A nomination for the complete and utter cunts in Brighton, this new world order have gone into overdrive and to keep up with the trend of freaks and misfits to push the gender/LGBT shit.
So what have they done to boil the piss, well it’s an age old natural mothers ability to breastfeed, this term in existence from the year dot has now to be described as chestfeeding
For fuck sake, Man is Man, woman is woman and this deviant shit needs to be stopped.
Nominated by: Sick of it
Cock feeding.
There goes breakfast.
Ffs. Puddled as fuck.
They shouldn’t be within 50ft of a kid.
Ain’t that the truth of it. It makes me cringe when I come across an MSM piece about a “proud gay couple” who’ve adopted a child/had a surrogate child.
I cunted them too, but the nom is probably in the queue and didn’t get tied to this one.
I was absolutely seething reading the story. Who do they think they’re offending? I’d love to see a man attempt this ‘chestfeeding’, fucking bullshit. If you’re giving birth you’re a woman, why the fuck are we pretending that that’s not the case. We figured this shit out at the dawn of time.
This is precisely FOR the trànnie men though, isn’t it.
This fuckwittery is akin to talking donkeys and walking on water.
Typical of the moronic councillors we are cursed with. Country struggling to emerge from 100,000 + excess deaths, economy going down the shitter, public borrowing over 100% of GDP, illegal immigrants setting fire to accommodation and ‘demanding’ better treatment than the indigenous population and what is the response of the fools in Brighton? Let’s waste taxpayers’ money and make ourselves look like utter cunts.
On the other hand, if they weren’t throwing taxpayers’ money on this, they’d be throwing it at “charging points” for the load of toss that is the governments’ electric cars directive. As well as being full of gays I’d bet Brighton has the highest penetration of (and probably in) electric cars. “Ooh look at you in your noddy car ducky you are so saving the planet do you fancy a quick bumming? Don’t try to drive off – your battery will go flatter than your man chest…”
This is what I did for nearly 3 weeks when my wife left me a few month ago
I just laid in bed watching Breaking Bad, House of Cards and Murder Mountain using my chest as a table…
Now that’s chestfeeding….
Murder Mountain????
Just watched this,
Great true crime documentary.
How you keeping ?
Yes, tremendous program – don’t think I’ll be visiting Humboldt County anytime soon though 😉
If you liked that you’ll love this :
One of the best things I’ve ever watched…
Im well thanks 3D,
Hope your winning?
Yeah Humboldt county isnt on my top ten of picnic places!
Ill check it out!?
Raiders of the loose arse opens in Brighton this week?
The whole breastfeeding debate is unnecessary bollocks, used to be a woman would find somewhere discrete to feed the kid but now some of them insist on doing it in front of strangers in public places, they would have a spotlight and music playing if they could.
Time the influence of these progressive cunts was curtailed.
We need to tread carefully here as we could be up against some new super-beings.
Not one of the other 55 genders has fallen foul of the dreaded lurgy doing the rounds at the moment.
All the deaths are male or female.
Another fact is that they all have White skeletons too.
Just ignore it cunters, I do. Just continue to use the language you always have and if anyone complains ask them to explain in detail . It’s hilarious , sitting back ,grinning and listening ,as they tie themselves in knots.
Tally ho …..
Probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a while, and fuck that’s saying something, considering the shit you hear on a daily basis.
I would love to say to some bloke, go on then put the baby on your nipple and feed it. You can’t can you? Only a woman who’s given birth or continued breast feeding can. It’s called breast feeding, because it has to be a breast. Don’t be offended and accept fact.
Something tells me that it won’t be long before another of these ubermorons manages to exceed this particular lunatic idea; it’s what the cunts live for.
Fucking weirdo,s what the fuck will be next, you see what happens when you give an inch, the fuckmonkey cunts take a mile…..
Fucking deviants. This is child abuse, pure and simple. The idea of breastfeeding is for the baby to be nourished, not the deviant on the end of the nipple deriving some kind of warped pleasure.
Men rarely lactate naturally – with drugs it can happen, but what kind of warped society are we now living in.
Drop a massive fucking atom bomb on that seaside town of inequity, Brighton.
As Betjeman might have said:
‘Come friendly bombs and fall on Brighton,
or failing that, just dump some shite on.’
