Electric cars and UK net zero emissions

Before I start, you may ask, what is the point of raising this subject once again? In case you weren’t aware this commitment (conveniently not attracting any headlines from the MSM) is going to cost the UK £50 billion* per year. That’s enough to cancel out the “Covid debt” without any need for further tax rises (watch out for 3rd March this year!). If “spaffing the most £££” were to be a criteria for a nomination then this one surely qualifies.

You can imagine the scene in Parliament when they unanimously voted for this crock of shite:

“Matter of order ladies, gentlemen, gays, lezzies, trannies & toasters – just a quick vote to foist a spiffing scheme onto the electorate that will make us look really good to the greens and lefties out there worldwide and embarrass other western countries.”
“But, Optimus Prime Minister you most magnificent member sir [doffs cap –but doesn’t kneel as this is Parliament and not a football stadium] how much will this cost and how will we justify the spend?”

“It’ll literally cost £ trillions but we’ll hide it away in the small print and the plebs, sorry I mean – what is that term- ah yes voters, will never notice. What’s more there’ll be lots of high paying scams for all your mates to get in on and as this bollocks, sorry Nut Nuts I mean – what is the term – ouch yes zero emissions malarkey doesn’t actually have to deliver anything they can fuck up as much as they want while bleeding the taxpayer white. What’s not to like? Mr Speaker…”
“Voted through unanimously PM”.

OK, that’s enough of that how about some more facts:

UK 2019 CO2 total emissions of 351.5 million tonnes**
China 2019 CO2 emissions increase 290 million tonnes***
[Ergo all the pain of the UK achieving “net zero” will make no tangible difference to global emissions.]

Issues with electric cars:

1 – They are a wholly inefficient design.
A 100 KWH EV battery releases 20 tonnes of CO2 being manufactured****
It weighs 625 Kg and will give a range of 325 miles+
Whereas a conventional car’s fuel only weighs 46Kgs for a 639 mile range ++(2014 Accord diesel 12 gallons)

2 – They pollute as much as small conventional cars.
When you take into account the massive pollution from battery manufacture (to say nothing of sending small children down rare earth mineral mines in third world countries to provide the raw materials) and the fact that 50% of the UK’s power generation is from burning gas+++, there is power loss both over the grid and through “charging inverters” (quite a lot here) a Toyota Aygo pollutes less.

3 – They are vastly inconvenient for “everyday use”.
A rich footballer might have a Nissan Leaf parked up the drive for a bit of showy “virtue signalling”, while he’s off driving about in the W12 Bentley, but for most people they are just not practical. If you are lucky enough to have off road parking (40% of motorists don’t) and your own charger it will take 4-8 hours to charge your Nissan Leaf (“fast charging” won’t be an option with a 13amp ring main!)++++ This will give you a range of 168 miles (better call it 120 for safety so you don’t need to call the RAC out with their diesel generator to charge your electric car up!). Don’t rely on finding a service station charger and, if you do know of one, don’t rely on it being working. [5 minutes to fuel your diesel car and drive for 639 anxiety free miles – hmmm…]

4. The national grid wouldn’t cope with a full electric car roll out
Average annual household electricity consumption in UK is 12,000 KWH| Assume an electric car drives only 8,000 miles a year. That would be adding a further household’s usage for every 4 cars. There are 37 million cars on the UK roads (but only 164,000 electric cars currently) and 24 million households. To charge 37 million electric cars the national grid would need to be expanded by 38% yet it is struggling now and is already close to being overwhelmed (“smartmeters” may be a partial answer through throttling the electricity supply – already tested for the Government by Octopus Energy) ||

5. Electric cars are expensive
New ones are absurdly expensive so I won’t even go there. As for used the cheapest Nissan Leaf on Auto Trader today was £4,000 (24 Kwh and maybe 80 miles real world range). A Toyota Aygo (which I contend pollutes no more than the average electric car) can be had for £800 (300 mile range). As for “cheap electricity” this is only taxed at 5%. Petrol is taxed at 300%. Levelling the tax out puts fuel costs on a par. The Government won’t leave electric vehicles virtually untaxed if there is a large take up so any advantage now could be short lived. Poorly paid people (the majority of the country and who didn’t vote for this lefty, liberal, green claptrap) running “old bangers” to get to work will face being priced out of the market. This might be the intention but, when the economy then grinds to a halt, it will fuck over the liberal elite as well. Cunts hoist by their own petard!

