Colston Statue Vandals

Middle class, trust fund babies Rhian Graham, Milo Ponsford, Jake Skuse and Sage Willoughby are cunts. First look at their fucking names. These ignorant of slavery cunts decided to dump the statue of Edward Colston into the drink in Bristol. Now they are up before the beak. Unfortunately the entire justice system ,like everything else is infested with woke cunts so dont expect any punishment. Id like to know what Rhian, Milo,Jake and Sage have done confronting slavery going on right now in Africa and Bradford. Fuck all is my guess.

(News story provided by NA)

Nominated by: Smug cunt

45 thoughts on “Colston Statue Vandals

  1. I think you’re forgetting who the real victim is here! Sage missed her dressage practice to go on that protest you unfeeling brute!

    • Willoughby! Willoughby!
      Help me push it!
      Im trying ponsonby!
      Tiggles you and crispin push that side!
      What a bunch of middle class posing little wankers.
      One word for these cunts,
      One word sums them up and tells you everything about them!

      Never worked with a black bloke, theyve never met one,
      But own all Stormzy’s albums.

  2. If there was any kind of justice, these odious spoonfed little cunts would be thrown in Pentonville and have their arseholes worn out brutally by Big Bubba and Bluto.

    But I dare say their rich daddies will get them out of it. The names alone scream ‘Cunts’ very loudly. Rhian Graham, Milo Ponsford, Jake Skuse and Sage Willoughby?
    Is this a sequel to Monty Python’s ‘Upper Class Twit Of The Year Show’?

    The French used to use a guillotine to get shut of cunts like these.

  3. I would have them doing community service with some large and common sense chaps “motivating them” to do some hard graft in their local area ( I nominate Sir Fiddler, MNC and my good self for the job!) and then an hour long lecture on the real history of slavery – these spoilt brainwashed little fkers could screech all day about BLM etc but would look at you with a blank stare if you quizzed them about William Wilberforce and the sacrifices made by the British people in terms of blood and money to abolish the abhorrent practice of keeping people in chains.
    I despise these vile little rats, all like them and an education system which no longer educates but indoctrinates.

    • ‘hey Willoughby.
      You dont learn so good do ya boy?
      Whys there dirt in my hole?
      Dig it out!

      Hour later.
      Whys this dirt here an a big hole.
      What we have here is a failure to communicate.
      Get it filled in and stop snivelling boy.

      • MNC@ – yep, that’s what I was thinking!
        “Why are your ears so warm you little fkers”?
        “You keep smacking us around them”! ?
        “Assaulting my hand are you”? Whack!

      • Foxy@
        Im kind to the elderly, nice to little kids etc
        But theres a callous part of me that would take great pleasure in torturing these little puffs with backbreaking physical labour and phycological warfare ?

        Jesus,ive got a semi now!
        Cruelty makes me feel 20 again!???

      • I knew my grandads liberated German Stahlhelm WW2 combat helmet would come in handy one day Miserable.

        “Get in ze hole! Schnell, schnell snowflakes”.

  4. Parachute the cunts into Mogadishu if they love our colonial cousins that much. In two minutes they would be screaming ‘Mummy get me out of here’. I’ve just about had enough of these mincing cunts. If you hate this country that much feel free to fuck off. It’s that simple. Can you imagine Putin putting up with these twats?

  5. So all for BLM, but all ever so white and privileged. Fucking hilarious. Pure comedy.

    And these are ‘activists’, are they? That fucking poodle on the right couldn’t knock the skin off custard. Little ponced up permed cunt.

    A run in of these little turds with some Ivan Ultras or Italian football hoolies would be both compulsive and amusing viewing. They would have to scrape the little shits off the walls.

    • Ultras? Judging by what little you can see of their faces I reckon they’d be hard pushed to last 30 seconds with the 6 girlie spectators at a women’s football match.

  6. They should go live in Croydon for a year. Thier soon change their mind about Black lives matter. Milo will have his trainers stolen, Rhian will become a single mother , Jake will be shanked and Sage will be attacked for being a batty boy.
    Black lives matter except in thier community it seems……

  7. Well, if the beak is anything like the judge who recently quashed the convictions of the Stanstead 15 despite describing their crimes as ‘serious’ ,these cunts have nothing to fear regarding their day in court.

    • If the Stansted 15 had grown up on a council estate the outcome would have been somewhat different.

      “Ooh thank you M’lud. Daddy sends hugs, yah”

      • Just had a rare good thought! If you are prosecuted for not having a tv licence could you use the defence that you were unwilling to support an organisation which promotes terrorism?

  8. Hahahaha I love these flakes. They still don’t realise that black blm cunts hate their white guts. Given half a chance the black blm tribe would call them cracker bastards before killing them. Hahaha dozy fucks.

