A vegan, climate-changing cunting for Bill Gates, please.
This cunt has made the preposterous suggestion that rich countries should move to 100% plant-based beef to help fight climate change.
Well, fuck that! I’d rather be a homosexual than a vegan. At least I can be celibate and refrain from taking it up the arse or sucking another man’s cock. However, no way am I going to give up meat because the kitchen sinks and Indians breed like rabbits and pollute the world like fuck. Also, Africa’s population is sky-rocketing and will be roughly the same as Asia’s by the end of this century. – Nigeria’s population is projected to be 800 million in 2100.
Bill Gates should stop lecturing us on our eating habits and spend his billions on providing rubber johnnies and morning-after pills to the Third World.
Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt
… and seconded by: Smug cunt
Bill Gates and his absurd foundation is a cunt. Apparently were all supposed to eat meat grown in a lab and then a factory. So lets look into this. How many species rely on millions of years of bison and now cattle grazing. With no steak there is no cattle. They will be as dead as a dodo. So probably millions of insects , birds and other assorted wildlife will be shown the door. The cunt has brought out a book. Its all over the media with a massive campaign on how to “save the planet”. No thanks Bill. were all fine. Bet it doesnt sell as many copies as Andy Ngos exposure of Antifa.
Old Bill has probably invested in some vegan food company and has realised it ain’t that popular with normal people as he thought, cows apparently emit more gas than cars, hey Bill, I’ll lock myself in a garage with a cow overnight and you with a running car!!!!
Stupid fucking money grabbing CUNT!!!!
Bill “Big Farmer” Gates
Forget condoms and pills, Africa, India, China and all Muslim countries needs to be sterilised.
These cunts like Gates never mention overpopulation, it’s not rocket science that if countries continue to breed like rabbits then the world will be fucked regardless of me or anyone else in the uk eating veggie.
Help starving children in Africa, well if they didn’t breed them in the first place they wouldn’t be starving.
Fuck off Bill you cunt.
I thought one of the conspiracy theories had him giving Africans dodgy vaccines that made them infertile because he has mentioned overpopulation?
If he had, he should have been given a Nobel…
On the contrary Sick of it he is is very much into providing contraception for third world countries. Supported by his wife Melinda.
That’s one of the main goals of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in fact.
It’s so easy to think that the world’s problems can be solved by cutting population. But its much more complex than that.
I suppose I better try and defend that position. China comes to mind. Do we really think that the ‘one child policy’ is going to help in any meaningful sense with the Climate? Especially when we know China is building heavily polluting power stations and factories.
If they had stuck to traditional famining methods and low key commerce instead of this insane dash for a capitalist economy they could still have as many children as they would like without it effecting the environment.
Famining economy would be useful in China right now. Never a Truer word from a wordpress typo
Population control isn’t going to solve climate change but it isn’t going to do it any harm and will reduce the burden on the planet.
African population growth is huge and would be almost acceptable if they stayed there but they are infesting the rest of the world.
Family planning is voodoo to the back waters of the African nations, most of them are just about out of the Stone Age.
South Africa has the AIDS issue and remember the stories about one of the cures, raping a virgin.
Africans who are starving are the peasants doing traditional farming, you can’t feed a tribe with a handful of maize.
But I agree China are cunts.
Good, well said, help the starving children in Africa, let’s breed more lions, and crocodiles and release them among the population, that will bring it down, fuck Bob geldof and bono, cunts, all of them
But the ‘starving’ in Africa are no real burden. Why? Because they are ‘starving’ or half starving. They don’t produce anything. Not rven enough to eat. Certainly not anything like what the East and West produces.
We need to cut production not population.
@Miles, they head for the shores of the Mediterranean and cross over to Europe and some finally end up in the UK. Rather than sending shit loads of food to Africa maybe if they were more economical with sperm or better have it snipped they would be able to feed smaller populations and develop their own society instead of sponging off everybody else.
“Indians breed like rabbits.”
I would like to complain about the blatant use of microaggression in this cunting.
And Africans breed like rabbits on speed.
Not one person stands up for the rights of the millions of carrots murdered by virgins, er, sorry, “vegans” every year!
When did a software engineer get to tell us what we can and can’t eat?
Fuckoff Bill.
Bill you’ve made plenty of money now fuck off on a cruise or something
Yeah. The rabbits will be well fucked off!
Vegan bacon tastes like shit.
And Quorn is from Satan’s arse.
They’ll never stop me from eating those greaseball burgers. While we’re at it, bring back those styrofoam containers they used to have that take 4 billion years to turn to dust.
Fuck Bill Gates and the platform he came in on. The fucking dweeby cunt wants to turn us all into dweeby cunts so he doesn’t look like such puny, lab grown spunk bubble.
Bill Gates, passive aggressive, yawn. The most boring type of Bond villain, just as evil and sinister, if not more than, the more charismatic villains!
I assume this is the same Bill Gates who brought nearly every human living in a civilised country a personal computer ? Sorry Bill but the carbon footprint from use of your invention around the globe must be fucking massive. The power stations creating electricity to line your pockets makes you a fucking hypocrite on a galactic scale. You are a cunt and I’d rather use a pen and paper.
