A young 15 year old boy cut down in the prime of his life, Stabbed over 40 times by a pack of four savages but no protests, no riots, no worldwide call to take the knee as yet another in the insurmountable long line of persons of colour have their lives senselessly snuffed out.
Pfffft, BLM you’re a disgrace ?
Nominated by: Coolforcunts
Black on Black homocide = crickets.
Black on White homocide = crickets.
White on Black homicide = riots.
There was another black-on-black stabbing in East London yesterday. 15yo boy dead. Blacks killing blacks is, apparently, ok.
Sadly it seems that way! my Lord. Cops stopping and searching B lack yoofs for weapons to stop them killing is of course wrong.. Can’t make this shit up.
I think it’s not just ok, it should be encouraged, even sponsored. Perhaps we can get peacefuls involved.
I just spat my coffee out. Brilliant idea. ?
Brothers running game on other brothers doesn’t count.
There isn’t any political capital is protesting about blacks killing blacks, they don’t like it up em ?
What the fuck are 14 year olds doing with knives and guns anyway, the ‘black community’ is a fucking disgrace, instead of blaming everything in the police the need to sort themselves out.
BLM are cunts and the woke white wankers who encourage them are double cunts.
They see blacks as pet dogs. Pat Benji on head and give him a bone. “Kill all Whitey!” So one black comedian thinks. Is that men woman and children ??
BLM have only highlighted just how racist black/asian are towards whitey.
Thanks BLM for enlightening my ignorance on just how racist they truly are!
Khan is doing fuck all to stop the knife culture in Londonistan. He is a fucking massive, slimy, hypocritical cunt without a fucking mandate. He should be fucking ashamed of all the poor kids who have died on his watch. Not a fucking word of criticism of the cunt in the MSM. No one to hold the cunt to account, cunt , cunt, cunt.
Perhaps the media could use the phase “ventilating the stomach” as Dickens said. It wouldn’t seem like such a huge death toll if a euphemism was applied.
Can you imagine how different the reporting would be if the mayor was a whitey?
Violent scum with BLM giving them legitimacy for the chip on their fucking shoulders. A chip put there by their own inadequacies and savagery. World fucking wide.
Saddam Khan should be put on trial, Nuremberg style. Every person killed on his watch in London, he should be charged for. Cressida Dildo should also go on trial for favouring scum like BLM and Antifa.
And all gang members should be either thrown permanently in a Guantanamo style clink or disposed of. No ‘But… But society/the police/whitey is to blame’ and ‘But they’re only young’ bollocks. They are a disease and have turned the capital into a rathole.
Black Lives don’t matter to blacks when they have been snuffed out by their own. They also don’t give a shit about the tens of millions in modern day slavery either.
Blacks are 95% more likely to die at the hands of another blacks than the Police in the states and whites are more likely to die in police custody over there.
BLM are cunts and should be boiled in piss and chucked in Terry’s oven.
Black lies matter?They certainly are a bunch of wankers
Nominated for the Nobel peace prize though:
Expect a Knighthood nomination for Ashley Chinjo soon…
What a heap of rhino shit.
All that Blek Mither was a convenient excuse for complete lawlessness that wouldn’t have been tolerated if it had been the white majority.
It should be unmasked for what it is:a licence for savages to go on the rampage.
In better times it would have been rightly considered an evil in society and completely stamped out by force.
The barrel is brimming with vermin.
I do not see anything wrong with B on B. That is there problem. Being a whitey I cannot comment on it.
BLM probably feel the same as me about it.
Not the slightest bit of fuckin interest.
200 Black, famous “rappers” were killed by gunfire by blacks in the US last year. In Chicago under the Dems its a war zone like Iraq. The left have no answers other than the shout of racism and white supremacy. Its a smoke screen for failure. Just in London with cunt Kahn and bellend David Lammy.
These wankers have put back race relations donkey’s years. I’m very cautious now of it.
A far stricter regime is needed. This government is too soft on too many of the issues that are slowly suffocating England’s white population ???????…..I feel like I can’t breathe, but they’re not listening!
Until the problems spill into the upper middle class metropolitan neighbourhoods, the elites will do fuck all about it.
We have enough of our own shitty “lower orders”, without expanding the demographic of the underclass.
The gang culture IS a black culture.
Chigguns home to roost.
Why would anyone aspire to black “culture “?
Because the media tells them it’s cool to be an underachieving, violent, mysogenistic, homophobe halfwit.
