their politics. Unless they are in the trenches taking a bite of the big shit sandwich they just haven’t a clue.

  11. Hope Laurence Fox knows what he’s undertaking with the reclaim party because it won’t be reclaiming sanity in this tit for tat political landscape we now occupy. Yes over representation of minority’s is the political football you will be fucked on.

  12. As a cunt who worked in Seffrica I will give you my take on where this horseshit leads.
    We had to take on ‘affirmative’ (black) engineers. They were not just useless but fucking dangerous. I was pressured to promote a black supervisor to production manager. Over the much more talented Seffrican/Indian candidates. He sat in his office and did fuck all because he was now a larnie (look it up) and at the same time used his brother to use his company car and petrol allowance as a taxi. He couldnt explain why his 7 mile trip to work needed petrol in the Eastern Cape.( 200 miles away)
    This is what these cunts are. Stupid, corrupt and savage.
    The ANC through affirmative action with a corrupt savage in charge (Zuma) have destroyed a great country. So much for equity.

  13. Lawrence Fox showed his bum and knob in shit horror ‘The Hole’ (had he shown that I might have upgraded my critical assessment) back in 1999.

    Since then he’s been a rent-a-(supposed ‘right wing’)-mouth, because he talks posh and comes from one of ‘those’ families, the ones that own estates and do pretend hunting and whatnot.

    I’m not convinced.

  14. I wonder whether some people are jealous because LF managed to have a glimpse of Billie Piper’s anus, let alone play with it.

  15. ‘Equity’, ‘Equality’, and’ Affirmative Action’ are all used interchangeably these days – and to excuse the same thing: rich white people making themselves feel better about being white by throwing poor white people under the bus.

  16. I’m really sorry Dark Key Cunt, but according to the left you are no longer black or a person of colour. Your opinions are not ‘politically black’ so you’ve been de-personed and now face re-education by rich white liberals who will instruct you on how to be ‘authentically black’.


    Joe Deac… Biden.

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