It’s full of shite already ?
Form an orderly queue for Unkle Terry’s oven please
Time will come when I’ll need to renew my dictionary. These groups are hi jacking everything. They are the modern terrorist damaging the psychology of their own brethren. They should be called out for what they are ,twisted cunts the lot of em
It’s a fucking madhouse.
Whichever communist collective brought this into being should be rooted out and re-educated.
By Oven.
The filthy conniving rats.
“FRANCIS: Yeah. I think Judith’s point of view is very valid, Reg, provided the Movement never forgets that it is the inalienable right of every man–
STAN: Or woman.
FRANCIS: Or woman… to rid himself–
STAN: Or herself.
FRANCIS: Or herself.
REG: Agreed.
FRANCIS: Thank you, brother.
STAN: Or sister.
FRANCIS: Or sister. Where was I?
REG: I think you’d finished.
FRANCIS: Oh. Right.
REG: Furthermore, it is the birthright of every man–
STAN: Or woman.
REG: Why don’t you shut up about women, Stan. You’re putting us off.
STAN: Women have a perfect right to play a part in our movement, Reg.
FRANCIS: Why are you always on about women, Stan?
STAN: I want to be one.
REG: What?
STAN: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me ‘Loretta’.
REG: What?!
LORETTA: It’s my right as a man.
JUDITH: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?
LORETTA: I want to have babies.
REG: You want to have babies?!
LORETTA: It’s every man’s right to have babies if he wants them.
REG: But… you can’t have babies.
LORETTA: Don’t you oppress me.
REG: I’m not oppressing you, Stan. You haven’t got a womb! Where’s the foetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!
LORETTA: crying
JUDITH: Here! I– I’ve got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can’t actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody’s fault, not even the Romans’, but that he can have the right to have babies.
FRANCIS: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry.
REG: What’s the point?
REG: What’s the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can’t have babies?!
FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.
REG: Symbolic of his struggle against reality.”
Pissed ourselves laughing at this in 1980, didn’t know it would actually come true ??
Very funny that, and now its a reality or an unreal dream the life I witness
At this rate, the actual ‘chestfeeding’ going on in Brighton will be the piping of pureed fish-guts into the basement-secreted wooden chests containing the hideous inbred progeny of all this incestuous perversion – as in H. P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Shadow Over Innsmouth’.
I am impressed with that analogy.
I read somewhere that all this woke crap is because there’s no REAL MEN left anymore – i would like to challenge that notion by telling all these fuckwit cunts that they are CUNTS
Consider yourselves advised. Any bloke/pervert I see trying to breastfeed a kid will get a fucking good hiding.
Agreed. This sort of thing gets right on my tits.
400million years of evolution is irrelevant to these insane cunts. My good lady hails from Brighton, she hates the weirdos who infest this once beautiful town. Nuke it.
Brighton, Sodom by the sea.
Never been never fuckin will.
I worked there. It’s full of junkies, bluehairs, chavs and the occassional iron.
The irons generally keep to themselves and cause no bother.
It’s the other lot you need to watch out for.
None of this shit would be tolerated in the schoolyard but now as adult fuckwits they take their shit put in on the table because they can. So someone please anyone in a power position call it for what it is ,utter shit. You will lose your job be slaughtered by the press but admired by the heartbeat of the nation
Next time I am in the supermarket I am going to kick up a stink about their “chicken breasts.” They’re chests you cunts…..I am offended duckie.
You’d probably get some “compo” for that – tell them it’s affecting your mental health!
Another report on the BBC
We all ❤️ Brighton ?
Fucking Brighton, or should that be “right-on”.
I prefer to think of it as “Benefits-upon-sea”, with its shit pebbly beach, crap parking, second highest gay population in Britain, highest number of aids patients in the Uk and collective of freaks, deviants and drug abusers.
Fucking shithole full of cunts☹️?
The undoubtedly forthcoming Trannie regiment of the First Hussars will be ready and fighting fit-‘Stand up straight, head back, chest out’.
They’ll continue to peddle this utter bollocks as long they are allowed. This isn’t freedom of speech, science or even logic. It’s depravity designed to placate the mentally ill. What’s worse is kids are at the centre of this.