We all know that the BBC, Sky etc along with Guardian are only interested in reporting an agenda rather than facts. But what is really worrying is that there is not a single newspaper willing to tell the truth about the spear chuckers and their in built stabby antics. They could fill their front pages more or less daily with stories of black on black killings and it would all be true and unarguable but the will simply isn’t there. There are a few journalists who may write the odd column pointing this out but why not a full on campaign like they used to with other issues? Spineless cunts!
I read that news article. I don’t understand this gang culture going on in England. What the fork is going on?
At most I know about gang culture from watching Westside Story and Grease.
The Jets and the Sharks, T-Birds and Pink Ladies etc.
Its them thats doing it Spoons!
John Travolta.
Hes to blame.
Olivia Newton John in black spandex. What a woman she was.
John Revolitng is a cunt.
#Won’t go to bed ’til I’m legally wed. I can’t. I’m Sandra D#.
Yeah what a bird she was.
I believe Olivia had to be sewn into those famous black pants she wore in Grease..
Olivia Newton John got her break singing country songs.
Saw footage of her when she was just starting out,
… heartbreakingly beautiful.♥️
Whilst driving a turbo boosted, over clocked Up Walker, MNC? Hehe.
MNC@ – Greased is the word..
Alright Foxy!!
ONJ was a stunner wasn’t she?!?
You winning pal?
If they remade west side story today, it would be about rive drug gangs in Londanistab ☹️
The Albanians vs The Nigerians, possibly.
Cressida dick would have a major role, along with Suckdick khunt and Boris.
“Mtebe-I just met a cunt called, Mtebe….”
CG, you are wicked! 😀
#M’tbe! Say it loud and there’s music playing. Say it soft and it’s almost like praying.
I’ll never stop saying M’tbe…#
Piss poor parenting, typical black man abandon’s his responsibilities as a father as soon as he has climbed of his Sow, kid grows up in stereotypical black surroundings, listening to Rap, Grime or whatever you call the shit, takes to Drugs and gang culture like a tramp takes to Turp’s, ending in at least a stabbing or if his drug career is quite successful a shooting. For me they can slaughter each other every day and go for Gold at the weekend. Can’t see an end to this shit any time soon, Windrush, what a mistake.!
I propose a rise in child benefit for black families. Unless we encourage them to breed faster, there soon won’t be many left.
I am working on the turps myself. Fuckme that made me chuckle.
The issue is the likes of Khan, Cressida and every high ranking copper, high ranking council official, social worker the lot of them got there by being woke, pc, anti white, and ultra Liberal knowing full well its utter shit and doesn’t work, however not one is prepared to raise their head above the parapet because they never want to lose the obscene pay packet and even more obscene pension….. They are all self serving cunts and the only time anything changes is when chaos ensues… Fuck em.
To accept the truth is to accept that they are the problem..
B on B killing, even kids, 10 minutes on the regional section of the BBC news website.
B on W killing, nothing.
W on B killing, twenty years of media saturation, documentaries, public inquiries, charities, books, peerages.
If I was a black kid in London, I would not be worrying about whitey.
We are all tired of BLMs bullshit. Remember Stephen Lawrence? How many black lads and lasses have died in stabbings and shootings at the hands of other blacks since he was murdered at that bus stop? How many inquiries have been held?
Remember Jodie Chesney?
Most will have to google her to remember who she was and how she was slaughtered.
Fuck BLM, they give not one fuck about any life unless they can use it for leverage.
Cunts of the lowest life form.
This problem is a great shame on the black community, but rather than their ‘leaders’ taking responsibility and telling their people to buck their ideas up, they shout at YT again. It wins votes and keeps them at the trough.
These people are not helping blacks, they are helping themselves. And it’s about fucking time the media stopped promoting dark keys worship of the gangsta lifestyle (Stormzy and many other cunts) too. There is blood on the BBC’s hands when they big up this style of ‘music’.
This ‘gangsta’ lifestyle worship is one of the main reasons behind this shit, let’s have it right.
Their young will keep on dying until they see these factors and actually deal with them. Of course, there is silence on the daily (it seems) black on black killings but outrage on the one in a million white on black killing.
They’re racist cunts – not all, I’m taking about the blame the honky/I worship gangstas types, of which their are fucking many.
Chip on shoulder violent racists, let’s call (ahem) a spade a spade.
“Fuck off you black dago shits.” This from a consultant surgeon who trained in the 1970s.
Happy days when free speech prevailed.
BLM = Marxists using race to attack western society.
X Rebellion = Marxists using climate scaremongering to attack western society.
LGBT advocacy groups = Marxists using gender to attack western society.
There’s a theme here.