[I’ll post links to my sources separately as the site doesn’t seem to like them in the same post]

Nominated by: mikdys


*** https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-global-fossil-fuel-emissions-up-zero-point-six-per-cent-in-2019-due-to-china
**** https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/industry/analysis-just-how-green-are-electric-vehicles
++ https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/honda/accord
+++ https://gridwatch.co.uk
++++ https://www.energysage.com/electric-vehicles/charging-your-ev/charging-nissan-leaf/
|| https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/08/10/national-grid-insists-systems-worked-one-million-homes-businesses/

72 thoughts on “Electric cars and UK net zero emissions

  1. That second link has completely fucked up the page view on my iPad. To add insult to injury, it doesn’t even work!

    Morning Admin. ?

  2. The powers that be keep presenting us with bollocks and we keep swallowing it. We are conditioned to believe experts and the media without question.

    Electric cars are never going to work for the masses, the take up of green energy production is openly admitted to mean at peak times there will need to be a limit in how much power a home can consume (hence smart meters) so unless your rich enough to be able to afford your own high power solar generator you’ll be fucked.

    Saving the world means restricting power use by the masses and that means taking away the means of private transport. They are already talking about continuing lockdowns to control carbon emissions.

    Are you getting it yet?

    • You also need to remember that, not so long ago, the government of the day was pushing diesel cars to save the planet. So much so that one of every two cars sold was a diesel. The current government are demonising diesels.

      If a manufacturer manages to perfect a low cost and reliable fuel cell, and an energy company invests in storing excess “green energy” in making hydrogen to power the fuel cells, battery electric cars will get dropped just the same. The difference would be, were this to happen, it would be technology led and not “fuckwit led”!

  3. Morning all. Back from the ISAC wilderness due to router problems.

    The government also fucked up by banning hybrid vehicles that would have been the natural stepping-stone to a full electric roll out.

    With 8.5 million cars parked on the street, the government would have to spend around 20 billion to install the required amount of charging points. You can’t use lamp columns as the run on low voltage electricity and you need a minimum of 3.6kw supply.
    On top of that, my wife works in insurance and says that hitting the kerb can destroy an electric cars battery, technically writing the car off.
    With the state of the country’s roads this winter, I’d be scared to take an electric car out.

    • Ive driven a electric car,
      At Cringle Fields Fair.
      Loads of them all in a big ring,
      And the amount of crashes,
      Rear end bumps!
      The car had no brakes, and little in safety features,
      If this is the future count me out.
      I was glad when a gyppo hung off the back and told me my test drive was over.
      I got a hot dog and went home.

  4. They want us all riding around on bicycles like we’re in fucking Beijing or something. Get us all crowded on to public transport where they can rip us off. They want us off the road, it’s as simple as that. What Suckdick is doing in Londonstabistan is a model for the future. Coming your way soon.

  5. I’m the greenest cunt on the planet, me. No car, walk everywhere, can count the number of times I’ve flown on the fingers of one hand, and not at all since the 1980s.

    To quote Mylene Farmer: “Fuck them all”.

  6. Excellent nomination.
    An associate purchased a sparkly Tesla coupe-he was one on the first in the UK.
    He is a very well qualified IT security specialist and a total techno freak-loves gadgets. He could be the perfect poster boy for Apple, Tesla et al.
    He has a solar array to assist with charging.
    Standing on his driveway, I brought up the subject of the elephant in the room-the fact that the electricity required to charge these toys, still comes, in the main from fossil fuels.
    Added to that, the raping of the earth to extract the precious minerals required for the tech.
    He had no answers, apart from its “a step in the right direction”.

    He regaled me with tales of how he can “call” his car from a car park, using his phone. Or the fact that he lets it drive itself at motorway speeds, admiring that on a resurfaced section with no white lines, the car panicked and started to break?

    Sorry-wealthy virtual signalling bullshit.
    20k gets you a mint, low mileage supercharged XK8, a car that sounds as good as it looks, as good as it drives?

    Stick your ludicrous mode right up your arse, Elon.
    I know where my money would go?

  7. Electric carts in this country are natural gas powered cars. In Germany they are coal powered cars. There is as yet nothing that comes close to fossil fuels. The Northern hemisphere cannot support a large population without them. In The last cold snap their was virtually no wind. Im fucking sick of the green cunts. Vote blue get green,vote red get green. Where is my vote on the issue. Cunts.

