Electric cars and UK net zero emissions

Before I start, you may ask, what is the point of raising this subject once again? In case you weren’t aware this commitment (conveniently not attracting any headlines from the MSM) is going to cost the UK £50 billion* per year. That’s enough to cancel out the “Covid debt” without any need for further tax rises (watch out for 3rd March this year!). If “spaffing the most £££” were to be a criteria for a nomination then this one surely qualifies.

You can imagine the scene in Parliament when they unanimously voted for this crock of shite:

“Matter of order ladies, gentlemen, gays, lezzies, trannies & toasters – just a quick vote to foist a spiffing scheme onto the electorate that will make us look really good to the greens and lefties out there worldwide and embarrass other western countries.”
“But, Optimus Prime Minister you most magnificent member sir [doffs cap –but doesn’t kneel as this is Parliament and not a football stadium] how much will this cost and how will we justify the spend?”

“It’ll literally cost £ trillions but we’ll hide it away in the small print and the plebs, sorry I mean – what is that term- ah yes voters, will never notice. What’s more there’ll be lots of high paying scams for all your mates to get in on and as this bollocks, sorry Nut Nuts I mean – what is the term – ouch yes zero emissions malarkey doesn’t actually have to deliver anything they can fuck up as much as they want while bleeding the taxpayer white. What’s not to like? Mr Speaker…”
“Voted through unanimously PM”.

OK, that’s enough of that how about some more facts:

UK 2019 CO2 total emissions of 351.5 million tonnes**
China 2019 CO2 emissions increase 290 million tonnes***
[Ergo all the pain of the UK achieving “net zero” will make no tangible difference to global emissions.]

Issues with electric cars:

1 – They are a wholly inefficient design.
A 100 KWH EV battery releases 20 tonnes of CO2 being manufactured****
It weighs 625 Kg and will give a range of 325 miles+
Whereas a conventional car’s fuel only weighs 46Kgs for a 639 mile range ++(2014 Accord diesel 12 gallons)

2 – They pollute as much as small conventional cars.
When you take into account the massive pollution from battery manufacture (to say nothing of sending small children down rare earth mineral mines in third world countries to provide the raw materials) and the fact that 50% of the UK’s power generation is from burning gas+++, there is power loss both over the grid and through “charging inverters” (quite a lot here) a Toyota Aygo pollutes less.

3 – They are vastly inconvenient for “everyday use”.
A rich footballer might have a Nissan Leaf parked up the drive for a bit of showy “virtue signalling”, while he’s off driving about in the W12 Bentley, but for most people they are just not practical. If you are lucky enough to have off road parking (40% of motorists don’t) and your own charger it will take 4-8 hours to charge your Nissan Leaf (“fast charging” won’t be an option with a 13amp ring main!)++++ This will give you a range of 168 miles (better call it 120 for safety so you don’t need to call the RAC out with their diesel generator to charge your electric car up!). Don’t rely on finding a service station charger and, if you do know of one, don’t rely on it being working. [5 minutes to fuel your diesel car and drive for 639 anxiety free miles – hmmm…]

4. The national grid wouldn’t cope with a full electric car roll out
Average annual household electricity consumption in UK is 12,000 KWH| Assume an electric car drives only 8,000 miles a year. That would be adding a further household’s usage for every 4 cars. There are 37 million cars on the UK roads (but only 164,000 electric cars currently) and 24 million households. To charge 37 million electric cars the national grid would need to be expanded by 38% yet it is struggling now and is already close to being overwhelmed (“smartmeters” may be a partial answer through throttling the electricity supply – already tested for the Government by Octopus Energy) ||

5. Electric cars are expensive
New ones are absurdly expensive so I won’t even go there. As for used the cheapest Nissan Leaf on Auto Trader today was £4,000 (24 Kwh and maybe 80 miles real world range). A Toyota Aygo (which I contend pollutes no more than the average electric car) can be had for £800 (300 mile range). As for “cheap electricity” this is only taxed at 5%. Petrol is taxed at 300%. Levelling the tax out puts fuel costs on a par. The Government won’t leave electric vehicles virtually untaxed if there is a large take up so any advantage now could be short lived. Poorly paid people (the majority of the country and who didn’t vote for this lefty, liberal, green claptrap) running “old bangers” to get to work will face being priced out of the market. This might be the intention but, when the economy then grinds to a halt, it will fuck over the liberal elite as well. Cunts hoist by their own petard!

