
They’re everywhere.

Left-wing cunts, right-wing cunts, centre-left/right cunts.

Cunts who use social media, cunts in politics, cunts who aren’t in politics (but want to be), cunts who take fifty fucking photos of the same thing, cunts who can’t use a roundabout, fucking self-congratulating backpackers… cunts, cuntish stockbrokers, “influencers”… major cunts who should be fucking shot, cunts who stand in the middle of the aisle at the supermarket, cunts that ride a 750cc bike who think they’re hard, cunts on TV… they’re 99% cunt, cunts who start doing DIY at 6:30am on a Sunday morning, cunts that wear flat caps in their fifty’s because they’re bald and think they’re in a Guy Ritchie film, cunts who get tattoos of characters from 80’s films when they’re in their 20’s, cunts who crap on about pro-nouns, cunts with goatees in 2021, cunts live with their parents past the age of 25, sustainable cunts, cunts who generally just do my head in…

I’ve given up… there are too many cunts in the world to wrap my head around.

Nominated by: If the world was a cunt

92 thoughts on “Cunts

  1. Just switched the radio on… it was LBC with James O’Brien saying:

    “ALL of the media is sycophantically right wing”.

    Classic O’Shithead! ? What a cunt.

    Now switched over to TalkRadio and Mike Graham.

    • Its a very strange place that James o’brian lives in…. backwards land, where everything is upside down, inside out and back to front. True is false, sanity is madness and stupidity is intelligence…. 2+2 doesn’t equal 4, diversity is our strength and Islam is THE religion of peace.
      I can’t believe that cunt still has a show. …does he still drone on and on about brexit?

      • He does. However, he’s not fully on board with diversity.

        He’s strongly against diversity of opinion.

      • He can never be a true champion of diversity. Not whilst he lives in the white enclave of Chiswick in his multimillion house.

        Even that jug eared shitty footballer took a person of colour in to his home. However, they did make a swift exit after a few days due to the smell of soiled football shorts.

      • I can’t believe that people listen to him. His cuntitude is absolutely off the fucking scale.

        I always listen to Mike Graham, he was fucking brilliant with Parry on Talksport and I’d thoroughly recommend his “Thought Police” podcast with Kevin “Errr” O’Sullivan as an antidote to the current wokery and stupidity.

        I occasionally flick over to LBC to hear what that dipshit O’Brien is wanking on about and to just sort of keep an eye on the opposition. I can barely manage more than about 15 seconds of his droning, sanctimonious cuntwaffle before switching back to MG.

      • In fact I find myself wondering whether he actually believes some of the shite he spouts or if he’s got to the point where he’s got his audience and is just giving them what they want in order to keep his job.

      • “Drone” is precisely the sound that dribbles out of O’Brien’s cunt or that hairy orifice in the lower part of his face that some may mistake for a mouth.

        I listened to the recent Farage/O’Brien interview. O’Brien behaved just like Kevin The Teenager. Eyes rolling, harumph, harumph, tut, tut, more harumphs. I can’t listen to the cunt for more than a few seconds before I want to drive to the LBC studios and kick the cunt in the head.

      • The one where he was politely and calmly eviscerated by the Jacob Rees Mogg is an all-time classic.

      • A mere 2 additional cuntings are required before O’Brien graces the Wall of Cunts.

    • Ah, Lineker and ‘Rashid’ the mystery ‘refugee’.
      The same Rashid there are still no photos of?
      Holier than thou Gary couldn’t be lying, could he?

      Mind you, if the big lugged smear of slime was going to have a ‘refugee’ in his mansion, it could only be an adult male camelshagger. Because there isn’t any other fucking kind, is there?

      • If jug ears really did take in a camel shagger then there is little doubt he would advertise it all over social media. I don’t do twitter etc so may have missed it but saw nothing in papers.

    • RTC, I admire you for listening to LBC and O’Brien to maintain a somewhat well-rounded perspective, but in the case of O’Brien, do you really need to taste shit to know it’s shit?

      Is there an alternative you could listen to with actual thoughts and insight?

      • Yes – TalkRadio with Mike Graham. Which is what I said in my comment, had you bothered to read it.

      • I wouldn’t say Talkradio is an alternative to J. O’Brien as Mike Graham is opposed to him, and it’s not exactly left wing. I was thinking more a left-of centre voice that might possess some intelligence.

        P.S. If you are upset, I support your desire to have as many mushrooms in your vindaloo as you wish. I’m not a monster.

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttthhhhheee!


  3. Im bald and wear a flatcap in my fifties you cheeky cunt.
    Luckily im also a hardfaced cunt so not that arsed.
    Whats this about again?

  4. Not forgetting MSM, total cunts who jump on anything right wing but run away for any left wing transgressions, compare the BLM protests in the US with the ‘Storming of the Capitol.
    A white boy in Kilburn is stabbed to death by a gang of blacks and not one hint of a racist attack, the other way round and it’s automatically racist.

    MSM are cunts, the BBC are the biggest cunts!!

