Captains Tom’s daughters

Before I start this ain’t about captain Tom. Big respect to the fella, he did something that should never of had to be done but he did it and he touched a few people in the right way. But this is about his daughters bleating in the media (who visited them by the way at the invitation of the family itself) so they could get their faces in the box again as we hadn’t heard from them for a few minutes.

Why the fuck are these cunts still getting media attention. These media hungry whores are now saying they have more in the pipeline. Pipeline of what, they are going to do what exactly. Walk around a ‘very nice’ garden a hundred times, a bungy jump, an abseil, who gives a fuck. The main man was captain Tom, the glory was all his, yet these cunts want to claim it was somehow theirs. How they miss him, how they mourn him and how a few nasty people where horrible about captain Tom. Nobody was horrible about the man himself, just in the beatification of him by a bunch of cunty celebrities and his done fuck all but let’s seize the moment for ourselves family.

The best thing to do sisters (and grandkids) is shut the fuck up and just be thankful that you had a top grandad who give it the big un in his final year. You are not the second coming and we don’t need your opinion on anything. You are media attention grabbing whores and if need be I will gladly tell you this to your face and not via cuntbook or twatter if I ever bump into you.

So shut the fuck up get his gaff on the market and enjoy a bit of inheritance once you sell it but please just disappear into the abyss and stop craving attention, you don’t deserve a second of it, let alone a spot on every radio and tv station.

Nominated by: Cuntsince1066

41 thoughts on “Captains Tom’s daughters

  1. Nothing against the old boy himself. But his horrendous relatives will milk this. Book deals, TV commercials.probably even a record contract.


    • Ground control to Major Tom your circuits dead, theres something wrong!
      Can you hear me Major Tom?

      Great idea!?
      Surprised Simon Cowells not signed them up already?

      Old Tom was a WW2 veteran and I had nothing but respect for him, but his Kids?
      Well wish them no harm but im not helping the twats if it means putting my hand in my pocket.

  2. Didn’t Piers Morgan arrange his Barbados trip? He probably got the fatal dose when he was there.

  3. My interest in Captain Tom died when he died. I have no interest in any of his relatives whatsoever.

  4. I don’t blame them for trying to milk a few quid out of it….I’d do the same in their position but I’ve never had a relative who did anything even remotely altruistic in their entire lives.

    • Dick@
      I see myself a bit like capt Tom.
      Not served or fought the Nazis (ive occasionally helped them)
      But in the fact, im a old school gentleman,
      I like slowly pottering in the garden, ive always a good word for others,
      and im naturally nice to others.
      I wouldn’t stop you nominating me for some sort of people’s award.
      Gosh no!
      Even though im a bit shy if you want to try and get me a knighthood Well,
      I cant stop you.

  5. I wrongly assumed this woman was his granddaughter when she first started appearing on the box because she doesn’t look that old. After a little reading it all became clear, she is from the randy old buggers second marriage. At the age of 48 he pulled a 33 year old, he must have been a right shagsmith ?

  6. Good old lad RIP.
    The rest of it is now just media whoring.
    Fuck that into a tramp ‘s hat.

  7. The greatest generation this country has ever produced is replaced by the very worst. It would be hilarious if it wasnt so serious. James Stagg would think the Met office are nutters with their “climate change” bollocks. Only the “red wall “or normal people understand the danger. Oxford university with their ” This generation will never fight for King and country” a couple of years before WW2 is just the same bunch of self serving, traitorous cunts. Its all me me me me children, spouting virtue without having to lift a finger or get in trouble for freedom. So fuck you, you twisted fuck
    P.S the NHS is fucking shit

  8. My grandfather was from the same generation, they were made of sterner stuff.
    He said that during the blitz, people just got on with life. He said it was all down to luck, if a bomb has your name on it, there’s nothing you can do about it, although this did nothing to comfort Mr and Mrs Doodlebug who lived at number nine….

  9. Captain Tom and his family saw a gap in the market and grabbed it with both talons. Good for them. In so doing they raised enough to keep the NHS bankrolled for approx two hours and ten minutes.

    Probably not enough to cover the cost of tattoo removals, but that’s not the point. The point is to sell newspapers, stake your claim for 15 minutes of fame and provide your media mooching daughter with a nice little earner after you snuff it.

      • Captain Tom lived a full and satisfying life.
        Judging from that twinkle in his eye, it would not surprise me when his estate is sorted out, there will be claims across the globe for a share in his estate.

  10. Loved the old boy. Disliked her from the outset. Met her type before.

  11. This excellent nomination requires no further embellishment. In my opinion you have written perhaps the most comprehensive and authentic appraisal of a genuinely offensive phenomenon I have ever seen on isac.

    You have my respect for having the courage to put into words what many will of course be thinking, 1066, but who lack both the eloquence to express these feelings of disgust and the audacity to publish them.

    You superbly convey more than a flavour of your real abhorrence which I do not entirely share, but very well said

  12. Obviously I’d heard of Tom, but had no idea about his family. Or gave a fuck about them. What you miss when you don’t put the TV on before the watershed, and then I only watch something I’ve recorded, or some old shite on forces TV. No sport, especially football, so that wipes out another swathe of cunts.
    Ignorance is bliss.

  13. I can’t believe that such a gentleman would have inserted his penis into a filthy woman’s hole and thrust it in and out until spunk flew out of his Jap’s eye in order to make her pregnant. The real Cap’n would never have had such impure thoughts so these so-called daughters must be impostors.

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