    • When I walk the dog a few streets away a black bloke has moved into this house.
      Im a racist but im a fair one.
      This bloke has been clearing the garden with help of his kid, about 10-12yrs old .
      Hes not had social services or the council do it, hes done it himself.
      Like I had too.
      His kid is well mannered and polite, respectful of his parents.
      Ive more in common with this black fella than those wannabe anarchists in the nom.
      I respect this bloke he helps himself and family, like you should, and hes fine by me.
      * His kids gonna mug me at knifepoint and spoil it now isnt he?
      Hehehe ??

      • You and the rest of us on this site have more in common with Martians than any of these ‘wannabe anarchists ‘.

      • “Anarchists” hiding behind a rich and well connected daddy.
        “Anarchists ” who despise the UK for leaving the EU.
        “Anarchists” who have ended up protesting n favour of big government.
        Gormless ignorant entitled little cunts…

    • Likewise I thought these turds sounded like the kind of herbs Jamie Oliver chucks on his potatoes in his restaurants. Well, before they all went bankrupt.

      “Thethe pota’oethe are gonna tathte gweat wi’ a bit of Rhian, Milo, Jake an’ Thage thprinkled all over dem. Thuper ea-thee.”

  9. I bet the wet fart of a judge will proclaim that these cosseted little shits were merely acting out of legitimate protest against white, imperialist scum like Colston whose statue has no place in an ‘enlightened, tolerant, multi-cultural Britain’.

    Throw all these cunts in the icy water along with the judge. Drop a few of those testicle-chomping Pacu fish in the water for added suspense.


  10. Limp wristed arse bandit cunts, even the BLM lot were thinking these shandy drinking cum garglers have made us look like cunts as if we didn’t before, and thanks to a handful of honeys nobody gives a fuck about our cause and we are now being blamed for spreading Corona all over Bristol, maybe we can ask Extinction rebellion some advise about protests as we now look even worse than those arse clowns ever did….. Well done

  11. Mumsie and Dadsie will already have top and expensive lawyers mollycoddling these little fuckfaced poodles. And said lawyers will do a deal with the judge to get them all off. They will see this as the best outcome, so it doesn’t interfere with their golf, bridge evenings and drinky-poos.

  12. No doubt these lot love the Labour Party and Joe and the Kamel-Toe, think Trump is literally satan and China are a force for good in the world.

    • …and Brexit, Herman.
      Don’t forget the beastly Bwexit which was wather unkind to those poor Polish and Womanian immigwants.

  13. Milo. Is that a new variant of Miles? Mlio Plastic. No, not the same.

    Milo Ponsford.
    Sounds like Pomposity.
    Miles Pomposity? No.

    Or Ponce. Miles Ponce.

    I know Waugh had a friend called Ponsonby. Which always seemed to me the poshest name possible.
    Miles Ponsonby..
    No. I’ll stick with Miles Plastic.

    • I did know of a miles who kicked a pregnant women in the stomach whilst she was pregnant and I knocked on his door.

  14. They are in crown court tomorrow, submitting a guilty plea….

    I hope they get sent down to send a message that vandalism isn’t acceptable

    Fucking Cunts.

    • Reminds me of the poster for the Maccabees in a Brighton pub signed by the band.

      What a Quartet of Qunts.

      • The Maccabees,a favourite of the Real Ale Twats. And nearly as bad as those utter wankers, Mumford and Cunts.

  15. I just looked up Rhian Graham on the net. I don’t know if I got the one in question but the one I found seems to be a rather pious creature. She asks in one tweet ‘ How many social workers are murdered each year?
    Knowing you unfeeling buggers I imagine your answer would be ‘Not enough.’

    • I bet she tells her followers she’s ‘literally shaking right now’ at least once a day.

      Fucking cunt.

  16. I’ve been attending gigs at the wonderful Colston Hall in Bristol for over 40 yrs.

    Except that it’s now having a £100m refurb; a Grant condition of which is that it must re-brand itself.

    So farewell Colston Hall: hello Bristol Beacon.

    Fuck that.

  17. White middle class spoilt cunts.

    Little twats will get what that Cenotaph “monkey” got: a slapped wrist and folk hero status amongst their peers?

    Fucking cunts?

  18. A number of years ago 3 perverts with kiddie porn on their laptops went before a judge. One was a famous musician , one was a judge and the other a bus driver from Margate , Kent.

    Which ONE went to prison – I shit you not. – These upper class twats have nothing to fear as daddy went to Harrow with ‘ people who matter ‘

  19. Everything has already been said about these white, Middle class, BLM supporting cunts.

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