  5. People cannot afford to get a house who works as a delivery driver for a supermarket, delivering the daily staples for the snowflakes of this 99% survivable virus. Some people don’t realise how wealthy and blessed they are. Some times to save for the massive deposit you have to live with parents to save, rather than rip off rent or sex for rent pimping out your bumhole for someone who looks like they have woken up from a 900-year slumber and one hair left on their cocooned head. I can’t call them cunts and I’m a motorbike rider.

    Guess I’m a cunt, oh well. This has confirmed it.

  6. Cunts who shove junk mail through my letterbox.

    Had one this morning that just read, 37 minus 11 equals 26.

    I’m fucking sick of these takeaway leaflets….

  7. Can I add the lazy old bag on the Wiltshire Farm Foods advt who has ready meals delivered cos she is so busy at the fucking hairdressers and make-up counter. And the fucker in the ambulance chasing advt who sued the NHS ‘to stop it happening to anyone else’ the lying old cow.

    • Just been looking at Wiltshire Farm Foods. Everything from their meat dishes to desserts, even ice cream, is ruined with additives and bulking agents e.g. ice cream with cornflour and Roast Chicken with added dextrose.

      • Mmmmm added dextrose!

        “Wiltshire Farm Foods – the meals you enjoy in God’s waiting room.”

      • How “rustic “ using the words “Wiltshire and “Farm”. The muck is probably processed in a unit on an industrial estate in Scunthorpe.

  8. Hipsters are cunts
    Snowflakes are cunts
    Any political party with the name “Democrat” are hypocritical/ironic cunts
    Celebs/influencers are total cunts
    Terrestrial TV, Cable Tv, Streaming TV, Satellite TV …. they’re all cunts
    Microsoft are fucking awkward cunts
    Weather forecasters are cunts
    Teachers are cunts
    Unions are cunts
    Plastic barbie cunts like Katie Price are cunts
    Cunts are Cunts

      • We certainly wouldn’t have this magnificent forum if nobody in this world was a cunt, would we?

        However, there is a balance to be made, and I share the thoughts of the OP that there does appear to be a surfeit of cunts in this world as of late.

      • Paul-the “pandemic” and subsequent lockdowns has done precisely what I predicted last February: exposed many people and many organisations for the cunts they are.

        Long live IsAC and all who “Cunt” in her???

    • Anyone who has had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is usually a fucking tedious cunt,they can analyse the most mundane act and link it to some imaginary mental shortcoming “you like baked beans because you didn’t get on with your father” …Christ on a crutch, talk about having too much time on your hands.

      • I have had CBT but I thought it was shit. After me tring to fit their ‘framework’ of how depression etc work I came to the conclusion (after much wasted time and lost wages) that my problem was simply neurochemical and so i took (prescribed) drugs and recovered.

        Sort of.

        but CBT is shit.

      • I thought that CBT stood for Cock and Ball Torture.The other CBT is a very lucrative business for mediocre cunts with psychology degrees.

  9. Braved the snow and ice yesterday and took a stroll into town for my daily exercise.

    Snowing when I arrived which was quite beautiful. Town centre almost deserted apart from one guy.

    Came over and asked me for money.


  10. All the other people I saw in town today were massive cunts, thereby proving this nom to be totally bang on.

    • I went to the top of Mt Etna 20 years ago in a force 9 gale, minus 4 degrees centigrade wearing flip flops, shorts and a vest, I’m a Monumental Cunt. ?

  11. This “cunt all “ type of cunting will make the site redundant and so I can’t approve.
    Another cunter I’ve never heard of throwing in a wobbler.

    • Bertie@
      Im with you in that I think a lot of these new cunters are the same person.
      I normally welcome new cunters but have stopped doing so now,
      Some are great, but im erring towards caution now.

      • Have you noticed how most of these “new” cunters never comment, and usually only nominate once?


      • MNC@ – I always look forward to B&WC’s friendly and welcoming greeting to new contributors – “Who the fuck are you then”?
        Never fails to make me laugh! ??

      • I notice, like you Ruff, that they don’t respond with comments very often. Most people have had further things to say on their maiden cunting. Cunting a maiden is much more fun than bowling a maiden over.

    • I don´t often comment on comments on my posts although I have been tempted to. However, I think by allowing my nom to be posted, the adminstrators are giving me the floor and it´s then up to the other ISACers to share their view, wit and wisdom with the rest of us. .