It’s pointless the honky man trying to be the good citizen in all this. Honkies make up less than 9% of the world’s population and that number is getting smaller and smaller.
The wobbly heads and rappers are breeding like rabbits on Viagra. Over a billion bat munchers too. Moose limbs having 10 kids.
Hardly any of them give two shits for what Greta says. It makes no fucking difference what we do.
Still, not something the main stream media, our politicians and Greta’s mob ever say about this.
That would be ‘waycis’.
Fry a polar bear if it tastes good and buy a 1967 Leyland truck to get about in. And regularly set fire to mountains of care tyres. Might as well, we make little or no difference – but seem to be shouldering all the blame and responsibility for some reason?
Fuck off.
You have hit the nail on the head, Sir.
Cunts in the West need to wake up, pull the blinds up and understand what is really going on in the rest of the world.
Whatever we do in the UK ain’t gonna have the square root of fuck all effect on this planet. Some will say this is a defeatist attitude. No, it is a realistic attitude.
Honkies make up less than 9% of most British towns.
Whites make up over 85% of the UK population. Where do you think they’re all living, the hills?
It was a joke RTC…. ?
Really, Bob?
Cuntley and Blunt eat yer hearts out! ?
Cheers RTC. I’m in a jovial mood today. Must be due to the fine weather. ??
Sorry, I mean Rob. ?
The man who gives “Revenge of the Nerds” a whole new meaning…
If this cunt wants my black pudding then he can pry it from my cold dead hand.
There’s no chance as he’s such a frail looking twat.
Unless he sends an army of Microsoft Vegan Terminators..
Fuck him and his robotic lettuce.
Oh and cure the real problem by nuking Africa.
Dinghy thefts may also fall.
I’m always amazed at how people who have money think they can lecture the rest. Gates has no qualifications, as far as I’m aware ,in any science. He’s not an expert on climate,an oceanographer,botanist, zoologist,environmental chemist etc…..and yet he sees fit to tell us what the planet needs. Like bliar and his Institute for Global change. What the fuck qualifies these cunts? I’ll tell you , their fucking egos and arrogance.
These cunts are not philanthropists out to help mankind they are power crazy dangerous cunts out for power and determined to mould the world their way .
A judge described Gates as having a personality similar to napoleon and someone who was obsessed with power .
Fuck of Gates you sinister little cunt .
I think ego is right.
Love or hate it, Gates did steer Microsoft to a position of incredible dominance and made a fortune for himself along the way. Having a mind boggling amount of money such that you could afford anything and everything I think would make life very comfortable, but meaningless and empty. Nothing material has any value anymore.
Ex-captains of industry are soon forgotten. Some go quietly and enjoy the fruits of their labours. Other have to do something to remind the public who they are or were. Gates is no longer in the IT industry limelight, so has to invent ’causes’ to keep him occupied. Couldn’t be a local, low profile deal could it? Oh no, it has to be something on a grand scale. That’s ego.
Classic example of someone flapping their lips because of who they are, rather than what they are or what they know. Should be best friends with Branson and Greta Thundercunt.
Fuck off, Bill. We’re all very bored of you.
No doubt the cuntings for this nerd will continue to pile on moving forward as he is an ocean-going sized cunt.
He is like a James Bond villain the cunt.
Just less interesting than a Bond villain.
Didn’t you get the memo?
Apparently, if you’re incredibly wealthy, you’re a fucking expert on everything.
Ain’t that the truth of it!
Rich cunts lecturing are one of the most effective irritants you can get.
Couple that with the fact that China and India are going to fuck the planet with mega pollution, and whatever any other countries do pales into insignificance, and the subject matter of said lecturing really boils the piss.
if these cunts want to do something useful why don’t they go and join the queue for a Chinky execution bus or something. Cunts
He’s hardly going to say the reality of the situation. Thanks to backwards cultural and religious behaviour, the planet is burst at the seams. Latin America is blighted with catholism and we all know what those cunts think of contraception. The .middle east and large swathes of green far east have Islam, which has multiple wives allowed just to make more believers.
Africa has a ridiculous fertility rate which means they are going to outbreed India and China. Earth is fucked.
That’s all.
Oh, chum of Epstein too.
The speccy bowl haircut wanker is just a globalist frontman, a shill, a patsy, one of those corporate marketing twats who push the brand because the executives are disgusting evil fucks who’s smiles kill orphans.
There is resource trouble coming down the pipe. That is a fact. The elite want to pre-emptively ‘curate’ society to their benefit to avert that crisis. Rather than get humanity around the table to figure a solution, the elite get together behind closed doors and plot how they can keep control above all else. Because control equals doing fuck all work, and buggering children safely in castles etc without getting strung up with piano wire by the masses. Cunts.
I’m sensing some micro(soft)-agression here…
I’ve already got my coat on
He deserves nothing less than to be DBAN’d out of existence. Fucking cardigan wearing dickweed.