    • Here is your vote on the issue:


      It may not happen but, if enough protests votes were to go this way (viz a viz UKIP & TBP) there’s a slim possibility the message might get through.

      The local elections are coming up so there’s no risk of replacing a government of cunts with a government of ultra cunts yet an opportunity to get a message across…

    • Or you get to the only charging point and somebody is already using it and will be there for hours. What are you going to do then?

  8. Hypocrisy is what the two faced green agenda of the western world does brilliantly . Everyone buy an electric car and we’ll sell your old one down in Africa. Cows are bad so we’ll do a deal for South American beef ,chop the forest down and fly it back to Europe.Manufacturing is bad so we’ll get China to do it and ship it to Europe .Green my bollox ,they just export the emissions to other parts of the world and then look all smug at how they made everything cleaner. Delusional cunts of the highest order. In effect nothing changes except how much extra it costs your pocket

  9. When the government starts to lecture us on the benefits of electric vehicles I immediately think of 20 or so years ago when we being urged to buy diesel engined cars in order to save the planet. The simple truth is that clueless politicians (how many MPs have an engineering background ) allow themselves to be led by vested interest. I do not want decisions which impact on my life to be made by Swedish teenagers the likes of Zion Lights.

    • Exactly and while petrol emissions poisoned globally , Diesel emissions poisoned locally with there toxic particles plus other shit when engine running idle parked up outside school waiting for their little precious’s .Cunts

    • A similar decision was made a few years ago when they were going to switch off fm radio and force everyone to buy DAB.
      That worked out well, cunts.

      • DAB radios are throwaway disposable crap that end up in a skip after a couple of years {if you’re lucky}.
        Meanwhile the 70 year old PYE valve radio that I listen to in my workshop continues to work like new…

  10. It’s not just the fact that 50% of UK electricity comes from burning gas at night when BEVs will typically be charged (while excess wind/solar production during the day is wasted) but 8% of power is lost over the National Grid and up to 36% by the inverter used to charge the car.

  11. Trying a bit too hard to get through moderation there resulting in a double post – apologies ?

    (Not a problem. sometimes comments with multiple links do go into the MQ – fuck knows why! – DA)

    • Thanks DA – I’m more used to sites where “moderation is a black hole”. Yours is very good on the whole. I have to learn to be more patient?

  12. If I were a rich cunt I’d get about on a traction engine powered by whale oil and ivory, with panda hide seat covers.

    • I’d try to convert my, newly acquired, Aston Martin V12 Vantage S to run on liquid BAMEs, there’s be no shortage of fuel and, if you had the right planning, you could get the it for free.

  13. Better to run cars on chip fat like Dick Strawbridge or on sugar like they do in Cuba. Fuck electric cars; overpriced, no range garbage with battery material dug up by little children in the third world. Hope I die before I get old.

  14. It is the same bollocks with Plugin Hybrids. Most of them quote ridiculous MPG and Emissions. One car quoted and average MPG of 176! Bull shit. These figures are the maximum achievable MPG over a very short range. Usually the range of the battery which is shite. If I travel 400 miles, I am not going to get 176 MPG. What a load of bollocks. People are being fooled into buying these cars the thick cunts. Propaganda machine is in full swing here. Cunts.

    • Doctor Porsche’s original design for the Tiger tank was a diesel electric hybrid.
      The prototype caught fire when demonstrated in front of the Fuhrer, which must have been pricelessly funny…

  15. I had a brilliant eco-car years ago which was powered by neither petrol nor diesel (nor leccy). I must look in the garage to see if it’s still working. But I suspect the pedals may have rusted and I’m too big now to get into it.

  16. I can’t wait for petrol vehicles to be banned or taxed into oblivion.
    The economy will collapse and there will be a great deal of civil unrest.
    Good luck getting an armoured car or tank to run on daffodils or magic moonbeams.
    What a set of virtue signalling bullshitting cunts.
    Drive your Tesla off a fucking cliff.

    (Typo fixed – DA)

  17. The bitch Begum cannot return to U.K. the Supreme Court says.
    No sure if it is permanent or just until her case is heard but either way it is encouraging- I hope.

  18. I’ve said it here before – lean burning diesel cars are the future, for the time being anyway.

    Besides, what will happen to the cargo ships and aeroplanes – I presume these will have to become battery powered too?

    Worldwide population control is the only effective manner in which to reduce worldwide CO2 emissions.