  12. Work cunts….. Health and safety cunts, just off the mums tit never done a days real work, Do a H&E course and a instant Fucking expert In everything

    Cunts that turn up with no tools and no skill and have the fucking cheek to expect to be carried and have the mega cheek to get the hump when you tell them to get fucked

    I could go on and on

  13. Add to that…

    Grown adults who wear Harry Potter T-Shirts.
    Cunts who pay a fiver for a bowl of cornflakes in a ‘cafe’.
    Bellends who use Tik Tok.
    Saddos who think that Yoda thing from The Mandalorian is real.
    Chavslags with spray tans, false eyelashes, fake nails, and scores of tattoos.
    Shitheads who call their kids names like T.J, Colby, Chardonnay and Beyonce.
    Anyone on earth who likes or listens to Ed Sheercunt.
    Wankers who think Trump is Hitler.
    Cocktrumpets who think football started in 1992.
    Wankers who think anyone who disagrees with them is Hitler.
    Tossers who buy pre-boiled and peeled eggs.
    Bastards who walk through the streets glued to their phones.
    Twatbags who cycle on pavements.
    Any fucker who works for the BBC.
    Slags who bring their brats into pubs.
    Scum who don’t say thanks when you move out of the way for them.
    Almost every cunt on social media.
    Any wankstain with a Chiggun Floyd George/BLM sticker on their car.
    Abu Dhabi Gorton Globetrotters fans (established 2010).
    Any shitemark who likes the Whittakunt era Doctor Whoke.
    Misandrists who disguise their hate and prejudice as ‘feminism’.
    Cunts who watch Ru Paul’s Drag Race.
    Cunts who always say ‘not his real name’ when referring to Tommy Robbo.
    Screaming bottybashers who see Madogga and Kyile as ‘icons’.
    Any shithouse who thinks Mrs Brown’s Boys s actually funny.

    Oh, and anything to do with Harry The Bastard and Meghan Colour Purple Workin On A Railroad Is It Cos I Black Fucking Ono.

      • Straight up. MNC. There are cunts who go into cafes and pay a fiver for a bowl of ordinary corn flakes. If they went to the the right place, they could buy the cereal, milk, sugar and bowl for that.

        Mind you, it’s probably millennial student cunts or spoiled bastards who don’t even know how to make a bowl of cereal who pay such ridiculous prices. And in some vegan/lezza/woke cafe owned by Jack/George/John/Paul Munroe. What a cunt she/he/it was….

      • What a peculiar thing.
        Like going into a knocking shop and just having a peck on the cheek.
        It should be outlawed.
        Flied in the face of reason Norm doesn’t it?

    • Gareth “Manbun” Bale, the world´s laziest so-called footballer who spends more time on the subs´ bench than on the field. Treated Real Madrid like unwashed dagoes who were doing him a favour by paying him a million euros a week for occasionally kicking a ball then returned to Spurs where he has played about two minutes football while raking in a fortune in salary and sponsorship deals.

      • Rumour has it that Bale is showing the same level of interest in training at Spurs, that he showed at Real Madrid.

        Mesut Özil MK fucking 2?

    • And selfish, thoughtless fuckers who don’t walk in single file when passing you on the pavement.

      What is wrong with people?

  14. I can’t stand the cunts.
    The cunts.
    Fucking everywhere.
    Like rats.
    Or carpet riders.

  15. The frustration in this nom is palpable. I get it. Daily the encounters with one cunt after another gets to be too much some days. I do favor a targeted cunting over the blanket cutting of all counts in general. Just saying.

  16. Well I don’t know why I cunt here today
    No Cunt listens to a word that I say
    I’m too scared to go out my own front door
    Cause the cunts that cunt are cunting much more

    Cunts to the left of me!
    Cunters to the right!
    Here I am stuck in the middle with you.

    Yes I’m stuck in the middle with you,
    And I’m wondering what it is I should do.
    It’s so hard with cunts in front of my face
    Fucking cunts running all over the place.

    Cunts to the left of me!
    Cunters to the right!
    Here I am stuck in the middle with you.

    Etc, etc, etc…..

      • Dead right, Sir Mali. I know Lisa Ann did the infamous Nailin Paylin series, but I would definitely pay to see the real one in action. She’s as saucy as fuck.

      • Sarah Palin was offered a million dollars to pose in the rick for Playboy.

        Michelle Obama was offered the same amount to pose for National Geographic.

      • Aye Norman, posing in a MAGA hat with a hunting rifle and the carcass of Bambi just to set the vegans and anti-gun nuts off.

      • She is hot as fuck, I got a bit of a weird thing for Lisa nandy too even though I hate her politics. It’s the lisp.

    • I’ve always had a thing for Sarah Palin, no idea why, I had a dream one night that she’d tied me butt naked to a tree and gave me the best bj I’ve ever had, then she blew my brains out with an AR15… Great dream, cunt.

  17. An “Is A Cunt” variant of “Trainspotting” Choose Life soliloquy.

    Choose Cuntiness. Choose Strife.

    What a load of cock/cunt/balls/shit

  18. Cunts to the left of me
    Cunts to the right
    Stuck in the middle with cunts
    Dahdedahde fucking da ……….

    ah fuck it, i give up

  19. I’m of the opinion that cunts are breeding like rabbits. Every day there seems to be a lot more cunts around.
    Where is my longbow?

  20. I saw a right load of cunts yesterday.
    Part and parcel of working in a sexually transmitted disease clinic.

  21. When your dead you don’t know it, it’s a problem for others, when your stupid it’s the same.

  22. Smug couples in their 30’s, meeting other smug couples in their 30’s
    with their stupid wooly hats and their stupid wooly dogs in the park

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