A why didn’t you stop at that junction cunting for cunts who drive, ride, cycle, leccy scooter with their fucking hoods up and headphones in their fucking ears, I know I’m going to participate in an activity that requires all my attention or I could kill someone or get killed all because I’m a selfish, retarded cunt who doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone but himself, I can understand if your sat on a bus and want to avoid the usual fucking loons that want to spark up a conversation.
These cunts don’t stop at junctions, don’t look/can’t see at fucking junctions, jump off pavements into moving traffic and then give you the finger usually in the dark with no lights wearing all black, hoping they get knocked off so they can sue you, I would like to see them smashed into or run over and blended with their vehicle of choice until they resemble the terminator or Stephen fucking Hawking either is fine for me, and march the cunts off to the nearest scrapyard crusher….. Sorted once and for all, a not so natural selection for the cunts
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
The roads a dangerous place.
Need to second guess others,
Be ready for the stupidity of others,
Theyll drag you into some drama because their a fuckwit and youve not hit the brakes in time.
No one wants to hurt or kill someone just get from A to B in one piece!
Although saying that,
Stupidity shouldn’t go unpunished,
And a motor vehicle is a dangerous weapon,
Use it!!??
Very good cunting and one close to my heart. My Dad was killed by a woman motorist who pulled out in front of him whilst he was riding his scooter. The woman never even had the fucking grace to apologise to my Mother. Too many selfish cunts in the roads nowadays.
Bob-I am truly, very sorry to heR that.
Did she get prosecuted in any shape or form?
Thank you Cuntfinder, very kind of you to say. Yes, she got three months suspended, death by careless driving. Banned for a year. I actually saw her in a shopping centre a couple of years back, very sheepish when she saw me.
Lost for words?
Thanks Cuntfinder. I appreciate your kind thoughts.
Think once, think twice, think bike. Think if I knock someone over or hit another vehicle I am a prize CUNT so please take fucking care at junctions!
Bames should be made to wear hi vis maybe a flashing light around their necks at night,
Theyre almost invisible from
late evening.
Yet if I doing a healthy 40mphr in a residential area hit a family on the way to mosque I’M the villian!
It wasn’t till I was 30ft over the zebra crossing till I realised,
And in fairness I reversed to have a look.
It really shook me up
If id not of had a few shorts in the pub my nerves would of been tattered.
And that’s without all the stupid pricks on those fucking electric scooters. They are ILLEGAL to ride on the rode. I had to have training, pay insurance and pay road tax for my motorbike (almost 100 fucking quid) and these cocksuckers ride around oblivious to everyone. On the road, on the pavement, around supermarkets. If I dared ride around without my lid on, I’d have plod down on me, 3 points and 100 quid fine.
ps. out on the Triumph today and the world and his wife still wants to kill me.
Driving is easy. Its so easy you can eat, smoke, listen to the radio and talk on the phone. Deaths on the road has plummeted as we are being persecuted for doing it. If you cannot drive with one hand while talking on the phone your a mong . My old dad always drank and drived (drove, not sure which one). Trying to keep him awake on the M4 was great fun.
One handed?
Thats for health &safety adherents!
Read a book an let the kids steer!
Keeps them occupied on long journeys.
MNC@ – sitting in the back wanking and using string attached to the big wagon wheel thing at the front to steer is also a viable proposition!
Fkin spoilsport coppers..
Same cunts who have to test the 0-60 acceleration of their vehicles every time they pull away, all think they are top drivers who should be racing for a living.
Disaster awaits every time they get in their car but when it eventually happens the inevitable “I swear I never saw the bike, kid, woman and buggy” is their ticket out of jail (they think).
They’re a disgrace. Complacent, stupid, talking on the phone, talking to people in the car, unaware that their 4 ton vehicle could seriously injure a biker.
As Minister for Transport, I will require all cunts to retest every 10 years; this will include rigorous testing on roundabouts and junctions.
Americans call junctions ‘intersections’ which is pretty dull, isn’t it. They ‘wok’ along the sidewalk to the stop lights at the intersection, probably on the wrong side of the road.
I think they call roundabouts circles and have no idea how to use them!
I saw a woman once pull out of a McDonald’s in her long wheelbase shogun, she had a coffee in one hand, a lit fag in the other, her phone was jammed against her head by her shoulder, and the jeep was full of kids. She couldn’t understand why I beeped the horn and called her a cunt, as I slammed on as she drove across my lane. Fucking slag.
Hooded cunts who should be in school riding bikes on the pavements with their phones in their face piss me off
I raise your cunty Mitsubishi Milf with:
8”of fresh snow, a roundabout on an A road, a stupid young mother with 3x young kiddies in child seats in the back, steering her Discovery 3 at high speed, one handed whilst grabbing on the phone.
Net result, I had to swerve onto a fortunately empty pavement to avoid her, as she lost control snd exited the roundabout sideways, on my side if the road?
I was in a Landcruiser Amazon, so she would have died that day, if I hadn’t anticipated her.
She never apologised either?
Stupid fucking cunt.
These type of cunts usually think its your fault and give you, the innocent, the finger.
Cuntoligist-I like to think I am a good driver: passed advanced driving and motorbike license’s in the late 1990’s. Rode super bikes on the road with mates who were advanced police bikers fir a few yeRs in the early to mid 90’s. I drive like a motorcycle rider-constant “life-saver” checks and wTcknf the road surface and the road ahead.
I have concluded that the roads are full of people who view a driving licence as an entitlement rather than a privilege ☹️
Yes, I’m the same. After bike training its a different mind set for life.
I wish more people could take the CBT even, would help jolt them out of their entitlement zone perhaps.
Definitely, riding a motorbike is a sure fire way of making you more a more observant driver. I asked a mate for advice about road riding before I did my test, and he said ‘ride like everyone is trying to kill you’. He wasn’t wrong.
There’s no such thing as a road
“accident “. What it means is that some cunt can’t drive.
Cunts on bikes in the dark, wearing dark clothes and having no lights on deserve to be buzzed up close and personal with full beam and full horn. Cunts!
Here’s one from last week. Semi full of diesel accelerating up to 100 kph after exiting left hand sweeper off a bridge. Bus ahead pulls half off the highway dropping off villagers. Truck hardly slowing down just swerves around bus. Old lady starts across the road from in front of the bus therefore surprising tanker driver…who swerved wider, loses the road, rolls the truck, takes down power poles, driver dies. I drove past the smoking ruins later that day, a crowd of hundreds had gathered, each carrying a plastic container to catch the leaking diesel! I spose diesel doesn’t explode into fireballs?
Not an accident, The inquest should find ten things to improve here so it never happens again, but this is in PNG so it will recur next week