  19. I am getting shares in cables. Every street will be like a spagghetti obstacle course. Fuck prams and pensioners, they can walk up the middle of the road.

    Where is the fuel duty going to come from? Taxing electricity so that you pay through the nose for light and heating too?

    Joined up thinking at it’s best.

  20. Can we have a bread and butter pudding and lashings of lard cunting for the half blood Prince and hippocuntus maximus Jamboy corden.
    Not content with being a bat shit crazy ginger and trying to fuck over the royals ( I’m not a fan of all parties) and then appear on Oprah with his slime ball half breed wife, the half blood Prince now appears on Jimbob Cordens TV show rapping of all things.

  21. The rich want everyone off the roads.
    The ‘Green scam’ will help them do this and make themselves out to be heroes. That’s what all this shite is about. Globalism means packing the first world with cheap 3rd world employees. They also keep power as these third worlders will vote for them.
    The more populated we get, the busier the roads get. The globalists want the cheap labour and the votes, but they don’t want their quality of life lowered in any way. This ‘green’ shite gives them the chance to make the situation even better for them.

    Don’t worry, because the likes of our MPs will be driving around on the empty roads, whilst the rest of us spend a fortune around on packed public transport.

    Still, at least you’re saving the planet, right?

    What a load of fucking shite. Greta is either a fucking annoying mong, an idealistic but thick teenager, or a bought and paid for elitist globalist.

    They can all fuck right off.

    • They have always hated the idea of us plebs having our own private vehicles. It gives us “ideas above our station”

  22. Shamima Begum banned by Supreme Court from entering Britain to appeal her loss of citizenship.At last some fucking good news.

    (An emergency nomination has just been processed for this cunt of cunts. Watch this space – DA)

    • The court’s reasoning is interesting: because she is technically no longer a British citizen, she therefore has no right to enter the country. Nice one! ?

      • Not much of an argument really, they reckon there might be as many as a million people in London alone that had no right to enter the country. Jeff Wayne was spot on with “but still they come”. Governments of all colour don’t give a shit as long as it doesn’t cost them anything personally.

      • At least if she was here legally the authorities would possibly know it. Personally, I reckon somebody should have put a bullet into her while she was in Syria.

      • If the Syrians didn’t want her they should have deported her back to Blighty for us to string up for treason (except Blair revoked the death penalty for that offence in 1998).

        Stripping Begum of her British citizenship was an easy cop out, setting a dangerous precedent for any future Home Secretary (Flabbott for example) to renunciate and expel citizens whose opinions she considers against the interests of the state.

        The real problem with bringing her back here is British justice, which means she gets a free house and benefits for committing treason.

      • It should be policy that anybody who leaves the country to join, or even assist, an organisation that acts against the UK should be stripped of citizenship. I am more than happy to include the EU in the list.

  23. The should be a national fuck off to this shit, electric car cunts
    Fuel efficient self charging hybrids make a lot more sense.

    and Goodbye Shamima you fucking terrorist cunt ?

  24. Hydrogen is a perfect solution – we have loads of rivers in the UK which will support the installation of hydroelectric generating stations, use some of the electricity generated to create hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis – hydrogen produces no harmful emissions whatsoever and after being burned bonds with oxygen molecules in the air to create rainwater.
    We can also use the hydrogen to replace natural gas and be completely self sufficient in terms of energy production.
    With the added bonus of employing hundreds of thousands of people in the renewable energy sector and being a world leader in developing and selling the technology.
    On other news I was accosted by an impertinent deer on my 1AM freezing moonlit nature ramble earlier – nosey big arsed bugger it was!

  25. In a world were we are still burying nuclear waste I’m wondering what the fuck they are going to do will billions of fucked monster batteries that last at best 5 to 10 years if your carefully about how you change it,and I then wonder what kind of emmisions are they going to produce and that’s before they get set on fire and then it’s a whole new ball game emmisions wise….if they want to improve the air first thing the need to do is a worldwide ban on fireworks, one massive step in one swoop and I for one can live without fucking fireworks no problem, especially now that certain cunts are now setting off fireworks every fucking weekend

    • Add to that the mountain of defunct “bird mincers” that only last 15 years or so and can’t be recycled. Shove them in landfill and pour in a boatload more concrete when replacing them. Joined up thinking? It’s not in these cunts dictionaries!

      • It’s more to do with making sure friends of the government get rich, or richer, at the expense of the taxpayer, whose opinions are basically ignored.

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