Just type CODY LACHEY into youtube.
And you will be recunting him daily.
Dog toucher
Fake soldier
Pretend gangtser
Media whore
Youtube hardman
Gay porn star
So called underworld enforcer lololol!
(all allegedly – DA)
Nominated by: Purple Aki
Looks like another of major Hewett’s bastards and just as stupid.
A bald cunt with a bushy beard. Hate the fuckers with a passion.
This one seems to tick almost every single box of an obnoxious bastard.
I truly worry for the future of humanity.
Hi Purple Akı. İ remember you from Altcourse. How you doing?
Cantaloupe-headed, scouse ginger turd-on-a-rope.
Says prisoners should be given access to IVF treatment. Courtesy of the NHS of course.
Bearded, bald fucking twatstick. As much use in society as a one-legged man in an arse kicking contest.
I see the greedy cunt even charges for his You Tube channel. If he is so desperate for money perhaps he should become Peter Mandelson’s toy boy.
Seems like a frightful oik ?
Are you a Midtown fan?
Who the fuck is this monummental bellend inbred waste of space?
Yet another famous for fuck all ‘Youtube Star’ cunt.
I saw that a memorial to Chicken George was urinated on in Manchester Norman, plod swooped quickly, although they were caught on CCTV and filmed themselves in the act. Expect the book to be thrown at them, lose jobs and social ostracism.
Never heard of this bloke?
Not sure what hes about?
Food critic for HMP Strangeways?
I do know hes stole my debonair look!
Bald and bearded,
Although its more bumfluff his.
Nice try Colditz or whatever the fuck yer called.
There are a few of these plastic gangsters who hang on the coat tails of real villains, Dave Courtney is always on about some Jackanory crap that he supposedly did.
Don’t get why people idolise these gangster cunts?
Selling books and shite.
I get some are entertaining (that mafia fella other day ‘go fuck yourself”)
But theyre criminals.
Not bleeding role models.
Anyone ever met one?
I met Tony Lambrianou in Sheffield. Kind enough to have a chat and have a picture taken with him. Freddie Foreman, Joey Pyle and Roy Shaw were at the same night. Roy Shaw had got the biggest hands I’ve ever seen. His fingers were like Cumberland sausages. Met Vito Spatafore from the Sopranos in New York before going on the Sopranos tour. Went in the Bada Bing, the dancers were rough though, not like the shows girls.
Another sad little fantasist. Delete, move on.
That is all.
Oh I forgot to tell you all that I was involved in the D Day landings.
I was at Pegasus bridge holding until relieved.
You remember, Richard Todd was there.
I remember uttercunt.
I solved the enigma code.
Which is funny as I couldn’t do a Rubics cube.
Copying Alan Turing’s homework were you Miserable? Me and Bertie were at Rorke’s Drift.
I remember it well Libs.
Do you remember when we were told not to shoot until we could see the whites of their eyes? ……..
and then the cunts crept up behind us wearing sunglasses!
I was at the Battle of Britain with Kenneth More, Michael Caine and Trevor Howard. I even got to give Susannah York one. Those stockings she used to wear…
Pssffft! Kids.
I was the third bloke on “The Balcony”. I tossed in the smoke bomb before jumping through the window, roll-polying four times, jumping up and killing three terrorists-two with one bullet and one with a shrunken throwing star.
I went on to further fame and fortune as the “Milk Tray”man, then later on as personal bodyguard to Whitney Houston-they made a film about me-wanted me to play myself, I was busy having a threesome with Mariah Carey and Paula Abdul, so sent me mate Kev to fill in for me.
I know what “colour the boathouse at Hereford” is, so fuck off?
LL, we all know that you that you and Bertie were at Rorke’s Drift. If memory serves me you two were the eighth and ninth Zulus from the left.
Better than being Welsh!
Guzzi- There were 139 of us brave Welsh soldiers against about 4,500 Zulus – pretty much what I anticipate will be the numbers at the final siege of Londinistan.
Well spotted Guzzi! If only we had known 140 years later that we could have just cancelled these colonial invaders on Twitter and avoided all this unpleasantness.
Bertie , ffs don’t sing during you last stand; it would be considered to be a war crime ;not even the lawyer who represents Fiddler and B&WC will be able to help you.
I was a “close associate ” of the Krays. Helped set up Jack The Hat McVitie at the Blind Beggar and drove the Jag get away car. John Thaw and Denis Waterman chased us round as I went through empty cardboard boxes the prop man had strewn across Whitechapel.
Salt of the earth Reggie and Ronnie – yes they pulled your teeth out with pliers, but you could leave your house front door open – not that you would want to, with tarry fingered bastards like them around – they’d nick your last Rollo. Very good to their mother, though.
That’s nothing, Utter. I once applied to live in Ava Gardner’s cunt. She turned me down but recommended me to Sophia Loren. A right result. The Riviera lifestyle really suited me. She only got around to evicting me 30 years ago.
Admin: what happened to my reply that I posted on here earlier?
it was underneath Miserable’s and Liberal L’s.
Strange things happening on here?
This very unpleasant situation could be happily resolved by locking it in a cell then lobbing a grenade in.
Rush Limbaugh has died.
No doubt the Demoncrats will be overjoyed. Not half as much as I’ll be when Skeletor Pelosi croaks. Or Biden. Or Obummer.
There’s the argument against pro life cunts right there. Could have dislodged this cunt with the tip of a coat hanger, an opportunity missed on so many cunts.
I gotta say your comments give me the best laughs Mr. Japseye. If I need a laugh I just scroll down to find yours and laugh my ass off. Thanks!
As cunts go, he ticks every box and then some.
The pub bore from Dick Fidlers tale, earlier.
One has always thought buckets should have lids.
That was meant to be a reply to GSJ.
Totally agree. And, on second glance, the upside down headed cunt is ginger too. Definitely a strong case for stretching the current 24 weeks to 50 years.
Good news!
Labour tough guy Johnathan Ashworth pushing for people to wear 2 masks in the fight against covid 19.
Go all out Johnny,
2 masks and a divers helmet .
Is that because one does not work ? The cunt
Just remember that it’s all based on the ”science”! https://twitter.com/SallyMayweather/status/1354248629180100608
At least if he follows his own advice the little pansy’s voice will be muffled when he gives his numerous interviews.
Reminds me of these tools:
Cody Lacky, looks like he would be the kind of cunt you find hanging around public toilets with an empty bag to stand in, before you think fuck it ill wait till I get home I don’t want anything to do with a lurker who I strongly suspect can suck a football through 10 feet of garden hose, it’s cunts like him in public toilets that make the need for those paper ass gaskets to save your bum actually touching the seat this homo was licking 10 minutes earlier…. Fucking fruity cunt
The nominator is far more interesting than Codey Lachey
Just when it looked impossible there is someone more revolting than the nominator himself ? Touch of ex convict jealousy mayhap ? How ghastly ?
*Nominee ?
He’s fat like the side of a house, he can have his 3 sausages a day and be grateful.
Cuntologist-I suspect he gets at least 3 sausages a day.
(More cock than Katie Price, the wrong un)
They must be desperate. The front end looks appalling, imagine what the back end looks like.
I enjoyed Count Dankula’s video on Purple Aki.
Me too.
Another strange cunt nominating.
Been a lot lately, one offs and not commenting on their nom when questioned. I wish they would fuck off.
Lots of regulars absent too.
Also disparity amongst the ranks.
I blame the WEF and the great reset☹️?
Yep. A right numpty.
The cunt looks like a Daesh suicide bomber. Fuck him wanker.