Dban can find no fixed disk present in the system…Bill is still running on DOS 3.22
I have an idea you twat.I will hit you over your head with your book.Do as I say.Not as I do.Gobby shite.
The Vegan diet is deficient in loads of nutrients like Vit B12, DHA, Taurine and many others which need to be supplemented artificially but don’t let that stop you BIll you cunt!
In a way I’ve no problem with the idea if I can just eat meat grown in a lab but if the world’s agricultural economy is to go plant-based while our population continues to grow…… where the fuck are all the cows and sheep going to go?
Keeping them alive and feeding them so that they can fertilise the soil to retain crop-rotation is going to be costly so I hope Bill’s ready to pony up the money.
I have a prediction……………. dust bowl……… followed by mass starvation and death. You heard it here first.
You can’t see why it makes sense because you don’t see the factors he, and his ilk, have put into the equation.
They want a vastly smaller global population (genocide), and they want the remainder penned into smart cities like in China has done where you are essentially a digital slave with no real life or freedom.
When you understand that, then the plan makes sense. They will allow nature to retake the world outside their technocratic playpens, which will only be accessible to the elite.
So you are right – mass starvation is one possibility. The cattle without enough space won’t be the cows and sheep, it will be us!!
Seems you’ve got an ally in Angela Merkel, Chunky. She won’t take the Oxford vaccine either. ?
Fuck that disgusting fatbody marionette.
I’m aware that the Kalergi Plan has been proposed in the past, what I just don’t understand is the malevolance and dishonesty with the way the powerful go about doing things.
Many people I’ve spoken to over the past few years think the world is overpopulated and needs addressing & I agree.
The world is going to hell in a hand cart so I just don’t understand why the governments of the world don’t just come out publically and say:
– “We need to get the population and environment under control. Reproduction is not a right; it’s a privilege which must be earned and rationed and done so through psychometric testing and a means system.”
– “If you want to die, we will help with giving assisted suicide. No point having people in the world, using up resources when they don’t want to be.”
Less people in the world, the environment saved and everyonee’s a winner…….. well, except the council-estate pram faces who consider being a “mom” to be a profession.
Politicians won’t do that because they’re either dishonest, sadistic bastards who like to exert control or because they realise that humans are inherently selfish, stupid, short-sighting and will inevitably respond with “BUT MUH RIGHTS!!!” then riot because reasons.
The dishonesty is because they know the public would simply skin them alive, in part because admitting the error also implicates them. Afterall, it is their globalisation and industry that has fucked us up and allowed unprecedented expansion. They are culpable.
The malevolence is generations of playing the role of leader. They see us as useless subhuman garbage, despite the fact it is their system that causes the inequity, poverty, and ignorance of nature/life/reality that leads to ‘stupid’ humans.
I disagree on overpopulation. Again, it has only come about because of their system. In Africa, natural forces of disease and famine keep it in check. We bypass that with our technology.
We can make it work, but it involves humans walking back a few steps. We can all grow enough food and basics, but we can’t all live like kings with all the modern conveniences.
…………. whoops. I meant “means-tested system”, not “means system”
@The Big Chunky Cunty I agree with everything in your last comment. Well said.
Quite frankly, I’m disappointed with the lack of tinfoil hattery about Gates that usually pervades other non Gates noms. Is he putting a chip in our heads or not. Does he drink children’s blood? What’s going on?
Gates needs to take one.
Dear Bill,
One of the principal ways the Earth’s current (for the last 2 billion or so years) ecosystem works is based on grasses and ruminants. Ruminants eat grasses and then shit providing the nutrients which make their way via rivers into the oceans and support the marine ecosystem. Without this mechanism the oceans could not support the levels of life that they do. This ocean life plays a key role in the carbon cycle – the oceans are the biggest absorber of CO2.
So ……… get rid of the cows and the sheep and you will fuck up the oceans and the planet big time. The least of the many resulting issues is that it will, in fact, increase global warming as there will be more C02 in the atmosphere.
Yours truly
PS Yes, we definitely do need to reduce CO2 but not because of warming (a few degrees warmer is no problem at all) but because the rapid increase in CO2 is making the oceans more acidic and many marine lifeforms cannot adapt to the current rate of change.
It is amazing how many fuckwitted vegans try and use climate change as a reason to justify their cult. It is simply total and utter bollocks. For fuck’s sake, given that it such a big current issue, make an effort to understand things at least a little bit : the problem is the oceans not the fucking temperature.
I won’t be giving up meat anytime soon, I have it with every meal. Might even have double portions now.
Bollocks to you Bill and giving up meat.
We have incisors in our mouth in order to chew meat.
If we were meant to chew on just plants, we would have a mouth full of molars.
Fuck off and fry up a pan of kidneys you globalist waste of space.
We don’t require a lifestyle lecture from the likes of you. Just stick to your windows.
Ah yes, Bill Gates. A billionaire who constantly lectures us mere peasants about climate change, and how we should cut back on our use of vehicles with the internal combustion engine, or buy electric cars, whilst having just bought a company that sells private jets, and aircraft with one of the highest carbon footprints on the fucking planet. Fuck off Bill!