[I’ll post links to my sources separately as the site doesn’t seem to like them in the same post]

Nominated by: mikdys


*** https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-global-fossil-fuel-emissions-up-zero-point-six-per-cent-in-2019-due-to-china
**** https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/industry/analysis-just-how-green-are-electric-vehicles
++ https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/honda/accord
+++ https://gridwatch.co.uk
++++ https://www.energysage.com/electric-vehicles/charging-your-ev/charging-nissan-leaf/
|| https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/08/10/national-grid-insists-systems-worked-one-million-homes-businesses/

72 thoughts on “Electric cars and UK net zero emissions

  1. Epic cunting. I had been in the process of penning something similar myself.

    It’s city cunts that are the most pious turd gurglers when it comes to electric cars. London produces FUCK ALL electric. It’s all made in power stations on the east coast and along the M1 corridor. ‘It’s zero emission’ is the cry. Fuck you, you sanctimonious cretins. All you are doing is moving the problem to someone/somewhere else so you can feel good about yourselves. If it’s not charged 100% of the time from a home solar set up (£35k+ for a reliable 5kw set up) then it IS NOT zero emission. Fuck you with the ‘at point of use’ retort, that’s just says ‘I’m a selfish virtue signalling cunt’.

    Electric cars are the equivalent of having 4 bins in your house, plastics, glass and metal, food, non recyclables. You then religiously segregate all your garbage. Once those bins are full, you walk down the garden, and throw them over your neighbours hedge/wall, making it their problem to deal with.

    Perfect demonstration of the cuntitude involved with environmental cock smokers.

    Plus, even with only 165000 electric cars on the road, the U.K. was issuing thin margin notices for most of January (not enough spinning grid reserve) and anyone who fails to acknowledge this is a nuclear a weapons grade, chateau bottled, ocean going cunt.

    The whole greenie mantra is ‘if you build it they will come….’ Jesus titty fucking Christ…..

    • Thanks.

      You are right about the grid being close to falling over already at current levels of demand. Iirc there have been two recent occasions when mothballed coal powered plants had to be put online to prevent power outages. This is where “smart meters” will come into play. These things are worthy of a cunting all of their own. There you will be, happily watching some BBC propaganda, when the power supply gets throttled and all you can run is one poxy led bulb. Your TV won’t work and you’ll miss one of Greta Turdbucket’s guest appearance on Eastenders where the story line is her childhood ruined by nasty white cunts turning on their central heating. But, hey Greta, what about all the little fuckers in the third world being sent down cobalt mines to support the electric cars myth that you are so keen on. Don’t their childhoods count?

  2. Because they are so much heavier than IC powered vehicles the amount of microscopic dust from the tyres is greatly increased. Ditto brakes.
    So as with deisels, the greenies will have another (totally eco- friendly, and emission free) hobby horse to flog.
    Then the same guys who will control your leccy and gas smart meters will decide that your fully charged transport, that you thought was going to take you to work in the morning, is just what they need to see them over a power shortage when the wind is at wrong speed, two hours before you get out of bed.

  3. NASA puts the atmospheric CO2 concentration at 415 ppm for 2022. It was 409 ppm in 2019.

    Heating had been stated as ‘irreversible’ beyond 400 ppm and is now ‘baked in’ for several decades (possibly centuries), even if net emissions were to drop to 0 kg tomorrow.

    10-12 years to ‘save the planet’?

    It was never about the fucking planet, but how and where humans live.

    I really couldn’t give a shit.

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